Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain twenty-three chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one "Y" chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 from the fathera total of 46! is much more easier . Or if you know nothing, wish you dont contribute on such discussions. But what we do know that this creation was wonderfully made. Every stated claims were true because the bible says so.I will be more convinced if it is supported by a peer reviewed scientific facts and evidences instead of a vicious circling bible verses. ISAIAH 9:6 am from Solomon Islands a country that located at the end of the South Pacific. Whether by an individual or a group. (I guessed i got your line of question). It was really informative. Do you know that your greatest sins wasting up your brain??? Jesus' blood cells discovered: living, 24 chromosomes - YouTube Visit my website: http://www.ScienceProvingGod.com~Extensive guide on how to repent and be born again. Multiple tests have been completed to uncover the truth about the bloodstains in the Shroud. I am eager to read everyones replies, my original thought was a Scriptures say the holy spirit hovered over Mary I to split a cell in her woumb .. And how can spirit have DNA ? (2) Where did mass and energy come from? Too lengthy to comment here. (2) Jesus had to have two copies of the DNA since He embodied all humanity; he took us to the cross, to the grave, and, thank God, to the resurrection. amen, yeah its right god we know is everywhere because he is powerful of all of us when a boy see a peny he will said that im powerfull but god do that for him. Well, you have to have it to get it. JESUS IS REAL,,, people will go against the truth about Jesus but to be true, your time is not yet come which the bible said one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is lord If you care enough to humble yourself before Him and ask like Thomas, then maybe just maybe The Humble One might choose to prove to you. Our DNA as it exists now, was in Christ before the creation, spoken into existence on day 6. IT IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION (institutions)! Jesus is NOT Son of God, and Jesus mission is not to cleansed all our sin. Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). dear brother god bless you but you not understood god is comming soon and you will be looking in cloud but that time hi not give sorry for any any person who say agenst god but we pray for you god give you wish and you help for your confusion. All our original DNA is safe in Jesus. came to earth stupid humans thought they where gods, like long ago in Africa natives thought if you took their photo you own their soul yeah right wake up to reality Humans exist as part of the earths natural time frame soon we will all be like the dodo gone for ever. He read from the Hebrew scriptures as they existed in the Jewish temples at that time. The Bible is not what you just read it is what the Holy Ghost helps you to interpret. As far as any of us is concerned you can believe or you can rot in hell. The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. CHORUS 2. Cain/the evil one? The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. JesusChurch..Catholic..or..ProstestantorMormoon??? She produced you without a male, since she was alone (and) in ignorance as to what lives through her mother because she thought that she alone existed-, Thank you for this explanation. However, later in His ministry He took on all the sins of the world. (3) Mary did not have the Y-Chromosome in her DNA; therefore, the Holy Spirit had to supply it, if not Jesus could not have been a man. Yes, we agree: Jesus is the Son of God. Our natures demand conflict, until you make a choice about what the conflict is really about, you find peace and you stay where that peace is. Jesus was justified in destroying the enemy because the enemy assaulted Jesus field. I am excited to see Science is helping to discover God rather than the opposite. Without faith you cannot know Him. He returned the DNA to the original. The Bible also says that Jesus, the last Adam, was a life giving Spirit. Theres not a shred of evidence for anything you say. And they found a crack in the rock caused by an earthquake in the ceiling of the cave just above the Ark of the Covenant, that went strait up to the cross-hole where Jesus' cross stood, and the gold mercy seat between the two angles was sprinkled with Christ's (the Messiah's) blood. Our DNA is in Him and cannot die; that is why it is important that we are in Christ just like the Bible says. Actually, in my opinion, Jesus took His DNA and made Adam and I believe that is what the Bible says. We Christians rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to keep us out of trouble and teach us all things. Did he say that salvation would come through his blood? We can become partakers of divine nature through faith in JesusOr do you think that everyone born after Jesus died and resurrected automatically has the divine nature planted in them as a hidden mustered seed albeit they are not aware of it nor is it activated until true faith ignites it and starts the process of purification? Later, when man sinned, all the creation suffered (Romans 5:12). Here, we report the main findings. Jea 10:35 If he called them gods to whom the word of God cameand Scripture cannot be broken When you came to Christ, you were circumcised, but not by a physical procedure. DNA of Jesus will not have the Y chromosome. These disciples would most certainly. I would like to add just a bit to what you said, and that is, looking at the Herbrew, the word used in Psalms 82:6 is Elohim. In the name of Allah who created all. Epigenetics may explain why dogs with DNA so close can have very different talents in hunting, guarding, and companionship. very easy to say we believe in jesus in wordsum -savior-cross-death-resurrection but not maybe when he said icome in my father name, I and my father are one, i in him, he in me, do you think u can kill me, I have the power to (permit)lay down my life and power to raise it up again i have my sheep other than these sheep, those sheep knows me and i know them, they believe and follow me, begone satan, dont temp the name of the lord your God, if jesus is man he said iam the root n offspring of david, if he is not God of the OT then he is an impostor for OT God said I will come to save man from sins once and for all n John Baptist is my HERALDER (Heb chp-8 n 9). Look it up in the Bible. the path of those who have received your grace; Mankind are just like computer but much more advance. The Bible is always right and way way ahead of our science. He says he found Jesus' blood and it had only 24 chromosomes, though of course he never shared it with anyone else, nor explained how he reached his conclus Continue Reading 2.7K 65 More answers below Igbinovia Ezekiel Medical Biochemist and Genetics 5 y The earliest historical records of the Shroud of Turin place it in Lirey, France during the 1350s. Matthew 18:20 So, when the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus in Marys body, He took her DNA and merged it with the perfect DNA that was created on day 6 of creation. (KJV). Journal: Missionary Teaching Trip to Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by Dr. John Oakes. Adams fall brought a death curse upon the earth and all in it. I am not a geneticist or even a scientist, but I am a child of God who reads and studies the Word of God. Let me give an example of how this works: Take John Doe, he has a mutation that has been correlated with some form of cancer. Now God himself came and shown the DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY THEREFORE SCIENCE HAS DEFINED DNA TO SHOW HUMAN GENOME WHICH IS STILL 98% IS UNKNOWN ONLY 1.5% IS RECORDED .THEREFORE THE REAL TRUTH IS REVEALED IN CHRIST WHICH IS 100% MANIFESTED IN CHRIST DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY. Like JC said 1st u do what He says ampersand past It on but keep ur faith in Him. ADAM to NOAH (2000yrs)(2 days to G-D)NOAH to JESUS CHRIST (2000yrs)(another 2 days) ..JESUS CHRIST to us today (2015 yrs) another 2 days and 15 yrs into a new day of G_D total up the days .is 6 days and 15 seconds in G-Ds 7th day. Where did the universe come from? It will confirm the birth of Jesus had no male intervention. YESHUA was born under the curse. All Prohecies (Zechariah 9:9 )pertaining to christ are fulfilled and victorious.Give me a verse in the bible that there are prophecies petaining christ that is not victorious?Jesus Christ is the only one can do the job to be victor and that is to cleanse our sins , if you will just believe the power thereof, if you have faith to that, he can cleanse you, it will happen to you, but there are just processes to make, you must know the process. To have followers? The word chromosome (/ k r o m s o m,- z o m /) comes from the Greek (chroma, "colour") and (soma, "body"), describing their strong staining by particular dyes. Some of the early karyological terms . I am amazed at your sense of grandeur people? God doesnt to be proved at all. And in: remember that the Apostles were not well read. If prophesies are true! Thats the way He did it, thats the way He will always be. If we had enough faith, we could walk on water. He says he found Jesus' blood and it had only 24 chromosomes, though of course he never shared it with anyone else, nor explained how he reached his conclus Continue Reading 2.7K More answers below Angela Birch BA from Pepperdine University (Graduated 1974) Author has 21.3K answers and 40.9M answer views Jan 13 James, Being made in the image of God doesnt imply we are God. Can we trust Ron Wyatts published claim that they have discovered some of Jesus blood and that it has 24, not 23 chromosomes? after noah, why men became evil that caused destruction of sodom? It is obvious that the writer of the Bible (God) understood this process very well; this is because He created it. Regards. He is the source of all power. June 23, 2016 . And with what kind of body do they come?. If you go back to Jeremiah 3:8, you will see that God had the justification to also divorce Judah, but He didnt because of the promises to Abraham and David. (1) How does gravity work? One day in the twinkling of an eye, when changes come the corruptible including every DNA of humanity will be change and all the flesh that is corruptible will be destroy including the DNA ( 1 Cor. The omes that dont want to understand and the ones that do not seek God face and study the write word of God. sindonology.com. ( 1 chr.22:9-13) He was able to build a temple or house but he was never to make known the true name of God thru the house he had built. Even Jesus said There shall be wars and rumors of wars, but such things have to be. There will always be fights between the haves and have-nots, good vs evil, light vs darkness. someone has to stand against this lie that is taking over the world., Mark, Elizabeth found out bannished Mary. Christianity is by faith and the more you explain God, the more your faith will dwindle. When they found out he was a blood marrow recipient, they were all surprised. Oh wunderful and unique headquarters ! The Quran is most eloquent, most precise and concise with regard to encompassing and explaining all phenomenon. Marys father was Heli. jesus' blood found and tested. We know it is true that if we have a good diet and good exercise, we do better; we have always known that. Thats not our problem anymore. 18:2-4) In other words, you have to have childlike faith. AND TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH ABOUT IT IS SPIRIT LED. if you are curious and you want to know start reading the new testament, read what Jesus said will happen. Why Did God Create Plant Life before the Sun? Jews: this word derives from Judah (Hebrew Yehudah), one of Jacob's 12 sons, and the one who was the ancestor of Jesus Christ (Mat. All the holy prophets are that booster who received date information, instruction and implementation power from centre of divine power and distribute it as per acceptability level. He was God and man; however the genetic lineage must go past David all the way back to Adam? New Living Translation If the body of the 1st Adam was totally formed by God alone, then the 2nd Adam must have been also. Something not perfect? Actually, the word son is not in the original, so it would be legitimate to supply either son or son-in-law in this context. I am in no way saying God is a female, the Bible clearly states that God is He, however, He does have within Himself female attributes, He has to, because He created both male and female in His image. Also, we have been give the ability to take the scriptures and look at physical evidence and apply our human ability to reason. John. Everything is very open with a precise description of the A note of interest If not why not? Nice try, though, but yeah, you just lied. Wait, you will find the truth. Whatever you say, it has no any scientific and theological The 22 autosomes are numbered by size. But thats not the way HE perceives it. A lot of people been doing that here. My friend if everybody on this planet study the word of God with the help of the Holy spirit and you study truely you will see that God and Jesus do exsised sori for my spelling because Im afrikaans but am tring to exsplaine in english. Glory to King Jesus. None moved by his own will but by the Will of The Merciful Lord, just as He desired to instruct mankind at their stage of development. 2) Reducing the 10 commandments to just 2 is a very serious sin. A recent historical fiction thriller addresses this topic: knowledge to state that the God as proclaimed in the bible was anything but God. However the term 'Jew' became used for all descendants of Israel. You are leaning on your own interpretations. It is a very sensitive method of identifying specific chemicals. Ive seen the ancient alien theories for Discovery or Nat Geo. When the sperm penetrates the egg, the two sets combine to produce your own chromosome, which you pass on to your children. He was a good man and he was sent to heaven for his worthy life. Thank you for your comments. but with an strong assurance from the GREAT IAM that IAM.she felt a greatest environment of such peace that she never experiences in heras a result.she accept the prophecy by G-D through his servant ISAIAH. He found no fault with them and every time He read from them, He indirectly approved them. If you were driving by me, and I knew there was a bridge out ahead that I knew about, but you didnt. to make babies on the womb of womenjust like he did to seahorse the male is the one that carry the babieslike adam But all born in Adam actually dont have a immortal soul or immortal spiritthey dont have a divine nature or divine life in their self. Ask the millions of fallen-away Catholics like myself who have liberated themselves from such mass hysteria and b.s. Can a Christian be a blood donor(give own blood to others)? A good rule of thumb on claims by Christians or anyone else: If it is too good to be true, then it is probably too good to be true! We can all read this through the WHOLE Bible and is confirmed in the gospel. The Holy Spirit is very able to reproduce the Word since He is the Spirit of God. This is the moslem myth. Faith is precious and can only be used when we dont see. Now is the time to use our faith and build treasures in heaven, treasures we can all share and enjoy. 1 Corinthians 15:45 Thus it is written, The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. For one person to meet every single prophecy, from generation after generation of prophets priests and kings the odds I saw once were 7,000,000,000 to 1. The earliest accounts of Jesus' burial come from the Canonical Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, which are believed to have been composed decades after Christ's crucifixion . I live in US but over past year have been on a very unexpected rare journey that has caused me to see that my family both paternal and maternal are from the bloodlines of key individuals of Bible, Torah, and Koran. i assume like this>>>> There is no son of God because God is one and has no sons. There will always be lineage must go past David all the sins of the Bible says! Since He is the Son of God because God is one and has no sons thriller addresses this:... Recipient, they were all surprised be used when we dont see, in! Science is helping to discover God rather than the opposite u do what He says ampersand past on. However the genetic lineage must go past David all the way He always... Created it commandments to just 2 is a very serious sin destroying the enemy assaulted Jesus field if why... All phenomenon amazed at your sense of grandeur people, which you pass on to your children his?! Or if you know nothing, wish you dont contribute on such discussions trust Wyatts. 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