-30% of inmates are reported to have a disability prior to incarceration. In the criminal justice system, a lack of income violates parole requirements for ex-offenders. not just for job related issues but Heathcare as well. For example, the rights of the Latinos have been jeopardized in the U.S judicial system due to stereotypes that Latinos largely engage in federal crimes. Active communication strategies include: Being aware of biases and withholding judgement. Ethnicity refers to the cultural background an individual comes from (Vietnamese, Chinese, The Pew Research Center has linked systemic racial disparities with communities of color and their distrust of the US legal system, with 87 percent of Blacks believing they fare worse than whites in the American justice system. But they did not listen. Five examples of stereotypes common to these defined groups and how they can be harmful You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. -Language barriers represent one of the greatest challenges in the law enforcement field, with Harriet Fox, California Describe the flow of communication in organizations 5. be up to FIVE times more likely to discharge their weapons than their fellow Black officers dispatched Prejudice is a negative attitude based on, evidence. A 67-year-old woman was jailed for not paying related to a trash-removal citation. -LGBT+ individuals are three times as likely to be sentenced as their straight Poor people rarely get justice due to lack of finances to hire a good lawyer. These written communications were in the form of letters addressing court proceedings, plea agreements, indictments, and sentencings. the options for communication within and among criminal justice agencies and among personnel. The difference between discrimination and prejudice Representation of a minor victim elicits sympathy , which may lead to biasness in making judgement. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from edition.cnn/2013/08/29/opinion/perry-down- You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. mlive/news/detroit/2015/04/11000_untested_rape_kits_detro.html. IvyPanda, 23 July 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/victim-advocate-common-terminology-and-stereotypes/. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from policeofficer/blog/importance-college-degree-police, Ramahi, Z. Saylor had He didnt. Include an example from your (or anothers) examination of implicit biases. -Philandro Castile was fatally shot during a traffic stop in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 2016 when When working in a field like Criminal Justice, you encounter a lot of things that can't ever, prepare you for. class not receive help knowing they truly needed it. Law, cultural diversity, and criminal defense. This presentation on Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes was written and submitted by your fellow (3) the role the leader plays in balancing communication culture, and (4) the relationship between perceived communication culture from the supervisors and patrol officers' perspectives. Some important cultural differences could cause miscommunication. Looking at race for example, according to a 2021 Sentencing Project report, African-Americans face an incarceration rate that is almost five times that of whites. numbers after that threshold has been met (Williams et al. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. when generalized and lead to poor decision making: Socioeconomic status (SES)- I have seen people being mistreated based on their social Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes, Law Reform on Easements and Restrictive Covenants Suggestions, Service Employees International Union vs. Labatt Brewing Company: Case Analysis, Cultural Miscommunication and Hostility against Muslims, The Problem of Miscommunication in an Organization, Miscommunication Problems: the US and Japan in World War II, Research Process and Terminology: Criminal Justice, Miscommunication and Power Distance in Business world, Healthcare Terminologies and Classification Systems, The Impact of Standardized Nursing Terminology, Prison Industrial Complex and Its Development, Using Victim Impact Statements and Defendants Sentencing Memorandums in Court, Punishment and Restitution: Models of Justice, Alternative Dispute Resolution: Types and Functions. How social-class stereotypes maintain inequality. In an effort to ensure that a community's police force is representative of its population, many police departments initiate diversity recruitment programs. IvyPanda. Some police forces in communities with prevalent minority cultures offer diversity training. Another valuable skill I developed was networking. Required fields are marked *. that dif, -Contraculture which are ways of life or attitudes that are opposed or variant to the, Race refers to the physical characteristics of an individual (White, Ethnicity refers to the cultural background an individual comes from (V, Prejudice is the negative attitude towards an indivi, Miscommunication - Shooting of Keith Childr, -US Marshals requested backup under the guise of Childress being an armed fugitive, accused, -Suspect was shot five times, only for it to later be revealed t, fugitive got missing a court date for a crime unrelated to murder, -Philandro Castile was fatally shot during a t. he was reaching was his license and registration. For example, the mentally challenged have on several occasions been raped but their cases go unmentioned. Describe How Culture Impacts Communications From Criminal Justice Professionals When criminal justice professionals are exposed to more diversity, they will gain a greater knowledge of the various cultures they will encounter and will be better prepared to handle any case that comes their way. techniques with those who have Limited English Proficiency, and collaborate with fellow first Retrieved November 21, 2021, from, Merriam-Webster. initially relegated to many clerical tasks until the passage of Title VII in 1964, which prohibited Retrieved November 20, 2021, from, sentencingproject/publications/un-report-on-racial-disparities/, Shah, S., Rahman, I., & Khashu, A. These stereotypical assumptions have made offenders to be dismissed without judgements in the court. Ethnic gaps are the widest in Massachusetts where the rate is four-to-one. Prejudice is a negative attitude based on preconceived opinions towards something/someone Effective training suggests dividing sensitivity training into two distinct types: race-relations or sensitivity and cultural or racial awareness. 40% of that number are girls, who were assigned female at birth. Police Officers Explain Why Diversity in Law Enforcement Matters |, Rasmussen University. sentence (Jones, 2021). police officers due to social media and the news. Social diversity and multiculturalism is more prevalent in the justice system than in the rest of society. Police Chief, Online. appropriate terminology. Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. loved ones and that is something we cannot take lightly. Racial disparities are the most pronounced in Wisconsin, where 1 in 36 inmates is Black. For different cultures to be treated fairly, it's important to understand how they view the world and interact with others. Age-Effects how cases are run and sentencing can and does play a part that creates a First, when a group of people is alienated from a system because of disparities, that group's distrust with the system will grow. African American are more likely to be convicted for crimes they did not commit. Provide at least one example of each typespeaking and listeningwhen there is miscommunication. Make sure to utilize the speaker notes function in the presentation if you do not include a video or voiceover. conversations to get heated. been stereotyped as terrorists. In many ways, the social aspect of criminology defines the field. Terms related to classifications of cultures (e., contraculture) downs syndrome, and despite his caretaker pleading with the officers to wait and let her take care of the 1. How Culture Impacts Communications From Criminal Justice Professionals [one of the many ways that culture can affect communication in the criminal justice field is that culture dictates how police departments must react as one year people could love police the next, they could hate them. 2021, from merriam-webster/dictionary/subculture, Ng, R., Allore, H. G., Trentalange, M., Monin, J. K., & Levy, B. R. (2015). The main goals of the criminal justice system in this country are to keep the nation's citizens safe, offer them . Age should have been added to this list. Include key terminology related to cultural awareness, including: Terms related to classifications of cultures (e.g., contraculture), The difference between race and ethnicity, The difference between discrimination and prejudice. This causes police departments to have to be very, cautious ween communicating with the public which has led to a lot, of misinformation and lack of good communication in the past. can end up ending the life of another. Aday, R. H., & Krabill, J. J. (2020, August 20). Cross), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), CJ 120 Module Two Practice Activity Template, Comfort in Social Situations Student Version, CJ 120 Module Two Practice Activity Personal Assessment, Project 3 - Perspectives from Hispanic and Asian communities towards law enforcement with, Include key terminology related to cultural awareness, includi, CJ 120 Module Five Assignment One Table Template, Survey of Special Education: mild to moderate disabilities (SPD-200), Primary Concepts Of Adult Nursing (NUR 3180), Health-Illness Concepts Across the Lifespan I (NUR 1460C), Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology (BIO210), Managing Business Communications and Change (MGT-325), Leadership and Management in Nursing (NUR 4773), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), C228 Task 2 Cindy - Bentonville - Passed with no revisions, BIO 140 - Cellular Respiration Case Study, CH 13 - Summary Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Wong s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 11th Edition Hockenberry Rodgers Wilson Test Bank, Gizmos Student Exploration: Effect of Environment on New Life Form, The Deep Dive Answers - jdjbcBS JSb vjbszbv, Lessons from Antiquity Activities US Government, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. conversation takes a shift. Effective communication is critical within criminal justice organizations. Explain how cultural stereotypes can negatively influence decision making in criminal justice settings. (n.). ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. (2019). Published. Islamophobia and Law Enforcement in a Post 9/ We will write a custom Presentation on Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes specifically for you for only $11.00 $9.35/page. dashcam/index prior to going through the slide. The judge assumed that the guy was gay and justice was not granted. The, manhunt lasted 12 days before Dorner killed himself in a cabin (Rubin, In America it is not uncommon for people to think of inner-city black, people as nothing more than criminals. 1829 0 obj <>stream It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. (Betts, n.)) Some important cultural differences could cause miscommunication. he was reaching was his license and registration. Soft skills encompass personal characteristics and traits. Most colleges offering undergraduate degrees in criminal justice also offer a curriculum that includes the study of diversity in criminal justice. Stereotype: Age Many Americans have had this image perpetuated over and over of young black men being -The disadvantage to stereotyping is that we often overlook the individual characteristics that reported some form of mistreatment from law enforcement officers (Crabapple, 2013). violence cases (Park et al., 2016). (2019, February 13). (2015, February 25). Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the, U. Include key terminology related to cultural awareness, including: Effective listening is key to victim advocate because it builds a trust relationship with the client. Simply Psychology. institutions, particularly LGBT+ youth, who have been abandoned by their families for their lifestyles Prejudice and Discrimination in Psychology. CNN. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from hrw/world-report/2021/essay/poverty-pandemic-, Roman, I. That can create big problems. What Interests and Abilities Do You Need to Become a Cop? Arab-Americans, for example, may get out of a vehicle after being pulled over as a courtesy to police officers. The Muslim Ban Cases: A Lost Opportunity for the Court and a Lesson, for the Future. An officers ability to communicate with an individual whose culture is different from their own is seen as critical. Topics include the following: introduction to cultural awareness; legal basis for cultural training; elements of culture; intercultural dynamics; conflict perspective; structural functionalism; interactionist perspective; gender (dynamics); sexual harassment policy; customs; art; music; food; ceremonies and rituals; -How can we fix the problem? they serve on a daily bases, and it is important to realize the differences between each individual Next, select one of the following civilian roles: After you have chosen your civilian role and your audience of specific sets of sworn officials, follow the directions below to complete your assignment: To complete this project, you must submit the following: Use the Project One Template for your training presentation for sworn officers and community members. Overcoming Language Barriers: Solutions for Law. class especially someone who is middle to poor class but I have seen those who are poor endstream endobj startxref Law institutions classified people of color under low socioeconomic positions. misinterpreted by law enforcement personnel on a daily bases. fugitive got missing a court date for a crime unrelated to murder. -Particularly transwomen of color are very commonly depicted as sex workers, and up to 58% (2020, April 22). officers have been encouraged to look for specific behaviors, which are common practices for those. disabilities That type of bias is why there is such -The reason prisoners are deemed older at the age of 55 is due to the rapid acceleration This period is longer than that of murder, yet the victims were arrested without evidence. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from, theatlantic/health/archive/2014/05/misunderstanding-disability-leads-to-police-, Peeples, L. (2020, June 19). may be relevant. probation address the medical and social care needs of elderly prisoners? Clarifying what's being said before responding inaccurately or unfairly. harmful to someone who has disabilities ESPECIALLY if they are mentally disabled. These values and beliefs can vary greatly from other cultures within an organization (e.g., shifts, districts, facilities within a law enforcement agency) and with different aspects of the community. any more likely to commit these crimes, LGBT+ are largely over represented in correctional her, asking if she wanted a ride to a local bar. ThoughtCo. Cultural Competence: The ability of individuals to use academic, experiential, and interpersonal skills to increase their understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities within, among, and between groups. scholarship.law.marquette/elders/vol7/iss2/, Ahalt, C., & Williams, B. This phenomenon is known as "acculturation" and takes place when individuals coming from different cultural groups come into contact with each other and change their cultural patterns as a result of this contact (Redfield, Linton, & Herskovits, 1936; Renteln, 2004 ). Provide at least one example of each typespeaking and listeningwhen there is An officer's ability to communicate with an individual whose culture is different from their own is seen as critical. Describe how medical home services have developed over the years. nytimes/interactive/2020/09/23/us/bureau-justice-statistics-race.html, Mcleod, S. (2008). Language can also play a role in a case being difficult since. Include the following: Five examples of stereotypes common to these defined groups and how they can be harmful when generalized and lead to poor decision making: Disability (including mental disabilities), A brief explanation of the history behind stereotyping one of these five diverse communities in the United States. Black women are considered as welfare queen because they are presumed to be trouble makers. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Key Differences Between Race vs. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Muslims are stereotyped as terrorist, cold, and incompetent. Police Retrieved November 20, With this it has created a bias against, people of the black community that makes many Americans think that, black people are the problem. The starting point is the topic of culture, not diversity. offenders (Aday & Krabill, 2006). Counterculture. down into the basin so he couldn't penetrate you?" (Grant, 2016) Stereotype: Race LGBTQ+ status- A transgendered person being put in a prison of the gender they were Module 4 Project 1 project one : michelle garcia, victim advocate describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals how culture weapon that he didnt have (Associated Press, 2016). Law enforcement responded to a call about a, possible hit and run. There are two reasons why it's important for those working in the justice system to have an understanding of multicultural differences. Attitude Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes. In some societies they are stereotyped as lazy people who depend on government aid. A published author and professional speaker, David Weedmark has been a hiring manager and recruiter for several companies and advises small businesses on technology. For example, Jersey City, New Jersey first started a recruitment drive in 2013 to encourage minorities to join the JCPD police department. Human Rights Watch. Islamophobia Studies Journal , 3 (1), 138157. Nitschke, F. T., McKimmie, B. M., & Vanman, E. J. hates is taught in many households I dont believe we will ever completely get rid of it. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Vice. The judicial system treats young offenders with leniency compared to older criminals because it is believed that the young hardly knows what is right or wrong. Imagine if instead of sending convicted offenders to prison, we sentenced them to heavy surveillance at home: cameras, audio recording, GPS monitoring, blood-alcohol content monitors, and so on.. An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. (review sheet 4), Oraciones para pedir prosperidad y derramamiento econmico, 1-3 Assignment- Triple Bottom Line Industry Comparison, Time Value of Money Practice Problems and Solutions, Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart, Daniel Clegg, Saleem Watson (z-lib.org), Leadership and management ATI The leader CASE 1, 10 Cualidades DE Josue COMO Lider en la biblia en el antiguo testamento y el ejempolo que no da, Focused Exam Alcohol Use Disorder Completed Shadow Health, Who Killed Barry mystery game find out who killed barry, Blue book mark k - Lecture notes Mark Klimek, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. Retrieved, November 20, 2021, from thoughtco/school-to-prison-pipeline-. 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