Susan was like, you know, when I met you, you were a grad student who works hard. Also, the pamphlet behind me, which indeed have a swastika on it, is an incredible anti-fascist pamphlet put together by an American christian minister to counter the work of the Christian Front fascist gang, he tweeted. Rachel Maddow: Thanks for being so nice. And its a speech --. And then fast-forward from the Christian Front trial in 1940 to 1944, 1944 when the great sedition trial finally gets going, and this is in later episodes of the podcast, theres so many powerful members of Congress and members of the Senate who are implicated in this plot and in this investigation that has led to this trial, that they come in and, you know, witch hunt, hoax. Chris Hayes: -- because I only had one, and that one was enough. Chris Hayes: Let's talk about Ernest Lundeen --. Rachel Maddow: -- in part because he thinks that hes that. And hes effectively calling for pogroms in this country after Kristallnacht happens in November 1938. I haven't figured out how to work less, but I am working in a different way and I'm doing different things, and that is valuable. Maddow also conducts interviews with. As of 2021, Chris Hayes has a net worth of $5 million. And that means that the history of it, to the extent that there is any history of it, has been written by the right and by people who are sympathizers of the defendants --. Chris Hayes: More of our conversation after this quick break. When youre not on the confines of, like, well, were liberal democracy and what should the tax rate be, but rather how should we order all of society, fascist, communist, liberal democracy, people take this very interesting --, Chris Hayes: -- ideological journeys, I mean --. Rachel Maddow is incredible. Those poor defendants were not convicted. That was awesome. A new biography about the Duke of Sussex alleges that Prince Harry was not always the ardent proponent of "woke" dogma he is today. The accompanying text read:. By driftglass October 15, 2020 You will notice in the video above, that during the "hand-off" between Mr. Chris Hayes and Ms. Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night, there was pause so pregnant that I was sure Amy Coney Barrett was going to show up to block its access to Planned Parenthood. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. In its zeal to pin the blame for its own incompetence and for Epsteins crimes on Maxwell, the Government breached its promise. I feel like this idea that we're dealing with pro-authoritarian impulses on the right as connected to electoral politics, that being some sort of unprecedented challenge, it doesn't feel unprecedented to me. Chris Hayes: So the broad contours of this, and again they're individual stories and I want to keep that narrative suspense --, Chris Hayes: -- is about essentially, like, fascist sympathies in the United States in the run-up to World War II. I'm in Rachel's head, and I'm in her world." Dog whistle, much? one Twitter user posted, while another wrote, Whats this? in bafflement. He always deliberately keeps his show going one or two minutes into her time slot. Are you a prosecutor working in the southern district of New York whos, you know, deciding whether or not the FBI thats not interested in these things could be trusted to infiltrate these groups or whether or not youre going to tap these outside activist groups and take their information to build your prosecution around? J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, announces it. MSNBC president Phil Griffin probably thought two Rachel Maddows would be better than one, but Hayes as lost 30% of Schultz's viewers and as Maddow's lead-in, her ratings are suffering as a result: Even Ms. Maddow's ratings tumbled sharply in May, at least partly because the network's new host at 8 p.m., Chris Hayes, has lost more than . . And everybody is like --. And like, you get figures like this sometimes, right? ", Chris Hayes: Like, a round of applause for this, like --, Chris Hayes: -- please, yes. The Beat with Ari Melber. So I'm glad that history is written, but there's another way to write this history rather than just saying, oh, these poor defendants, they never should have been put on trial. Rachel Maddow: I love that, but it takes a lot of work. Chris Hayes: Thats the other thing, yeah. Chris Hayes: Its enemies are everywhere, all the time. Chris Hayes: -- transparent work product in the world. The Rachel Maddow Show - 11/21/22. Rachel Maddow: I just took this long-haul train trip with my family as our family vacation. That happening at the same time that members of Congress and members of the United States Senate were being roped into a plan involving a Nazi agent to, not just sort of leverage their pro-German or antiwar sympathies, but actually do Hitler's work in this country. I've definitely learned that I can't do everything alone and that there is no such thing as a one-man-band in this business. Rachel Maddow: Yeah. Chris Hayes speaks with MSNBC anchor, author and friend Rachel Maddow about her new podcast, "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra" and more. I mean, dont make --. There were 130 million Americans in terms of our population at the time, 30 million of them every week were listening to him. That's awesome. Not clear that you could, really not clear. They go absolutely crazy against the justice department, threaten the justice department, go to the attorney-general, tell him that you fired these prosecutors get rid of this thing, and they do. It can be stopped now before it acquires the prestige of success. I mean, if you take people at face value and you believe that they are arguing earnestly for what they believe, those are fascinating and substantive arguments, which also occluded a lot of active fascist-organizing in the United States at the time. And those are some of the really interesting stories that I think are very much lost to history. The impulses that seduce people to oppose it are there all the time. Chris Hayes, Washington editor for the Nation, is sitting in for Rachel Maddow tonight. Chris Hayes: -- and was arrested and tried for and imprisoned for. "We were children together and now we're grey-haired television anchors,". Are you the local activist whos worried about people getting beat up outside this sort of antisemitic street meetings? Its like, oh, yeah, they like that. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Politics, Foreign Policy, Military & Defense Issues. Listen to Rachel Maddow talk about her new podcast, what it's like to be covering the news in this political moment, how we can use history to make sense of . You also agree to our. And a lot of the most fascist stuff comes from what it gets in the room. In her past career, Shaw clerked in the Supreme Court for. How are you going to take this very distinct, particular, you know, I think generational ability to tell stories in other fashions and forms and genres. 42:33. Is that a story about authoritarianism? Rachel Maddow: Chris, it's very nice. Late Show ' s Just One Question, with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (cameo appearance by Molly . Oh, thats awesome. I'm happy to read it. Rachel Maddow: Yeah, hes a great interview --, Rachel Maddow: -- but its a great book. Chris Hayes: -- by Reverend Alson J. Smith --. Rachel Maddow: Yes. But the effort to force a resolution to it through the criminal law and through the courts didn't work. Tweet us with the hashtag #WITHpod, email Rachel Maddow: I know, but its a speech about the Jews, about the evil --, Rachel Maddow: -- of the Jews. Rachel Maddow: -- 10:30. Rachel Maddow: Really not clear that youre going to be able to get against the Oath Keepers? Chris Hayes: He really does, one of the genuine talents he has is sort of terrible in everything else. Chris Hayes: -- I think like his coinage, essentially, in the proper imagination. "Chris has done an amazing job creating a franchise on weekend mornings," said Phil Griffin, the president of MSNBC. Theyre not sending their best. Chris Hayes: And, yes, I think it's a really important thing that I've learned also, like if someone sends an e-mail or sends a note saying, like, the thing you said in the monologue this morning when you were just talking it through, like, isn't quite right, you kind of missed this. He goes to Germany. I would know if that happened, like someone's miscommunicating to me what the topic of this is because, if that had happened, I would know, but it turns out it did happen, I didn't know about it. I don't know where this is going but, like, what? You know what I mean? If you're doing something in 90 seconds, it's like there's just a lot more room for error, right? Rachel Maddow: Yes. I don't know. And so you're focused on that name. I mean, theres a role to play for all these different kinds of Americans who bring their whole civic selves to this fight. And he gave me some two-sentence sketch that he'd been given. You take the base average the number of viewers who tune in at a specific time slot, no matter the host then measure whether a particular host raises, drops or maintains that average.. For example, The Rachel Maddow Show averaged 2.6 million in 2021 at 9 pm. Rachel Maddow: Yes, and that's got a whole lot of technical elements to it, like, dont --, Rachel Maddow: -- dont use too many proper nouns that are --, Chris Hayes: -- magicians trick, it really is, like --, Rachel Maddow: -- but you know how to do it. I would say that theres a recognizably fascist cadence, like theres a certain tenor and cadence and rhythm --, Chris Hayes: -- to fascist incitement and then --. You can help a great deal by, A, keeping us, this anti-fascist organization, advised of incidents, i.e., stabbings, beatings, et cetera, that may happen in your neighborhood. His full name is Christopher Loffredo. Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Rachel Maddow: As his own, yes. The presence of a hate symbol in a picture of two liberals mugging for the camera was too much to ignore. And I also was like, I guess, I just never heard of the senator. Chris Hayes: They sacrificed tremendous amount of bloodshed. Rachel Maddow: Dont tell anybody though. Rachel Maddow: -- 10 years he was chancellor. They really like fascist rhetoric. And I was like, I feel like I would know if that happened. Rachel Maddow: -- answer whatever e-mails I need to answer that pertain to this evening, and then shutoff and not turn on again until the workday starts again. And there are Americans who went before us who were as smart or smarter, as funny or funnier, more nimble, more interesting, more capable, and who saved us from this last time around, and we should learn how they did it. Chris Hayes: Hello and welcome to "Why Is This Happening?" Chris Hayes: Do you think we have the right antibodies now? I just think we need some energy in it. Chris Hayes: Well, the thing I was going to say is its hard for good reasons, too, which gets this point of like what liberal democracy is and why we cherish it. Rachel Maddow is incredible. Chris Hayes is an American political commentator, journalist, podcaster, producer, and author who has a net worth of $6 million. Rachel Maddow: I found my way to the story a little bit backwards. The combination of those things is something that the Justice Department tried to tackle through a mass sedition trial in 1944. Chris Hayes: And then what you uncover is that, like, prior to Pearl Harbor, there was a huge amount of Nazi sympathy in the United States. Chris Hayes: Oh, my God, this is amazing. Mark Henle - The Arizona Republic - Pool / AP, Richard Pohle - Pool - AFP / Getty Images, @bennyjohnson / Twitter screen shot; Kamil Krzaczynski / Getty Images, Svet foto / Shutterstock; @FoxNews / Twitter. One of her new projects is "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra," a podcast all about the history of pre-World-War-two American fascism, and those who worked to stop it. One of her new projects is Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra, a podcast all about the history of pre-World War II American fascism, and those who worked to stop it. Rachel Maddow: -- saying, oh, the Justice Department should have never done this, and these poor Americans were persecuted just for being conservatives. The effort to replace Hayes has been complicated by three factors: First, Lack has been too busy trying to relaunch MSNBC -- and the career of Brian Williams, the former NBC Nightly News anchor . And Rachel is just on another level as a communicator and a storyteller, and incredibly innovative in that respect as well, just at a technical level, which I think we're going to talk about a little bit, even though it's like a little inside (ph). Rachel Maddow: -- it turns out that you've never heard of this guy. Rachel Maddow: And so, I am working past midnight now instead of stopping working at --. Were going to fight them by trying to get our churches to be more active on this, and trying to get the police to be more aware of what were doing, and to try to get neighborhood organizations that are both aware of this and organizing against it. And his training is all in the clan, right. But the reason the Justice Department put them on trial is bananas and is totally worth telling, and is an incredibly resonant snapshot of a previous iteration of the allure of authoritarianism in this country and what it took to fight it. Great reason --. Theres other nuances but --, Chris Hayes: -- you know, I mean, Hitler literally led a mob against the seat of government --. MSNBC pundit Rachel Maddow recently announced that her partner Susan Mikula tested positive for COVID-19 . Maddow seeks to explain our complex world and deliver news in a way that's illuminating and dynamic, connecting the dots to make sense of complex issues. There was a huge amount of, probably, a bigger category of not outright Nazi sympathizers but people who are, like, kind of equivocal about the whole thing. Like, you're getting the name of the senator. And then in 1913, he had 12. Chris Hayes: How did you find your way to the story? And the great sedition trial in the end doesnt work for all sorts of amazing reasons, and he ends his career at the Justice Department. Rachel Maddow: What did he tell you? That deal will give Maddow, the highest-rated host on MSNBC, a jaw-dropping $30 million per year to keep her with the company through the 2024 election, according to four people familiar with the matter. That's how FARA, which is now, like, having this new rebirth in the Trump era. And then a guy named Babe Ruth comes along. Chris Hayes: It's fascinating, theres clips of Coughlin in the show. All sorts of other efforts against those forces did work. And some of them, yes, were prosecutors and people working inside the criminal justice system, but some of them were crusading columnists. I think we're capable of it. Chris Hayes: That, like, a lot of times you come in, you're talking to a spouse or a friend or a therapist, and you're, like, talking about things in your life. Chris Hayes: You know, so there are these attempts that fail where its like, no, you cant do that. Is that a story about, you know, how populism and fascism and accountability can crash in ways that are very troubling in terms of the actions of the Justice Department? There's some sort of conventions to some game or genre, whether it's artistic medium or it's a sport, you know, Michael Jordan, Picasso, Steve Jobs, like people that just do this thing that other people are doing. Chris Hayes: Everyone gets to see what I do. They were good at hitting, they were good at getting doubles and triples and all this stuff. But I'll tell you, the name of the secretary. So I started working on that, ended up in this place where I was looking at sort of the origins of American Holocaust denial, which has always been sort of an interest for me as well. Rachel Maddow: -- and you were working this hard. A joke kills, they keep it. . Chris Hayes: You know, we have D-Day. "Chris is always good he deserves a much bigger national reputation. Do you buy the explanation of the presence of the swastika on the desk? And one of the plots that we talk about in the podcast involves a guy who had been, you know, a high-ranking clan leader, right. But I find it really interesting, so you're along for the ride. But the thing that was very exciting to me about that was like, oh, well, let's see what Babe Ruth is going to do next. If You Liked All In with Chris Hayes. Search it up, thats what my kids say. Culture Rachel Maddow Coronavirus MSNBC TV. Rachel Maddow: It is great. And then everyone starts doing it differently or some people try to do it differently, even if they're not quite as good. Huey Long, of course, was assassinated, which is what put an end to his political career. and. Chris Hayes: -- like, how is the new life of one night a week of "The Rachel Maddow Show"? I mean, yeah, weve got really radical right-wing media, but we dont have anything like that. A joke dies, they cut it. Rachel Maddow: Its a big swing the Justice Department is taking in this case. Chris Hayes: As I've been listening to this, I've been thinking about just the rupture that happens with Pearl Harbor. So I was like --. Chris Hayes: Hes just a guy (ph), like --. And then the prosecutor said they continued their plot. Chris Hayes: -- tools of liberal democracy. This guy, Babe Ruth, comes along, starts out as a pitcher, goes over to hitting. Rachel Maddow: That's why I'm always up after midnight working on this stuff. Rachel Maddow: -- and freaks and crooks and, you know, people who dont pay their taxes. Sometimes it's like there are exogenous factors. So heres the thing Im really interested in because this is another resonance. Rachel Maddow: And that magic of being like, the show is over, I'm going to --. And the marrying of those two things, a violent threat to overthrow the U.S. government multiple plots along those lines --, Chris Hayes: Hoarding guns, training with those guns and weapons, ordnance, I mean --., Aldous Huxleys Ghost (@AF632) October 5, 2022, TexZeus (@vinnieoftexas_) October 4, 2022. Chris Hayes speaks with MSNBC anchor, author and friend Rachel Maddow about her new podcast, "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra" and more. He transitioned from. By Chris Hayes? We are in utterly uncharted territory." Ai. Well, then who are the Jewish bankers, right? Now, this is basically the standard for American League home run leaders for like the entirety of the first 20 years of the 20th century. Rachel Maddow: Yeah, yeah, and then he got a five-year prison sentence. So these sort of grand ideological battles, first against Nazis and fascism, then against communism, and then of course, like, the ultimate victory of liberal democracy as a kind of like teleological story about human development, which we basically all get, like, whether we know it or not --. Those movements came from somewhere. You have to work with people who are smarter than you, who keep you on track and bring out the best in you. Chris Hayes: Youre right, its very empowering because I do think that when I come back to this theme of the criminal justice system being ill-equipped, which I think, you know, very much brings us to the present day like, at some level when you look at January 6th and what Donald Trump did, if its not a crime then nothing is --, Chris Hayes: -- in a non-technical and non-legal sense, right, and just like the moral force of the word "crime" like a transgression, a violation of right and wrong in the established order --. Jon Stewart enters the game - In light of the influence Jon Stewart had in encouraging the passage of the 9/11 first responders bill, The Rachel Maddow Show replays a portion of his interview with Rachel Maddow in which he discusses whether he's a player or spectator in the game of politics. I'm getting weirdly teary. So, but that gets only (ph) --. You know, I always think of him like a standup comedian where, you know, good standup comedians that go up and they get feedback from the room, and they iterate. Here in the televisual medium for a very, very special, exciting episode, I'm going to start with a sports metaphor, if you'll indulge me. Rachel Maddow: His reach in terms of his market penetration and his radicalism cannot be overstated. You can get the first two episodes now wherever you get your podcasts. The internet went into a frenzy, and as show time approached, Maddow tweeted that the tax return in question was Trump's 1040 from 2005. August 14, 2022 12:13pm. And so, deciding that we won in the war --, Rachel Maddow: -- and, therefore, that vanquished --, Rachel Maddow: And all Americans came around --. She'll still appear on MSNBC, just not as often. I feel like that's part of it all getting scrubbed because it's like, oh, well, that was all before. And if that thing isn't there at the end of the day, like, I got the day off --. Like, there was a weird moment around the birth of American Holocaust denial and accountability for actual Nazis, not allegorical Nazis, but the real Nazi leadership that brought me to this moment. At least three prime time MSNBC hosts have changed their tone on Covid-19 vaccines since 2020, Twitter archives reveal. A Florida state senator is proposing a bill that would call out the Democrats' hypocrisy regarding cancel culture. Rachel Maddow: -- fight fascism and save the country. What's the story? You know, and so were like Im playing YouTube clips of Huey Long speeches. Last night, both Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow interviewed activists drawn to D.C. this week to advocate for gun control because they have personal experience with mass-shootings. By James Crowley On 11/20/20 at 11:13 AM EST. Up w/ Chris Hayes: Are we in an era of post-truth politics? Chris Hayes is an American political commentator, television news anchor, and author. Because these are fascist thugs --. You can focus on any one of them. It requires attention, and Rachel is supremely gifted at paying attention." Maddow's friend and fellow MSNBC host Chris Hayes, who considers her a mentor, compares her to LeBron James. Rachel Maddow: I mean, is that a story about the limitations to the critical law? It kind of worked and he kind of broke it up. So we got January 6th attack on the Capitol. Chris Hayes: I mean, not to get too, like, therapy here, but there is just this is like a prime insight of therapy, right, which is like, wherever you go, there you are. Maddow recently told her viewers it was "nonsense" to believe Trump's word. Discover will be the first credit card company to use a new merchant identification code that will show purchases made at gun stores. The Huey Long guy who lost the Christian Front trial. As its afternoon shows hosted by Ronan Farrow and Joy Reid are canceled due to poor ratings, MSNBC is reportedly planning to replace Chris Hayes with Rachel Maddow. Chris Hayes: Having to do with, like, a pro-Nazi --, Doni Holloway: World War II era in America --, Chris Hayes: Yeah. But they expected to go forward with this armed effort to stop the transfer of power in the United States. A Goodwill branch has, too. Chris Hayes got his start on television as a guest host for. Chris Hayes: -- its a very good compelling story. Hayes is not the only one who had to recently explain why a swastika has appeared in a place where it would hardly be expected, according to news reports. Why Is This Happening? is presented by MSNBC and NBC News, produced by Doni Holloway and Brendan O'Melia, engineered by Bob Mallory and features music by Eddie Cooper. What is Rachel Maddow's Net Worth and Salary? Rachel Maddow: -- sort of a bit player in this story and theyre actually supported by the Hitler government. That's how we got the Foreign Agent Registration Act. blend together . I think that our professional, and civic and religious institutions can be strong, but can also be hurt. January 20th is inauguration. But if you think about a sedition trial like sedition is trying to overthrow the government by force, if you succeeded in your seditious plot --. This sometimes, right there 's just a lot of work 'm always up after working...: like, you know, when I met you, who keep you on and... This fight still appear on MSNBC, just not as often Democrats ' regarding! How is the new life of one night a week of `` the rachel Maddow ''... 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