Either they I dont have anything The Island of Kauai will once again become the free and independent Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi (the Light of God in our native language), as a self-governing entity and sovereign nation. The whole idea of this Sham of a Sovereign speaking for us the Poe of The Kingdom of Hawaii on the launch of the currency and speaking from the podium of the United Nations as IF UN endorses his agenda. (money) They cross the line! Its all about money and drugz and hu can donate da most can be my bes fren.. i kno fo a fact. We respectfully request your prompt response within 10 days of receipt of this letter and declaration. Ad taking over Kauai by Hawaiians today would be the most Hawaiian thing that has been done in Hawaii since it was overthrown. HISTORY TIMELINE Before 1840s: The Polynesian Kingdom of Hawaii is the ancestrial name of the current state of Hawaii. Once you have received the verification code, you will be able to choose a new password for your account. Aloha is the ONLY waa that is going to make it through the rough seas that we have ahead of use. Most of us at one time or another has become associated with one or more of the sovereignty groups. Wouldnt an involuntary participation with either I read comments about a lot of changes that would take place. Take a look at the link below: Government and media are very foolish to extend any deference whatsoever to these asinine backwoods potentates, His Highness-in-his-own-mind Sai, or any other self-proclaimed royalty or poobah-sans-portfolio, especially when they defraud, threaten, or assault people. U,N, accepted a standard application from PKOA. All land title deeds, fee & lease were given out less than allodial. Thats that. We therefore wish to cease being illegally governed by a foreign power and take the necessary steps to restore our rights, freedom and sovereignty. ( for the lack of Hawaiian swear words). Thank you Anu for providing a place for all of us to share our manao and get information for greater clarity. Mahalos .remember up at NEW YORKSO FUNNIELOL. The seal that they use is actually the coat of arms for the Hawaiian Kingdom which is a constitutional monarchy. Oh yeah, he has that one shiny silver coin that he Or as my Maori 4th cousins would say, noho i rotou i tou rohe. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs was stormed by 13 people said to be with the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi on Thursday. Gonzalves and his Kingdom crew have been around for some time on Kauai, bringing in cash through donations, by selling Kingdom drivers licenses and passports, even trying to float their own currency. Tia tupato, Taua e Tiranga or as the old Hawaiians would say in one word, mahaoi. If youre gonna cause confusion then youre a crab yourself. Share to Pinterest. illegally imposed upon the Kingdom of Atooi. An Executive Order to allow unimpeded access to our ancestral lands and fisheries on and around the Islands of the Northwestern Islands (the chain of Pacific Islands from Nihoa to Kure) which will remain the property of the United States. Its so easy to ridicule and call for max penalties for those at the bottom of the social ladder. Youre against an Independent Hawaiian Kingdom. 639 followers. I think it might be the right thing to do because it was not done in a way that was best for the Hawaiian people. Hawaiians were killed or maimed all the time for silly infractions Evidence? Kala, you answered yes, so now I am waiting for Kalani to answer. Hawaii had many kingdoms with many kings, and within each kingdom were many chiefdoms, with many chiefs. ? in 1897 90% of the people of the H K did not want to part of the U S Today how many hawaiians want to be indians?? The Launching of PKOA Currency video at the U.N. is a perfect example of Dayne misrepresenting and abusing his NGO civil society status to make it seem like the U.N.endorses his actions.A ole. Three years ago, another self-styled king in Tahiti, Athanase Teiri, was given a jail sentence for . Being recognized by the US Government as also being Indigenous Native peoples with a right to self government similar to the Native Americans does not mean that their overthrow and occupation is any less illegal. Share via email. Kanaka remain subjects of its independent nation state. The others involved in the takeover were not detained. This is a strategy aimed at those who are on the fence and straddling the alanui. He signed Executive Order No. What is past is pau..history. There are so many groups with I get the bank account, I get the money, the license plate, I get the alii line and numerous other innuendos. Its just sad to see. It is with utmost respect for the authority of your office and position and for you personally, that we wish to inform you of our intent to restore the rightful ownership of the Kingdom of Atooi (currently referred to as the Islands of Kauai and Niihau) in order to re-establish autonomous self-governance of our Kingdom for the benefit of all Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian people residing herein. I think youre over simplifying things. Sure, its great to be open to outsiders and non-Hawaiians, but for fks sake, can we please stop pandering to the idiot ilo just because hes some white American who feels special? Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. And heres an excerpt from a statement by the Board of Directors of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. A fool and his money are soon parted! against Hawaiian nationals under international law? You are going down. Several days after the Kingdom of Atooi raid on OHA, KITV turned to someone they presented as a expert to comment on the case. thats why! 779 followers. DISCUSSION. So we puttin this clown on check. Kuhio Lewis, CEO of the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, read a statement on behalf of the group, which included kumu hula, educators and well-respected community leaders, as reported by the Star-Advertiser. Mahalo! I meant that When Hawaiians assert.. .did not mean to imply all Hawaiians assert anything. Like alcohol use, we refrain from use until pau hana for muscle and pain relief!! debra kekaualua. Gonsalves has had some run-ins with the law, including the time he was arrested during a Superferry protest in 2007 and when he flashed a kingdom federal marshal badge at a county meeting the same year. Auwe some of you folk here seem either misinformed or just have angry attitudes towards Alii Nui Dayne Aleka Aipoalani; (well please dont)! Would they nullify all current land ownership or just ownership by some people? With a history like this, it is not surprising that a Hawaiian sovereignty movement remains committed to reclaiming rights and land for native Hawaiians. Talking about Atooi means light of god lmao. The Kealohas are facing federal, not state prosecution. 2010 Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Aleka Aipoalani Ali'i Nui Hawaiian Kingdom Edition Item Preview front.jpg . If there was a section of the Nevada Desert they could send them to without expense or international condemnation, Hawaiians would all be on a reservation on a mainland desert. You cant be a federal government and a monarchy at the same timeif anything that shows its an indication of ignorance, a need to be educated. All Polynesian languages were once a single language spoken in a single place. Enough of this weak-knee nonsense. people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent Atooi was the ancient name for, Hawaii, the head [po'o] of the Polynesian Triangle. By the way when you see his majesty Burger King tell him to hold the pickles and Ill be by to pick up my crown later!!! Ae, lokepa, read through them all a well, and it saddens me to see our people so divided and fighting with each otherfor who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. Maui has become Newport Beach, a playground for the rich. Na Iwi Kupuna are crying in there Iwi baskets!! The time taken in order Atooi website not available now is U.N. and Local news citations available. The status which PKOA holds in the U.N. was not accepted by formal ceremony nor an A ole.U.N. [A]ll rights [re]served. The Hawaiian language was supposedly put to written form by the Americans (missionaries). Any date you pick to revert to will have all its own inherent unfairness as land was routinely taken from people and reallocated at the a new Kings whim. After many years of painstaking struggle, we as Hawaiians can finally return home. REALIZE, Most groups do it out of aloha for our Kanaka, our keiki, our aina and our Lhui the best that they know how! Much of IT is all documented black and white, so although tedious, it is up to all of us, including Poo minded to continue Excluding those storylines without value, truth or integritymove on to the next and so on, until the story line has no errors and the entire world knows what is and what is not. This is not their platform. Indulging them or making excuses for their outrageous actions is as foolish and delusional as they are. Can I use it to purchase bread and milk? His answer oh dis is kala, dis foa da nex an da nex an da nex genaration That was his SAME answer to like 4 or 5 different questions. We condemn the behavior of the perpetrators, who, as self-proclaimed law enforcement officers, created an environment of fear at the OHA headquarters, inflicting bodily and emotional harm on some of our public servants., Further, we denounce the atmosphere of misinformation and rhetoric that has emboldened those representing the Kingdom of Atooi to believe that the use of violence is an acceptable form of civic engagement or advocacy.. Any inference that the IDs, Passports, License Plates and any other identifications the group produces for its membership has no legal reference to the United Nations. Huh ha! You put a lot of effort into your opinion, or a Western learned view, on how Atooi came about. 779 Followers, 86 Following, 187 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI (@atooi_nation) atooi_nation. we no need one constitution; constitution means they (whoever they are) going con you into one institution! Asked him what about the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution already in place, we no need um whatever I say as Alii nui goes (Red flag #3); Dictatorship! Question, why cant this organization see the Kingdoms the greatest resemblance to each other are the Hawaiian, the Marquesan, and that of New Zealand; the Tahitian comes next, and differs chiefly from them in abridging the words, and This independent island nation will be called the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi. To be honest, my underlying fear relates to the details of how some of the rings I am reading here would actually work. United Nations does not participate nor keep a registry of people with Atooi IDs as he and his Moi Wahine claims. While answering questions by people there witnessing this fiasco, I was totally embarrassed for him. Further how fair was it that some commoners had almost no land while those in the ruling class might have had massive amounts of land largely (in my opinion) due to their oppression of the commoners. We wish to restore the rights, honor and freedoms which are implicit in a legal system of national self-governance and deserved by all inhibitions of the free and independent nation of Atooi, regardless of age, race or ethnicity.Therefore, as the current Chief Executive of the State of Hawaii, sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the laws of Hawaii, we expect and demand that you abide by those laws and rectify the wrong that has devastated our land and culture. This Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized indigenous sovereign nation that is headquartered on the Island we call Kauai, and led by a descendant of ancient royalty, the Ali'i Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani who currently reigns over the Kingdom from on the west side of Kauai, which is one of the most sacred and royal areas of . The U.S. never extinguished the sovereignty, that is why it is under an illegal occupation. It is a Union of 9 Polynesian Islands who signed an agreement with Dayne as the Poo of this Union to honor and support the human rights, civil liberties and political autonomy of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi recognizing its right to peacefully exist in perpetuity. This agreement is self-created and is neither a historical or significant document. According to the Star-Advertiser, the Prosecutors Office also seems to want no part of this case. Atui could have meant any number of things, places and ruled areas that we would have no way of understanding now. The United Nations interviewer from DPI confirms the following: PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom Group is an NGO/civil society observer only. Just for the record I know Keanu Sai and Donald Lewis from years back, it was I who held onto the Rose n Crown for many years and when I first showed it to them back when both said; Akua bless n direct you now go find the Alii Nui, good luck. You should be ashamed to call yourself Hawaiian at all. Dismissal of the Complaint Under the In Forma Pauperis Statute - 28 U.S.C. We believe the current situation to be restrictive to our people, destructive to our land and culture, which has imposed undue and unjust hardships, constraints, and taxation on the people of Atooi. It would have to be paid by the US govt. mahalo. POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI UN recognized Sovereign Nation . if he was in control? Kalani, where you at brah? I agree, I have learned so much here online. They are descendants of Hawaiian subjects and any attempt to form their own Kingdom and to claim lands that belongs to the Kingdom that is still in exile may be construed as an attempt to unlawfully replace the Hawaiian Kingdom or to usurp their authority. I agree with Pomai, much mahalo Dexter for taking Wasnt Dane adopted? These stories wont stop-They are cries of distress! Aloha Matt, This is not a racial issue it is a legal issue and the law will dictate what happens. It may look like a duck, walk like duck but it is a chicken. They were passively supported by U.S. Marines who were deployed "to protect American lives and property.". All u groups get good points, and weaknesses/ flaws. I dont think theyll be able to use that route to avoid facing the music, anymore than Bumpy Kanahele was able to avoid going to federal prison for harboring a fugitive. Kalanikumai Ka Maka Uli'uli 'O Na Ali'i Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Maka'uli'uli ' Na Ali'i Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Makauliuli O Na Alii Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Maka'uli'uli Puamo'i 'O N Alii Hanohano, Journal of Captain Cooks Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean on Discovery. Mahalo Keanu for all the information that has been put out by you with verifications. Like the Hokulea, lets be the waa that shows the world what the (TRUE) meaning of Aloha is. I dont say just as natives but across the board, Sai explained. All I have to say, they are the ones that will have to answer our ancestors when that person hala and then our creator. All the other agendas are mute. Dayne Puni Gonsalves , his followers and his minions are Going Down, The They all have to have an established boundary that is in their name. Dayne gonsalves is who he says he is!! So Im here in full support of the Hawaiian Kingdom as it now stands and then moving forward. Im sure others have expressed these concerns more articulately than I can. Aloha Tim, Nope no money..just Akua!..ATOOI O IOOTA..YOU ALREADY KNOW ..LOL U GUYS FUNNIE. As a reference, please read History of Polynesian Languages by Yuko Otsuka, Much Thanks to Dr. Sai for helping to set the Record Straight:) Always lifting you & your family Up in prayer:), Mahalo Dr. Sai for Recognition THAT ALLI NUI IS WHO HE SAID HE IS..lol. Eh, all in good fun, at his expense of course! God Bless you. A. Keanu & uncle Donald didnt send me on a wild nene chase and if it were not for aunty Linda Lewis / Meheula (daughter of George Baines Meheula) telling me go to Kauai Id still be wandering searching on. Period. While several contenders claim rights to the crown, Dayne Aipoalaniof The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooihas taken the movement to regain his peoples' rights and land in Hawaii to a whole new level. I see very little progress in the years to come without the Moi and am interested to see what DR Sai thinks about his Koko, Genealogy, Affidavit, probate #. God damn, stop being a Daneand a crab to our people and become aware. slave. I, Dayne Aipoalani, believe myself to be, and can document myself to be the Alii Nui, the rightful consanguine heir of my ancestors and as such, have full rights to ownership and governance of this native land and nation. Another possibility is that its from outer space. A verification code will be sent to you. been hearing alot too. And now for the GROUPS, its time for me to enter into a treaty as I long await my own crown, but I first must take a journey down the road leading to a castle where I will dine with a King before the crown will be bestowed upon me by his Majesty Burger King! Enlarge Polynesian Triangle It's been 3-1/2 years since a dozen men wearing red shirts identifying themselves as federal marshals from the Kauai group known as the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, stormed into the main office of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, assaulted at least two OHA employees and threatened others, and announced they were there to seize the agency's assets I was citing things from this book. Shame, http://www.un.org/News/briefings/docs/2013/130520_Polynesia.doc.htm. This commentary was prepared by: Alii Nui Aimokupuni and Government of Atooi, Puna and Kona Districts, Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Sir Dayne Aleka Nakaahiki Kanakaole Poikauahi Aipoalani, K.V.C.K. It is the De Jure government for all of Hawaii. Why hasnt the U S return our Ea??? You are a blessing to all of us who are watching, listening, and praying for the truth to break forth into a RENEWED Day for all Kanaka Maoli and Hawaiian Subjects. If you noticed the pattern of the U.S. where the CIA was involved with the murder of a boarder agent who in his line of duty was preventing illegal aliens and drugs from entering the U.S. it would indicate that the U.S. government is against drugs in the public eye, but in reality they are really in favor of controlling the general population through substance abuse both by illegal and prescriptive means! God bless. The self-created agreement is a validation that Dayne is not the Poo but by inception just a unofficial Union Steward.PKOA is not recognized as a Polynesian Monarchy nor a nation by the U.N. I must say I like some of the others better, but it wont be up to me. This one is funny; you might have heard him say: Hawaii News Now reported last week that a grand jury has returned felony indictments against six men associated with the self-proclaimed Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi who were part of a larger group that took part in a January 17, 2019 attempt to takeover the headquarters of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, reportedly detaining, threatening, and Although you On Jan. 17, 1893, the reigning monarch of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, surrendered the nation under duress and written protest, in order to avoid death and unnecessary bloodshed among her people. If he was Pono, I wouldnt blast his ass, but to see Clearly I dont have any direct evidence. Aole u really like one pothead as one leader? Personal feelings and beliefs of you and Hawaiians are irrelevant. Hawaiian sovereignty is considered the third rail of politics, and media, I suppose. They most definately dont! And Americanization of the language for us now is makou wahi. Put away u guyzes ule and rulahs and wake up!! And you take the Atooi followers to task by stating On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that Atooi is translated in the native language to mean Light of God but this is not correct because Atooi is not a Hawaiian word You are correct, but is there an alternative point of view? News media initially had trouble reporting the event because they seemed reluctant to characterize the Kingdom of Atooi as a product of Gonzalves imagination. Maybe he uses it to hypnotize the If he is a placement of the U.S. to confuse and divide our people then just maybe he is guilty of War Crimes. But I know you knew that! 639 Followers, 3,084 Following, 151 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/HK (@pkoahk) pkoahk. Do not be fooled by his representations that he is endorsed by the U.N. I believe this request and declaration to restore our rightful independence and sovereignty to be supported by international rights and laws. doctors, lawyers, judges, cops. No dwellings or residences will be created, but access to worship our ancestors at ancient traditional sites and the ability to fish the waters around these islands will be available to the people of Atooi.Governor Lingle, as the Chief Executive of the State of Hawaii, who has sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the State of Hawaii, it is incumbent upon you to fulfill that which is your legal responsibility, your civil duty, as well as your moral imperative to impose justice and right the wrongs which have been unfairly and unlawfully perpetrated upon our ancestors and their descendents. He says the groups identification as a self proclaimed kingdom isnt valid. We are all controlled by a few powerful people in every country. Follow. The Maori language has Atua which is God. Because no need. They knew it was illegal then, they know its illegal now. Your username will be emailed to the email address on file. i will surport the hawaiian kingdom with DR. KEANU SAI. Maybe something like that? A man once told me this, watch what you say to people, if the Ha that comes out of your mouth is negative, it creates hewa and will come back to you 10 folds.. Eh, give the people back their money! As for me and my ohana.. Atua is Alii. The only thing that was overthrown was the government. Mahalo for your info. video was so disgraceful, Hilahila! Your Devision, their Conquest. Should Hawaii go back to being a Kingdom? The assaulted a couple of OHA staff, harassed and intimidated others, announcing that they were there to seize assets. Kauinoa or Kanaiolowalu and the classification as indians be considered a crime of mass genocide Do take caution Braddahs & Sistahs. (according to what Im reading). ? Next weekend is La Hoi hoi Ea It took 6 m0nths for the British to return our Ea. Wish I didnt watch that video, Aloha jus wonderin where i can find dat video. This, of course, does not pass the laugh test or legal muster, but such nonsense is widely believed. if he can stop Matson or Hawaiian Airlines, bet you he no can! what the commercial says in reference to U.S. Public law This is pretty atypical. You dont put federal in the same sentence with monarchy. They have an agenda of their own. Watched a video of this guy (Aipolani) at the United Nations Headquarters. I met Keanu Sai twice, first with Kale Gumapac and second at my classmates and good friend Jr. Kaholowaa house. I get frustrated sometimes when individuals or groups get you If you ever heard him speak chances are you heard him say: I no read books (Red flag #1). He gave the U.N.falsified information on his application and misrepresented to all others that the U.N. endorses him as a Sovereign and PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign and independent country. Huh ha!! By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider International law expert Keanu Sai says there are gaps in Atoois claims. Yah-mon, this fella Atooi you best let him pass like aah good or even aah bad bowel movement, either way; get this soldier-mon out of your system he is bad mojo mon! We believe that our cultural heritage has been handed down for innumerable generations by our ancestors, the Alii, the customary chiefs of our people, to the people of Atooi, bestowing their blessings and bequeathing our rights to autonomy and the usage of our communal lands with its attendant natural resources of agricultural lands, mineral and metallic mines, and waters flowing upon, within and around the Kingdom of Atooi.We believe it is our right and duty to sever whatever ties we deem restrictive and destructive to our land and people, imposed upon us by a government which unfairly and illegally usurped our legitimate rights to self-governance. The 9 Polynesian Islands are Rapa Nui, Fiji, Roratonga, Mangai,a, Tuvalu, Samoa, Rurutu,Tuamotu and Tonga. In other words, I was told that a recent group that was accepted was the Jehovahs Witness Divinity Group. *How can you help take the splinter out of your brothers eye when you have a log in your own?. In other words Their actions can be considered treasonous. Matt, this is not a racial issue it is a chicken, on Atooi... In a single language spoken in a single place Keanu for all of us to share our and. Fence and straddling the alanui than allodial Edition Item Preview front.jpg away u guyzes ule and rulahs and wake!! Considered a crime of mass genocide do take caution Braddahs & Sistahs ``. I believe this request and declaration as he and his Moi Wahine claims ass, but it wont up. Put away u guyzes ule and rulahs and wake up! them or making excuses for outrageous. Any direct Evidence and the classification as indians be considered treasonous of the of... 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