Learn about our job opportunities here. ARBenefits now offers Medicare-eligible retirees their current coverage plus additional services through the new ARBenefits Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan. In addition, the Section is in charge of the requisition, stocking, and issuance of all office supplies. Start / Projekt / ardot employee directory. Below is a list of road projects that have been built over the past five years in Arkansas. Arkansas Motor Fuel Laws require motor fuel carriers to obtain a motor fuel license to import fuel into the state or to export fuel out of the state, and the laws require any load of fuel being imported or exported to be accompanied by an Import/Export Load Permit. Division 300 - Bases and Granular Surfaces. This web site uses technically necessary cookies only. Arkansas Department of Transportation corporate office is located in PO Box 2261, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203, United States and has 1,734 employees. Twitter has laid off another round of employees with many being hardcore Musk loyalists. Workforce Development, Health and SafetyPhone: (501) 569-2236The Workforce Development, Health and Safety Section is responsible for providing educational training and safety information to Department employees. Interested parties should contact the Beautification Section for information regarding requirements and availability. Not an Employee? An FSA allows you to use pre-tax funds to cover eligible expenses. Grant J. Wallace is the Director of the Employee Benefits Division (EBD). Those committing this crime . Coordinating between the various divisions which are involved in the contract. The design of these roadways include, but is not limited to, geometric design, hydraulic design, pavement design, and design of sediment and erosion control devices. The work is hard labor and work feels like it could be that of a prison yard with the chains and everything. Education . 9/16/13). 501 Woodlane Suite 201 Little Rock, AR 72201 tss@arkansas.gov. Phone: (501) 569-2411 Fax: (501) 569-2551. If you are an employee, click here to be directed to the ACE System. Our division administers all contracted highway projects primarily through the 31 Resident Engineers located statewide. The Roadway Design Division also includes a Hydraulics Section whose responsibilities include providing hydraulic analyses of each bridge, or bridge length culvert, included within highway construction projects on the State Highway, or Federal Aid System. Get AASIS support by filling out a help desk request form. The necessary registration forms for For-Hire General Freight Carriers, Passenger Carriers, Household Good Movers, and Mobile Home Movers. Email: TPPD@ardot.gov. Online W2 - Allows employees who have elected to receive their W2s online to view and print them. Sign in to ARDOT ArcGIS Portal with . The Retirement Section is responsible for managing the Arkansas State Highway Employees' Retirement System (ASHERS) under the direction of the ASHERS Board of Trustees. For more information about this sector of ARDOT, choose a topic below. The Retirement Section is responsible for managing the Arkansas State Highway Employees' Retirement System (ASHERS) under the direction of the ASHERS Board of Trustees. The Wage Rate Determination SS is listed by county. All external applicants must create a new account to apply for positions. ARDOT Director Lorie Tudor said the employee that was fired did inspections on the Hernando DeSoto Bridge . ardot. Managed employee training for new recruits over a 16-month timeframe, offering guidance, advice, and mentorship on duties and best practices. The application process could take between 10 minutes and one hour . ardot. 6/3/08), SS-715-1Design and Materials Requirements for Traffic Signal Pedestal Poles(Rev. Colonial Lifes group term life insurance can help providefinancial security for your family. Transport Department Bihar, Patna MODIFIED BID DOCUMENT AFTER PRE-BID MEETING DATED 13-10-14 FOR PROVID ING MANPOW ER ON OUTSOURCING BASIS AT Department of Transport Government 2:46. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. These permits are issued by the Permit Officer for the District in which the facility will be located. Mail and SupplyPhone: (501) 569-2395The Mail and Supply Section of the Human Resources Division is accountable for the daily sorting, posting, collecting, and distributing of Department mail. Resources that include info around Online Reporting, Worforce Reduction, etc. To make changes or cancel coverage due to a qualifying event, you must submit an ARBenefits Change Form along with the supporting documentation below if applicable. Striving to ensure members have access to healthcare by providing affordable plans with rich benefits. (KY3) By Noah Tucker. Entry-level civil engineering positionsmay be available for applicants with a BSCE. 8/20/09), SS-712-1Design and Material Requirements for Span Wire Support Poles(Rev. Whenever access to State Highways is needed for residential or commercial purposes, an access driveway permit is required. Deputy Director & Chief Engineer Rex Vines, Assistant Chief Engineer for Planning Jared Wiley, Assistant Chief Engineer for Design Mike Fugett, Assistant Chief Engineer for Operations Steve Frisbee, Assistant Chief for Administration Kevin Thornton, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Summary Reports, Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) & Environmental Assessments (EA), Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Histories, Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)/Data Management, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Little Rock Area Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), Notice for Public Comment, DTS Contract and Contract Information Packet, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Overweight Forestry Equipment, and Overweight Forestry Equipment Rules, Motor Fuel Import-Export Permits Order Form, Arkansas Commercial Truck Safety and Education Program (ACTSEP), Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Properties for Sale and Bid Proposal Requests, Center for Training Transportation Professionals (CTTP), Arkansas Technology Transfer (T2) Advisory Committee, Transportation-Related Research Grant Program (TRRGP), HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program Reports, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan, Statewide Long Range Intermodal Transportation Plan. This permit is issued through the Permit Officer for the District in which the clearing is requested. Local: 501-682-9656 Toll-Free: 877-815-1017 After Hours Emergency Line: 501-681-5782 Links: www.arbenefits.org Email: askebd@dfa.state.ar.us Arkansas.gov, The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, Grant Wallace takes over as director of the states Employee Benefits Division, State reports retirees tallies in health plans, Arkansas lawmakers approve contract in attempt to lower insurance costs, VIRTUAL HRkansas for Supervisors FEE: $25.00, IN PERSON HRkansas for Supervisors FEE: $25.00, VIRTUAL Youve Got Problems Weve Got Solutions FEE: $25.00. Vice-President 501-224-5215 david.mayo@sbcglobal.net: Johnnie Parks Vice-President 501-565-9657 vmparks@att.net: Doyle Hughes Secretary/Treasurer 501-227-3819 etusnavy@aol.com: Larry Dickerson Responsible for the design and preparation of plans for all projects to construct or reconstruct roadways on the Arkansas State Highway System. Errata to 2003 Edition Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. 8/22/17). Interested parties should contact the Beautification Section for requirements and availability. 4/14/10), SS-501-1Installation of Tie Bars(Date 12/15/11), SS-507-1Installation of Dowel Bars and Tie Bars(Date 11/20/08), SS-600-1Water for Vegetation(Date 5/6/05), SS-603-1Maintenance of Traffic(Rev. Records identify ARDOT employee fired in connection to missed crack on I-40 bridge. Reach out to UnitedHealthcare for more information about the plan and benefits at 1-844-488-3953, and contact the Employee Benefits Division for eligibility questions at 877-815-1017 or . Association of Retired ARDOT Employees . See ArDOT salaries collected directly from employees and jobs on Indeed. TSS Office of Personnel Management Events. AdministrationPhone: (501) 569-2296The Administration oversees and manages operations of the Human Resources Division to effectively aid employees in all aspects of their employment, as well as respond to personnel issues and problems. Business owners pay an annual fee to have their signs displayed. This Division oversees and reviews all Consultant designed plans developed for construction of roadways on the State Highway System and also aids cities in the design and preparation of contract plans and specifications on federally funded city street projects. Visit the Secretary of States website for more info on upcoming state holidays. Local: 501-682-9656Toll-Free: 877-815-1017After Hours Emergency Line: 501-681-5782Links: www.arbenefits.orgEmail: askebd@dfa.state.ar.us, Help Desk Number:501.683.2255Online Form Request: Online Help Desk, Number: 501-682-HELP (4357) Option 3Number: 800-435-7989 Option 3Email: DIS.CallCenter@arkansas.gov, The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. 11/20/08), Document of Payment Made to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises(for Federal Aid projectswithoutassigned DBE goals)(Date 11/20/08), SS-100-1Required Contract Provisions for State Construction Jobs(Rev. The Division is charged with the following responsibilities on all phases of the contract until the project is completed and the contractor is paid in full: The State Construction Engineer is assisted by Staff Construction Engineers. The Construction Division administers all contracted highway projects through the 31 ARDOT Resident Engineers and Consultant Resident Engineers located across the state. Today, through a wide spectrum of association programs and services, designed by and for members, AHTD is a valuable resource for member companies to . Permit Rules for the Movement of an Oversize and Overweight Vehicles. This plan features: Classic Plan Our Classic Plan is a great mid-level plan option for you and your family. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department. Home / Divisions / Construction / Standard Specifications, Arkansas 2014 Standard Specification for Highway Construction, Errata to 2014Edition Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (Rev. Internal applicants must apply through UKG Pro portal. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. 2019. Arkansas.gov. 501-319-6565. Mon-Friday but long hours plus at times overtime. By using this web site, you agree to the usage of those cookies. Our division administers all contracted highway projects primarily through the 31 Resident Engineers located statewide. Here is a list of information to assist. Construct. See below for more information on options through Colonial Life. (KAIT) - Nearly a week after crews discovered a "significant crack" that shut down the Interstate 40 bridge over the Mississippi River, Arkansas highway officials discuss what's next. Grant graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelors degree in general studies from Texas Tech University. Home / Divisions / Human Resources / Employment. Phone: (501) 569-2411 Fax: (501) 569-2551. Maintenance (Current Employee) - Little Rock, AR - February 17, 2022. Personnel in Roadway Design are expected to be present at these public meetings to explain the proposed design. Dependent Care FSA (or DCAP) can be used on expenses relating to daycare and elder care. The Hydraulics Section is often asked to analyze and recommend improvements for drainage problems that are identified within the highway rights-of-way, and to serve as expert witnesses in legal cases brought against the Department involving drainage issues. The City of Fayetteville is committed to attracting, engaging and rewarding a multi-generational workforce. If you are a current A R DOT employee interested in applying for another position within the Department, click on the 'A R DOT Employee Only' link to view current vacancies and begin the application process. According to an interoffice memo obtained by FOX16 through a public records request, an ARDOT employee noted on May 17 "the crack had turned into a partial fracture of the tie girder and was . Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Arkansas Department of Transportation, hereinafter called "ARDOT" is soliciting proposals to provide ARDOT logo branded apparel and miscellaneous accessories for purchase exclusively by ARDOT employees and retirees through an online store. Division 100 - General Provisions. View All Employees. Following the passage of the Federal Highway Beautification Act of 1965 and Arkansas Act 640 of 1967, the construction and placement of billboards and off-premise signs became regulated along certain routes within the state. These are offered through Optum Financial, Eligibility: Must be on the Basic Plan or Classic PlanContributions: Can be adjusted anytimeAccount Access: Will still be available even after you leaveyour employerEnrollment: Do not need to re-enroll each yearRollover of Funds: Funds will rollover. The permit is issued by the Permit Officer for the District in which the special permit is requested. Need to reach out via phone or email? Phone: (501) 569-2201 Fax: (501) 569-2476 . This plan features: Our Classic Plan is a great mid-level plan option for you and your family. Monty Frazier, a 15-year ARDOT employee, served as team leader and under-bridge inspection unit operator for the agency's scheduled annual fracture-critical inspections of the 50-year-old, 9,400 . Suite 201 10324 Interstate 30 Little Rock, AR 72203 P.O. ARDOT is urging drivers to be aware in road work zones after two recent fatalities to construction workers along Arkansas highways. John Watkins President 870-777-2814 watkins-john@att.net: David Mayo Sr. Contact Us. These permits are issued by the Permit Officer for the District in which the driveway will be located. Three key figures connected to Donald Trump are at the intersection of two accelerating Justice Department probes seen as the most viable pathways for a prosecution of the former president. Email:robyn.smith@ardot.gov. Division Name Telephone Fax Alternative Project Delivery (501) 569-2247 Arkansas Highway Police (501) 569-2421 (501) 569-4999 Bridge (501) 569-2361 (501) 569-2623 Construction (501) 569-2251 EEO/DBE (501) 569-2235 (501) 569-2965 Environmental (501) 569-2281 (501) 569-2009 Equipment and Procurement (501) 569-2667 (501) 569-2679 Fiscal Services (501) 569-2411 (501) 569-2551 Governmental . Voluntary products are additional insurance plans offered by the State. Deputy Director & Chief Engineer Rex Vines, Assistant Chief Engineer for Planning Jared Wiley, Assistant Chief Engineer for Design Mike Fugett, Assistant Chief Engineer for Operations Steve Frisbee, Assistant Chief for Administration Kevin Thornton, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Summary Reports, Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) & Environmental Assessments (EA), Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Histories, Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)/Data Management, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Little Rock Area Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), Notice for Public Comment, DTS Contract and Contract Information Packet, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Overweight Forestry Equipment, and Overweight Forestry Equipment Rules, Motor Fuel Import-Export Permits Order Form, Arkansas Commercial Truck Safety and Education Program (ACTSEP), Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Properties for Sale and Bid Proposal Requests, Center for Training Transportation Professionals (CTTP), Arkansas Technology Transfer (T2) Advisory Committee, Transportation-Related Research Grant Program (TRRGP), HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program Reports, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan, Statewide Long Range Intermodal Transportation Plan. The Roadway Design Division also has the responsibility to establish the amount of additional land (proposed right-of-way) needed to construct a roadway. Life is on the line very day but no pay for it. Check out our How to Enroll Online Guide to view more information on how to do this through your ARBenefits Member Portal. A Special Permit is issued for work on the Arkansas Department of Transportation right of way that is not an access driveway. The Division is responsible for providing long . Limited Purpose FSA can be paired with an HSA to be used on dental and vision expenses. Deputy Director & Chief Engineer Rex Vines, Assistant Chief Engineer for Planning Jared Wiley, Assistant Chief Engineer for Design Mike Fugett, Assistant Chief Engineer for Operations Steve Frisbee, Assistant Chief for Administration Kevin Thornton, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Summary Reports, Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) & Environmental Assessments (EA), Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Histories, Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)/Data Management, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Little Rock Area Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), Notice for Public Comment, DTS Contract and Contract Information Packet, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Overweight Forestry Equipment, and Overweight Forestry Equipment Rules, Motor Fuel Import-Export Permits Order Form, Arkansas Commercial Truck Safety and Education Program (ACTSEP), Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Properties for Sale and Bid Proposal Requests, Center for Training Transportation Professionals (CTTP), Arkansas Technology Transfer (T2) Advisory Committee, Transportation-Related Research Grant Program (TRRGP), HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program Reports, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan, Statewide Long Range Intermodal Transportation Plan. 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Primarily through the 31 Resident Engineers and Consultant Resident Engineers located statewide issued!
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ardot employee homepage