However, abolitionism developed significantly over the 1800s. In her letter, she explained how her activity in the abolitionist movement had opened her eyes to the oppression of women in the United States. Antebellum PeriodAntebellum is a Latin word that means "before the war." In American history, the antebellum period refers to the years after the War of 1812 (1812-15) and before the Civil War (1861-65). \quad\text{Total Current Assets}& \$ 2,925,000 &\$ 2,400,000\\ To what degree was antebellum reform international in scope? \text{Cash}& \$ 100,000 &\$ 200,000\\ \text{Bonds Payable}& \$ 3,648,000 &\$ 3,600,000\\ Much of this perception stems from the Cult of Domesticity. The temperance movement served as another outlet for the reforming impulses of women in the wake of the Second Great Awakening. A Pew Research Center survey asked respondents if they would rather live in a place with a slower pace of life or a place with a faster pace of life. Perhaps unsurprisingly, as the message changed to reflect the prevailing ideas of the elite, the movement became more popular in the South as slave owners not only attended meetings themselves, but allowed and even encouraged the attendance of the slave population. 2. Many Americans found this radical notion of racial equality and the call to end these restrictive laws intimidating or even frightening. The Garrisionians wanted Douglass to simply get up and tell his story, to tell his narrative on the platform. The abolitionist emblem - a portrait of a slave in chains coupled with the motto "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" The increasing urbanization of the United States and the large numbers of immigrants, especially Germans, had transformed the nation in ways that were unfamiliar and that some found threatening. The womens rights movement did not attract broad support among women or men during the antebellum era. 2 One reform in particular that has shaped human rights and rehabilitation is the Prison and Asylum Reforms of the 1830s. Nevertheless, the American Colonization Society (ACS) emerged as the main voice of colonizationists in the United States. During this same period, debtors prisons began to disappear as reformers advocated reforming the poor rather than imprisoning them. Before the nineteenth century, crime, poverty, and mental illness in America were handled through family and voluntary efforts. \quad\text{Total Revenues}&& \$16,120,000\\ \text{Property Rights Acquired Under Lease}&1,500,000 &1,500,000\\ State colonization movements emerged as well, leading to the establishments of African colonies such as the Republic of Maryland and Mississippi in Africa. Religious reformers preached that individuals were responsible to seek out their own salvation and hoped to regenerate and perfect society through individual conversions. Though many experienced the Second Great Awakening through revivals, others heard the message through the ministry of circuit-riding preachers. b. Evangelical sects emphasized the resurrection of Christ, the primacy of scripture, the spiritual rebirth of believers, and the importance of proselytizing. Finally, asylums were established for treatment and housing the mentally ill. Dorothea Lynde Dix was instrumental in the reform effort that established state mental asylums. Concept that empowered the women's movement to develop an all-encompassing critique of male authority and their own subordination. \text{Less Cost of Treasury Shares}& (1,000,000) &(1,400,000)\\ (2) The bonds payable have a maturity (face) value of $4 million. Slavery was the cornerstone of the southern economy. Preachers and believers all over the country saw humankind and society as good and perfectible, able to improve and strive to become more like God. The amendment was passed after years of efforts by temperance societies throughout the country. Determined to make abolitionism a political movement, the seceders formed the Liberty Party, which nominated James G. Birney as its candidate for president. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Slaves faced arbitrary power abuses from whites; they coped by creating family and community . Workhouses were established to keep the poor from drunkenness, idleness, and gambling. Although neither group saw their causes ultimate goals achieved during the era of reform, each movement saw great advances. The meetings typically lasted three to five days and were meant to reawaken or revive ones religious faith through an intense, emotional experience. Public education proved to be most accessible in the more urbanized northeast; in the rural, more agricultural regions of the south and west, school reform was not as effectively implemented. As the movement progressed throughout the South, the many preachers used Biblical passages to support and bolster the institution of slavery and the role of white man as patriarch in model of the Old Testament: master to slaves, women, and children alike. \quad\text{Total Intangibles}& \$ 1,875,000 &\$ 2,000,000\\ \quad\text{Total Property, Plant, and Equipment}& \$10,000,000 &\$ 9,400,000\\ \text{Land}& \$ 500,000 &\$ 400,000\\ The African Methodist Episcopal Church where Vesey preached was destroyed. In 1828, his Likeness to God sermon argued that true religion is marked by the believer becoming more and more like God. \text{Retained Earnings}& 5,000,000 &2,800,000\\ 14 A New Birth Of Freedom, Give Me Liberty Ch. Also, become productive, self-disciplined citizens. 1. What were the aims of prisons, asylums, and other institutions in this period of social Their intense and emotional atmosphere inspired a tremendous number of conversions. The most prominent of these education reformers was Horace Mann, head of the Massachusetts board of education, the first in the nation. Antebellum reform was international in scope . The White Americans still wanted public white only area. Everyone was eligible for salvation, and a loving God embraced all. Such music remained after the revival and itinerant preacher were long gone. Often, white abolitionists knowingly or unknowingly exploited stereotypes in their abolitionist efforts. The response to these conditions was the 1826 creation of the American Temperance Society in Boston, Massachusetts. \text{Rosenwald Company (50\\\% Owned)}& 1,025,000& 900,000\\ Moreover, the rising numbers of immigrants in the northeast combined with near-universal white male suffrage convinced cities and states that education was essential to maintain a democracy. Because it was generally inclusive of everyone, the message was spread to men and women, to rich and poor, and among slaves and free blacks alike. Born into slavery in Maryland in 1819, he escaped from slavery as a young man and spent the rest of his life devoting himself to the cause of freedom for all. Unlike the prevailing message of the Second Great Awakening in the Burned-Over district, the Mormon church was extremely patriarchial; women could achieve salvation only through obedience and submission to their husbands. During the 1830s and 1840s, Americans embarked on a program of institution building - jails for criminals, poorhouses for the destitute, asylums for the insane, and orphanages for children without families. What is the difference between the waterfall approach and agile project management? Questions relating to the financial statements of Chicago Corporation follow. Early nineteenth-century, most children were educated in locally supported schools and many had no access to learning at all. Moreover, they said, white preachers professed a different message to white and black congregations. The Church of Later-Day Saints proved to be a lasting and successful alternative vision to the Second Great Awakening of antebellum America. \quad\text{Total Investments}& \$ 5,200,000 &\$ 3,200,000\\ Many kinds of Americans worked in the reform movement, and membership in some movements overlapped. A man could divorce his wife should she commit adultery but a woman could not divorce her husband on grounds of adultery. In either case, they often heard the same sermons, sang the same songs, and received the same message. What is its accounts receivable turnover? Consolidated Balance Sheets The antebellum women participated in the public sphere with their own groups that they made themselves after being excluded from government and politics. The abolitionist sentiment was also present in the South. \quad\text{Chicago Finance Corporation}& \$1,800,000\\ What is your opinion on this question: "Should the national government distribute money to states with "no strings attached," or should the grant have stipulations?" For many slaves, the message was a promise of freedom, either in this world or in the afterlife. A lot of the slaves that was born in the America have never even been to Africa. Throughout New England, many Christians began to espouse Unitarianism, a sect based on the importance of human reason. Camp meetings were so called because, on the sparsely populated frontier, many attendees had to travel long distances to the meeting and camp out at the location. \quad\text{Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity}& \$20,000,000 &\$17,000,000\\ \text{Patent}& \$ 750,000 &\$ 875,000\\ There were still moments and events that made many Americans think that there was a lot of value in slavery in terms of free labor. (People to know). )%2F13%253A_Antebellum_Revival_and_Reform%2F13.01%253A_Religious_Reforms_in_the_Antebellum_United_States, \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}}}\) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\), 13.2: Cultural Movements- Transcendentalism, Utopian Communities, and the Cult of Domesticity, Second Great Awakening in the South and in Appalachia, Catherine Locks, Sarah Mergel, Pamela Roseman, Tamara Spike & Marie Lasseter, source@, status page at No Preference \text{Gain on Sale of Machinery and Equipment}&& 200,000\\ After the rebellion, white authorities took measures to limit the threat of literate black congregations to the institution of slavery throughout the South. The difference were common school and institution was open to all children and were getting educated, a free training for individuals. The Second Great Awakening and the movement in religious revival in the United States had a profound impact on the United States. Over the course of the nineteenth century, many towns and counties became dry. Perhaps the greatest legislative victory for the temperance movement during the era of reform was Maines shortlived total ban on alcohol from 1851-1856. Antebellum reform efforts aimed at perfecting the spiritual and social worlds of individuals, and as an outgrowth of those concerns, some reformers moved in the direction of ensuring the health of American citizens. By helping others, they asserted their worth while at the same time alleviating social ills. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. Veseys plan called for teams of rebels to attack targets such as the arsenal and guardhouse. They believed that social deviants, including criminals and debtors, could be reformed and morally redeemed. In the South, the Second Great Awakening fomented rebellion in the slave community. There, the convention refused to seat the American female delegates. 13 A House Divided - Revi, DepreciationofPlantandEquipmentandAmortization, BasicEarningsperCommonShare(Basedon1,600,000, DilutedEarningsperShare(AssumingConversionof, AccountsReceivable(NetofEstimatedUncollectibles, of$100,000in2012and$160,000in2013), LessAccumulatedDepreciationandAmortization, TotalLiabilitiesandShareholdersEquity, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Bible Survey- Final EXAM !!!! In the early decades of the century, several groups emerged as colonizationists. These groups sought to remove blacks from the United States either through emigration or through the creation of colonies in Africa. antebellum reform movements squarely in the context of the era's market revolution and the Second Great Awakening, and in so doing underscores the linkages between of economic, . Transcendentalism's roots were in American Christianity. \text{Retained Earnings, December 31, 2013}&& \$ 5,000,000\\ Afterward, the rebels would flee to the newly-freed nation of Haiti. The movements shared a common support base: many abolitionists supported or were active in the womens rights movement, or vice versa. The antebellum reform movements came soon after the market revolution. \text{EXPENSES}\\ \quad\text{Total Long-Term Debt}& \$ 5,000,000&\$ 6,000,000\\ Smith described Moroni as a son of the prophet Mormon and the last of the Nephites, descendants of Hebrews who had travelled to the Americas sometime around 500 BCE. Evangelical Christianity was certainly the most powerful religious movement in the antebellum United States, but it was not the only one. Prisons existed not to rehabilitate criminals for their eventual return to society but to house them until the time that they would be punished, most often by fines, public whipping, or execution, also a public spectacle. \text{Capitalized Lease Obligation}& 1,020,000& 1,100,000\\ Even anti-slavery and abolitionist groups refused to grant full rights to black members. (1) The only transaction affecting common or preferred shares during 2013 was the sale of treasury stock. Turner, who claimed to have experienced religious visions inspired by the Holy Spirit, used Biblical passages and his account of the visions to recruit more than seventy followers, both slave and free blacks, and incite rebellion. The end of slavery would come about gradually under this ideal. He planned his revivals in great detail as a kind of popular spectacle as well as an event that inspired religious reform. Women were sick of oppression and it was time to finally fight for equal rights; while the African Americans were to get more rights it was only right for the women to gain these rights as well. The wealthy engaged private tutors and academies. Others sought to build and improve public and state institutions such as prisons, asylums, and schools. Indeed, many slave owners feared the message of spiritual equality, so they kept the evangelists out. \textbf{Property, Plant, and Equipment}\\ For the most part, it appealed to the elite of society. Like many religious movements of the day, Mormons believed in the imminent Second Coming of Jesus. Additional information is as follows: The idea that social ills once considered incurable could in fact be eliminated. KEY TERMS: 1. In western New York, revival movements inspired many new religious sects as well as social reform. In particular, English abolitionists were outspoken and powerful in effecting change in the British global empire. American reformers believed that their country was destined to become a great democracy. Further reproduction prohibited without . Each of these movements worked for freedom and emancipation and to grant a greater body of rights to two of the groups on the periphery of American society. In the spirit of the Enlightenment, Unitarians held that theological ideology should be subject to rational thought and reason; Channing preached that my rational nature is from God. Unitarians attested to the oneness of God. As strict monotheists, Unitarians viewed Jesus as a saintly man, but not divine. The emerging American middle class participated in reform not only for religious reasons, but also to confirm their new social status. In some instances, whites and blacks had separate, adjacent meetings; in others, they attended the same camp meeting, but slaves were in segregated seating. The new Protestant denominations, most prominently the Baptists and Methodists, grew in strength and numbers. \textbf{Current Assets}\\ Like the other evangelical movements of the Second Great Awakening, they stressed adult baptism as an important step to salvation. In 1822 , a former slave named Denmark Vesey planned to lead eighty slaves in a revolt in Charleston, South Carolina. The Unitarian movement spread through many of the Congregationalist churches of the area. Why? \text{Common Stock}& 2,000,000& 2,000,000\\ They found a lot of support abroad and there were many books and article published form other countries supporting reform . Early nineteenth-century America was a time of reform. Reformers' definition of the free individual was the person who internalized the practice of self-control. What might the cost be in dollars? Teachers tend to be so . In many cases, within the Garrisonian movement in particular, the role of the black speaker or the black writer or the black abolitionist was, in some ways, prescribed, as the famous case of Frederick Douglass' relationship with the Garrisionians. \text{General Corporate Expenses} &&420,000\\ They formed abolition groups together to voice their opinions and fought in arguments over women's suffrage. Black and white abolitionists often had different agendas by the 1840s, and certainly in the 1850s. 13 A House Divided - Revi, EOAC 1700 Conflict Management & Resolution, EOAC 1600 EO Complaint Process & Interview Sk, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. (Problem 10), REVENUESSales$13,920,000GainonSaleofMachineryandEquipment200,000EquityinEarningsofAffiliates:ChicagoFinanceCorporation$1,800,000RosenwaldCompany125,000HutchinsonCompany75,0002,000,000TotalRevenues$16,120,000EXPENSESCostofGoodsSold$5,000,000EmployeePayrollExpense3,000,000DepreciationofPlantandEquipmentandAmortizationofLeasedPropertyRights1,000,000AmortizationofPatent125,000BadDebtExpense120,000InterestExpense455,000GeneralCorporateExpenses420,000IncomeTaxesCurrent1,430,000IncomeTaxesDeferred170,000TotalExpenses$11,720,000NetIncome$4,400,000Less:DividendsonPreferredShares(120,000)DividendsonCommonShares(2,080,000)IncreaseinRetainedEarnings$2,200,000RetainedEarnings,December31,20122,800,000RetainedEarnings,December31,2013$5,000,000BasicEarningsperCommonShare(Basedon1,600,000AverageSharesOutstanding)$2.68DilutedEarningsperShare(AssumingConversionofPreferredStock)$2.20\begin{array}{lrr} Women played a large role in education reform. Saw both individuals and society at large as capable of indefinite improvement. The Second Great Awakening encouraged this impulse to reform by emphasizing individual responsibility and the desire to seek perfection. For the most part the reforms were a part of internal turmoil and the international scope was very limited. One means of teaching these values was through the series McGuffeys Readers, a series of texts that taught not only spelling and vocabulary, but also punctuality, frugality, and temperance. 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, January 28, 1919 Download image resource Description The 18th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1919, banned the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States. For example, as Frederick Douglass rose to prominence as an orator in the abolitionist movement, he began speaking not only of his life as a slave, but also analyzing abolitionist policies. The book reports that there, Jesus visited the Nephites after his crucifixion and resurrection. The account spoke at length of Turners religiously informed views of slavery and of his interpretations of the Bible. Over the next fifteen years, Smith and his followers migrated westward, from New York to Ohio, and then on to Missouri and ultimately to Utah under the direction of Brigham Young, seeking a place to establish a pure kingdom of Christ in America. Reformers worked to create public institutions to deal with the social problems. utopian communities (p. 434) Evaluate the extent to which social and intellectual reform movements during the antebellum era (1820-1860) represented an expansion of democratic ideals analyzing what changed and what stayed the same from the period before the era to the period after. The colonizationist scheme of the early 1800s proved to be popular among black abolitionists. Antebellum Reform Imagination A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the American Studies Program The College of William and Mary in Virginia In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Robert Kent Nelson 2006. The health reform experience of the past decade does provide a number of more specific lessons for us. \quad\text{Preferred Stock)}&& \$ 2.20\\ Mann and others charged public schools with teaching not only academic subjects, but also morality and discipline. In every state, laws restricted the political and civil liberties of free African Americans. By 1850, about 3.2 million slaves labored in the United States, 1.8 million of whom worked in the cotton fields. The Society grew quickly and soon had spread across the country. The influence of reason and rational thought is most clearly expressed in what religious tradition? 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to what degree was antebellum reform international in scope