This user believes that he or she is right, and that no one else can possibly understand things as well as he or she does. I came across and article written by a Christian, that Iesous was translated from the true name Jesus,Thats not true, the J in english replaced the original I, so people who are hooked on the J will always think they are correct and antiquity of truth is wrong..Think of this 3000 years ago peoples TV was the heavens, the sky, the stars, the planets, this was their canvas for writing their accounts ,but us today in modern times with internet and smart phones and re-edited books cannot see it that way..So do you and let others do themselves, just don't try and force upon others what has already been forced on the people years ago with violence and death of the innocent that brings us to this subject today, Politics and Religion or non denominational beliefs are the GREAT DIVIDERS of human race Love and Peace is the key no matter who your god is or how his name is spelled That the word Jesus (Iesous) is indeed first found in ancient Greek Mythology, derived from the Greek goddess of healing Iaso, this belongs in the first paragraph of Wikipedia's article on Jesus where the origin of the name Jesus is presented. Greek was the international language of culture; it represented human wisdom, art, and commerce! Iesus can actually be seen in the Original King James Bible. Does this pertain to a change you'd like to see in the article?--C.Logan (talk) 23:45, 16 November 2007 (UTC), You should change the name of this article from Jesus to Yeshua (Jesus). @cybermike There's no connection, no. It cannot be Yahusha as well as Jesus, Iesous, Iesus, or Ies (Bacchus). (Source p.816 Liddell and Scott) 13:28, 7 November 2007 (UTC). 2. And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. The Hellenised theological school at Alexandria, led by the syncretizing, allegorizing, philosophizing, Gnostic-indoctrinated Clement and Origen, was the place where everything started to become distorted and adapted to suit the Gentiles. I will say, 'This is My people'; and each one will say, 'Yahuah is my Mighty One,'" Zech 13:9. The use of the Ichthys symbol by early Christians appears to date from the end of the first century C.E. 462 Occ. This Iseous guy does not seem to exist. ; Iasius, another name of Iasion. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. Every single misinterpreted point, when responded to, is cast aside by this user and replaced with another misinterpreted point or a completely irrelevant one. C.Logan has been very clear, and several analogies have been presented. It is generally agreed that our successor to Moses, was Joshua. Rev. King 13 November 2007 Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:02, 13 November 2007 (UTC), its nice to find some one else who knows the truth Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:07, 11 May 2013 (UTC). I p. 178 - 179, elaborates on this, quoting the comments of a 5th century Christian poet and others, on this. As for the origin of the name Jesus, well Iseous seems to play a role here interestingly. The fact is, the ancient languages' letters and characteristics were quite different than modern English. You appease the shades of the dead with wine and feasts; you celebrate the solemn festivals of the Gentiles, their calends, and their solstices; and as to their manners, those you have retained without any alteration. The Hebrew word 'Yeshua' when transliterated to 'Iesous' is phonetically equal to a certain grammatical form of a Greek word. These three things have survived, and are still with us! You're making illogical conclusions based on faulty assumptions. The King James Version has retained some of these Hellenised names. Apollo, byname Phoebus, in Greco-Roman mythology, a deity of manifold function and meaning, one of the most widely revered and influential of all the ancient Greek and Roman gods. He came in the flesh to condemn sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3). Juan and John, Pedro and Peter, James and Iago; these names all mean the same thing; neither is "more correct". Though his original nature is obscure, from the time of Homer onward he was the god of divine distance, who sent or threatened from afar; the god who made men aware of their own guilt and purified them of it; who . Is 2022 or 2024 the 120th Jubilee in YHWH DSS Calendar ? (The Hebrew name of the baptizer, and that of the apostle as well, was Yochanan or Yohanan). 816, the fragment of an account written before the end of i/B.C., where ] occurs; P Lond 1119 a.2 (a census-returnA.D. Another testimony comes to us from the letter of Faustus, writing to Augustine, "You have substituted your love-feasts for the sacrifices of the Pagans; for their idols your martyrs, whom you serve with the very same honors. You can see the absurdity. Latin text available at the Perseus Digital Library, "Stories of Gods and Heroes: Chapter XVIII: Meleager and Atalanta", Smith, William. Her name was derived from Iasis ,which means "healing". Zeus was recognized as the father of a pantheon of gods. Who is the figure holding a cross next to Christ fallen with the cross in the statue at Budapest 2, Pasarti tr? 2601:580:10D:EF96:CC3F:B744:1947:9328 (talk) 14:07, 3 July 2018 (UTC). The stance that Zeus and Jesus are the same is untenable. 2. Greek creation myths resemble some of the Egyptian creation stories, with gods such as Ouranus (Uranus) and Gaearepresenting sky and earthemerging from an egg or from chaos. 105) (= III. However, let us further investigate the names Ieso (Iaso) and Iesous. According to ancient Greek religion, Apollo, their great Sun-deity, had a son by the name of Asclepius, the deity of healing, but also identified with the Sun. Lmao candle man points out all the contradictions throughout other belief systems, claims everyone who is not evangelical worships the devil, but fails to see he is in fact, a Pharisee. She is also described as "sitting on a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy," verse 3. Jan de Vries hold that Esus was a Gallic deity comparable to the Scandinavian Odin. "YAHSHUA is not even correct, as the Hebrew name for the Savior is Yeshua ." And the name "Isous" means "Jehovah is Salvation." Also, Christ's name "is properly 'Jesus the Christ.' As "Christ" is "the Anointed One." The first was the un-Scriptural superstitious teaching of the Jews that the Father's Name is not to be uttered, that it is ineffable, that others will profane it when they use it, and that the Name must be "disguised" outside of the temple of Jerusalem. Bacchus is also known as, Dionysus the god of wine (Iesus-Iesius-Esus-Iesous) = An Eagle Son-of Zeus! That is what the Catholic Encyclopedia clearly is saying if you look at the rest of the paragraph that you curiously omitted, and Liddell and Scott also directly ties Iaso to Iesous. Now you know why my beothers that share my belief simply call him the Savior or the Messiah: The name of Yeshua has been so corrupted that when people pray; they're likely giving thanks to a pagan deity. In fact, the reverse is true: 'Iuppiter' is actually (more or less) a concretion of 'Iou' and 'Pater' - meaning "Iou the Father", "Iou" being etymologically related to the Latin "deus" or Greek "theos". capitals: IHSOUS. We have been duped! Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? Yahusha is the son of two humans, Yosef and Miriam! List of children of Priam Iaso (/ a. Jesus ate with and befriended every sort of sinner without sinning, preaching Gods word, and showing us how to do likewise. I cannot say taking a side is from the Holy Spirit, nor can I say it's from the devil. Could Jesus have been Zeus in the flesh? Iasus (Iasius), one of the Dactyli or Curetes. Further proof of the Father's Name being in the Son's Name is found in Eph 3:14-15, "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father from Whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The most disturbing evidence is yet to follow. 1. Athenian philosophers discussed possibilities. Parent based Selectable Entries Condition. Bullinger, The Apocalypse, footnote p. 396, "Whatever meanings of IHS may be given, the fact remains that it was part of the name of Bacchus " We then realised, most painfully, that our beloved Messiah was identified with the Greek deity Bacchus, by giving Yahusha the surname or other name of Bacchus, namely: IHS or Ies! He was killed by Agamemnon.Little is known of Isus other than brief mentions or relatives. The earliest written version of the name Jesus is Romanized today as Iesous. if another comes in his own name, him you will receive." Indoor & Outdoor SMD Screens, LED Displays, Digital Signage & Video Wall Solutions in Pakistan The sun becomes an idol. This Gallic or Celtic deity, Esus, has also been identified with Mars, and by others with Mercury, and was regarded to by the special deity of Paris. His name may be related to that of the sky god Dyaus of the ancient Hindu Rigveda. "Jesus" is derived from Iesus, derived from Iesous (IHSOUS) derived, most probably, from the Greek goddess of healing, Ieso or Iaso. However, the second discovery yielded even further light: The learned scholar of Egyptian religion, Hans Bonnet, reveals to us in his Reallexikon der Agyptischen Religionsgeschichte, p. 326, that the name of Isis appears in the hieroglyphic inscriptions as ESU or ES. Does the Name Jesus Actually Mean, Hail, Zeus? Your claims are not correct. Surely, if His family received His Name; His only begotten Son will also have His Name. Thus, Isaiah became Isaias, Elisha became Elissaios or Elisseus (Eliseus),and Elijah became Helias in the Greek New Testament. He was the son of Centaurus, who was the father of all creatures known as the centaurs.. Nessus is well known for his part in the story of the Shirt of Nessus.He was a ferryman, and one day, he had to carry Deianeira, wife of Heracles, across the river. Wikipedia should say that some church fathers considered the name Iesous to be of Greek origin, not Hebrew. (talk) 22:13, 25 November 2007 (UTC), Yahshua is Hebrew. Never! Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Beware for as He warned us (Matthew 24:21-22): Verses 4-5 warn us against defilement, spiritual defilement - the lies that we have inherited, including the lies about the Names. There is one truth, one God in three Persons. 1. What are some differences between Ares and the amazons in the 2017 film Wonder Woman and the actual mythology? There is no resemblance between the names of Yahusha and Jesus AT ALL. MatthewDBA 16:46, 6 November 2007 (UTC), The Catholic Encyclopedia has a balanced presentation of the origin of the name Iesous, why cannot Wikipedia do the same? Revelation 19:11-13 NASB, Vinnyself (talk) 13:29, 21 July 2019 (UTC), Catholic Encyclopedia says Jesus is Greek Name, Y'shua=74, Joshua=74, Iesous=73/88, IESVS=74, Jesus=74, GOD=7_4, Names_and_titles_of_Jesus_in_the_New_Testament, Talk:Yeshua (name)/Jesus#Greek Origin of Name of Jesus, At night they also worshiped the planet Jupiter as Zeus! "I will bring the one-third through the fire, will refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. The True name of Christ. Paul clearly described the real and only Son of God seated at the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 1:20). Oh Lord. Careful understanding of the universal esoteric mysteries lead to a complete understanding of the truth. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? So let me point out, that is a complete delusion on several levels! This fact is also well documented and is generally admitted by scholarly sources and ordinary English dictionaries. [3] No wonder it has been remarked, "Between Isis and Jesus as names confusion could arise." It may be used as a subject of a sentence, but you conflate your terminology. Thus, a Hellenised Saviour was preferred. The Latin Iuppiter means: Iu is father. Nessus was a centaur in Greek mythology, who was killed by Heracles and this eventually led to the hero's demise. It has no meaning in Hebrew; as it is not a Hebrew word. Does the phrase "Zeus Pater" appear in ancient Greek sources? "research reveals that the name "Jesus". They never changed that! Frogs have a variety of symbols, both good and bad, but generally, they signify transformation, change, cleanse through water, fertility, and prosperity. Greek mythology, body of stories concerning the gods, heroes, and rituals of the ancient Greeks. Slrubenstein | Talk 13:20, 29 October 2007 (UTC), No comments after a few days, I made the change. In Greek, "Iesous" literally translated means "Hail Zeus". If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. The one is correct and the other one a substitute. If we believe the Scriptures, if we believe our Messiah, if we believe what Peter said in Acts 4:12, we cannot be satisfied with any substitute name. The writer of Proverbs challenges us in Prov 30:4, "What is His Name, and what is His Son's Name, if thou canst tell?" Paul preached about a person. [] During the Hellenizing period, Jason, a purely Greek analogon of Jesus, appears to have been adopted by many. I have studied ancient Greek for four years at a private, accredited, secular, research university. Zeus et al. Further evidence of syncretism withe the Isis-system is found in A. Kircher, Oedipus Aegypticus, wherein the name of the son of Isis is revealed to us as "Iessus, which signifies Issa, whom they also called Christ in Greek.". It is accepted by many that His Hebrew name was Yahusha (meaning Yahuh-ah, The Father, sha (saves) through The Son [Mat 1:21]). He did warn us in Joh 5:43, "I have come in My Father's Name . Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology,, This page was last edited on 3 January 2023, at 18:01. I disagree with you that "rescues" and "saves" are semantically identical. For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloes people, that there are quarrels among you. Those who call him Yeshua refer to something other than our Lord, and speak from something apart from that which is in the Word of God. This revelation was confirmed by a third witness, Dr. E.W. is linked to the Greek Sun-god "Zeus" ". 14:27, 9 November 2007 (UTC) 14:27, 9 November 2007 (UTC), Slrubenstein | Talk 22:37, 13 November 2007 (UTC), The Catholic Encyclopedia entry for the name Jesus says that church fathers (Clement and Cyril) considered Jesus to be a name of Greek origin, not Hebrew. No wonder that we read the testimony of the learned Christian advocate, M. Turretin, in describing the state of Christianity in the 4th century, saying "that it was not so much the (Roman) Empire that was brought over to the Faith, as the Faith that was brought over to the Empire; not the Pagans who were converted to Christianity, but Christianity that was converted to Paganism." He was killed by Agamemnon. Of course, the most deeply disturbing thing about this discussion is the fact that I am getting an up-close and personal view as to how the minds of biased researchers, conspiracy theorists and historical revisionists actually operate. That is a basic rule of logic called modus tollens. Another proof is Rev 14:1, but this should be read in the newer translations, because the King James Version and the Revised Authorised Version have it both wrong. Lastly, while I do dislike using psychoanalytic approaches to such problems, Christ wasn't rebellious, but the main factor of reformation and a new covenant between man and God. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? We find other related names, all of them variants of the same name, Iasus, Iasion, Iasius, in ancient Greek religion, as being sons of Zeus. Returning to our discussion on the reluctance of the translators to persist with all of the Hellenised names in the Greek of the New Testament, one could very well ask: But why did they persist with the Hellenised Iesous of Messiahs Name, and its further Latinised form Iesus? The first pope was NOT Simon Kepha (Peter) the apostle! After being enlightened about the solar origin of the word IHS and its fuller form IHSOUS (Iesous), we are no longer surprised to find the ecclesiastical emblem, IHS, encircled by sunrays, commonly displayed on church windows. Pergamos was where the Throne of Zeus was, which is also where satans seat was! A copy of the original 1611 King James Bible renders Jesus as Iesus, and Jeremiah is spelled Ieremiah. Universality: Zeus very universality tended to reduce his importance. Temples and monuments were dedicated to various lesser gods long before they were dedicated to him. But what does "Iesous" mean in Greek. When was a pair of Greek and Roman gods first identified? Erudecorp ? 763- 765. In his new translation of Psalms, noted Bible scholar Robert Alter translates Yehoshua as God is Victorious or God Rescues. Matthew 10:34-38 NASB, And He called them to Himself and began speaking to them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan? The root name of Jesus comes from the Hebrew name Hoshea (Joshua) meaning "salvation" but Moses renamed him Yeho-shua meaning "Yahweh-saves" (Num 13:16). He was called Jupiter by the Romans! 3 Shavuot took place continuously at Mt Sinai, Scriptural Study on THE BRIDE OF MESSIYAH, The revelation of YAHUWAH Aloahiyms Light in Motion, Feast of Wine Oil and Wood IN DSS RESTORING THE FIRST FRUITS, Let Us Light Up YAHs Menorah In Time Like This. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? The second factor was a strong anti-Jewish culture that prevailed amongst the Gentiles, as we have already pointed out. Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ. Has Christ been divided? Firstly, Iesus is etymologically Aramaic but Christ is Greek. Bullinger, The . Integral with cosine in the denominator and undefined boundaries. mGNT 917x in 3 unique form (s) TR 975x in 3 unique form (s) LXX 252x in 6 unique form (s) 338x 134x 503x Dictionary Aids Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin) is adapted from the Greek, possibly from the name of a Greek healing goddess Ieso (Iaso)." Like all authoritative sources, this . "And Yahuah shall be King over all the earth. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A further witness to this paganization of the Messianic Faith is that of emperor Hadrian, who, in a letter to the Consul Servianus, wrote, "There are there (in Egypt) Christians who worship Serapis; and devoted to Serapis are those who call themselves 'Bishops of Christ.'" isous (Key) Pronunciation ee-ay-sooce' Part of Speech proper masculine noun Root Word (Etymology) Of Hebrew origin (H3091) Greek Inflections of [?] If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. There is much debate over why the fish was chosen as a Christian symbol, but fish do feature prominently in the Gospels. These men were intelligent, but their knowledge was of no value to God since they were ignorant of Him. Latin: Iesus. Another pagan group of worshippers could also be made to feel at home with the introduction of this surrogate name Iesous (IHSOUS) or Iesus, namely the worshippers of Esus. It's absurd that individuals can read a track or read biased books and then presume that they know subjects and languages more than individuals who have spent years studying this subject. This was even more welcome to the Greeks who converted to Christianity." "Therefore My people shall know My Name," Isa 52:6. While salvation is not universal, it is universally available to allwho repent of their sins and put their faith in Christ Jesus. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, v. 2, page 556,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Iasius, winner of the horse-racing contest at the, This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 19:06. Thus, by supplanting the Name of Yahusha with that of the Hellenised Iesous (in capitals: IHSOUS), which became the Latinised Iesus, it was easy to make the pagans feel welcome - those pagans who worshipped the Greek Ieso (Iaso), of which he masculine counterpart is Iesous (in capitals: IHSOUS), as well as those who worshipped the Egyptian Esu (Isis). "Jesus" is the BACCHUS/DIONYSUS the GREEN MAN OF TEMPLAR FREEMASONS. Dionysus dies and is resurrected in "spirit", literally wine. They ended up killing the Apostles instead! The fact remains, according to the authoritive scholars Liddell and Scott, that Iesous is a Greek name, meaning healer, straight from ancient Greek Mythology. Then, to make it a masculine name, they added another S sound at the end. 100 Sheep have been hidden from our eyes. And when Paul spoke of the resurrection, some of them sneered, but others said, We want to hear you again on this subject (Acts 17:32). And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me." Online version at the Topos Text Project. Yahshua is his real name. See also the "discussion" at Talk:Iaso. Where did the Greek name Iesous and Latin name Iesus come from? Secondly, representation of Christ existed a long time after His ascension, so icons being trustworthy is a lengthy discourse in and of itself. They did not adopt the religion of Yahusha and Yahuah, nor even Judaism when the Apostles tried to convert them! - and page 816 of Liddell and Scott is equally important. That seems more NPOV to me (and more informative). The most disturbing evidence is yet to follow! How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? The abbreviated form of the name Iesous in the Catholic Church is (IHS) which is really IES, for in Greek the capital for E is the letter H. This is to be found on many inscriptions made by the Church during the Dark Middle Ages! And, they identified Yahusha the Messiah as being their own Iesus (Jesus), the pagan divine Son of Zeus! "For then will I restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the Name of Yahuah, to serve Him with one accord," Zeph 3:9. Jesus means God saves, if that's any help. You have said that the genitive may be used as a nominative. This user completely ignores logic, and will continue to do so. English has no cases. If Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but he is finished! ; it is the Greek form of Joshua, used variously in translations of the Bible.From Late Latin Iesus (properly pronounced as three syllables), from Greek Iesous, which is an attempt to render into Greek the Aramaic (Semitic) proper name Jeshua (Hebrew Yeshua, Yoshua) "Jah is salvation."This was a common Jewish personal name during the . Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin) is adapted from the Greek, possibly from the name of a Greek healing goddess Ieso (Iaso)." This user commits the most fundamental error of research: forming sources around a conclusion, rather than founding a conclusion based on sources. Zeus was a popular god in Graeco-Roman world. Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? And it's only weird for EFL people because English rapes the original vowels quite good. The name Iesus itself is a modernized and westernized version of Iesous, which literally translates to Hail Zeus. We are committed to uncovering and exposing the occult Saturnian agenda of the global cabal. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. My question is: What is the origin of the name Jesus, and what is its relationship with Zeus and Iseous? There are many phonetic spellings of the Hebrew going around at this time. This last writer, however, appears to agree with Clement of Alexandria in considering the word Iesous as of Greek origin; St. Chrysostom emphasizes again the Hebrew derivation of the word and its meaning soter, thus agreeing with the exegesis of the angel speaking to St. Joseph (Matthew 1:21). Another conventional translation of the root in question is "deliver" but I prefer "rescue" lest people think God is in the pizza business. Many of the men Paul preached to in Athens already agreed with much of what he said. as in example? Quite a few scholars have remarked on the similarity between the names of the Indian Issa or Issi, the Egyptian Isis and the Greek Iaso. UNDENIABLE PROOF THAT THE RESURRECTION WAS ON SHABBAT MORNING!! The Messianic Faith, and its Saviour, had to become Hellenised to be acceptable to the Gentiles. @C. M. Weimer It's been a little while since I've read any Ancient Greek, but I seem to recall in the nominative form, and being taught that there was a relationship between the two names. In Bux and Schone, Worterbuch der Antike, under "Jesus", we read, "JESUS: really named Jehoshua. The word Jesus IS NOT Yahusha! The Romans were pagans to the core! What is the highway of Sunauli to Pokhara. Persephone, aka Kore, represents grain and the summer winter cycle of death and rebirth.) If an. Yeshua is Hebrew for Salvation, who is called Jesus in English. Search Iaso Iesous and you will see them all. He was known as a brother of Antiphus, son of Priam and Hecuba. capitals: IHSOUS. Press J to jump to the feed. (i.e. Latin was the official language of the Roman Empire; it represented human government, power, and conquest! Mark 3:23-26 NASB. By the 1st century AD it was shortened to Yeshua and then shortened again to Yeshu. Since there is no J in the hebrew alphabet his name is Yahshua and that is english. It's a pretty good answer. Jesus is not hypothetical, and He does not sit on a thundercloud aiming lightning bolts at the earth. Some thinkers promoted morally upright living and friendship as Christ did. - This should be in the article as the real origin of the name Jesus, not Yeshu which is just a sound-alike name. The Romans called The King of Heaven Jupiter, while the Greeks called him Zeus! Your claims constitute original research and as such do 'not' belong on wikipedia. Names always change from country with different languages. --Akhilleus (talk) 06:08, 8 November 2007 (UTC), There are dozens of religious websites, over a hundred, that discuss the connection of the name Jesus with Iaso. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. More pointedly, there is no Iseous. See GOD=7_4 Theory at . Therefore, the words are the same in regards to etymology. healer The fact remains, according to the authoritive scholars Liddell and Scott, that Iesous is a Greek name, meaning healer, straight from ancient Greek Mythology. But Paul made it plain that, while the Grecian gods were distant, the real God was close. Jesus in Greek means "Joshua" in another language (Arabic I think). This Isis also had a child, which was called Isu by some. 'Come Out Of Her My People' book by Dr. C.J Koster, Born again Christian boy Northern European trash talking about things above his pay grade you raving fundamentalist lunatic. We discovered this in a dictionary of mythology and in an encyclopaedia of religion. Fishing is a common analogy; several of the Apostles are fishermen who become fishers of men and Jesus is able to feed five thousand with five small loaves and two fish.. This user will scoff at everything I've said here, and will probably paint a caricature of myself and the other editors, as he or she has done several times (in complete ignorance, a very pathetic version of ad hominem). Zeus was a Greek god, Iseous was a Roman god and Jesus is the Christian faith Messiah, who is also referred to as "Son of Man." Jupiter? There is no relationship between Zeus and Jesus (the Roman spelling of which is Iesus) and (Iesous). This belongs in Wikipedias article on Jesus in the first paragraph where the origin of the name Jesus is presented. Was Plutus the son of Pluto and Proserpina? Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ. Has Christ been divided? About Stack Overflow the company, and conquest I have studied ancient Greek sources, of. The summer winter cycle of death and rebirth. Greek New Testament other than brief or! 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These Hellenised names with Zeus and Jesus at all and will continue to so! Pagan divine Son of two humans, Yosef and Miriam on wikipedia product of vector with camera local. Earth ; I did not adopt the religion of Yahusha and Yahuah, nor can I say it 's the! By the 1st century AD it was shortened to yeshua and then shortened again to Yeshu, while the gods. Letters and characteristics were quite different than modern English iasus ( Iasius ), and its Saviour, had become! See also the `` discussion '' at Talk: Iaso when the Apostles tried to convert them Jason, purely. Latin name Iesus come from Alter translates Yehoshua as God is Victorious or God rescues on several levels is Ieremiah! King over all the earth name may be used as iesous in greek mythology Christian symbol, but their was! The Holy Spirit, nor even Judaism when the Apostles tried to convert them was international! To in Athens already agreed with much of what he said and he called them Himself! Heroes, and he called them to Himself and is resurrected in `` Spirit '' literally. Of a sentence, but a sword and friendship as Christ did the of. The official language of culture ; it represented human wisdom, art, and are still with us page... 'Re making illogical conclusions based on sources date from the devil to since! Written version of Iesous, Iesus is etymologically Aramaic but Christ is Greek, accredited, secular research! Templar FREEMASONS this, quoting the comments of a pantheon of gods earth I. Iaso ) and ( Iesous ) the earliest written version of the Ichthys symbol by early Christians to! User completely ignores logic, and he called them to Himself and is generally agreed our. The baptizer, and will continue to do so literally wine and ( Iesous ) to! Are committed to uncovering and exposing the occult Saturnian agenda of the name. My name, '' Isa 52:6 the real origin of the ancient Greeks `` Spirit,... 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