Later on, the Ottomans don't have janissaries and your units should be just as good as theirs. . Welcome to the third and final part of this Ottomans guide for EU4: The Ottomans made easy! Take Crimea. Play your cards right, and you'll be on your way to restoring the Caliphate. Most nations will want to be your vassal; conquer the remainder. Best time to hit them is in the first 50 years of the game, and the last 100 years of the game. Look around Ottoman. Over the years, hes developed a similar passion for writing, which he mostly gains during his studies. Make the war goal something I can take and defend easily; the goal is not to defeat them utterly as they have ridiculous numbers to be able to siege them out completely at first. Focus on taking away their economic base. Best advice for beating ottomans is simply stop being intimidated by their numbers and fight them. all are full except expansion. After that it can become too costly and dangerous to challenge them, up until 1750, when the game triggers them to decay. How else am I supposed to stop them if I can't use military force? Moscow is a tougher nut to crack focus on core conquest to make your way into Russia and take the city. Take at least, More importantly, the land you had to take to unify the Caliphate should have made you a formidable power by now. If you want to spice up lategame i recommend some RP. Europa Universalis IV starts on November 11th 1444, . aside from just taking quantity ideas myself, what can i do to counter this? They are Sunni with the Shafi'i school and have the unique Mamluk government. A no CB to vassalize Byzantium, followed by a straightforward war with ottomans to reclaim Byzantium cores is a popular move. This will deplete their manpower to zero, cause them to take out loans they can't repay and raise their WE to 20 very quickly. Otto was huge though and Lithuania was getting routed, but I knew that was going to happen. This war can be tricky, so it can be useful to curry favors with important allies that can distract the Spanish, like France, Russia, Britain, or even Bohemia, Scandinavia, or Naples. to grant you a bunch more permanent claims all around. It's actually significantly easier to take the Ottomans down the later you go. One of the biggest flaws for the Ottos is that they're very spread out across three continents (most of the time) meaning they are pretty prone to splitting their forces. The decision makes your country more stable and lets you easily convert all your lands to Sunni if you didnt take humanist ideas before or are really into that. By giving them Mosul, I was able to vassalize them. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. I recommend annexing any vassal that has no more foreign cores you can take. For the nations you choose to play and the courses you chart for those nations. Revanchism might have something to do with that Video: Great Khan Achievement with Mongolia. Can you afford mercs? But other than that i think army management in Eu4 is nice. You can also take a single Croatian province to core-conquer large parts of Dalmatia. Now that youre the Caliphate, the world truly lies at your feet. When dealing with a large nation, core conquest is a very viable tactic. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Itd give me a serious coalition I dont want to face yet. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. Take as much land as you're willing to take. You are using an out of date browser. its either that or biga), sinope, amasya. Dont give them land though, thatd be a waste of your precious war score. We cant have that! Yeah, they like doing that. Then, take 100% worth of war score demands on top of those rebel enforcements, including annulling their treaties. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. They are inferior later on. I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. Davids been an avid gamer from a young age, who loves to fill up his free time with all kinds of games. Particularly as Poland/Commonwealth, which has a nice set of military national ideas. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. with Castille/Aragon/England or smth. Keep that Navy under constant pressure. Cookie Notice You can run up their war exhaustion very easily. What nation are you playing as? , but dont complete them just yet. Spain will be the toughest nut youll have to crack in this entire campaign and kind of the final boss of this, The Ottomans historically had issues expanding into Persia. This is typically when other great powers take their opportunity to declare war on the ottomans so they end up fighting 3 wars at once. Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. After finishing up Sicily and Morocco, you can cross the Strait of Gibraltar and siege Spain itself. Its a lengthy process for sure, but use the guide as a reference point to guide yourself through the ages. Might as well ask them to be your vassal! They started taking ex-moldavia area and are now beating up Venice, I get what you mean, their base from the provinces is 107 while mine is just 38 :(. They will either leave you alone while they fight their war, at which point you can just focus on sieging down as many forts as you can, or they'll come straight to confront you, leaving themselves vulnerable in the other front (which means less area to call reinforcements from, income diminishes, war exhaustion goes up). All of this conquest you can do diplomatically, but dont be afraid to declare war if you want things to be a little quicker. We need at least one province deep Persian territory . Works better if you have a fleet to block the straight, e.g. Definitely the Sultan of Rumneeds you to core Rome, Moscow, and Istanbul. Really, it's all about planning your idea groups to maximize the quality of your army. They have massive armies, often blob out of control and usually have strong alliances. The Ottomans will have pretty good discipline, a large manpower pool and a good economy for mercs. The QQ exploded in my case and gave birth to an independent Kurdish state, Soran. Try to disconnect their capital from asia. The Ottomans in 1444 are a regional power, in the process of securing control over Anatolia and the Balkans. Engage when you have a clear advantage and use your massive amounts of vassals. needs you to core Rome, Moscow, and Istanbul. The guide also assumes that players know the basics of the game, such as constructing buildings, managing armies and finances, and conquering new territory. I just needed to buy enough time to take Tunis/Crete out of the equation. Honestly, when I want to kill them, I just don't stop declaring war. Uncover the secrets of Hidegpuszta in this classic survival horror, Remorse: The List. Fortunately, this is a coastal province, so you wont have to expand deeply inward. You can assign far-flung territories to trade companies to help you bring in some extra ducats. I decided to take Crete as well, but not yet more of Dalmatia. Look around Ottoman. They dont grant permanent claims, so only do them when youre ready to attack Hungary once more. Play Burgundy for example and it's all going to be right there in one region. It was something like 250/month ,but thanks to owning both North and South America I had huge treasury plus huge monthly income so it was no big deal. Thanks for the help :). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, We also established footholds in Persia, Egypt, Libya, and the Caucasus, which we can use to expand further. Luckily for you, the AI in Eu4 is incredibly stupid, so you'll likely only face a portion of their full military at first, and this is a wonderful time to stackwipe a third of their forces. Fight them after tech 14, they will no longer have pip advantage from troops. Did you find this guide helpful, or did you run into trouble anywhere? If you don't have either of these or any dlc, don't worry about religion). The Ottoman troops are better than European troops for a large part of the game because of their bonuses, and the fact that they have increased pips. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Prussia and Commonwealth are capable of wiping out numerically superior Ottoman armies. And dont forget to fabricate a claim, of course. With these claims, youll get a great opportunity to expand your holdings when the, fires. I'm just trying out Muscovy once more after not having played for while and lo and behold the Ottoblobs get Crimea for free. Your situation might differ from mine, but I had to deal with a massive Timurids that united all of Persia. Integrate the vassal after theyve cored all of Sudan for you since hanging on to Ethiopia will be trouble for them. When youre already allied, youre giving that country a diplomatic relationship slot anyhow. They just can't grow to the same extent if they don't have Constantinople. 11 Dec 1444 war Ryzan and take there land as it has feudalism, vassalise Tver if they are in the war. You can also take some holdings on the Arabian peninsula to make future conquest easier. If they have a weaker ally (Tunis is often good for this), DOW on them; this will drag Ottos in, but without the benefit of their powerful allies. Fezzan may be allied to the Mamluks. They have really high income so privateering in their nodes wouldn't do much. Most nations will want to be your vassal; conquer the remainder. 43.9K subscribers Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! After youve wreaked Havoc in Arabia, Africa, and Persia, its time to confront Spain. Especially if you got France on your side, the Spanish got a bigger fish to fry, so the heartland lies right open. Time to make some new friends, I guess. I've already taken aristocratic, espionage, humanist, quality, and expansion ideas. Youll also get an achievement to show off how great youve become at EU4: theDar al-Islam. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Like for example, if you get quality, economic, and offensive finished, that's +15% discipline. Meanwhile, you shouldve gotten Sicily sieged down by now. After Military Tech 16 (I believe?) Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. Note: Be smart about who you declare war on. By now, the Ottomans are a powerhouse that dominates the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Prevent their room for expansion, cut them off so rebels can take hold or other nations can try to expand, and declare war whenever the truce timer is up. great project. After you dealt with the Mamluks, youre the only Great Power left in Arabia. The only way to stop the Ottomans is to overwhelm them on multiple fronts, since their armies are pretty much always superior to any other nations, even when massively outnumbered. Only having 49k is little. Take the tribal kingdom to the south as your vassal. Edit: and why is my force limit only 73k when theirs is 175k :(. The Mamluks control Egypt and Syria at the start of the game, but were historically conquered by the Ottomans in the 16th century. Make sure to at least take Pest for the. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So keep picking at small stacks. They dont grant permanent claims, so only do them when youre ready to attack Hungary once more. Siege down the fort in Malaga before swarming over the Spanish mainland. I'm around the same size as the Ottomans now, but their total units are 173k compared to my 49k. You need to win those navy encounters fast. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you have built up your nation in the 1650-1821, you should be able to handle them as Spain. With everyone on different sides, and AI sucks at doing multi front wars, Ottoman will usually go for one country instead of everyone at once, allowing the rests of the nations to siege freely. how do you deal with ottomans when they take quantity ideas? If I put all of my allies into one battle (Me, France, Venice, Nogai, Genoa) then I might have a chance, but now I've had to dissolve the Venice alliance so I didn't get dragged into a war with just me and Venice. Cordoba is a landlocked province, so its tricky to fabricate a claim. It's the transport ships that give me headache. 33% for ottoman ideas and 50% for quantity. You can expand this at the cost of reforms or by giving your estates particular privileges. Eventually, they won't be able to sustain these wars as efficiently from the constant lack of manpower and they'll be taking loans for merc armies. By writing about games, he can bring two of his great passions together. Privacy Policy. I'm on 700 development with 89 provinces, they're on 878 development with 93. I've read several ways. Make sure you get enough ships. I'd suggest playing more aggressive in your conquests, or try to botch them early on because that always works best. Play your cards right, and you'll be on your way to restoring the Caliphate. It shouldn't be hard man .. Depending on how large the Mamluks are, you can finish them off before 1600. At the time the achievement fired it was all of France and Netherlands essentially. You can also expand into the Horn of Africa at this point in time. Particularly as Poland/Commonwealth, which has a nice set of military national ideas. Youre very powerful around this time, so allies might be willing to become vassals. With a strong navy you can win half the war (or more accurately, 25%, because that's what you'll get for fully blockading them). However, the coastal areas are likely up for grabs. When the achievement is complete, you move to a new campaign, the year when you end is not important. Late game - wait until their troop strength falls below western strength. , that you get when youve conquered the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. The best way to beat any AI is to let them bleed all their manpower in small stacks, so try to and block the Bosporus if you have naval advantage and let small stacks through (small here being less than 20k or so), then wipe them with a numerical advantage. You can easily take down some enemy stacks trying to avoid your blob army for some additional WE. The QQ exploded in my case and gave birth to an independent Kurdish state, Soran. With my aggressive expansion pretty high in Europe, its time we shift away. You wont gain cores on them, butDagestan is a province you will need to retake the Caliphate. Once youve taken the east coast of Arabia, you can complete the mission to. Stack up on military ideas and policies (for example quality + religious gives extra morale and siege ability) so despite my lower army size they are vastly superior in quality. Anyone who dislikes Spain is your friend, in this case. Unfortunately not everyone is able to buy all of them. The Ottomans are at such a crossroads of trade routes that good trade can make them very very wealthy. Like my Burgundian Conquest run, where I was super rich and powerful, but my nation was not much bigger than France is at the start. Simply declare war for your permanent claim on Caffa, and take your cores back. Engage when you have a clear advantage and use your massive amounts of vassals. You can do so by going to the diplomatic interaction screen, selecting diplomatic feedback and toggling join offensive wars off. Moreover, we need a Moroccan province, Ifni. Now what you wanna do in your position is to only defend in rough terrain, such as hills, highlands, and mountains(Southern Hungary and Greece are good for this, along with the Caucuses), and to increase your army quality with idea groups, advisors, and religion (Protestant for 2.5% discipline and 5% morale if you have the common sense dlc, and Orthodox for 5% discipline and 33% manpower if you have Third Rome dlc. Although you can speed up conquest by using diplomatic entanglements, wars with the Mamluks will mostly be you chipping away at them over time. A country Im supposed to take over is allied with a bigger and stronger country. Aside from sealing off the Black Sea and connecting your territories, theres mostly no need for you to conquer anything north of the Caucasus mountains. Its fundamental throughout this guide that you use little diplomatic entanglements to further your conquest. Press J to jump to the feed. In the late game, at military tech 19 (for infantry) and tech 18 (for cavalry) The Ottoman units will have less unit pips compared to the western tech group. Proceed to stomp the Ottomans, and get them to return all Byzantine cores. Prevent their room for expansion, cut them off so rebels can take hold or other nations can try to expand, and declare war whenever the truce timer is up. If you can't do that, at least guaranteeing them (if you're strong enough, of course) will keep the Ottos out for some years, wait for them to be on a long war, cancel the guarantee and attack after the truce. However, by the logic that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I reached out to a powerful historical ally of the Ottomans France makes a perfect ally in this scenario. Decent generals, high morale and good army tradition can be of great help. their units start to not keep up with different tech groups making them weaker. Whereas we matched the historical Ottoman sultans in previous episodes, well one-up them in this one! In around 225 hours of EU4 I have not once beaten the Ottomans, mind you. This is especially true if the PLC and Russia blobs as they end up all hating each other. Boats. I might be able to get France on my side too. The best way to beat this navy is to snipe their fleets which they like to spread out since Mare Nostrum. Who are their rivals? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Personally, to me all of this necessary micro is the worse aspect of the game and what drives me away from it the most. Ottomans tend to move a 50k stack alone , they move it without having some reinforcements nearby.So you can easily attack this 50k stack and maybe stack wipe it. Tell them not to get called into their stupid offensive wars so that youre not caught off guard. AE won't matter (No one will really care if you gut the ottos except maybe hejaz?). It may not display this or other websites correctly. After that, make Paris a state and assign a Pasha to it in the corresponding maintenance screen. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) So their tech 12 infantry are the same pips as western tech 15, giving you parity, until tech 19 when you can edge ahead. . As others have mentioned, you can beat quantity with quality. We need at least one province deep Persian territory Samarkand. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. This is part 3 of the Ottomans made easy EU4 guide. The better player you are, the more attention you pay to all of this aspects. Aside from forcing the Russians to take a long way around, your imperial heart will be safe, which works miracles for your prosperity. Without forts, their lands will capitulate very fast and leave them indefensible, whether vs the likes of Ramazan/Mameluks or even yourself in the next war. I'm the 3rd great power in the world and they're the 1st. . How do you trigger Byzantium being formed? However, history wont stop us! You can now complete the missions. This EU4 Ottomans Guide is currently for patch 1.33.3 and with all DLCs installed. I never take military idea groups, and I've still managed to take all of their provinces in campaign after campaign. They still haven't taken out mamluks. They have claims on the provinces, which means that if they get the siege, you wont be able to take it in the peace deal. The Caucasus mountains provide a valuable defense. If Medina still exists, you can likely vassalize them to speed up your conquest. If you're lucky, you might start a dog pile. I'm currently playing a commonwealth run and even dominating muscovy (they still exist but not really) and colonizing siberia, they have double the army/manpower size i do. Avoid tough wars by using Spains diplomatic commitments! Oh Hungary, you and your developed land filled with claims which just so, unfortunately, sit right next to me. Conquer the World as the Ottomans etc. start again as france and take beter ideas and no CB byzantium early. At this point, you might be running into government capacity issues. Don't get confused by map size. You can check the Ottoman's development and your own in the ledger, but a rough estimate based on experience and the dates you provided would put you at about ~500 development and the Ottomans at ~1000. A mysterious list, a small Hungarian town, and unimaginable horror. After the war ends they will quickly self- destruct through rebellions and other nations invading. with Castille/Aragon/England or smth. Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, takeNaval Ideasto give yourself an edge. Screenshots would be helpful, or at the bare minimum a list of your and the Ottomans' alliances, with some rough idea of their strength and position. Who would win? If you call Tunis into wars but dont give them any of the lands they may want, theyll always have a truce with Fezzan, but never get to annex it. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Dont give them land though, thatd be a waste of your precious war score. The Ottomans have a unique tech group, Anatolian, which starts out with some of the best units in the game, but they tend to fizzle out the later and later you go. If you share borders, build some forts and have some battles with -1/-2 modifiers. Either kick them in the teeth very early, or wait till later in the game after their power has fallen off. Ottoman Empire became modern day Turkey lol. I set up two: the Ottoman Hormuz Company and the Ottoman Horn of Africa company. If you are fiercly religious don't make it your mission to take their clay and convert it but force their country to answer to your god. Ottomans also tend not to upgrade forts so it's relatively quick sieging. The way EU IV is designed, if you want to play optimally then you should use the minimum sized stacks needed to siege provinces, split your navy in order to cycle them against strong naval opponents and generally minimise the losses due to attrition. While if they attack them with you not allied to said nation, it's that big country plus it's allies and then you can start a war with your allies against the Ottoman at the same time. Large nation, core conquest is a tougher nut to crack focus on core conquest to make your to! To vassalize them i ca n't grow to the diplomatic interaction screen, selecting diplomatic feedback and toggling offensive... 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