You may have read about fire departments that have a Dalmatian as a mascot. Having considered the report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space covering its work during 1966, 1 and in particular the work accomplished by the Legal Subcommittee during . Rising grassroots challenges to the dominant economic system. scientific managers C Landowners widely adopted sharecropping and tenant farming. Which of the following pairs of immigrant groups were most prominent in the construction of the first transcontinental railroad? Which of the following arguments about Southern society in the late 1800s could the excerpt's point of view best be used to support? A A desire by many American Indians to change their way of life B A hope held by some in government that American Indians would adopt lifestyles similar to the lifestyles of White settlers C Should immigrants be used to diversify the southern industrial labor force? Including necessary connections to other railways it is 17 km . If a sentence is already correct, write C after it. Question 3. Why did it take 38 years from the time Luther wrote his Ninety-five Theses until Lutheranism was accepted at the Peace of Augsburg? A reaction to expanding United States economic activity. By the time Queen Victoria died in 190119011901, the British Empire had added India to its territorial holdings and survived the turmoil and bloodshed concomitant with the revolutions and the creation of two new nations, Germany and Italy, on the European Continent. A. The expansion of communication systems such as the electric telegraph, The "Atlanta Compromise" is the name given to the The Nasdaq 100 fell for the second day, closing at its lowest level since February 1. An attempt to end Reconstruction policies Which of the following describes a trend in exports from England to British North America between 1699 and 1749 indicated in the table? E That all persons, as well negroes and mulattoes as others who shall be born within this state, from and after the passing of this act, shall not be deemed and considered as servants for life or . In two murder trials this month, Italian prosecutors are seeking justice for Pakistani immigrant women allegedly killed because they refused marriages imposed by their parents. Competition for resources among White settlers and American Indians. D Which of the following ideas contributed most directly to the territorial changes shown in the map? The anxieties of a teenage queen could easily have sent the British public into a panic, but Victoria's inborn strength and aplomb brought stability and security to her nation, and her subjects revered her. B (B) expected The costs of funneling kids into military careers are profound. Pres. A Use context clues and your knowledge of connotation to answer. A Philip took several concubines during his reign, one of whom was Cleopatra, the daughter of a Macedonian aristocrat. In both periods, the he federal government encouraged immigrants from abroad to settle in the West. rhetoric on "manifest destiny" in the American press. The treaty met with substantial resistance in some countries. Southern African Americans secured new constitutional rights and opportunities. By the 1870s, which of the following most reflected the continuation of the trend depicted on the maps? B Incorrect This is an enumerated power of the House of Re resentatives in Article l. Incorrect This is a of the executive branch in Article IL Correct This isa ower of the Senate identified in Article IL Benchmark Cognitive Complexity Item ss.7.c.4.1 L With regard to the northwestern States, to which the ordinance of 1787 was appliedOhio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michiganno one now believes that any one of those States, if they thought proper to do it, has not just as much a right to introduce slavery within her borders as Virginia has a right to maintain the existence of slavery within hers. However, as the guns fell silent, and the men returned home, a new war was brewing, one that continues to shape the course of this country to this day. existentialism Rapid expansion of the British Empire into the Southern Hemisphere Divided Native American tribal lands into individual holdings. Which of the following was a long-term development that contributed to the change in Chinese immigration depicted in the graph between 1875 and 1885 ? The agreements made in the excerpt best reflect which of the following concerns in the United States during this period? The creation of libraries in the late 1800s as described in the excerpt best reflects which of the following developments? The intent of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to, The perspective expressed in the excerpt most directly supported the national expansion of, In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, American agriculture was characterized by. A hold held by some in government that American Indians would adopt lifestyles similar to the lifestyles of White settlers. The spread of Spanish influence in the Western Hemisphere, At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, pro-Union sentiment was strong in western Virginia, eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina primarily because, there were relatively few slaves or large plantations in these regions. Demand in the colonies for manufactured goods from England greatly increased. excessively cold winters The decisions of the Supreme Court in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries generally did which of the following? What powerdid the national government have under the Article of Confederation? A hope held by some in government that American Indians would adopt lifestyles similar to the lifestyles of White settlers The conflict between the Sioux nation and the United States was primarily driven by differing claims to land Which of the following developments helps to explain the rise in exports from the West Coast depicted in the graph? A The two decades following the American Revolution A 1 answer; statistics; asked . embodied the embrace of Northern models of society, The excerpt best reflects which of the following economic developments in the late 1800s? The ideas expressed by John C. Calhoun and others who shared his views on slavery had which of the following effects on emerging abolitionist movements in the years leading up to the Civil War? Meanwhile, King George III, 555 the "mad king" of England, neared the end of a sixty-year reign, the latter part of which was marked by bouts of insanity. They frequently led to the formation of a common interest between the United States government and American Indians in controlling the activities of White settlers. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. B Using the image, which depicts the first half of the nineteenth century, answer (a), (b), and (c). C B Victoria grew up during the reigns of her uncles, King George IV and King William IV; however, her protective mother, who scorned the sybaritic lives of William and George, ensured 101010 that Victoria had little exposure to the courts of the two monarchs. As many people came to see slavery as part of the Southern way of life, attitudes on both sides of the slavery argument hardened so that political compromise became difficult. Habitat for Humanity homeowners reflect on Jimmy Carter's work Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, along with volunteers, have helped build, renovate and repair over 4,300 homes in 14 countries . History. The U.S. in the War . Reduced government involvement in the economy in order to create more competition C c growth of corporate power in agriculture and economic instability in farming 2. B The chart above supports which of the following conclusions regarding economic conditions in the United States during the last third of the nineteenth century? D The American Federation of Labor, Which of the following best accounts for the curve on the graph above depicting immigration to the United States from Asia, Africa and the Americas between 1882 and 1900? distress over loss of tribal autonomy, African Americans who fled the violence of the Reconstruction South in 1879 and 1880 to start anew in Kansas were known as (C) questionable They believed that emancipated people were unable to take care of themselves. Upheld segregated railroad facilities. Snow has snarled mountain roads around southern California, as a brutal, and unusual, winter storm grips the area. The extraction of western resources led to the growth of new towns and cities that demanded agricultural goods. C Sharecroppers D The cases highlight . A hope held by some in government that American Indians would adopt lifestyles similar to the lifestyles of White settlers Example PV\underline{\text{PV}}PV 1. D opened new territories to commercial agriculture Which of the following arguments about the United States economy during the Gilded Age could the historical situation of the excerpt best be used to support? A D 30 seconds. This also caused the nation to be physically knitted together because of the railroads stretching across the nation. The practices of big-business leaders in the late 1800s best reflect which of the following actions illustrated by the excerpt? B B In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which of the following was the principal public opponent of lynching in the South? The union membership card pictured above is designed to accomplish which of the following? The passage above was most effectively used forwhich purpose in the late nineteenth century? The following passages describe circumstances surrounding the lives of two different young rulers. D One event was the Louisiana Purchase. B A The Treaty of Versailles was the most important of the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end. Mar 29, 2017. Place the first event at the top. A Treaty 6 was signed by Crown representatives and Cree, Assiniboine and Ojibwe leaders on 23 August 1876 at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. Many American farmers struggled financially. It considers the outcomes of the five Parisian treaties (Versailles, Saint-Germain and Neuilly in 1919 and Trianon and Svres in 1920) together with the renegotiated settlement with Turkey at Lausanne in 1923. Which of the following best describes their vision for the southern states? The following sentence may contain a subject-verb or pronoun-antecedent agreement error. D rising commodity prices 60 seconds. Which of the following claims best aligns with the evidence in the excerpt about the relationship between enslaved African Americans and White Southern citizens? The growth of corporate power in agriculture and the economy, The cartoon suggests that the disparate groups that favored the People's (Populist) Party typically shared which of the following? C B It created American Indian reservations for the first time. Increased calls for radical overthrow of the federal government A hope held by some in government that American Indians would adopt lifestyles similar to the lifestyles of White settlers, The conflict between the Sioux nation and the United States was primarily driven by differing. D B B Rishi Sunak has been accused of dragging the King into politics after it emerged Charles had been lined up to meet the EU president as Brexit negotiations came to a head. . white claims rhat reservations reduced amerixan indian autonomy from the unites states while hahn claims reservations could be used to resist federal encroachment, the passage above was most effectively used for which purpose in the late nineteenth century, which of the following arguments about southern society in the late 1800s could the excerpts point of view be best used to support, southern politicians promoted economic integration with the north, evidence in the excerpt can be best used to support which of the following arguments about the historical situation of south after the civil war, some southern leaders promoted industrial action as progress. Article 6 of the treaty most likely reflected which of the following sentiments? Which of the following was true of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 ? Article 6 (ex Article 6 TEU) The Union recognises the rights, freedoms and principles set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 7 December 2000, as adapted at Strasbourg, on 12 December 2007, which shall have the same legal value as the Treaties. Write PVPVPV if it is in the passive voice. C Philip accepted the wager, and Alexander quickly collected his prize after leading the horse toward the sun, so that the animal could not see its shadow, then mounting and riding the horse. US equity markets remain pressured as the US 10-year yields trades in the neighborhood of three-month highs at ~3.92% with the FOMC meeting minutes showing more tightening is on the horizon. The Empire engaged in no fewer than fifteen wars of varying scale during Victoria's reign. Social and political reform guided by the idea of the survival of the fittest A Russian President Vladimir Putin is not a "sentimentalist" when it comes to the massive loss of life his troops are facing in Ukraine and believes he can exhaust Ukraine and the West and ultimately win the war, CIA Director Bill Burns said Sunday. Landowners widely adopted sharecropping and tenant farming. States in the South had begun seceding after the presidential election. International human rights law defines the minimum age for recruiting children into armed conflict as 18 and the International Criminal Court goes further, designating the recruitment of kids aged 14 or younger a war crime. Which of the following was true of the South in the post-Civil War period? The cartoonist most likely supported Link union membership with patriotic and religious images. The election of seventeen African Americans to Congress between 1869 and 1877, The People's (Populist) Party emerged most directly in response to which of the following late-nineteenth-century trends? Big-business leaders used their influence to facilitate rapid economic growth. Southern states were threatening to secede from the Union. Rable asserts that violence in the South achieved its political goals during Reconstruction, whereas Foner asserts that this violence was suppressed at the time. Wells To give Congress additional constitutional powers. The author makes which of the following arguments in the excerpt about the perceptions Whites maintained regarding emancipated people in the North? African American voting rights A C The Gospel of Wealth, The union membership card pictured above is designed to accomplish which of the following? People of Irish descent in New York City registered to vote at a higher rate than their proportion of the population in the 1890s. A State Party to the Treaty on whose registry an object launched into outer space is carried shall retain jurisdiction and control over such object, and over any personnel thereof, while in outer space or on a celestial body. Some Southern leaders promoted industrialization as progress. The increased adoption of the division of labor harmed the living standards of most Americans. A There shall be prohibited, inter alia, any measures of a military nature, such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications, the carrying out of military maneuvers, as well as the testing of any type of weapons. A Theodore Roosevelt B The fulfillment of advice such as that in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following in the late nineteenth century? Populist Party, Activists formed the Populist Party most directly in response to the Which of the following developments helps to explain the rise in exports from the West Coast depicted in the graph? Evidence in the excerpt can best be used to support which of the following arguments about the historical situation of South after the Civil War? Article 6.8 addresses non-market international cooperation among governments. Not all of the tales associated with Alexander's youth are 'as charming as that of Bucephalus. styles of farming Farmers, Lease's views best reflect the influence of which of the following developments in social and political movements in the 1890s? Nativists advocated against the continued arrival of immigrants. B A Industrialists, The excerpts above appeared in the platform of which of the following political parties? Americans with relatively stable incomes found it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. Immigrants were provided social support in settlement houses. A mixed economy no longer primarily dependent on cash crops, The acquisition of territory in the southwestern region shown in the map intensified controversies in the United States about, The territorial changes shown in the southwestern region of the map most directly resulted from. He imparted a strong work ethic to the boy, which gave Alexander the intrinsic self-discipline he 151515 needed to be a good soldier and a young king. Which of the following developments in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries most directly represented a continuation of the pattern described in the excerpt? C. combining the three smallest states into one large state. B That year, a German submarine (or U-Boat) sank the British luxury steamer, Lusitania, which carried 128 Americans.Germany had already been violating American neutral rights; the United States, as a neutral in the war, wanted to trade with all . A desire by many American Indians to change their way of life. B Wheat farming became more lucrative. The City Tunnel (Swedish: Citytunneln) is a 11-kilometre rail link in Malm, Sweden, running between Malm Central Station (Malm C) and the resund Bridge, of which six kilometres under Malm city centre is in a tunnel, to increase capacity on the Skne County network by changing Malm C from a terminus to a through station. A Reform acts, starting in 183218321832, granted suffrage to legions of formerly unrepresented working-class voters, further diminishing the power of the aristocracy. Alexander noticed that the animal was afraid of its own shadow, so he wagered 131313 talents-the price of the horse-that he could tame it. Which of the following was a result of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 ? B Germany, officially Federal Republic of Germany, German Deutschland or Bundesrepublik Deutschland, country of north-central Europe, traversing the continent's main physical divisions, from the outer ranges of the Alps northward across the varied landscape of the Central German Uplands and then across the North German Plain. Which of the following constitutes a significant change in the treatment of American Indians during the last half of the nineteenth century? The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical situations in the early 1800s? The idea that wealthy people had some obligation to help people living in poverty It eliminated most tribal land ownership in favor of ownership by individuals. Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson challenged the authority of which of the following? The developments depicted on the map most strongly affected American Indians by. 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