But Im not the person thats actually going to do these studies. into a difficult position, which is to make very incremental steps in science. But I just decided death would be welcome. Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss the best exercises for health and longevity.Dr. Now, whether its another SARS coronavirus or an influenza virus or another virus, I dont know. ATTIA: Well, I think its too soon to say that. We talk once every six months or four months. But I think every once in a while, its good to make them a little uncomfortable and stretch them a little bit. ATTIA: I dont know if that exercise did, but yes, I think a lot of the training that I did did pay off, actually. Something about that fructose molecule is really problematic. But roughly how many years are we talking about of extended life, of maybe increased good years of life, would you guess that somebody who really puts their mind to it can buy through good behavior? , especially as he gets older. And then youd just be guaranteed to get N.S.F. So my hours from 11:00 at night until like 5:00 in the morning, in a cold apartment. Freakonomics is a registered service mark of Renbud Radio, LLC. Incredible evidence in how it prevents neurodegeneration and basically all forms of chronic disease. Youre listening toPeople I (Mostly) Admire with Steve Levitt, and his conversation with physician and scientist Peter Attia. for Dr. Peters definition of greatness, so for now, Ill leave you with one final piece of wisdom: There are people out there who have so many genetic things working against them, that theyll be lucky to make it to 80. Dr. Attia was a surgical training student at Johns Hopkins Hospital from June 2001 to July 2006. . Therapy exists to help people deal with stressors in their lives, and it can help you too. Theres a part of me this is not going to sound great Im just not an optimist when it comes to what the world is going to look like in 50 years. So the brain could use it as a glucose substitute, and it would offset 50 to 60 percent of its glucose requirement. Lets dive in! And thats part of the reason why a lot of smokers do gain weight when they stop smoking. LEVITT: When I was younger and I worked very hard, I just thought, Look, if I could sleep less, I would have time to do things I wanted. And so I read the literature and I embarked on a sleep experiment. Comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive will be deleted. HOMA-IR and frailty (same study as #3 linked twice); The studies that use OGTT do not establish that glucose variability above 140 mg/dL is important; None show that the high glucose itself is causal or that reducing it via diet will improve outcomes. If you want pasta sauce, find one that has no sugar. And so for six months, Ive been doing something that was probably a really bad idea as well. So maybe some combination of those two things would be helpful as a person navigates their way. And then three of those days it would be a shorter run with hill workouts and sprints. Lets dive in! Dr. Peter says there are four main ways to do it. The four pillars of being a kick-ass 100-year-old. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. Peter's current diet can simplified into 3 "rules": Time Restricted Feeding Avoid Sugars, High Fructose Corn Syrup & Junk Food No Restriction on Healthy Starches and Vegetables 1) Time Restricted Feeding At the low end, Peter fasts between 14 - 16 hours each day, and at the high end, he fasts between 20 - 22 hours. And so now eating a diet thats high in fructose, again, especially liquid fructose, wreaks all metabolic destruction. So if you have defective cells, you dont want those guys going around replicating, making cancer cells and things like that. So I think the whole boxing thing came from an insecurity. Comments requesting medical advice will not be responded to, as I am not legally permitted to practice medicine over the internet. This magnesium features what's called an enteric coating to protect it from premature disintegration. And I am so humbled by how bad I am now. Workout and Diet. [3] Career [ edit] Peter Attia was born on 19 March 1973 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If I just took 20 guys like you and took them from eight hours a night to four hours a night for two weeks and then did these glucose tolerance tests, I could reduce [their] glucose disposal by 50%. Those three effectively make up three quarters of deaths of people who dont smoke. , Theres one disease, which is not really thought of as a disease, but I think of it as a continuum that is the foundation upon which all of those sit. Do you have specific parenting advice that you would dole out? And we might have to take a closer look at your sleep habits. And it sucked. A look at the effort to figure out why we're fat", "What Makes You So Smart, Peter Attia? Im afraid that I havent done a great job. He has since been mentored by some of the most experienced and innovative lipidologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, sleep physiologists, and longevity scientists in the United States and Canada. LEVITT: So my wife is very upset that I like white bread. There are a ton of different types of therapy you can get into, but the end-goal is the same. That way, we can live lives that are both long and healthy! Our lifespan is the amount of time we live, and it is steadily growing longer. Steven LEVITT: If I were really sick, Peter Attia is who Id want for my doctor. Right? Its the cognitive piece so how well does your brain work as you age? So given those two facts, I would love it if there was an unbelievable amount of attention paid to: what will our next response be? Why the Oura ring sucks for tracking sleep and might be Chris Kresser is awful. ATTIA: With white bread, theres another problem which is you might get five or six grams of sugar in it. And by the way, whatever genes killed everyone before you are coming for you if you dont do something about it. But nobody knows you even started doing it. Whats the latest we should eat before going to bed? We promise no spam. Then theres the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to move, freedom from pain, all of those things. Learn more at microsoft.com/teams, The Buddha said, To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear. And, said, The human body is the best picture of the human soul., My guest today is physician Dr. Peter Attia. So that comes in mostly two forms in the United States, which is sucrose, or table sugar, which is that white granular powder, or high fructose corn syrup, which is a syrupy liquid approximation of that. In Part One, we talked about how mental health affects longevity, daily practices you can do to live a longer and healthier life, and all the details on Type 2 diabetes. And youll tell me your latest thing. Its also that it has no fiber left in it as well. Peter Attia: "I Definitely Lost a Lot of IQ Points That Day" He's been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. But we just have to know what were doing it for and what matters. I mean, not even hard to figure out if youre willing to do randomized experiments. And so I want to challenge you to do that. But it was like, You got to do it, man. His practice deals extensively with nutritional interventions, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, emotional and mental health, and pharmacology to increase lifespan (delay the onset of chronic disease) while simultaneously improving healthspan (quality of life). ATTIA: Well, I think the benefits of fasting are legion. How long? Meet Peter Attia, the Longevity Doctor That Detected Chris Hemsworth's "Biggest Fear" An Alzheimer's gene threatens the actor's healthspan, but Attia has a plan to fight back. Im so grateful to him for taking the time to join me here on The School of Greatness! He is an ultra-endurance athlete, compulsive self-experimenter, and one of the most fascinating human beings I know. ATTIA: Now, that I remember. December 9, 2022, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. The purpose of comments on our site is to expand knowledge, engage in thoughtful discussion, and learn more from readers. I can only say I'm so sorry this happened! So they think that you can show them something you havent done when youre done. I think they often get confounded. So, I think it puts N.I.H. on their work. Fasting turns on a process called autophagy. Its great to live until youre 90 or 100 years old, but if you spend the last 20 or 30 years in so much pain or with a neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimers, youre not really enjoying those last few decades. Your podcasts are like a massive gift to humanity. Which diseases are killing people the most and what to do about it. His practice focuses on the applied science of longevity. And it was very uncomfortable. LEVITT: Yeah, I mean, youve listed a bunch of things that we would want to know the answers to that we dont know the answers to. How do we know if we have Type 2 Diabetes? According Peter's 2018 AMA Podcast, he takes 2 tablets of SlowMag every morning and 400 mg of Magnesium Oxide by Nature Made at night.. Research has shown that even a small lack of magnesium can prevent the . If you take a 20-minute afternoon nap, youre not going to get into whats called delta wave sleep. And then take a little step further, and you reach neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimers disease is far and away the most common and also the most rapidly increasing. Those four main pillars focus on the different areas Dr. Peter wants to maintain good health even into old age. ATTIA: What an obnoxious idiot I was. Its just so hard to quit stuff. And then the evening would be going to the gym for sparring. I am responding to this post because: a) Peter's post made it into my message [] Dr. Peter Attia is the founder of Attia Medical PC. Its about exercising intentionally. The second thing I would say is: really do not consider sunk costs in your career. Science has proven time and again that staring at screens right before bed can drastically reduce our sleep. Its a very expensive study for one year. ATTIA: This is actually something thats really interesting. Both of them are funded by the Arnold Foundation, with substantial ties to animal agriculture industry lobbying. The heart could use it. But the point is, without making these proactive changes, they mightve lived only until 70. Continuous glucose monitoring for non-diabetics: A scientifically critical FAQ. And I do that in academic seminars and its incredibly embarrassing. So taking a bunch of people who have recovered and asking the question: what does their recovery tell us about their risk of subsequent infection relative to uninfected people? Its about exercising intentionally. LEVITT: This is not a cheap study, I imagine. One half of all Americans are on that spectrum. Dr. Peter Attia. And it didnt take me long to realize: not a chance in hell, for that exact reason. The other two preventions, however, might surprise you. And by listening to this guy talk about subjects where I have a different point of view, hes sharpening my point of view and sometimes changing my point of view. So it turns out that if you deprive the body of glucose, the body still goes through that same process. But a quick 20-minute power nap is no big deal! Theres one disease, which is not really thought of as a disease, but I think of it as a continuum that is the foundation upon which all of those sit. Do you recognize that in yourself? And at the time, what they said I dont know if they still say it was that if you just limit yourself to something like three hours of sleep, you get used to it and your body adjusts to it. So we evolved this way to instead break down fat, which even under the leanest times, you still had days, if not months worth of energy from, because fat is so energy-dense, and we could turn that fat into a molecule called a ketone. Including a link to relevant content is permitted, but comments should be relevant to the post topic. And it seemed that the first place to turn to was nutrition, because it was the one I knew the least about. And tell us about the longest period of time you ever spent in ketosis. So, if we can stop eating a few hours before bedtime, well get better sleep, our bodies will process the glucose we consume, and we can avoid Type 2 diabetes. Were living to reach older and older ages than ever before, which is great. The latter is just a liquid mixture of them in a slightly different ratio that favors fructose, which makes it a little sweeter. Taubes and his cofounder,. ATTIA: It was hard, actually. To listen ad-free, subscribe to Stitcher Premium. But that can be carried by a group of philanthropists who can act quickly and take huge risk. But the point is, without making these proactive changes, they mightve lived only until 70. ATTIA: I think you might be confusing a bit of its benefit with that of caffeine. If you just landed here, feel free to make a post about who you are, why you listen, and what you love . So I just generally say try not to eat too much before bed. Aging often comes with significant physical problems that are increasingly tough to deal with. Hes playing the long-game and working hard to maintain the strength and overall good health hell need to continue living an active and fulfilled life even when hes over 100 years old. ATTIA: Yeah, thats another example of something that I think, prior to 2012, I was very much of the mindset that, Oh, Ill sleep when Im dead. And residency certainly reinforced that. is part of the Freakonomics Radio Network, and is produced by, and Stitcher. For example, why werent we doing the contact tracing studies in subways and on airplanes and actually figuring out: what is a safe distance to be apart? So I just generally say try not to eat too much before bed. To improve sleep, Peter Attia takes phosphatidylserine, magnesium and a supplement called Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy (a company in which Attia invested), comprising of vitamin D, niacin, magnesium (150 mg), and a blend of tryptophan, GABA, phosphatidylserine, theanine, 5-HTP and melatonin. pick up the tab to really finish it, because this is a multi-year experiment. Thank you so much for joining me today! Its not about exercising more, especially as he gets older. LEVITT: Yeah, absolutely. And in the meantime, if youre ready to learn how to live to be over 100 and prevent chronic diseases, join me on Episode 1,045 with Dr. Peter Attia! And also, what hes going to talk about in this documentary is really complicated. And I actually do find this topic interesting. I mean, I probably wish I had been a bit more introspective a bit sooner. So you went to Stanford and got your medical degree there and then you did your residency at Johns Hopkins. In fact, our conversation was so fascinating, that I decided to split it into two episodes! As a result, you build up fat in your liver and glucose in your blood, and that can cause a wide variety of health problems. And I think youve come to appreciate, in recent years, the importance of sleep. We only accept comment from posters who identify themselves. Im afraid that Ive worked too much. In fact, our conversation was so fascinating, that I decided to split it into two episodes! Now he's a physician focused on the science of longevity. Dr. Attia is a huge proponent of supplementing with magnesium. And I think the people who are luckiest and I put myself in that category hit local minima, recognize theyve hit a local minima, but not so much damage has been done that they cant get out of it. That sort of irked me. LEVITT: I cant think of many people who have reflected on their life as effectively as you have especially successful people and been able to rewrite it. Despite the fact that he exercised and followed a healthy diet, in 2009, Attia was overweight and had started developingmetabolic syndrome, putting him at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. He told me that a full sleep cycle takes about 90 minutes, so a nap of that length or longer is going to disrupt your sleep at night, since youll already have been through a full cycle. Of course, this is now a very hot topic today. Peter Attia is the host of The Drive podcast and . Now, on with the show. And lets be honest. I am absolutely in the process of rewriting it, and that is my intention. And I think most people do find a lot of benefit from it. [5] He spent two years at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at National Institutes of Health (NIH), in Bethesda, Maryland as a surgical oncology fellow under Steven Rosenberg. And they mightve spent the last 20 of those years in an unbelievable state of misery. ATTIA: Well, I mean, I think it definitely has some cognitive-sharpening capacities. But I certainly didnt appreciate at the time what it was doing to my health. Physician. There is no evidence that the unique glucotype characterized by CGM differentially predicts outcomes compared to traditional metrics of glucose dysregulation; There is only weak evidence that glucose dysregulation as measured by OGTT, HbA1c, etc. All contents Freakonomics. We finished the round. And that ketone was a substitute fuel for glucose and for fat. LEVITT: You have given a lot of advice already about nutrition and health. What does it do for you metabolically? Have any hacks how to do? It is the one thing that makes all three of those worse, and, in its most extreme state, its Type 2 diabetes. Its the cognitive piece so how well does your brain work as you age? We won. And so if you can say, Yeah, youll live five to seven years longer, call it 10 years longer, but at 85, youre functioning like a fit 65-year-old, thats actually a much more important win for almost everyone.. Dr. Peter has an impressive career, but hes an even more impressive person in real life! My med school was at Stanford. And in the end, it was true that I was no more tired than I was in general, but I completely lost my will to live. People Lists Series Gifts. Because for most people, the last 20 years, especially the last 10 years, are not great, both physically and cognitively. LEVITT: Yes, so you gave me some Nicorette gum, and Ive never really smoked. They get their money from Congress. And despite the fact that outside of the setting of a seminar, Nicorette had an incredible positive effect on me, I would literally fall asleep in two minutes in a seminar, despite the fact that I had the nicotine. And in particular, I dont know if youve looked at naps at all, but theres some new research that suggests that in terms of afternoon productivity, naps have an incredible impact. We can be reached at. Were not talking about inoculating someone with hepatitis or H.I.V. If were going to take Tylenol, we know the dose. In fact, Dr. Peter recommended to stop eating about three hours before bedtime. LEVITT: So, tell me what are your current feelings towards sugar? From 2012-2015, he . So the other thing we always want to be optimizing around is how much fiber can you get? He is of Coptic Egyptian descent. Fish Oil. Im the only one left of anyone I knew when I was young who is still alive and functioning, which is obviously the only curse that comes with longevity. What the three main pieces of our healthspan are. And so many years later, as I began to actually understand the benefits of sleep, it stands alone as one of what I think of as one of the four or five pillars of longevity. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Dr. Peter Attia is a medical doctor specializing in health, longevity and preventive medicine. Peter Attia, M.D. Also, I had a big fight with one of the physicians at Hopkins whos super respected and amazingly prominent. People I (Mostly) Admire is part of the Freakonomics Radio Network, and is produced by Freakonomics Radio and Stitcher. It quickly raised more than $40 million from big-name donors to facilitate expensive, high-risk studies intended to illuminate the root causes of obesity. I mean, my testosterone was slightly higher than that of a prepubescent girl. Peter Attia talks with Steve Levitt about the problem with immortality, whats missing from our Covid response, and why nicotine is underrated. LEVITT: So tell me about when you were 14 and you wanted to be a professional boxer. Please be respectful toward other contributors. This is the subreddit for all things Peter Attia and The Peter Attia Drive. Now to your question, I did at one point in my life, circa 2011 to 2014, spend three years in uninterrupted nutritional ketosis. Put simply, Type 2 diabetes is what happens when your body cannot dispose of the amount of glucose youre consuming. By implication, it cannot be used to make nutrition recommendations. So thats called starvation ketosis. Dr. Peter Attia is a physician focusing on the applied science of longevity. Dr. Peter says there are four main ways to do it. I could barely turn my head. And theres no getting around that. Non-lame, weekly emails on thelatest strategies and tacticsfor increasing your lifespan, healthspan, and well-being (plus new podcast announcements). And for that, Dr. Peter recommended therapy. It was about 10 things. So, again, evolution won. Well, I have six kids and I havent had a good nights sleep in 18 years. I think once I was in medical school and I decided I wanted to become a surgeon, I just had this anxiety, which was, Well, what if you have to operate in the middle of the night and youre tired? So one of the things I started doing in my last year of medical school was, every Thursday night I would stay up, pull an all-nighter, stand at my desk, not allow myself to pee, and practice suturing on my desk in this model that I made that was supposed to resemble a human heart. He also has a B.Sc. And we do that a ton. About Community. , our conversation was so fascinating, that I havent done when youre done sorry this happened,,. Yes, so you gave me some Nicorette gum, and Ive never really smoked try not to eat much! Want pasta sauce, find one that has no sugar in the process rewriting! Another SARS coronavirus or an influenza virus or another virus, I the... With white bread, theres another problem which is great you so Smart, Peter Attia born... 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