billing addresses shipping to U.S. addresses. "Alto [John Altobelli] was nothing short of a saint," said Sanders. He is the son of his dad's first wife named "Barbara Jean Woo-Sam". .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner::after{display:none;content:'';width:0;height:0;position:absolute;left:auto;right:-1px;top:33%;z-index:calc(99992 + 1);border-color:transparent #ffffff transparent transparent;border-style:solid;border-width:8px;}/*!sc*/ h1{font-size:2em;margin:0.67em 0;}/*!sc*/ And then they came out and played at Vanderbilt, I think that was in early March and he threw great again there. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true']{background-color:#057AFF;}/*!sc*/ 12 The Altobelli family lost John, Keri, and Alyssa (pictured second from left, centre, and far right) in last month's crash Credit: AP:Associated Press 12 article ul{list-style:disc;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb{width:100%;font-family:'proxima-nova','mlb-primary','Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica','Arial',sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:14px;font-weight:500;line-height:15px;color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ To learn more about international shipping, please visit our window.adobeAnalytics = {"reportingSuiteId":"mlbglobal08,mlbcom08","linkInternalFilters":"mlb"} .blUWSx .share-button__link--message-icon{width:10px;margin-right:5px;}/*!sc*/ Altobelli we know well from out here in Hawaii as a player at Oregon and then as a scout, said Trapasso. @media (min-width:768px){.mHQYb .header__nav-top{padding:0 16px;}}/*!sc*/ Orange Coast College baseball coach John Altobelli, Vanessa Bryant: My brain refuses to accept that both Kobe and Gigi are gone, A little scary: Iditarod begins with smallest field ever, Ducks three-game win streak snapped in overtime loss to Capitals, High school basketball: Southern California and Northern California Regional results and updated pairings, Sherman Oaks Notre Dame overcomes deficit to win Mission League opener, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Dramatic before and after photos from space show epic snow blanketing SoCal mountains, The chance of a lifetime: Five friends ski the tallest mountain in Los Angeles, Best coffee city in the world? ", Keri Altobelli's "devastated" brother, Derek Sanders, was choked up as he spoke to the mourners at Angel Stadium of Anaheim, saying, "My life was forever changed when Alexis and Alyssa were born. .blUWSx .share-button{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background:none;border:none;padding:0;cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top{height:56px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__list--multiple-type .p-search-item--team.p-search-item--es:first-of-type:before{content:'Equipos';}/*!sc*/ html{line-height:1.15;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__image-thumbnail--team{margin:0 auto 0 0.25rem;height:40px;width:45px;}/*!sc*/ .hUHmCp{margin-top:24px;background-color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ "Please remember Alto for all the special moments he gave us," he said. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item{width:100%;-webkit-order:0;-ms-flex-order:0;order:0;background-color:#081c3b;border-bottom:1px solid #002867;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-container{-webkit-order:99;-ms-flex-order:99;order:99;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex:99 1 100%;-ms-flex:99 1 100%;flex:99 1 100%;width:100%;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner:hover a,.mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner:hover span{color:#ffffff;}.mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner:hover .p-icon *{fill:#ffffff;}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__subnav__item:focus{outline:1px dotted #041E42;}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-style:italic;font-weight:900;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g101[id="styles__SearchWidgetButton-sc-1vorjk3-1"]{content:"cwEpxl,"}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb .header__nav-top__secondary-logos{width:100%;-webkit-order:-1;-ms-flex-order:-1;order:-1;}.mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-container{-webkit-order:0;-ms-flex-order:0;order:0;-webkit-flex-basis:80%;-ms-flex-preferred-size:80%;flex-basis:80%;}}/*!sc*/ Its pretty thankless., Boston adds Blaze Jordan among Day 2 picks, Draft Tracker: Complete pick-by-pick coverage. His parents, John and Keri, and sister, Alyssa, died in the helicopter crash that also killed basketball star Kobe Bryant, his daughter, Gianna, and several others. Prep Rally is devoted to the SoCal high school sports experience, bringing you scores, stories and a behind-the-scenes look at what makes prep sports so popular. @media (min-width:768px){.cHcHkC{font-size:1.44rem;max-height:32px;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;display:block;-webkit-line-clamp:none;-webkit-box-orient:inline-axis;}.cHcHkC::before,.cHcHkC::after{display:none;}}/*!sc*/ And they are especially tough to scout when you only get three or four weekends in the spring. And the role I'm gonna serve for Lexi going forward. And really, I think about Jeremy Wu-Yelland and the process J.J. had with him, and it was so J.J., because he is so darn humble. .mHQYb{background:#057AFF;}/*!sc*/ Boston Red Sox's J.J. Altobelli, whose father, John, stepmother, Keri and sister Alyssa died in the January helicopter crash that also killed Kobe and Gianna Bryant, scouted fourth-round pick. People sign a poster during a celebration of life ceremony at Angel Stadium on Monday to honor the lives of John, Keri and Alyssa Altobelli. [type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto;}/*!sc*/ .kKeedG:hover{border-bottom:none;color:#0048AB;}/*!sc*/ .groqnz.markdown, figcaption,.groqnz.oembed .social-embed{padding:0 16px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top > *{-webkit-order:0;-ms-flex-order:0;order:0;-webkit-flex:1 1 auto;-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo a,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo a{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex:1 1 auto;-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;}/*!sc*/ And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE. the top right corner of our website. She was not only a great player but an amazing teammate. .mHQYb .header__nav-top [class$='button-menu--icon'] span{background-color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button{background:none;border:none;padding:0 16px 0 0;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}/*!sc*/ Alexis Altobelli, who lost her parents and sister in the crash that killed Kobe Bryant, will get an internship at a top sports agency, per the Lakers legend's wishes, the agency's namesake told. @media (min-width:375px){.mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__team--shortname{display:none;}.mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__team--name{display:inline-block;}}/*!sc*/ .hspSPq:hover svg path{fill:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ *Some exclusions apply. Alyssa Altobelli was a feisty, sharp-shooting, creative-passing point guard on the Newport Beach-based Mambas, an elite eighth-grade travel team coached by former Lakers star Kobe Bryant, who was killed along with his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, and four others in the crash. @media (max-width:1024px){.mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-url-logos--no-sponsor{display:none;}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo--with-sponsor,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo--with-sponsor,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo--with-tagline,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo--with-tagline{display:none;}/*!sc*/ Taylor was one of 15 speakers to remember the Altobellis, a group that included University of Texas coach Bill Pierce, a college teammate of John at Houston, several former OCC assistants, longtime friends of Keri as well as her brother, and friends and teammates of Alyssa. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the family's two remaining children. data-styled.g163[id="Styles__OEmbedContainer-oapuup-0"]{content:"epHHrr,"}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-weight:600;font-style:italic;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__input--icon--sm{top:0.5rem;right:0.5rem;}/*!sc*/ button,input,optgroup,select,textarea{font-family:inherit;font-size:100%;line-height:1.15;margin:0;}/*!sc*/ [hidden]{display:none;}/*!sc*/ A dozen large collages filled with family photos lined the main concourse of the stadium. .mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__league{margin-bottom:5px;}/*!sc*/ .evGxub{display:inline-block;width:48px;height:48px;border-radius:50%;-webkit-border-radius:50%;overflow:hidden;position:relative;}/*!sc*/ She stood up for herself, her family and her close inner circle.. h5.headlinestyle__HeadlineWrapper-sc-1ccyctx-0{font-weight:normal;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:768px){.mHQYb .header__subnav__content{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}.mHQYb .header__subnav__group:not(:first-child){margin-left:16px;}.mHQYb .header__subnav__group.cols{-webkit-column-count:2;column-count:2;-webkit-column-gap:8px;column-gap:8px;}.mHQYb .header__subnav__item,.mHQYb .header__subnav__group-title{width:100%;}}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g11[id="buttonstyle__StyledButton-sc-vlv7w5-1"]{content:"hspSPq,"}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-style:italic;font-weight:800;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? John and Keri Altobelli are survived by two other children, son J.J. Altobelli -- John Altobelli's son from a previous marriage -- and the couple's 16-year-old daughter, Alexis Altobelli. .dLQAwR a{color:#057AFF;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item__link .icon__nav-item{margin-right:5px;width:10px;height:15px;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;}/*!sc*/ .kKeedG{color:#057AFF;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;border-bottom:none;font-family:"proxima-nova","open Sans","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif;}/*!sc*/ .blUWSx .share-icon__button{background:none;border:none;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ We had seen him pitch on the Cape, where he threw great. In this, his first year as amateur scouting director for the Red Sox, Toboni felt it was important to make sure the work of area scouts doesnt get lost. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-container__revenue{display:none;}/*!sc*/ .ggWmAj .sticky-header__share button{font-weight:600;}/*!sc*/ "Watching her do this effortlessly was nothing short of amazing," Lever said. @media (min-width:1024px){.groqnz.markdown, figcaption,.groqnz.oembed .social-embed{padding:0;}}/*!sc*/ People wait outside the gates before the start of a celebration of life ceremony at Angel Stadium on Monday in Anaheim. 5 basketball top. Two O.C. data-styled.g21[id="imagestyle__Img-sc-xw1tzz-1"]{content:"ebrWqN,"}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-style:normal;font-weight:800;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g166[id="Styles__VideoPlayerContainer-t94iyc-0"]{content:"XOHMa,"}/*!sc*/ Buy gift card Free Registry Consultation Services .blLcNM .content .share-btn{-webkit-align-self:flex-end;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;margin-left:auto;min-width:32px;position:relative;top:-16px;}/*!sc*/ Pictures of the Altobelli family are shown at the entrance of the Orange Coast College baseball stadium prior to a ceremony held for John Altobelli, the late head coach of Orange Coast College baseball, who died in a helicopter crash alongside former NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant in Costa Mesa, Calif., Jan. 28, 2020. ", 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. On behalf of me, Lexi, Carly, I cant thank everyone here enough, he said. data-styled.g118[id="sc-global-iSmFBW1"]{content:"sc-global-iSmFBW1,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item--spotlight .header__nav-top__nav-item__text{color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ JJ Altobelli, accompanied by Lexi Altobelli and Carly Konigsfeld speaks during a celebration of life ceremony at Angel Stadium on Monday to honor the lives of John, Keri and Alyssa Altobelli, who were among the nine killed in a helicopter crash that also claimed the lives of Lakers legend Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna. currency. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-url-logos > *{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;}/*!sc*/ .ezZJVn{background:transparent;border:0;color:#000000;font-family:"proxima-nova","open Sans","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif;font-size:1rem;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;right:35px;top:60%;-webkit-transform:translateY(-50%);-ms-transform:translateY(-50%);transform:translateY(-50%);white-space:nowrap;}/*!sc*/ Welcome to my artistic portfolio page. .cwEpxl{height:100%;width:100%;border:transparent;background:none;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:0.2s;transition:0.2s;padding:0px;}/*!sc*/ #react-header{width:100%;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button.account{-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;padding:0 0 0 4px;white-space:nowrap;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;}/*!sc*/ .blUWSx .share-button__link--message{position:absolute;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;height:100%;left:-105px;bottom:2px;padding:0 5px;border-radius:5px;background:#041E42;color:#ffffff;font-family:"proxima-nova","open Sans","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif;font-size:12px;}/*!sc*/ .epHHrr iframe{max-width:100%;}/*!sc*/ .blUWSx .share-button__close{top:6px;left:5px;}/*!sc*/ Family members of coach John Altobelli, his son J.J. Altobelli, left, with his fiancee Carly Konigsfeld, right, and his daughter Lexi Altobelli, speaks at a memorial service honoring. *{box-sizing:border-box;}/*!sc*/ "And the demands of Keri's own business left little time of anything else.". data-styled.g141[id="sharestyle__Wrapper-sc-9nfkvu-1"]{content:"blUWSx,"}/*!sc*/ The family of John Altobelli, son JJ Altobelli, his fiance Carly Konigsfeld and daughter Lexi Altobelli, speak during a memorial service honoring their father John, his wife, Keri, and their . Danny Watkins every year kills it. @media (min-width:768px){.mHQYb{font-size:14px;}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__list--multiple-type .p-search-item--team + .p-search-item--player.p-search-item--es:before{content:'Jugadores';}/*!sc*/ custom tariffs and taxes, during checkout. .hUHmCp > article > aside{display:none;}/*!sc*/ Orange Coast College baseball coach John Altobelli and his wife, Keri Altobelli, were onboard the helicopter with their 14-year-old daughter, Alyssa Altobelli, who was a basketball teammate of the NBA legend's daughter Gianna. data-styled.g164[id="Styles__AspectRatioContainer-sc-1t1lmmv-0"]{content:"jiNMQU,"}/*!sc*/ [type="checkbox"],[type="radio"]{box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ We planned on going to Oregon together and being a force to be reckoned with. Alyssa Altobelli was a "devoted basketball player" with a hard work ethic, but she also "always had my back," her friend Sammy Forbath said at the service. @media (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb[data-is-club],.mHQYb[data-is-microsite]{background-image:linear-gradient(#002867 50%,#081c3b 50%);}.mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-items{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item{display:none;-webkit-flex:1 1 100%;-ms-flex:1 1 100%;flex:1 1 100%;position:relative;text-align:center;}/*!sc*/ The crowd included hundreds of former and current OCC baseball players, players from Golden West and Fullerton College, several of John Altobellis college teammates and a large contingent of umpires, a group Altobelli often did battle with because it was just in his DNA to fight for his players, Pierce said. Ensuring . Perhaps focusing on work these past few months gave J.J. Altobelli at least some form of comfort or escape. .mHQYb input[type='search']::-webkit-search-cancel-button{-webkit-appearance:none;}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-weight:400;font-style:italic;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__secondary-logos{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;height:56px;-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;-webkit-flex:99 1 45%;-ms-flex:99 1 45%;flex:99 1 45%;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side{display:none;-webkit-align-items:stretch;-webkit-box-align:stretch;-ms-flex-align:stretch;align-items:stretch;width:100%;height:calc(100vh - 56px);position:relative;overflow:hidden;z-index:99992;top:0;}/*!sc*/ BOSTON -- On the heels of an unfathomable tragedy, Red Sox area scout J.J. Altobelli has continued to come to work every day and do his job. J.J. I wish it was a traditional Draft where we could announce the pick over the conference line, because it would have been very cool to dedicate that pick to his family. template{display:none;}/*!sc*/ Each text, call, donation or act of kindness has not gone unnoticed. .dLQAwR .contributor__text--twitter{font-size:0.8rem;font-weight:600;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button.account--logged-in{height:56px;position:relative;overflow:hidden;}/*!sc*/ A native of East Lyme, Conn., and a graduate of Cal State Fullerton, he began writing for The Times in 1981. .mHQYb .p-search-item__team-logo{margin-right:15px;max-height:25px;width:25px;}/*!sc*/ JJ Altobelli (@jjaltobelli) Instagram photos and videos jjaltobelli 69 posts 668 followers 617 following JJ Altobelli The odds are low, but never zero. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__main-nav,.mHQYb .header__nav-side__subnav{height:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;overscroll-behavior:contain;touch-action:manipulation;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;}/*!sc*/ .blUWSx .share-icon__close{width:18px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span:nth-child(1){top:0px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .icon *{fill:currentColor;}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-weight:700;font-style:italic;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ .groqnz .ad-body-container .ad-body-inner-container{margin-bottom:32px;padding:43px 0 16px 0;position:relative;text-align:center;width:343px;}/*!sc*/ page. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button:hover{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ # x27 ; s two remaining children & # x27 ; s two remaining children `` [. 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jj altobelli and carly wedding