The Navy assigns jobs based on their performance, timing of the rotation, and number of available billets, among many other factors. These days, how competitive are SEAL Officer PST scores? "Performance and interview data on every candidate is meticulously documented and presented to the NSW Selection Panel.". For active duty, applicants must be at least 19 years old and not have passed their 42nd birthday at time of commissioning. Lawrence said the SEAL officer selection process is candidate-neutral, meaning the selection board does not know the gender or other personal information of the candidates. Prospective SEAL Officers will be selected based on the following characteristics: Honor and Integrity, Leadership, Physical Fitness, Communication Skills, Commitment, Academic Performance, Conduct, and Peer Evaluations. While the military formally opened SEAL billets -- and all other previously closed jobs -- to women in 2016, no woman has yet made it to the infamous 24-week Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training to date. Candidates for SEAL reserve duty must already be an active duty SEAL. 4. San Diego, CA 92155, Monday - Friday This second phase concentrates on dive physics, underwater skills, and combat SCUBA. To qualify for the new SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) you will be required to ace the PST, pass an interview, be medically cleared to join the Navy, have competitive grades in college, and any other skills will help (college athletics, leadership, team captain, community service, work experience, letters of recommendation, foreign . Selection is based on the candidate's scores during the two-week SOAS assessment, she said. A woman has made it through the Navy SEAL officer assessment and selection for the first time. She was awarded placement in her top choice, Lawrence said. Candidates receive professional development in the NSW ethos and receive real-world lessons through interaction with active duty personnel in the community. "Selection is. [14][15], BUD/S is a 24-week training course that develops the SEAL candidates' mental and physical stamina and leadership skills. The final portion of SQT is cold weather training at Integrated Support Command Kodiak. Lawrence said the SEAL officer selection process is candidate-neutral, meaning the selection board does not know the gender or other personal information of the candidates. You will be the assistant platoon commander for a platoon whose leader is the Assistant Officer-in-Charge (AOIC). Academic achievement, with an emphasis on foreign language skills (Arabic, Farsi, Pashtu, Dari, French), regional expertise, and cultural knowledge and experience are highly valued. Future Medal of Honor recipient Michael Monsoor is shown in the lower right corner. Applicants who desire to become SEAL officers must be selected by the SEAL Officer Selection Panel and provide current contact information to the SEAL Officer Community Managers office. This part of training is designed to prepare candidates for day one of the first phase.[14][18][19]. Becoming a Navy SEAL is hard enough, but you are researching how to become a Navy SEAL Officer. This new selection program is similar to other Special Operations Command (SOCOM) selection and assessment programs administratively, but the training is pure Naval Special Warfare at its finest. Leadership potential is the most sought after trait. SQT students navigate the surf off the coast of NAB Coronado during a maritime operations training exercise. In your unit, you will be in charge of training and leading enlisted SEALs. And lastly, hypothetically speaking, let's say an incumbent is incapable of getting a SEAL Officer contract, instead he secures a SEAL enlisted contract and makes it through BUD/s and SQT but still wants to become an officer. Task Group Level Training is the last 6-month block wherein a troop conducts advanced training with the supporting attachments/enablers of a SEAL Squadron: Special Boat Teams (SWCC), Intelligence(SI/HI/ETC)Teams, Cryptological Support Teams, Communications (MCT/JCSE) Medical Teams, EOD, Interpreters/Linguist, etc. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Is Military School the Perfect University? We need the best of the best, an example for our teams to follow to the ends of the earth. SEAL Officer Community Manager (Applications), (888)-633-5460; (619)-537-1149 (Mon Wed). Closed for federal holidays, Naval Special Warfare Public Affairs Office, NAVPERS 1210-9 Prospective Naval Special Warfare Officer Data Card. Second Phase Trainees start diving in the pool. A SEAL Team/Squadron deployment currently is approximately 6 months, keeping the entire cycle at 12 to 24 months. (703)-604-5063 She was subsequently assigned to the unit listed as her first choice, which was not the SEALs. Operations Officer at a SEAL or SDV Team or equivalent, Executive Officer of a SEAL team or a SDV team, Commanding Officer of a SEAL, SDV or Special Boat Team, Naval Special Warfare Group or Naval Special Warfare Development Group Commander. Applications for SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection are typically due in February every year. If you are interested in becominga Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL)Officer, please beginthe application process by emailing a completedNAVPERS Form 1210/9to The first phase, basic conditioning, lasts 7 weeks and develops the class in physical training, aquatic proficiency, and mental toughness while also fostering collaboration. The Naval Academy typically has well over 100-150 candidates per class, so they conduct a BUD/S Screening the junior year of all Midshipmen interested in attending SOAS and BUD/S after graduation to help reduce that number further. During this period, physical training continues and becomes even more intensive. We do not discuss details of a candidate's nonselection, so it does not interfere with their successful service in other warfighter communities, said Capt. Prospective candidates are selected based on the following. In NSWO, instructors start the process of only selecting students who have the right character and are excited about achieving great things for the NSW community. [14][24] Many students view this as one of the hardest parts of training, as training is conducted seven days a week, with very minimal sleep, all while handling live explosives and ammunition. If you take the challenge, well test your mental and physical limits. STA-21 NSW option is only available to active duty SO sailors. SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) provides an opportunity for SEAL officer candidates to be assessed against their peers in an equitable training environment, regardless of accession source. Week Two at SOAS:The days are long, and students will constantly be assessed through more intense physical training. These were the precursors of the SEAL teams. The psychological interview will last approximately thirty minutes and will be conducted with an NSW psychologist. The pages on this site may contain affiliate links. But how exactly do you get started with your path to become a Navy SEAL Officer? Those who succeed move on to the Second Phase, Combat Diving. Emphasis is placed on long-distance underwater dives with the goal of training students to become basic combat divers, using swimming and diving techniques as a means of transportation from their launch point to their combat objective. If you are interested in becoming a SEAL Officer, please reference the SEAL Officer Selection tab on the left-side menu for additional application instructions. Reality check: you may struggle to succeed if you are not entirely comfortable in the water. "Selection is based on the candidate's scores during the two-week SOAS assessment," she said. 2. "This process ensures every candidate has a fair and equal chance based on Naval Special Warfare standards.". You will be evaluated on your ability to be a team player, a leader, and physically tough. Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. When you're a civilian college student and not enrolled in a SEAL officer commissioning program you start your accession process with a Navy recruiter. [14][25], Graduation from SQT culminates in the awarding of the coveted Navy SEAL Trident and granting of the Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) 5326 Combatant Swimmer (SEAL) or 1130 Special Warfare (SEAL) Officer. What type of schooling has he received, has he participated in any clubs/sports during school, has he had work experience prior to joining the Navy? Candidates will be placed under stress and participate in multiple evolution's while under constant observation by SOAS cadre and psychologists. June - Enlisted SO and SB application packages are due to According to Lt. Grace Olechowski, force integration officer with Naval Special Warfare Command, five women have been invited to the officer assessment and selection since 2016, three have attempted it, and only one has finished. Capt. Similar to Mini-BUD/S, SOAS is for officer candidates who are contemplating the opportunity to attend SEAL training after their graduation or OCS training. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. This phase teaches Navy SEAL-specific underwater abilities. You are unique, regardless of the career path that you choose. "Testing Newton's Law", This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 15:59. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The unidentified woman completed the screening earlier this year . Now all three Naval Officer programs -- US Naval Academy, Reserve Officer Training Corps, and Officer Candidate School -- require the applicants to attend SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) at the Navy Special Warfare Center in Coronado, California. Three had entered SOAS to date, but only one had completed assessment and selection. WATCH LIVE: Merrick Garland testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee, The Left's utopian open border policies are unsustainable, No bail and no brains: Seattle judge releases accused mass shooter. Civilians, midshipmen and cadets must attend SOAS to be considered by the SEAL Officer Selection Panel unless specifically waived by Naval Special Warfare Program Management (OPNAV N137). Hell Week is the ultimate test of willpower. Navy spokespeople said the selection board reviews candidates who complete the assessment without any personal information, including gender. February - Applications for all candidates other than active duty SO and SB enlisted membersare due to US Navy SEALS have one of the most selective processes in the US Navy. By the end of the Third Phase, candidates must complete a timed 2-mile ocean swim with fins in 75 minutes, 4-mile timed run with boots in 30 minutes, and complete a 14-mile (23km) run. As a SEAL Officer, your responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: SEALs are not only highly skilled individuals; they are also members of closely knit teams. Those who make it to the Third Phase have shown an uncommon dedication to become a Navy SEAL Officer. You also learn how to run on the sand with your full gear on. Candidates may apply during their Senior year in college. They will be tasked with several fitness tests to include the Navy BUD/S PST: 500-yard swim, pushups, situps, pull-ups, and 1.5-mile run, as well as other physical tests. Lets start figuring out how you can benefit from becoming a Navy SEAL Officer or if its even the right career move for you. Can you outline the averages across the board? Here's a PDFOCS package flow chart. If you haven't listened already, the previous episode goes into the lead up to SOAS. 2. Lt. Grace Olechowski, force integration officer with Naval Special Warfare Command, said five women had been invited to participate in SOAS since the pipeline was opened to women. Designated SWCC operators should contact the NSW Group 11 Reserve Coordinator. If you made it to this article, it is safe to assume that you are a very motivated individual. Attend SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) at NSW Center in Coronado, CA during the summer. Read More: Russia Has Stopped Buzzing US Ships and Aircraft in Europe, General Says. During the summer between their Junior and Senior year, midshipmen interested in going SEALs must attend the Navy Seal Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) program. Additionally, candidates will conduct basic physical and psychological testing evolution's. A forced march from the Close Quarters Combat facility. SOAS, the SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection, was developed in 2014 and it has now become an official program for the Navy, prerequisite for BUD/S, Basic Underwater Demolition SEALS. Someone who will get the job done, no matter what stands in the way. there are a limited number of quotas at soas, so this panel serves as the first cut for applicants. Active Duty applicants that do not hold the NECs O26A, O23A or O52A must attend SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS). Stew Smith, CSCS, is a Veteran Navy SEAL Officer, freelance writer, and author with expertise in the U.S. military, military fitness, and its traditions. Pacific Standard Time SEAL OFFICER ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) provides an opportunity for SEAL officer candidates to be assessed against their peers in an equitable training environment, regardless of accession source. Inter-Service Academy The majority of this instruction is new, and the learning curve is steep. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. 3. Im a Navy veteran who used to serve as a Naval Officer Recruiter. Check it out. To become a Navy SEAL Officer, you must be an American citizen no older than 42 years old with at least an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution and must be physically fit enough to pass the specialized medical exam and the Physical Screening Test. SEALs are now one of the most effective weapons in the global war against terror. That way only the scores matter. The Marine Corps is eliminating the scout sniper program as part of the service's big Force Design 2030 overhaul. Do you have what it takes? First Phase Team focused physical training with telephone pole sized logs is common (largest is nicknamed Old Misery). You learn how to swim in the ocean and do underwater training in the pool. The holistic approach to SEAL officer selection starts with Naval Special Warfare conducting an annual officer accession selection panel. Once certified, a SEAL Team/Squadron will deploy to a Joint Special Operations Task Force or Area of Responsibility to become a Special Operations Task Force (SOTF), combine with a Joint Task Force (JTF) or Task Force (TF) in support of other National Objectives. This cruise consists of . Following SQT, new SEALs will receive orders to a SEAL Team and assignment to a Troop (TRP) and subordinate Platoon (PLT). A final Certification Exercise (CERTEX) is conducted with the entire SEAL Squadron (SQDN) to synchronize Troop (TRP) operations under the Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF) umbrella. A thinker, an organizer, a stand-up warrior to lead an elite team in the most dangerous missions. Protesters thrown out of House China committee's first prime-time hearing, Student borrowers advocate Biden debt relief program amid Supreme Court battle, Trump and DeSantis attend dueling Republican conferences as GOP primary field heats up, China will target the US homeland in war over Taiwan, Army leader predicts. Consider this a ticket to the dance to prove your mettle. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The first step starts with a visit to your local Navy recruiter. Related: The Navy Has its First SEAL Officer Applicant. That would seem to indicate that for [], THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING VETERAN JOURNALISM - JOIN SOFREP+ . Roughly 180 candidates are selected every year to attend SEAL officer assessment and selection, she said; on average, the top 85 candidates are chosen to continue on to SEAL training. Honea isn't shy about the fact that there are problems in the Navy that need solving. You are required to undertake more running, swimming, and calisthenics than the previous week, and your performance is judged by a 4-mile timed run, a timed obstacle course, and a 2-mile timed swim. Lawrence declined to specify which pathway the recent female candidate had taken out of concern that doing so would reveal her identity. Prior service members should follow these same application steps. SEAL Officer applicants must be able to pass a physical screening test (PST) in accordance with SEAL Physical Screening Testing Standards and Procedures, MILPERSMAN 1220-410. The unidentified woman completed the screening earlier this year, according to 2) Age Applicants must be at least 25 years old and not have passed their 42nd birthday at the time of commissioning. Depending on the team's and platoon's needs, operators can expect to acquire some of the following skills (Items in parentheses are Joint SOF Unit Course equivalent):[14][26][27], Phase two of a work-up is called Unit Level Training (ULT). It is also open to highly qualified Officer Candidates School (OCS) applicants before they attend OCS. You may apply up to but no later than nine months prior to Projected Rotation Dates and six months prior to End of Active Obligated Service. For the first time, a woman has completed the rigorous Navy SEAL officer assessment and selection process, or SOAS, in September. When should they visit a Navy officer recruiter? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. [10][11], Assignment to BUD/S is conditional on the SEAL Physical Screening Test (PST). Together with other regular military benefits, these individuals are considered the highest paid Line Officers in the U.S. Navy. SWIM: 500 YDS. Officers seeking lateral and inter-service transfer should make every effort to attend SOAS. You will be an officer-in-charge (OIC) on your second two-year tour of duty. Prospective NROTC students must apply separately to both: Civilian colleges and the NROTC program itself. SOAS is a two-week program that assesses potential SEAL officer candidates against their peers in an equitable training environment. An Academy. This process ensures every candidate has a fair and equal chance based on Naval Special Warfare standards.. This is where SEAL officer candidates meet their classmates who are already in the service. They train and work in all sorts of environments. Detecting and apprehending high-value enemy people and terrorists all across the world. The SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) process provides an opportunity for SEAL officer candidates to be assessed against their peers in an equitable training environment, regardless of accession source. In 2019, the first female candidate completed the two-week officer assessment and selection process. Candidates for SOAS are taken from college Reserve Officer Training Corps programs, service academies, and the Navy's Officer Candidate School, all prior to getting their first Navy contract. SEAL Officer Selection If you are interested in becoming a Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL) Officer, please begin the application process by emailing a completed. 1. June, July, August- SOAStakes place in three different sessions during the Summer in Coronado, CA. Get ready for the hardest training the United States military has to offer. First Phase A Navy SEAL Instructor in Class 245 provides a lesson to his trainees on listening to instruction. Every candidate will physically collapse, but you will succeed if you have the mental courage to fight through your apparent limits and commit to the team. Theywill attend briefings from SEAL Officers and Enlisted as well as do some basic physical training similar to what the actual BUD/S students will receive. On the island, the class practices the skills they learned in the third phase. SQT is intended to equip students with the fundamental tactical understanding required to join a SEAL team. To become a NSW operator, you need to show that you are mentally and physically strong and ready for the work. In highly stressful and high risk situations, Navy SEALs teach enlisted men and officers an unconventional mindset that helps them work as a team, think creatively, and remain alert to threats. BUD/S is six months of the most difficult training that the US military offers. Demolition, cleaning, loadmaster, rigger, hazardous cargo certifier, and outboard motor maintenance are only available to enlisted personnel. First Phase Trainees have their arms and legs tied as a part of "drown proofing" training. (Current Navy SEAL Officer Age Limit as of FY 2023) 3) Education Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. Your instructors will show you how to live and work in a special operations training environment, as well as the values of teamwork and perseverance. Candidates participate in weekly 4-mile (6.4km) timed runs in boots and pants (now changed to shorts and sneakers) and timed obstacle courses, swim distances up to two miles wearing fins in the ocean and learn small boat seamanship. The remaining three weeks involve the acquisition of various methods of conducting hydrographic surveys and creating a hydrographic chart while still participating in timed runs and swim tests. The students will also be engaged in writing assignments and are subject to instructor and peer evaluations. [14][20], Because of its particularly challenging requirements, many candidates begin questioning their decision to come to BUD/S during First Phase, with a significant number deciding to Drop on Request (DOR). Although candidates may Drop on Request (DOR), the aim of Assessment Week is to gain a complete and accurate picture of each candidate for the officer selection panel. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. As an alternative, you may qualify for a billet to complete the Phase I requirements of the Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) by attending one of the four U.S. Military War Colleges in the junior courses. Honor and integrity are indispensable, and the highest levels of physical fitness are expected. The OCS candidates invited to attend SOAS are college graduates and have to be within the age limit of attending BUD/S (27 years old). What is most widely known about the SEALs is their extremely hard selection and assessment process. Graduates of BUD/S must then attend four months of highly-paced, advanced tactical training known as SEAL qualification training. U.S. NAVY SEAL AND SWCC OFFICIAL CHANNEL 117K subscribers By: Naval Special Warfare Learn about SEAL or SWCC training: SEAL Officer Selection and Assessment. Commissioning Requirements for SEAL An applicant a citizen of the United States. [16] BUD/S has been controversial due to candidates' use of performance-enhancing drugs and a number of candidate deaths. Many of the tests include running and rucking on the beach, ocean swims with fins, obstacle courses, log PT, as well as various swimming skills in the pool and ocean. A typical mission involves the use of many types of means to enter a combat objective: parachute, submarine, helicopter, high-speed boat, foot patrol, or combat swimmer insertion. You will be judged by a group of SEAL officers and senior enlisted in a personal interview while attending SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection Training. Considerations are made every quarter. Once outside the formal schooling environment SEALs entering a new Team at the beginning of an operational rotation can expect 18 months of training interspersed with leave and other time off before each six-month deployment. Here, aspiring SEALs are given a crash course in the physical standards required to even attempt to become a SEAL. Yes, there is only one selection board per year. Land warfare is the third phase, which lasts 7 weeks and teaches you basic weaponry, land navigation, demolitions, marksmanship, rappelling, patrolling, and small-unit tactics. Applicants must be at least 25 years old and not have passed their 42nd birthday at the time of commissioning. 2446 Trident Way If the OCM decides you have the "right stuff", they'll call and invite you to SOAS. The days get longer and more work rigorous over the final 3 and a half weeks of training, mirroring the work hours spent in the field. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Midshipmen should inform their chain of command of their desire to be selected for SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) as their 1/C Summer Cruise and seek out current and former SEALs for mentorship. The appearance of commercial advertising and hyperlinks inserted by the host of this service does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Defense/ Department of the Navy. They will learn what is called the real deal, which is training to fight in battle. NSW Physical Training Guide The Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery will determine whether the individual is medically eligible. Officer and enlisted personnel go through the same training program. Youll have to find your own path for your own career. A female officer has completed the rigorous initial selection process necessary to become a Navy SEAL officer the first female to accomplish such a feat. 4. Quick Links United States Naval Academy (USNA): The application process for USNA midshipmen is administeredby the senior SEAL at USNA. SEAL Officer applicants must be citizens of the United States. All sailors entering the SEAL training pipeline chosen by Naval Special Warfare Command must also attend the six-month SEAL specific Special Operations Tactical Medic course in Stennis, MS and subsequently earn the NEC SO-5393 Naval Special Warfare Medic before joining an operational Team. If you want more information about becoming a Navy SEAL Officer, the next logical step is to contact aNaval Officer Recruiter. March - Down select panel narrows down eligible applicants. Third Phase A student plots coordinates on his map during an individual land navigation exercise in Mount Laguna. Becoming an enlisted SEAL or SWCC is not about becoming an officer. Another woman, who sources say is a junior in an ROTC program at an unnamed college, has applied for a spot in the SEAL officer selection process for fiscal 2018, which begins Oct. 1, and is set to complete an early step in the pipeline, special operations assessment and selection, later this summer, he said. Closed for federal holidays, Naval Special Warfare Public Affairs Office, Run by the Naval Special Warfare Assessment Command (NSWAC), Held at the Naval Special Warfare Center (NSWCEN), Held at specified times throughout the summer, Dropouts don't go to (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) BUD/S, Meals ready to eat (MREs) and lodging provided, Opportunity to eat at Naval Amphibious Base (NAB) Galley but you must pay, Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC), Inter-service transfers (Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps), Professionalism: Humility, military bearing, discipline, Tenacity: Maximum effort on every evolution and test, Leadership: Don't try to blend in. We spoke with the program manager to learn more about this unique process to find the best and brightest. New SEALs are immediately assigned to a SEAL Team at Coronado, CA or Little Creek, VA and begin advanced training for their first deployment.[14][25]. Furthermore, you will also learn about Naval Special Warfare (NSW) culture and history. The selection panel is made up of senior SEAL officers, Lawrence said, who use SOAS assessment data along with resume information to select "the most competitive candidates.". Navy SEAL recruiting for officers has been streamlined to a two-phase screening and selection system with candidates from all the officer sources seeking to become a Naval SEAL Officer (USNA, ROTC, OCS) undergoing the same selection process. You need to make sure you're there for the right reasons, because if not, not only will the instructors destroy you, but so will the people in your class. Prospective SEAL officers will be selected based on the following characteristics: Honor Integrity Leadership Physical fitness The training curriculum begins at Naval Special Warfare Preparatory School in Great Lakes, Illinois. The tradition of DOR consists of dropping one's helmet liner next to a pole with a brass ship's bell attached to it and ringing the bell three times. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING VETERAN JOURNALISM - JOIN SOFREP+ At the quarterly meeting of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services in December, a Navy official disclosed that the woman had reached the end of the physically and mentally demanding two-week SOAS process in September. Although the female officer successfully completed the SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) program, she wasnt chosen by the board because she hadnt picked the SEAL career field as [], According to an August 6th report fromLinkedIn, the first female attempting to enter the Navys elite Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training pipeline dropped on request (DORd) from the pre-BUD/S selection course known as SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS), thus ending her attempt to become a Navy SEAL. Officers seeking lateral and inter-service transfer should make every effort to attend SOAS. Youll know what teamwork really means as we demand everything youve got and more. Candidates are also divided into "boat crews" consisting of six to seven people with one small inflatable boat known as an IBS, and must paddle out from the shore, through the surf zone, and back again. Phase one of a work-up is Individual Specialty Training. 1. For the Reserve, applicants must be 25 years old and of such an age that they will not have passed their 42nd birthday at time of commissioning. Training continues and becomes even more intensive under stress and participate in multiple evolution.... Demolition, cleaning, loadmaster, rigger, hazardous cargo certifier, and students will constantly be through... Should follow these same application steps Newton 's Law '', this page was last on! And students will also be engaged in writing assignments and are subject to Instructor and evaluations! 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Right corner program Manager to learn more about this unique process to find your own path for own...
seal officer assessment and selection
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seal officer assessment and selection