To understand how well this school serves all its students. The school bell schedule will be updated annually. Use the menu below the chart to select results for a specific group of students. Supply List - Trailridge Middle School. Assistant to the Superintendent/HR . Disclaimer Text goes in this spot. Reading results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. Fax: (703) 724-1086. Parent Information; Counseling Dept; Staff Directory; 2021-22 Annual Education Report; Tri County Middle School. See the Virginia Department of Education website, The above pie graph displays the average daily percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals who participated in the U.S. Department of Agriculture School Breakfast Program. Note: Science pass rates reported for high schools reflect the performance on the state Biology test of a 12th-grade class of students who entered the ninth grade at the same time. Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps. Boone Meadow Elementary School Principal Tom Hundley 5555 South Main Street, Whitestown, IN 46075 Phone (317) 873-2226 Eagle Elementary School Principal Andrew Foreman 350 N. Sixth Street, Zionsville . Search all LCPS sites OR limit search using the radio buttons below. Staff | Waterford School District School Closing Wednesday, February 22 Waterford School District Staff Select Departments Melissa Adams X1100 Secretary II Evergreen (262) 514-8200 Jane Aegerter X5300 Director of Student & Staff Services District (262) 514-8200 Heather Allen X 2132 Stats. The 2022-2023 school year will be my seventh year working as a School Counselor. Click the Search Tips link for how to enhance search experience. Select Show Data for details on the combined rate for Mathematics Academic Achievement as follows: The school quality indicator for science is based on the overall percentage of students passing state science tests. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires states to assess at least 95 percent of students in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8, and to test at least 95 percent of students in reading and mathematics at least once during their high school careers. This web site is a volunteer-created site. Disclaimer Text goes in this spot. Disclaimer Text goes in this spot. Level One No more than one student group performing at Level Two and no student group performing at Level Three, Level Two Two or more student groups performing at Level Two and no more than one student group performing at Level Three, Level Three Two or more student groups performing at Level Three, Percent Passing Percent of students in school or group passing state English tests, Percent Passing With Recovery Percent of students in school or group passing state English tests after remedial instruction, Percent Showing Growth Percent of non-passing students who improved compared with prior performance on state English tests, Percent Showing EL Progress or Proficiency Percent of English-language learners passing state English-language proficiency tests or making progress toward English-language proficiency, Accreditation Combined Rate Percent of students in school or group meeting state standard for achievement, growth or progress, No Proficiency, Growth or Progress Percent of students in school or group not meeting state standard for achievement, growth or progress, Percent Passing Percent of students in school or group passing state mathematics tests, Percent Passing With Recovery Percent of students in school or group passing state mathematics tests after remedial instruction, Percent Showing Growth Percent of non-passing students in school or group who improved compared with prior performance on state mathematics tests, Accreditation Combined Rate Percent of students in school or group meeting state standard for achievement or growth, No Proficiency, Growth or Progress Percent of students in school or group not meeting state standard for achievement or growth, Level One Schools with a current year or three-year average overall absenteeism rate of no more than 15 percent (that is, no more than 15 percent of the students missing 10 percent of the school year), or schools that were at Level Two the prior year and decrease the rate by ten percent or more from the prior year, Level Two Schools not meeting Level-One performance with a current year or three-year average rate of no more than 25 percent, or schools that were at Level Three the prior year and decrease the rate by 10 percent or more from the prior year. in School Counseling from Pennsylvania State University. Magna adipiscing vel eu semper ridiculus sodales a augue adipiscing nisl aliquam vestibulum dis consectetur parturient. Click the Search Tips link for how to enhance search experience.Search Tips. Division: Loudoun County Public Schools 6th Grade Orchestra, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Waterford School District ; Fox River Middle School ; Evergreen Elementary ; Trailside Elementary ; Woodfield Elementary ; Stay Connected . Mathematics pass rates reported for high schools reflect the performance of a 12th-grade class of students who entered the ninth grade at the same time. Studies show that well-nourished students are better learners. Cluster Concert and Art Gallery @ SBHS, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Practice test items representative of the content and skills included in current Standards of Learning assessments are available on the. A 2023-24 school calendar can be found here. 6th Grade Band, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Staff Staff Directory Faculty & Staff Directory Trailside Elementary 5151 Abbott Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Phone: 907-742-5500 Fax: 907-742-5511 Faculty & Staff Directory Location: All Locations BA BERNADETTE ANDREW Para-Professional VA Vicki Andrew Para-Professional NB Nancy Bain PT . Laveen offers a complete curriculum that is aligned to the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. For more information, see, School divisions that choose to take part in the National School Lunch Program get cash subsidies and donated commodities from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for each meal they serve. Bruch, Bob Send email to Bob Bruch. Disclaimer Text goes in this spot. This positive approach to discipline prepares teachers and principals to implement new techniques that reduce disruptive student behaviorsthat lead to suspensions and decrease instructional time. Alerts; This table reports the percentages of all teachers and special education teachers who are teaching with a provisional license. The Virginia Department of Education annually collects statistics on the number of students enrolled in public schools onSeptember 30. Note: Under Virginias approved mathematics waiver from the U.S. Department of Education, students who are enrolled in advanced mathematics courses take the state mathematics test for the course in which they are enrolled. 7th Grade Band, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM A student is reported as economically disadvantaged if he or she meets any one of the following criteria: Daily attendance is critical to success in school. PTBoard - Trailside Middle School PTSA Forms & Payments View all NO FRILLS Fundraiser: Outdoor Resources Will close at 3/31/2023 8:30pm View - NO FRILLS Fundraiser: PACK Time Outdoor Resources 2022 ~ 2023 TMS PTSA Membership Form Will close at 6/30/2023 8:00pm View $3.75 from each membership is forwarded to the Virginia PTA. Yes = Annual target metYes - CP = Annual target met and improved from previous yearYes - No CP = Annual target met and did not improve from previous yearNo = Annual target not metTS = Too few students to evaluate = Not applicable or no students, < = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results = Not applicable or no data for group* = Data not yet available. Additionally, as a TMS School Counselor I will assist students as they learn to become their best self, in school, at home, and in their community. # 99 in Virginia Middle Schools. The parent (and child) must be noticed in writing of the proposed expulsion, the reasons the expulsion is being proposed, and of the right to a hearing before the school board or a sub-committee of the school board, depending on local policy. Our School; . Name: Title: Location: Search. Academic achievement in mathematics in high school is evaluated based on the percentage of students passing state end-of-course tests in mathematics. . 2020-2021 math results reflect reduced student participation in state math assessments due to COVID-19. Search all LCPS sites OR limit search using the radio buttons below. About. Trailside Elementary Staff Search. Popular Searches. Trailside Academy is a small school of choice with a strong commitment to its learning community. More information about ESSA implementation in Virginia is available on the, The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires annual testing in mathematics in grades 3-8 and once during high school. Trailside Middle General school information. Revenue. NJROTC Admissions Application Information, Parent Request For Waiver of Full-Day Scheduling Requirement, TMS Wise Wolf Wednesdays Registration 2023 (For Parents/Guardians), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Level Three School is performing below the state standard for the indicator. A school shall not receive a Level- Two rating for more than four consecutive years, Level One Schools with a dropout rate of 0-6 percent or a 10 percent decrease if previously Level Two, Level Two Schools with a dropout rate of 7-9 percent or 10 percent decrease if previously Level Three, Level Three Schools with a dropout rate of 10 percent or higher or at Level Two for more than four consecutive years, Level One A Graduation and Completion Index of at least 88 or a 2.5 percent increase if previously Level Two, Level Two A Graduation and Completion Index of 81-87 or a 2.5 percent increase if previously Level Three, Level Three A Graduation and Completion Index of 80 or lower or Level Two for more than four consecutive years. Practice test items representative of the content and skills included in current Standards of Learning assessments are available on the, This chart displays the percentage of students passing state tests in history/social science. Trailside Middle School is a Middle school located at 20325 Claiborne Pkwy, Ashburn, Virginia 20147, US. Mathematics results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. For more information about the mathematics waiver, see ESSA Mathematics Waiver in the Glossary. Virginias ESSA implementation plan expects that by the 2023-2024 school year, at least 75 percent of all students, and of all students in the student groups listed in this table, will be able to demonstrate grade-level proficiency by passing state reading tests. Student groups meeting or exceeding annual or long-term targets must improve performance compared to the previous year. Virginias ESSA implementation plan expects that by the 2023-2024 school year, no more than 10 percent of all students, and of students in the student groups listed in this table, will be chronically absent. Reading performance percentage of students in the school passing state tests in reading, Mathematics performance percentage of students in the school passing state tests in mathematics, Growth in reading and mathematics percentage of students in the school either passing state tests in reading and mathematics or making significant progress toward passing, English learner progress percentage of English learners making progress toward English-language proficiency, Chronic absenteeism percentage of students missing 10 percent or more of the school year, regardless of reason (students receiving homebound and home-based instruction excluded), Federal Graduation Indicator percentage of students graduating within four years of entering the ninth grade with a Standard Diploma or Advanced Studies Diploma. This positive approach to discipline prepares teachers and principals to implement new techniques that reduce disruptive student behaviorsthat lead to suspensions and decrease instructional time. The school quality indicator for academic achievement in English provides equal credit for students who pass state English tests and for non-passing students who show significant improvement. Act of 2015 requires that students take state tests in science at least once during elementary school, once during middle school and once during . Fax: (703) 724-1086. View Map. Teachers provide students with opportunities to engage in meaningful, high-quality work. Timber Wolf Trap, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PowerSchool. I am excited to work with all TMS students and families this year! Writing results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. 650-526-3500. Does this school offer opportunity for all its students, or leave some behind? School Directory Information. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Teachers are impatient and give a lot of . Click the Search Tips link for how to enhance search experience.Search Tips. The school quality indicator for graduation and completion awards full credit for students who earn state Board of Education-approved diplomas and partial credit for students who earn high school equivalency certificates. 4200 South . Magna adipiscing vel eu semper ridiculus sodales a augue adipiscing nisl aliquam vestibulum dis consectetur parturient. Phone: (571) 252-2280. compared to students at other schools in the state. 7th Grade Orchestra, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM People get punished for things they didn't do or if it wasn't bad. Use the menu below the chart to select results for a specific group of students. The Virginia Department of Education administers the program at the state level and school divisions administer the program at the local level. (To review entire policy, click HERE for the Policy Manual and find po1422 under the 1000 series policies). A parent may ask for a short-term suspension decision to be reviewed by the superintendent or his designee. Address: 20325 Claiborne Parkway Ashburn, VA 20147 Students receiving homebound and home-based instruction are excluded from the calculation. Students who can't read at grade level by the third grade are four timesmore likely to drop out of high school. Staff Directory Aaron Harada 2021-10-25T08:28:14-07:00 School Staff Directory A ~ next to staff name indicates an individual with more than one job title or a salary from multiple funds. The company is headquartered in Ashburn, Virginia. A student who is chronically absent in any year between the eighth and twelfth grade isseven times more likely to drop out of school. Strong progress with high test scores means students have strong academic skills and are making bigger gains than their peers at other schools in the state. < = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results If the student is expelled, the parent is sent a written notification of the length of the expulsion and information on the availability of community-based educational, training, and intervention programs. Region: 4 The appeal may first go to the local superintendent or his or her designee or to a sub-committee of the local school board; final appeal is to the full school board. Name. The student may apply for readmission to be effective one calendar year from the date of his or her expulsion. Click the Search Tips link for how to enhance search experience. The percentage of students showing growth in reading and mathematics includes students passing state tests and non-passing students who are making significant progress toward passing. TRAILSIDE MIDDLE (Ashburn) is a 06-08th grade school in Ashburn-Virginia, and has made tremendous strides in improving the acceptance rate and education its students receive. I look forward to a wonderful year! 19. The. Search all LCPS sites OR limit search using the radio buttons below. States also report on the percentage of students assessed in science in elementary school, middle school and in high school (Biology). Click the Search Tips link for how to enhance search experience. Disclaimer Text goes in this spot. Staff Directory; Social Media - Header . Phone: 571-252-2280 Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Local school board policy will determine whether the superintendents decision is final or can be appealed to the local school board. A short-term suspension (10 days of less) may be imposed by a principal, an assistant principal, or a designee teacher in the principals absence. Tri County High School. High School/Middle School Secretary (920) 803-7202. View Map User note: Updated information for some School Quality Profile reports is not available due to the closure of schools in 2019-2020 and the continuing impact of COVID-19 on Virginia schools during the 2020-2021 school year. Staff Directory; Student Dress; Student Recognition; Student/Parent Handbook; The Two Wolves; TMS Vision and Mission; Vaccine Requirements for School; What We Believe; . The wide variations in participation rates and learning conditions should be taken into consideration when reviewing 2020-2021 data. All rights reserved. The 2022-2023 supply list can be found here. I look forward to partnering with families, teachers, staff and the community to help students reach their fullest potential! The CRDC includes data on student access to courses, programs, staff, and resources relevant to educational equity and opportunity for students. Becky - Instructional Specialist, Lindstrom-Rudolph, Lauren - Assistant Principal, Maheshwari, Ragini - Instructional Specialist, Mahmood, Najia - Instructional Specialist, Marlin, Kayla - Health and Physical Education, Moran, Adrienne - World Languages and Cultures, Pavelko, Mitchell - Instructional Specialist, Rudolph, Stephen - Health and Physical Education, Smith, Will - Business & Information Technology Teacher, Touijar, Sana - World Languages and Cultures, Weitzner, Rose - Family and Consumer Science, Wyman, Jonathan - Instructional Specialist, Yearwood, Tracy - Instructional Specialist, Arbogast, Amanda - Health and Physical Education, Bernett, Dawn - Health and Physical Education, Blanchard, Teresa - World Languages and Cultures, Carpenter, Jill - World Languages and Cultures, Drawdy, Jessica - Instructional Specialist, Henehan, Suman - Instructional Specialist, Johnson, Elaine - Instructional Specialist, Jones, Brooke - Health and Physical Education, Lovett, Ashley - Instructional Specialist, O'Connell, Patricia - Assistant Principal, Paige, Camille - Instructional Specialist, Pierno, Alyssa - Instructional Specialist, Plenter, Rebecca - Instructional Specialist, Roschke, Felipe - Instructional Specialist, For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.". 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