Who were Zeus' Lovers? The goddess Selene was the daughter of Titius Hyperion and Theia. Around this time, Selene came to be identified with more important goddesses such as Artemis and Hecateidentifications that expanded her role in Greek religion. She was commonly depicted as a winged goddess, clad in a sweeping robe and a veil. E.g., Thucydides, Histories 7.50.4; Tacitus, Annals 1.28.1ff. [10] The Greek Stoic philosopher Chrysippus interpreted Selene and Men as, respectively, the female and male aspects of the same god. The myth of Selene, the moon goddess, is no exception. In later times, Selene was often associated with Artemis in the same way that her brother Helios was associated with Artemis brother Apollo. The idea that Selene would also give easy labours to women paved way for identification with Hera and the Roman Juno and Lucina, three other childbirth goddesses; Plutarch calls Selene "Hera in material form. Selene, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, was the personification of the moon. Nonnus, Dionysiaca 12.1ff (who names Helios as the father of the Horae but does not name the mother). As the embodiment of the moon, Selene and the movement of her chariot across the night sky was important for the Greeks to measure time. Selene was never completely forgotten by the Greeks, but many of her duties and attributes were taken over by Artemisover time. [82], Gaia, angered about her children the Titans being thrown into Tartarus following their defeat, brought forth the Giants, to attack the gods, in a war that was called the Gigantomachy. Often when one god supplanted another in a particular domain, the stories that involved that god were changed to reflect this. Their daughter Eos was the first to appear each day. Seeking vengeance, she instigated a war between her other children, the Giants, and the Olympian gods. 200 (cited in the scholia on Aristophanes Frogs 1033); Orphica frag. Even if he were sleeping, he would not be parted from the goddess he loved by death. [40][41] Furthermore, in Virgil's Aeneid, when Nisus calls upon Selene/the Moon, he addresses her as "daughter of Latona. [113] Selene and Helios also appear on the North Metopes of the Parthenon, with Selene this time entering the sea on horseback. Selene was represented on the pedestal of the throne of Zeus at Olympia, riding on a horse or a mule; 12 and at Elis there was a statue of her with two horns. Selene The Greek God Selene is best known as the Titan Goddess of the moon. Phoebe The name, stemming from the word for bright, was applied to both Selene and one of the elder Titanesses. 17th century bronze statue of Hercules and the Nemean Lion; possibly French. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [49] Quintus describes them as the four handmaidens of Hera, but in most other accounts their number is three; Eirene ("peace"), Eunomia ("order"), and Dike ("justice"), and their parents are Zeus and Themis instead. Learn more about our mission. While there were many goddesses associated with the moon and lunar powers, Selene personified the moon and its light. Homeric Hymn 4.99100. Often she was shown in a chariot drawn by a team of horses or oxen, but other times there was no chariot, and Selene would instead appear on the back of a horse or mule. 573 Bernab. What are Pan God Powers in Greek Mythology? Multiple sources say that she had a hand in the creation of the Nemean Lion, whether that was only Selene working on her own or in conjunction with Hera. Selene is probably most famous for her love of Endymion, a handsome young man from Asia Minor (though some said that he was from Elis). [143] The idyll opens with the girl ordering her maid to bring potions and magical utensils, followed by an invocation to Selene and Hecate, and finally the rather lengthy spell itself; once she finishes her spell, the girl recounts to Selene of how she met and was betrayed by her lover, and calls upon the goddess to witness and help her, hence the love tail is woven into the love spell. Like Helios with the sun, Selene drove the moon across the sky each night in a chariot. (2022, December 7). Instead, Zeus collected all the herbs for himself. (Also, the name of the Titan Goddess Phoebe and an epithet of Artemis.). She fell madly in love with him and asked Zeus to let him stay asleep forever, remaining eternally young and beautiful (in some traditions, it was Endymion himself who requested this unending sleep). Like Artemis, Selene was sometimes called Phoebe, a name that means bright one.. In ancient Greek mythology and religion, Selene (/slini/; Greek: pronounced[seln], meaning "Moon"[2]) is the personification of the Moon. As Luna, she had temples at Rome on the Aventine and Palatine hills. If you have read Greek mythology and the famous epics of ancient Greece, you may be quite familiar with her brother Helios. Mythopedia. How Did Uranus get its Name as Per Greek Mythology? . The brother and sister married each other and had three children: Eos (the goddess of the dawn), Helios (the sun god), and Selene (the moon goddess). Her request granted, Selene visited him regularly; some sources even reported that they had children together (see above).[27]. [134], Selene was sometimes associated with childbirth, for it was believed that during the full moon women had the easiest labours; this helped in her identification with the goddess Artemis,[138] as well as other goddesses connected to women's labours. Selene leaving her chariot, Roman mosaic, Andalusia. In memory of the beautiful Endymion, the fly still grudges all sleepers their rest and annoys them. Sometimes these were winged horses, although some later accounts had the chariot drawn by bulls. Although she counts as a goddess in her own right, Selene often gets associated with archer goddess, Artemis, who is also a moon goddess. And if Selene and Helios did not work together, as the personifications of the moon and the sun, there would be absolute chaos in the world. The goddess had one temple that was also an oracle near Thalamae in Laconia. While her brother was clad in shining gold, her light was softer and more clear. The other gods, angered, sent him two lions to tear him apart. In Greek mythology, Ceto was a goddess of the water. Pan, the god of the wild, supposedly seduced Selene while dressed in a sheepskin. The sky was dark at night and the sun more lethargic than usual. Those that do exist are somewhat generic (like the previously mentioned epithets). Although in most myths, the Horae appear to be triads born of Zeus and Themis, in this particular incarnation they were the daughters of Selene and Helios. [73] However, Apollodorus says that because of Endymion's "surpassing beauty, the Moon fell in love with him, and Zeus allowed him to choose what he would, and he chose to sleep for ever, remaining deathless and ageless". [2], Selene was also called Mene. [77] The Greek satirist Lucian's dialogue between Selene and the love goddess Aphrodite has the two goddesses commiserate about their love affairs with Endymion and Adonis, and suggests that Selene has fallen in love with Endymion while watching him sleep each night. Selene - Mythology. [29], Selene played a role in some versions of the myth of the Nemean Lion, a ferocious and invulnerable beast slain by Heracles as the first of his Twelve Labors. In ancient Greek mythology and religion, Selene ( / slini /; Greek: pronounced [seln], meaning "Moon" [2]) is the personification of the Moon. The goddess had pale skin that seemed to shine with its own inner light and long black hair that matched the dark sky around her. This she shared with her siblings and other goddesses like Nyx. Selene was written off and Artemis became the goddess of the moon, hunting, and animals. Selene was one of the daughters of the Titan gods Hyperion and Theia and the sister of the sun god Helios and the goddess of the dawn Eos. The pair could also have been the parents of the beautiful and vain Narcissus, for whom the Narcissus flower is named, according to Nonnus, the Greek epic poet of the Roman era. Selene could still see her sleeping love whenever she pleased, but the pressures of time and mortality were taken off her. Lilaeon. The masculine form, Phoebus, was used in reference to either Apollo or. [109] In red-figure pottery before the early 5th century BC, she is depicted only as a bust, or in profile against a lunar disk. The Greeks recognized several goddesses as having a connection to the moon, but none was as closely associated with it as Selene. In another story she was loved by Pan. The bull panicked, threw Ampelus and gored him to death. Selene was a Titan goddess in Greek mythology, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. Though Selene had many consorts, the most famous of them was Endymion, a handsome young mortal. She began to do this every night, leaving her chariot behind and making the sky dark with her absence. She was depicted as a woman riding sidesaddle on a horse or driving a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. These were the fifty daughters who were fathered by Endymion the fifty months represented the four-year cycle of the Olympiads. As the goddess of the division of the months, Selene was a goddess of time. Selenes chariot, unlike her brother Helios, usually only had two horses drawing it. [140] Nonnus also identified Selene with Eileithyia. [54], The earliest known depiction of Selene driving a chariot adorns the inside of an early 5th century BC red-figure cup attributed to the Brygos Painter, showing Selene plunging her chariot, drawn by two winged horses, into the sea (Berlin Antikensammlung F 2293). The myth of Selene claims that this goddess had several lovers, both divine and mortal. [110] In later art, like other celestial divinities such as Helios, Eos, and Nyx (Night), Selene rides across the heavens. Hypothesis to the scholia on Pindars Nemean Odes. [81], Philologist Max Mller's interpretation of solar mythology as it related to Selene and Endymion concluded that the myth was a narrativized version of linguistic terminology. She drives her moon chariot across the heavens. There is no mention of Selene as a goddess in either the Iliad or the Odyssey of Homer,[22] while her only mention in Hesiod's Theogony is as the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios and Eos. Hurwit 2017, pp. After these deaths, her brother appeared in a dream to their grieving mother and assured her that he and his sister would now transform into divine natures; and:[101], that which had formerly been called the "holy fire" in the heavens would be called by men Helius ("the sun") and that addressed as "men" would be called Selen ("the moon"). [126] Pausanias also described seeing two stone images in the market-place of Elis, one of the sun and the other of the moon, from the heads of which projected the rays of the sun and the horns of the crescent moon. Seneca, Madness of Hercules 83; Hyginus, Fabulae 30; Aelian, On Animals 12.7 (citing Epimenides); etc. She was frequently distinguished by a crescent moon over her head (or occasionally a lunar disk).[9]. The eternally sleeping Endymion was proverbial,[71] but exactly how this eternal sleep came about and what role, if any, Selene may have had in it is unclear. The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters, Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts, Roman Gods and Goddesses: The Names and Stories of 29 Ancient Roman Gods, Descriptions of Selene, Goddess of the Moon, Greek Myths featuring the Moon Goddess Selene, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? Athena, also spelled Athene, in Greek religion, the city protectress, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason, identified by the Romans with Minerva. [104] Zeus agrees, urged by Selene's complaints and having long intended to deal with the philosophers himself. Selene was more than just a lunar goddess, she was the embodiment of the moon and its light. Offended, she sent a gadfly to sting the bull; the surprised creature threw Ampelus and proceeded to gore him to death. It was devoted to Selene, under the name Pasiphae, and to Helios. There are different versions of this story. She was worshipped at the new and full moons. Selene and Endymion, in the mural above the stage of the Friedrich von Thiersch Saal in the Wiesbaden Kurhaus. Together, they fittingly created three sources of celestial illumination. 14)" in, Osborne, Robin, "Looking on Greek Style. Whether by request or as punishment, Zeus put Endymion into an ageless sleep so he would remain eternally youthful beneath the night sky. But Selene was also called by many generic epithets that were used for other goddesses as well, including (euplokmos, she of the beautiful hair), (leuklnos, white-armed), (glaukpis, gray-eyed, bright-eyed, an epithet most commonly associated with Athena), and (kyanpis, dark-eyed, essentially the opposite of glaukpis). In the more familiar tradition, however, the Horae were the daughters of Zeus and Themis, and there were only three of them (even their names are completely different: Eirene, Eunomia, and Dike). A variation of this symbol was the nimbus, which surrounded her head, depicting the celestial light she bestowed on the world. If you thought Artemis was the Greek goddess of the moon, you are only partially right. Selene was not the only goddess the Greeks associated with the moon. It is unclear how much of a choice Endymion himself may have had in the matter, although there are versions of the myth which say that Endymion had fallen in love with the beautiful moon goddess as well and asked Zeus to keep him in a state of eternal sleep so that he could be with her forever. The concept of Selene as the lunar goddess also made her an important goddess of childbirth and female fertility. That haunted cave [on Mount Latmos] of fair-haired Nymphai (Nymphs) where, as Endymion slept beside his kine, divine Selene watched him from on high, and slid from heaven to earth; for passionate love drew down the immortal stainless queen of night. It seems that Selene was not uninvolved in the twelve tasks of Heracles either. For centuries, those affected by mental illness were referred to as lunatics.. Selene, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, was the personification of the moon. Were building the worlds most authoritative, online mythology resource, with engaging, accessible content that is both educational and compelling to read. This irritated Endymion, and enraged Selene, who transforms the girl into a fly (Ancient Greek: , romanized:mua). [86] Additionally, on a rein guide for a chariot a goddess thought to be Selene with a crescent and veil over her head is depicted, who stands with Helios on a gate tower and tries to repel the attacks of snake-legged Giants. 199; Strabo, Geography 14.1.8; Catullus, Odes 66.5; Propertius, Elegies 2.15; Ovid, Heroides 15.89ff, 18.59ff; Seneca, Phaedra 309ff; Hyginus, Fabulae 271; Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 8.28ff; Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 19; Nonnus, Dionysiaca 2.325ff, 4.195ff, 7.237ff, and passim; Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 10.125ff; etc. The later development of Selene as a goddess of insanity had a lasting impact on the medical beliefs of the pre-modern world. Selene and Endymion by Sebastiano Ricci (1713). Grapevines then rose from Ampelus corpse, from which the heartbroken Dionysus made wine for the first time. Myth Early History Selene was the daughter of the titans, Hyperion and Theia, sister to Helios (the sun) and Eos (dawn). 3. While most of the Homeric Hymns were written in the seventh or sixth century BCE, the Homeric Hymn to Selene was probably composed no earlier than the fourth century BCE. Along with presiding over dangerous sea creatures, Ceto produced her own set of frightening . [121], In later second and third century AD Roman funerary art, the love of Selene for Endymion and his eternal sleep was a popular subject for artists. [72] A scholiast on Apollonius says that, according to Epimenides, Endymion fell in love with Hera, and Zeus punished him with eternal sleep. Who was Vesta, the Goddess of the Hearth? The air, unlit before, glows with the light of her golden crown, and her rays beam clear, whensoever bright Selene having bathed her lovely body in the waters of Ocean, and donned her far-gleaming raiment, and yoked her strong-necked, shining team, drives on her long-maned horses at full speed, at eventime in the mid-month: then her great orbit is full and then her beams shine brightest as she increases. Selene has a minor planet named after her, called 580 Selene. But in other versions of the Endymion myth, Selene begged Zeus to make her lover immortal so they could be forever. Selene, the moon goddess, was reputed to have had many children by various fathers. [25], Two other sources also mention her hair. The Theoi Project galleries contain more than 1,200 images of ancient Greek and Roman art. Her lunar sphere or crescent was either a crown set upon her head or the fold of a raised, shining cloak. Hesiod, Theogony 371ff; Apollodorus, Library 1.2.2; etc. Like most of the Titans, Selene was rarely worshipped in the ancient world. While not traditionally moon goddesses, those like Isis and Nyx have associations with or are connected to the moon in various ways. She was depicted as a woman riding sidesaddle on a horse or driving a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. Even now, this moon goddess of the ancient world has not quite gone out of our lives and her presence can be felt in small but subtle reminders. The Story of Selene. She is usually portrayed either driving a chariot (see above) or riding sideways on horseback[111] (sometimes riding an ox, a mule or a ram). Hyginus, preface to Fabulae. Selene, (Greek: Moon) Latin Luna, in Greek and Roman religion, the personification of the moon as a goddess. 3 (cited in the scholia on Apollonius of Rhodes Argonautica 4.57). Another myth describes how Selene held her own against the monster Typhoeus when he attacked the gods. These were Eiar, Theros, Cheimon, and Phthinoporon, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Also known as Mene, she is traditionally the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of the sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos. There were other goddesses worshiped by the Greeks who were widely associated with the moon themselves. The first depictions of Selenes moon chariot goes back to the early 5th century BCE. With his sister, the Titaness Theia, Hyperion fathered Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon) and Eos (the Dawn).. Hyperion was, along with his son Helios, a personification of the sun, with the two sometimes . Way). According to some, she bore fifty children while her lover slept and dreamed of her beauty. [2] She was often associated with cycles of growth and agriculture, female menstruation, and mysterious diseases like epilepsy and demonic possession. Different sources vary as to whether the chariot was golden or silver, but a silver chariot would seem to fit better with the goddess of the moon. [125] An oracular sanctuary existed near Thalamai in Laconia. Though Selene was ultimately able to fight the creature off, the scars from their battle remained forever carved on the face of the moon. And along with Selene, the moon moved as well. Hurwit, Jeffery M. (2017), "Helios Rising: The Sun, the Moon, and the Sea in the Sculptures of the Parthenon", Jones, Prudence H., "A Goddess Arrives: Nineteenth Century Sources of the New Age Triple Moon Goddess" in. In time, however, some early Greek philosophers and scientists did attempt rational explanations for lunar eclipses (e.g., Democritus, frag. Orphism, Cosmogony, and Genealogy (Mus. Selene herself, upon discovering this, took her own life. The story about the two says that Selene saw the mortal shepherd king Endymion, whom Zeus had cursed to an eternal sleep, and fell so in love with him that she wanted to spend eternity at the side of the human. Upon the head of Selene was normally found a crown that was representative of the spherical moon. In many paintings and sculptures, Selene is traditionally depicted with the crescent moon in her vicinity. [132] At Athens, wineless offerings (nephalia) were made to Selene, along with other celestial gods, Selene's siblings Helios and Eos, and Aphrodite Ourania;[133] in Attica, it seems that Selene was identified with Aphrodite. She is the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of the sun-god Helios, and Eos, goddess of the dawn. There are a number of stories about the moon goddess Selene in Greek mythology, in association with the other Greek gods, especially Zeus. Selene was one of the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses, and her story is one of the most captivating in Greek mythology. ", Sorrenti, Stefania, "Les reprsentations figures de Jupiter Dolichnien Rome," in, Thomas, Edmund. In Greek mythology, Selene was traditionally depicted as a beautiful young woman, with perhaps paler than usual skin. 500450 BCE. Accessed on 27 Feb. 2023. [144] And, according to a scholium on Theocritus, Pindar wrote that lovesick women would pray to Selene for help, as Euripides apparently had Phaedra, Selene's great-niece, do in his lost play Hippolytus Veiled. That was a basic unit of how the Greeks measured time in the old days. Whether this Pallas (called the son of Megamedes) is the same as the Titan Pallas or a different individual entirely is unclear. [106], According to pseudo-Plutarch, Lilaeus was an Indian shepherd who only worshipped Selene among the gods and performed her rituals and mysteries at night. Because Basileia's other brothers envied these offspring, and feared that Hyperion would try to seize power for himself, they conspired against him. That the myths contained a considerable element of fiction was recognized by the more critical Greeks, such as the philosopher Plato in the 5th-4th century bce. , Autumn, and Winter while her lover slept and dreamed of her duties and attributes taken! So they could be forever it was devoted to Selene, who transforms the girl into fly... Eiar, selene greek mythology, Cheimon, and animals was applied to both Selene and Endymion Sebastiano., Osborne, Robin, `` Looking on Greek Style Frogs 1033 ) Orphica. Hyperion and Theia and Nyx have associations with or are connected to moon... Ampelus and gored him to death softer and more clear most authoritative, online mythology,. Ampelus corpse, from which the heartbroken Dionysus made wine for the first time does... Mortality were taken over by Artemisover time Olympian gods and goddesses, enraged! 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selene greek mythology