One morning I woke up and I started bleeding very heavy. I am overweight so my doctor said that the fat in my body could be converting androgen into estrogen which would "feed" the endo. Hello Ladies. Could it be the hormones given chickens? (Children on half term and hubbys come down with flu). Plz give me suggestions i am little worried. Hello!Here is a similar situation, have a look! I had a partial hysterectomy 11 years ago. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. There is a chance that a hysterectomy may cause injury to organs, nerves, or blood vessels, which may also cause bleeding. This bleeding happens mostly after intercourse. If you are passing large clots, this indicates that a large amount of blood has accumulated, often while you are sleeping. In most cases, postmenopausal bleeding is caused by issues such as endometrial atrophy (a thinning of the uterine lining), vaginal atrophy, fibroids, or endometrial polyps. I had my hysterectomy in 2009 and now Im experiencing light bleeding every now and then. Its possible that you experience vaginal bleeding months or years after a hysterectomy. Bladder prolapse surgery with mesh repair, Weight loss after hysterectomy with intermittent fasting, How to prevent a vaginal cuff tear after hysterectomy, The Undeniable Benefits of a Hysterectomy, Tips to Prevent Blood Clots after Hysterectomy That Can Save your Life, Stressed About Hysterectomy Risks? I am 9 weeks post op and now started bleeding doctor doesnt know if its a period or a cervical polyp (I have both ovaries and my cervix) having some tests done this week. Don't wait for your doctor to come up with something. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. The first time I bled about 2 hours, the next time a bled about 4 hours and quit bleeding around noon then started bleeding again at 6 am (no intercourse) the next morning and bled all day until around 10 pm. Can you still get your period after a hysterectomy? Doctors have no answers. Hysterectomy At 26 because of Endometriosis!! I am sick of being sick. However, if the bleeding doesn't get lighter over time, that is not normal. Ive just started bleeding pinkish colour today not much but am worried. MedlinePlus. Everything is good now. Sounds like this dr may be a bit checked out. is it is normal or not ? As you heal, make sure you stay well hydrated, begin walking regularly as soon as you are able, and include fiber-rich foods in your diet to help regulate your bowels. This happened twice. We have many patients that come to us 6, 8, 10, 12 months or several years after still experiencing pain after a hysterectomy. Your vaginal cuff could be coming loose or your sutures. Why People Lose Weight After A Hysterectomy? Can you help me? I am a stage 4 breast cancer patient with that being controlled by taking away all hormones. In October 2004 I had extensive uterine surgery to remove my twin that had embryonically attached inside me in my mothers uterus. What Every Woman Must Know. This relationship clearly is not good for your health and only taking pills will be like putting a plaster on an abcess. Help please. Catheterization comes with an increased risk of bacteria entering the urinary tract. What could be the problem: Please help. Hi Im 32 I had a total hystorscctomy almost 4 months ago now. I had a partial hysterectomy, with my cervix and ovaries intact. As for meds cant really help with that, if its pain killers I alternated between tylenol and Advil ever 4 hours while I had constant pain. I have been bleeding since 2014 every month and when I have a bowel movement and wipe I see b!old there as well. I did, went for followup and was told it must be a granule or vaginal dryness, so to go about my normal activity and don't worry. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. Is it a cure? But if you have bleeding more than a year after your last menstrual period, it's time to see your healthcare provider. You'll soon start receiving the latest Mayo Clinic health information you requested in your inbox. Diagnosed Lupus and Chrohns and Hoping you still see this and have answers. Hi, Have been experiencing gas issues and bloating too. Anyone else have this? I started to have occasional spotting after intercourse but in August, 2016, I fell on my back and left side after missing two steps going out of my house and then I started to notice bright red blood after I urinate on the tissue paper. For more details, see our Privacy Policy. I am so sorry. They don't know how to react when you tell them something that isn't in those pages. as many women who opt for hysterectometis do, the main cause was the massive bleeding I experienced every month. Thanks again for the comments. Medications. Can endometriosis cause bleeding years after hysterectomy? Right after surgery it was the most pain I felt. I get full period type pains in and off aswell as discharge. Say a prayer and let God handle the worry. In the case of wound infection, antibiotics are the line of treatment. 20 yrs ago I had a complete hysterectomy. I drink a lot of warm tea, no sugar and sit with my tummy hunched/compressed as much as I can and that seems to be the most comfortable. I would have told my younger self to follow that gut instinct and search out the WHY before going through with it. Keep in mind that once you've recovered from a hysterectomy, you should not experience vaginal bleeding at all. I have pain and bleeding during sex. Im going through the same thing it have been a year for me and Im still seeing blood but its light pinkish and when I have a bile movement not Im having constipation its time for my check up. Cindy Alternatives to Hysterectomy New Effective Treatments For You to Explore, 7 Ways to fight extreme fatigue after hysterectomy, Guidelines for a Faster Hysterectomy Recovery Time, Pain After Hysterectomy- Tips To Identify Its Source. The vagina shrinks and the tissues become inflexible and tear easily. That's hard to do if you're bleeding all the time. This morning after intercourse we noticed blood on the covers and we both had blood on us and it was bright red and heavier then just your normal spotting. 3 weeks ago I was getting ready for work felt a gush of fluid running down my legs, I thought I peed myself, nope it was bright red blood! I had an appointment with my family Dr. today and frankly im more scared now than before i saw her today. All things checked out normal. Tonight I noticed dried blood when wiping after urinating. Hello everyone I had a total abdominal hysterectomy on the 30 of April 2016 ,but my left overies remains Im having pain to my lower left side of my abdomen and spotting after a bowel movement is it normal. At first the blessing seemed heavy but it seems to be light now Im not sure what it could be or if I should be worried. It was bright red blood. Well 3 years ago I stopped using any kind of hormone treatment (I used natural hormones 4 yrs prior to quitting treatment) so now I notice I have a dark spotted discharge but then notice when I have a migraine I sometimes have light spots of blood. She told me to stay off my feet for 4-5 days and if the bleeding starts to come out while Im at rest to go back in and see her. Then when I was having the pain and went to the doctor, they tried to get a urine sample. You need to know that you can expect some post hysterectomy bleedingafter surgery. Had full hysterectomy Nov. 2nd. Heavy bleeding during recovery should be reported to your surgeon immediately. Call your doctor to discuss any bleeding that occurs more than six weeks after your procedure. I havent really noticed much of a mini period this years, with the exception of a few. I too have had a hysterectomy 23 years ago and started bleeding this year. The answer is based on information provided. With today's technology. Since then I have been bleeding bright red blood. The most common causes include wound infection and vaginal injury. Need to wear a regular pad. No insertion of tampons or the like. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Its just a sign of the healing that is occurring inside your body. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer . Im starting to see blood on my tissue coming from my vagina. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. You may notice occasional spotting or a pink discharge. You may notice occasional spotting or a pink discharge. How is endometriosis diagnosed after hysterectomy? Anemia occurs when the amount of red blood cells in your blood drops below normal. Then October 18, I went to see my doctor and she did a pelvic exam along with the urine test. It started out pink and is now red. Vaginal discharge and bleeding similar to a period are normal for between three and four weeks following your surgery. Its NOT from sex. I dont think thats normal. They found sutures on the back of my vaginal wall and cervix. However, Im passing a clear fluid with no Oder, sometimes a light pink discharge. information submitted for this request. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (estrogen and progesterone supplements that decrease some menopausal symptoms). I feel useless. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. I had the hysterectomy 27 years ago because I had cervical cancer. 2014;211(3):224.e1-7. so tonight I decided to stock on the internet and see whether they are other women there going through the same thing I am going through. I get it at least four times a month. Bleeding after six weeks or after the recovery can indicate that there is some internal tissue damage. Interesting Facts About Prolapse after Hysterectomy. other information we have about you. It started May 2017 and my gynecologist found a polyp at the opening of the vagina. Infections are common bladder problems after hysterectomy and are known as urinary tract infections (UTIs). Hope youre recovery is as easy as can be. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. When I go to empty my bladder or to have a bm, I feel pain. I had the same procedure on 12/16. I had a Pap smear a few years ago which was fine. Read More I worry abt going back to work. More like a period. I'm praying to my Heavenly Father now because I need a solution. The bleeding has stopped, but I dont know if I should see my doctor? I am in very very serious pain, I dont know what is going with my life. I do have IBS, but I am not having any of the other symptoms that I would normally have (no diareaha, not . Thanks! My name is Rhonda and I had a total robotic (Da Vinci) laparoscopic hysterectomy on the same exact day as you did! Ive been fine until about a week ago (i also have crohns, so everything automatically gets blamed on that) when i started having severe abdominal pain that radiates into where my kidneys lay in my back, with severe fatigue and a general feeling of unwell. What can cause bleeding after menopause and hysterectomy? Doc said I had so much scar tissue and ahesions that it looked like someone dumped a bucket of cement in my belly, said he had never seen so much scaring. Call your. Call your doctor to discuss any bleeding that occurs more than six weeks after your procedure. This is just a self-cleaning process of your body. I had a total hysterectomy 11 months ago. Recovering from your hysterectomy. They recauterized where my sutures busted and put me on strict bed rest for a few days and light activity for a week. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. Is there a need for concern. Bleeding after gynecological surgery remains an infrequent life-threatening complication, demanding appropriate medical and surgical management. Im a little concerned but not sure. I believe our body gives us warning signs for a reason. My hysterectomy was in 2002. cervical or womb polyps growths that are usually non-cancerous. Freaking out here. Never thought would be coming from my vagina. Make sure your incision is kept clean and there are no pieces of undissolved thread poking through and causing the discomfort. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Ob/Gyn Doctor. The nurse would just say wait, but its more of an automatic reply- do someone have the experience of light bleeding- and no pain after the first intercourse after the op? I just bleed and spotted for the 1st time since having this surgery and am read more. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. I think you should let your doctor have a look. Hard when you are active normally. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Environmental causes If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could over a year ago, denise Hi. I woke up at 7 weeks covered in blood. I have no pain at all, just the bleeding. By trial and error, I found out that meat makes me bleed more, especially chicken. My surgery was 11/22. If a woman has lost a considerable amount of blood, blood transfusion or surgery is sometimes inevitable. Hi. I think there's somethig in it that feeds that little piece of endometriosis tissue. Hey ladies, had the same procedure as Rhonda, and I feel your pain. Posted 5 years ago. Because it is impossible to see the healing process of this inner wound, you may forget it is there, and blood loss may come as a surprise. Hi. If you note any bleeding after resuming intercourse, be sure to report it to your provider. I having the same problem with the bleeding and its been 3 weeks now. I used to hike, ride horses, train dogs. This is taking so much longer than I expected. She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health. I woke up this morning covered and blood and bleeding very bad. I underwent a vaginal hysterectomy and bladder repair 3 1/2 weeks ago. This can cause symptoms including fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and easy bruising. I am very sad. I stop taking pain meds 11 days after hysterectomy, my doctor said that was great, but said some women take pain med for up to a month. It's possible that you experience vaginal bleeding months or years after a hysterectomy. If he/, is unable to assess, then request referral to an, It needs to be clarified whether or not you still have a cervix. You should be able to return to having sexual intercourse eight weeks after your surgery. Today I drove to the store 4 hours later Im having break through bleeding .. Am I doing to much. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Now Im having problems with abdominal pain and bloating. I had a partial hysterectomy 6/16/14 by the DaVinci. Im really worried. Staying One Step Ahead of UC. Ok unless gets heavier. Not quite as heavy but more then I feel Can I get a partial hysterectomy at 18 years old? If you still have a cervix you will get what is called mini periods but I could have your Gynocologist check your cervix with a Pap smear test to rule out disease. On Nov 30 2016 on Dec 10 I had a bright red blood after urination and what looks like scar tissue. Recovering completely from a hysterectomy usually takes at least six to eight weeks. Bleeding can be caused by a benign growth, such as a polyp. My husband rushed me to the hospital and I had to have surgery all over again and had to receive 3 pint of blood. Is this normal? Its the color of like a popped cyst with blood. The vaginal walls become drier, thinner, and less elastic, which can lead to inflammation. Until I lie down. I have had hardly any discharge until today. Hi ladies. Im experiencing the same thing this month made a year since my hysterectomy. I also experience a sharp pulling pain in my vagina when I urinate. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Thanks guys for sharing, heres to a smoother recovery and wisdom to stop before we do this to ourselves again. She did a look around and said it was definitely coming from my vaginal area. Did you figure anything out? I have read a lot about the granuloma slothing, etc. The bleeding could also be a sign of endometrial cancer a malignancy of the uterine lining, but only in a small number of cases. Anemia occurs when the amount of red blood cells in your blood drops below normal. I just over did it and that was my bodys way of telling me. Is this normal?? I have pain, right side starting to hurt, left as well. Logically, your first thought is that there is a connection between this bleeding and your hysterectomy. Yet I still have random spotting?! Thanks! The most common causes of bleeding or spotting after menopause include: Endometrial or vaginal atrophy (lining of the uterus or vagina becomes thin and dry). I still have ovaries, not sure of functionality, though. RSG, I am experiencing the same symptoms of pain when finishing urination, I am also bleeding every time I wipe seem like its getting heavier I also notice Im going to the bathroom more frequently I have one ovary left post hysterectomy 1998 , seeing my GYN on the 23rd October, praying for good news. Ovulation pain and bleeding: are they normal? Last check up I had he said everything was looking great and as soon as I stopped spotting and having discharge I was ok to have intercourse. Any suggestions? My mother has had a total abdominal hysterectomy surgery on 12/6/2017 What can cause bleeding after menopause and hysterectomy? Complications of hysterectomy. CA 125 test: A screening test for ovarian cancer? Bleeding years after hysterectomy may be direct, indirect, or unrelated to the surgery. Im having the same problem but I dont no nothing. I do not like to sit still and Im ready to move around and I think Im makingyou kids crazy. On Saturday morning, 9 days after, I had a cramp that signals a bm, I thought I had peed my pants and ran to the bathroom. It has been 9 years since i had a partial hysterectomy, I am bleeding, if this normal? Last for about an hour then went to continually spotting since. Louise nsw. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. Yesterday all day I had a pink discharge and then at 8 pm went to the bathroom and wiped and had s significant amount of blood, but when I went to the bath 30 mins later it was back to a pink discharge. My bladder had to be tied up after surgery because I had nothing to hold it in place. Just a couple quick questions before I transfer you. What should I do? You no longer menstruate after a hysterectomy. Even after 11 years?! Hi PurpleViolet15. Get answers from Gynecologists and top U.S. doctors, Our doctors evaluate, diagnose, prescribe, order lab tests, and recommend follow-up care. I had a complete vaginal hysterectomy 8 weeks ago and now yesterday I noticed pink spotting. Still, freaks me out. I decided after my last appointment that unless I am bleeding to death or have agonizing pain, I am going on with life as usual and stop worrying about what is fairly normal after surgery. I had a total Hysterectomy ( cervix removed ovaries left) nine weeks ago. Yes Marit. Just keep getting sharp pains on the right side (incision area) and then when I go pee, theres bright red/dark pink blood in the stool and on my paper. The brownish color suggests it is old blood from your inner wound. How long have you dealt with the bleeding? With Shannon K. Laughlin-Tommaso, M.D. Imaging tests can help pinpoint the source of the bleeding. I had a hysterectomy on Feb 10th. Had cancer in my ovaries.Already had my six-month check-up and everything was fine.I havent had any pain or blood during or after intercourse.I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience or if it is completely normal or should I be worried.Thanks. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Please check immediately with your doctor. I do have tow girls home for he holidays and they are on the cycle now and could just be us getting in sync..IDK. About where kidneys would be plus pain by my pelvix bone. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. Hence an examination with a gynaecologist and Pap smear are necessary to find out the cause of bleeding. I start bleeding a few hours after intercourse. Vaginal atrophy: It needs to be clarified whether or not you still have a cervix. I havnt had sex since January 2016. A sudden and significant increase in bleeding is considered abnormal. It is a common phenomenon in women with supracervical hysterectomy who still have their ovaries. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization and proceeds from Web advertising help support our mission. However, endometriosis can recur following a hysterectomy. It is more likely to be of some pathologic cause which needs to be ruled out. Therefore I can no longer have babies. Belly button pain as well. Your physician may recommend complete bed rest followed by pain medications. These risks include: major blood loss damage to surrounding tissues, including the bladder, urethra, blood vessels, and nerves blood clots infection anesthesia side effects bowel blockage These. Generally, vaginal bleeding after hysterectomy should be light. Causes of Post Hysterectomy Bleeding (after recovery period) There are several reasons why women may experience heavy bleeding after six weeks of surgery. It will get better, pray and be strong. bleeding 10 days after hysteroscopy siladryl allergy para que sirve . Also been having sharp breath taking pains in my lower I hope everything is going okay your story sounds similar to mine and Im just trying to see if you ever got any results on what could be causing this I have endometriosis also so I was wondering if it was because of that or something else if you could respond that would be great I would really appreciate some advice on this. Bleeding should never be too heavy at any point in your recovery. However I notice spotting every other month. I noticed a bloody discharge when I wiped, but nothing after that. I waited it out and The bleeding slowed down and just stopped after a couple hours. 2023 Life After Hysterectomy - All Rights Reserved. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. Is bleeding 10 years after a full hysterectomy normal? Feel better, hope this helps. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Hi !!! Does post menopausal bleeding mean cancer? My bleeding today has been more Constant, like Im having a light-medium flow period with cramps. They did vaginal exam, urine test and both came back negative, also no sign of granule area seen. If you have a partial or subtotal hysterectomy, there is a 10 15% chance you will have mini periods. It came back negative for intraepithelial lesion and malignancy. She told me that she thought I had Vaginal Atrophy. The check up appointments and information is not that good in Sweden, happy to find this page. Ive seen every Dr for a year and they act like Im making it up. This content does not have an Arabic version. Im scared. There is a problem with If you notice new blood or a change in your bleeding call your dr and go be checked. Let us begin toseparate normal from abnormal bleeding after hysterectomy. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Total abdominal hysterectomy December 5, 2007, 23 years old and 6 months after scheduled c-section of my only child. It's typical to have bloody vaginal discharge for several days to several weeks after a hysterectomy, as the stitches (sutures) dissolve and the tissue heals. If you notice any spotting or bright red discharge after six weeks of your surgery, report it to your doctor. Took months for me to get over it and return to work. Has anyone experienced a painful pulling sensation along with light bright red bleeding during urination? While your body is recovering, small amounts of bleeding signify that internal tissues are healing and repairing themselves. Its spotting today. I am experiencing the exact symptoms right now. Now I have been having cramps is this normal or should I seek medical assistant asap. I have bleeding 5 years after partial hysterectomy still have cervix What could be the cause ? Im having some scary bleeding too, especially tonight (26 days out). It might be useful to the rest of us experiencing similar things. I had Laparoscopic Total Hysterectomy 3 weeks ago. it is always vag dryness BUT have been on diet last 6 weeks and only meat I eat is chicken. Sex during recovery may cause vaginal injury or the inner wound to re-open. I am worried sick. Or anywhere I can get proper treatment please let me know. Call your doctor to discuss any bleeding that occurs more than six weeks after your procedure. Base on the results shell decide what to do. What a trial for any woman to encounter. I had a complete hysterectomy in 1990. No one told me not to bend or to not do light housework. After the hysterectomy, If the cervix is left intact during the hysterectomy you can still develop, A rare cause of post-hysterectomy hemorrhage is. Why an what causes this to happen? How do I know if Im doing to much. I'm 45 and I've just started bleeding (bright red) in the last month (over a year since my vaginal hysterectomy..uterus and cervix). A hysterectomy relieves the symptoms of endometriosis for many people, but the condition can recur after the surgery, and the symptoms can persist. I have 7 weeks off from work. How do I manage constipation after a hysterectomy? Best of luck. its hard to sit still. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Jacks1122 Nannyrose. Trauma or infection of the vagina can also cause bleeding. She also had me to drink lots of hot tea. Hopefully this will go away. Recurrence of endometriosis after hysterectomy. They removed my cervix, sutures and mesh around cervix (which I didnt know I had). Not sure Im going to love having light bleeding the rest of my life as the main reason for the surgery was to eliminate the blood in the first place. The only pain I have is when I have to have a BM since it sits lower now. My cervix was removed because of pre-cancerous tissues. Im due back for check up next week, but Im also planning a weekend with hubbie. Im still having lots of pain and light pink vaginal bleeding. I just reciently experienced the same thing. The key sign that you are healing normally from a hysterectomy is that the bleeding will begin to decrease in the days and weeks following the surgery. So, if you find discharge immediately after surgery, your body is behaving the way it should. Knowing the causes can help you both prevent and treat them. Read our, Ian Hooten / Science Photo Library / Getty Images. 2010;281(2):307-309. doi:10.1007/s00404-009-1173-2. Therefore, intercourse during recovery is a big no, as thechance it will lead to bleeding is significant. Next day after surgery my mom feel some blood discharged from vagina but after two days it stopped but today means 2 weeks after operation my mom feel some spots of blood (without any pain). I dont have pain on the incision but a lot of bruising around it. Especially the whole BM crazy crap. My belly from my belly button to my breast is so hard and bloated. We can prevent break-through or postmenopausal bleeding by treating all women who have a uterus with bio-identical progesterone (BLA Progesterone, or Prometrium) orally or with sublingual (under the tongue) progesterone. If the cause of bleeding is internal hemorrhage, they find the source, and the blood vessel is ligated to stop blood loss. Call your doctor to discuss any bleeding that occurs more than six weeks after your procedure. Bleeding after intercourse and right side pain. Ive been walking and getting around a little bit because I was going crazy in my house. As time passes, this will taper off until it stops altogether. include protected health information. I don't know what to do now. I feel wonderful. Good luck, hope we get better. I will let my dr know that I continue to bleed. I have been putting on weight like crazy; my last urine test was WBC esterace 3+ and occult blood 1+. Its been 18 yrs since my full hysterectomy due to endometriosis. Whats the reason??? Once it pops loose the bleeding is terrible, way worse than any heavy period. Started off as periodic spotting but began to progress. Im exactly the same as Charline. Right after surgery, the bleeding is consistent as less area is healed. Has anything like this happened to anyone else? At first, the nurse made an attempt to remove but the nurse could not see any packing. I put gloves on and discovered the packing and removed it myself. Today I called my Dr. 2013;121(3):654-73. doi:10.1097/AOG.0b013e3182841594, Lyngdoh BT, Kriplani A, Garg P, Maheshwari D, Bansal R. Post-hysterectomy menstruation: a rare phenomenon. Doc thought for sure it was from kidney. Told me to just ignore it for now! I started bleeding again about a year a go. I would call my doctor. Some of the links in this post areaffiliate links. Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Bleeding during urination was having the pain and light activity for a few years ago and now yesterday noticed... Intercourse eight weeks after your last menstrual period, it 's time to see your healthcare provider blood or... Is for informational and educational why am i bleeding years after hysterectomy only this and have answers a bloody discharge I. Intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription experience in primary care and hospital.. Consent to our use of cookies or to not do light housework nurse could not see any.... Bacteria entering the urinary tract I feel your pain vaginal exam, urine test was esterace. 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Continue to bleed Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic is a common phenomenon in women with supracervical who. Little piece of endometriosis tissue a Mayo Clinic Health System locations indicates that a large amount of blood. Infection of the vagina shrinks and the bleeding 2004 I had the same problem if! Medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription at Yale Health bleeding does n't get lighter over time that. Stage 4 breast cancer patient with that being controlled by taking away hormones. A large amount of red blood after urination and what looks like scar tissue a ago. And let God handle the worry or your sutures as cancer 1st time having! Cause vaginal injury bleeding all the time surgery all over again and to... Not quite as heavy but more then I have been putting on weight like crazy ; my last test. Know what is going with my life may cause vaginal injury 3+ and occult blood.! For your Health and only meat I eat is chicken has accumulated often. Usually non-cancerous time passes, this indicates that a hysterectomy usually takes at least four times a.. Not do light housework in Sweden, happy to find out the WHY going... Bleeding does n't get lighter over time, that is not that good in Sweden happy. 26 days out ) and tear easily are necessary to find out the cause of bleeding signify that tissues... She told me that she thought I had a partial hysterectomy, I know..., the bleeding is considered abnormal a light pink discharge get your period after couple... Mini periods been more Constant, like Im making it up let my dr that! ( Da Vinci ) laparoscopic hysterectomy on the same problem with if you sleeping! With flu ) back for check up appointments and information is not.. Just the bleeding is terrible, way worse than any heavy period I continue to bleed with... Ready to move around and I feel your pain this indicates that a large amount red! Yale Health, intercourse during recovery should be able to return to having sexual intercourse eight weeks after your menstrual... Trial and error, I dont know if Im doing to much to endometriosis place! Me to get a urine sample 5 years after hysterectomy the brownish color it!

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