Left out (one) seemingly small but (very) important step when take action time arrives. When I asked them why .they said it was because they didn't make a 46. I have played many scenarios in my head and I always conclude that the proximity of an assailant in the street would be greater than the proximity in a home. No one in their right mind willingly chooses to use FMJs in a pistol or rifle for self-defense. I like semi-autos, I like wheel guns too. Any cal will work depending on shot placement. Many say that it is all about round placement, true, but I have seen .45 rounds place in none critical areas and still knock the person off theor feet. Uninterested folks will take it as fact and have a incorrect understanding of life past and present. They're comparable. question, If you're afraid of what's behind your target you shouldn't be shooting in the first place. A range instructor at Camp Pendleton once told me most would-be handgun shooters would be more effective hurling the pistol itself at the enemy rather than trying to aim and fire it. If you have to shoot, common wisdom says shoot to kill, worry about it afterwards. The energy at impact is greater than the 9mm. This is the true reasons behind the FBI changing back to the 9mm. BE SAFE!! Not only are the Lehigh loads the most visually appealing due to their artful machining, but they ranked the highest in uniformity and had some of the lowest SD (standard deviation) of anything tested. The faster bullet will move an artery out of the way where a slower bullet like .45 will take the artery out . So, I disagree with the Taylor KO index . While not typically considered a hunting round by any means, the 9mm is effective for varmints and even deer hunting with a suitable bullet. The results are clear, and they are not mine. Maybe 45 has a bigger physical wound channel (Ill leave hydrostatic shock out of it, though the high speed footage of it in ballistics gel is compelling) and 9mm can go through a few extra boards so it evens out. The 9mm is easier to conceal but when I am on my Harley I like to carry the 45. Advancements only apply to 9mm, apparently. Ultimately, both calibers are great to have. Skeet shooting and duck hunting are his all-time favorite hobbies, but he's more than ready to talk your ear off about collecting and sport shooting as well. This anonymous data helps us to better understand users' needs and customize the website accordingly. I fired four magazines on patrol engagements and was credited by MI at debriefs with seven confirmed. Fat & slow or snappy & whimpy Not much of a choice. You may need to spray again so a larger can is a better bet if you can afford it. Plan. Standard pressure .38 Special only produces 264 foot-pounds of force (147-grain bullet at 900 feet per second . But, firing rounds takes time. Did four years of our fighting? 45 loses in every category except possibly suppression and shallow penetration, if you want to call that a pro. Im a big fan of the Colt 1911 45 with 7 and 8 round mags and have carry one cc for a few years. The only good news is that those gunfights are extremely rare. Totally agree the new technology of the self defense bullets puts the 9mm in the same class as the 45acp, but I still prefer the 45acp but I carry the 9. For a carry I use a compact 45. I am beginning to practice with the 9 mm more. I can tell you from my experiences the hotter the ammo the more difference between barrel lenghts especially the 5 & 10, were can i get a job like yours, just shooting. Amount: 1000 Round Case. From the days of the trusty Colt M1911 to. I agree Patrick. There has to be an overall advantage in close to medium range combat. This has been a very interesting post! Don't be so quick to kill your brother just because his opinion is different than yours . Youtube, ABOUT US Grip safety with chambered indicator. Springfield 1911 A1 .45ACP +P ported and polished. FBI dropped 0.40 not because 9mm comes even close to it just affirmative action that's all it is. If YOU Do!! What ends an engagement is being able to walk away from it. I'll stay with my 45. And by that time I lost interest in learning more. Had I not already had an investment in 9mm equipment and ammo I would have considered the 45. Those who prefer lightweight 9mm projectiles enjoy lower recoil; If you select heavier bullets benefit from deeper penetration of the target. I LIKE them all. I like the best solution: buy at least one of each. Based on tests of 12 hollowpoints, the 9mm pistol and the 9mm carbine produced the same average estimated wound ballistics. .45 S&W Shield for concealed and home defense and Glock 17 for shtf all bases covered. I try to get soft and hollow point ammo for both but it is far more expensive for 7.62 x 51. 1 thing that cannot be argued is that the 22 cal is very effective. Thanks for your opinion, its valid. My sidearm of choice has been the Gen 3 Glock 22 for years. .380 ACP, 9mm, and .40 S&W are all within the margin of error, but .357 SIG, .45 ACP, and .44 Magnum are not, and they are all heavier and/or faster on average. The link is entitled to be wrong lol, the capacity of 9mm the distance and all is great . Some people prefer the heavier feel of a .45 ACP, while others find the light and slim nature of the 9mm easier to use. .45 ACP does have more advantages than stated in this article, namely that the .45 will not get deflected by bones nearly as bad as the 9mm (for example, pro bowlers, as they age, would rather stick with a 16lb ball and have less speed than drop to a 15lb ball and keep their speed high - the difference between a 15lb ball and a 16lb ball going through the pins is astonishing). jack says if you throw a rock to throw the biggest rock. With advancements in technology since its introduction at the turn of the 20th century, the 9mm is able to deliver similar terminal performance to rounds with heavier bullets such as the 45 ACP and 40 S&W. If you can hit with one and allways misswith the others , I think I would chose the one you can make the most hits with, just from my own exsperance , I had some mild steel targets out at my home we used to shoot at all day and almost every day with .38 spl, And 9 mm, then I bought a kimber1911 Remember, pride cometh before the fall . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. I guess now its time to do the same with .380, with all the advances in ammo technology and proliferation of .380 pistols for concealed carry. I finally settled on the .380acp for awhile because the size of the handguns matched my older 22lr Handgun. However the 9mm is much faster. For pure destructive power there's no contestnone. An extended double stack .45 mag will give you the larger magazine capacity. The 150-grain bullet has a muzzle velocity of 2,820, while the 180-grain has a muzzle velocity of 2,620 feet per second. There is a difference between an LEO and a civilian. Fast-burning powder in pistol ammo loses push after about 7-10 inches and drag can slow the bullet down. I split the difference, .357 Sig gives you the same number of rounds per mag as the .40 but with the ballistics of a .357 magnum. ERIC! Less recoil , good penetration, good follow up for stopping a robber etc. Youll do well to pick heavier bullet weights that convey a subsonic muzzle velocity. They need a lot more practice. The comfort level of a a Colt Lightweight Commander is on par with anything out there, and that design is older than any of us still alive. The attacker broke in through that door and the lady emptied her revolver into the guy before he was stopped. Bullet tech has come a long way for the .45 also.. ya ever seen the hole a .230 grain HST makes?..960 dia. http://www.ballisticsbytheinch.com/megraphs/9mm.html Also loud as hell - enough to alert everyone in the house and even if you miss, the intruder is less likely to stick around to hear the mechanics of a pump signaling a second shot is on the way whether they're armed with a piece or a crowbar, unless they intend to harm you, rather than just steal your stuff. This cookie can only be read from the domain they are set on and will not track any data while browsing through other sites. It's compact yet carries 14+1 stock mag or 19+1 extended mag. 2. shoot him with a 45 that does not over penetrate and has 80+% energy transfer or 275 lbs minimum and the fight is over. She is a small gal so it is perfect for her. I think there was a fundamental mistake about over penetration in this article. The report indicated that the new powders and more advanced bullet designs used in current 9mm defensive loads allowed for the caliber to deliver almost similar performance to other calibers, like the .45 ACP, and .40 S&W. you make me laugh. What seemed like moments after making my calls to get .45, I was again on the line with several of the same fine companies to acquire some 9mm. My 45 is a Sig dual tone full size 1911 and I like the weight and the 5 inch barrel. It would be great if the test was run as a Designed Experiment (DOE), rather than just testing for on factor (muzzle velocity). I witnessed a man in the early 80s with over a dozen 9mm rounds in him. It kills everything else. I live in less free country, I still can carry my pistol, but EU wants to limit my magazines (blah blah blah). A 45 will stop an attacker much quicker than a 9mm. A key advantage, as stated, is the 45's shallower penetration for home defense. You think that you can outshoot a cop? And by the way,the famous FBI shootout was ended by one well placed round from a frickin 38special!!! a G43 to an AR15 fight. But that's all a moot point. You think someone is going to outrun your bullet? One of the biggest I've seen taken was 465lb. Everyone wants to put down the 45 and take up the 9 because they wont take the time and energy to get proficient with the 45, and if you are too weak or candy a## you never will master the 45. I would want to be shot by the round with less penetration and less muzzle energy, 45ACP, because I have a greater chance of surviving - not that my odds are good either way. http://www.ballistics101.com/9mm.php It can significantly increase damage in rifle bullet wounds. Eventually. What ever cal. Years ago when 9mm was the craze I purchased a Browning model 39. If you looking for a slugger for something like car defense or home defense. I was wondering if Id be losing much by staying with the 4 inch barrel as opposed to the 5 inch. Adrenaline is not the deterrent you make it out to be, some people actually perform better when "amped up" so maybe YOU would be would be useless but you have no right to comment on anyone but yourself. Do your research. But the 45 does outperform the 9mm realistically. the heavy slow 45 stays in the body and delivers most of its energy to it. Everything is a compromise. I personally love the recoil and trajectory of the .45 ACP because my wrist is more adapted to it. I (thankfully) also have an overactive amygdala response that kicks in to take over. Time to grow up and recognize the difference between feelings (nostalgia, cool factor, historical value etc) and facts. My advice is practice, practice, practice!! All the advancement that improved the once weak 9mm have also been applied to the historically reliable and powerful 45. Unfortunately for LEOs, the kind of training that can effectively simulate actual firefights is limited to our special forces folks, as most PDs dont have the budget or manpower to train well for actual gunfights. Considering that ballistics and expansion have increased for all calibers I like the 45 . With a .45 you can hit him anywhere, even in the arm or shoulder, and you're going to knock him down. 9mm defensive brings it on par with 45acp and 40s&w ball - and that is what it needed to meet for it to outperform them since you also get the gains of capacity, less recoil, cheaper, and easier to train with. unable to see the data graphs from the article. My sub-compacts with their polymer frames are smaller and easier and lighter to carry than a steel 1911. For example, American Eagle makes 9mm full-metal jacket rounds with 115-grain bullets and 147-grain bullets. Interestingly, the 9x19mm rounds generally produce higher muzzle energy which, as we all know from Newton's 3rd Law, produces an equal and opposite reaction. I am still open to 9mm thats why I was considering the sig but I do love the style and extra safety features of the kimber. In certain situations, such as home defense in the middle of the night, the slightly higher capacity of the 9mm handgun may make it a preferred weapon. Like the logo of a Very Familiar training range: You can claim you understand muzzle energy but you don't. If you are special forces and you've resorted to using your pistol something has gone wrong. Your personal guarantee is meaningless. I can't imagine that trade would be so great either. Glock 43 9mm is my every day carry, IWB. The point that the wound tracks are almost the same according to the 2014 report is very surprising to me and frankly illogical looking at the bullet size, both uncollapsed and collapsed. When I was young military carried 45acp most leo where I live carried 357. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/blog/the-statistically-perfect-gunfight/ I bet if a poll was done on best semi auto handguns glock would win by a landslide, H&K by far . It is inherently easy to remove from safe to fire and the safety is constructed well. For the United Kingdom, after Dunkirk, the UK lost basically everything. As for the difference between 9 mm and 45 does not even compare thats why when you see police having to fire many shots to take down a criminal when 1 shot from a 45 will take him off his feet Go with comfort, shot group & confidence. 45 auto shells cost more too. ======================= Enough with the clownery. Hi Chris. With a wider selection of officers being able to shoot handguns chambered in 919mm, many departments choose this caliber so they can standardize around a single firearm and loading, making logistics and supply easier. Calibre has very little to do with it. Edit : You can get a firearms licence in this country but you have to be a farmer or pheasant shooter with an impeccable criminal history and with verified references and personality tests. 9mm is the solution. Where's the test evidence? I was in the Corps during the .45 ACP to 9mm swap. If not please remember Grand Theft Auto is just a video game, not real life. Hopefully he ll leave or be disoriented so you can leave in a safe direction. But lets not forget the same developments in HP ammo that allowed 9mm to catch up to .45 ACP FMJ also allowed .45 ACP HP to beef up. Perhaps the slowing velocity is a factor here, but that seems unlikely to me. The .45 is bigger, but not that much bigger. My original TL is credited with 30-40 at Son Tay. been there done that.To quote a man who has shot some people"you can kill a man without stopping him and stop a man without killing him" shoot him with a hot 9 that fails to expand due to being plugged with leather jacket and rips through with only say 20% energy transfer or 70 pounds roughly and he is gonna be on you. Want to call that a pro shallower penetration for home defense data while browsing through sites... One in their right mind willingly chooses to use FMJs in a pistol or rifle for self-defense value! Ammo loses push after about 7-10 inches and drag can slow the bullet down the! 'S shallower penetration for home defense 30-40 at Son Tay basically everything may need spray! So quick to kill your brother just because his opinion is different than yours where a bullet... Bullet wounds an artery out of choice has been the Gen 3 Glock for. 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