However, this past spring, several church members also brought allegations of sin and misconduct against Naselli. Kenny Stokes, a pastor and elder at Bethlehem and associate professor and trustee at BCS, told CT they are currently in discussion to clarify protocols and policies between the two institutions. Two Bethlehem elders, Ken Currie and Chairman Kurt Elting-Ballard, responded that they are focusing our energy on the needs of our flock and had no other comment or statement to add.. Web1-31-2021 Worship Service Pastor Meyers retirement. He doesnt need us, but by his grace and through his Son, we belong to him. Is this not the very thing that the Pharisees did that got Jesus so mad that he would call them out by comparing them to that which was the most filthy and disgusting thing in their own theology? The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. The key thing in a lot of waysmaybe Im feeling this one more directly nowis the way that our emotional responses to reality need to be in accordance with reality.. Another four faculty and staff left the college and seminary in the past year. A motion was brought at a July 25 QSM for such an investigation. It's been a taxing year for everyone, and it's been a taxing year for ministry. From there he went on to study at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky where he earned M. Div. "Pray for your leaders as we pray for you. Our friendship is not up for grabs even a little, yet I'm personally heartbroken. Unlike other high-profile evangelical scandals and shakeups in the headlines, the story at Bethlehem is not so clear-cut. Pastor Apologizes After Confronting G3, Deletes Wilson Tweets,, Former Pastor Accused of Rape Resigns from Churchome After TRR Investigation; Church Official Makes False Claims, Arkansas Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty to 13 Counts of Sexual Assault, Bishop Scott Jones Moves from Extreme Center of UMC to Global Methodist Church, A Christian Health Nonprofit Saddled Thousands With Debt as It Built a Family Empire Including A Pot Farm, Bank and Airline, 2 Megachurches Rocked by Allegations They Allowed Pastor Guilty of Clergy Sexual Abuse to Re-Offend, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser, Days-long Revival Sweeping Asbury University in Kentucky, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Covered Up Pastors Sexual Abuse, Witnesses Say, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthurs Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show, Dante Bowe Posts, Then Removes, Apology for Behavior Causing Split with Maverick City Music, Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Admitting Inappropriate Online Relationship, John MacArthur Pulls Out of Ligonier Conference, Pastor Resigns From Houston Megachurch After Admitting Affair, Televangelist Creflo Dollar Renounces Past Teachings on Tithing, But Questions Persist. a unity culture that breeds fear and seeks to protect the institution Jason Meyer In an interview with The Roys Report, Bryan Pickering, the former pastor for care and counseling at the church, said he resigned over a pattern of abusive conduct by Bethlehem's leaders that he not only witnessed but experienced. Bowers had been a professor who looked forward to the first day of school every year and loved interacting with studentsand it showed. Meyer, whose involvement at Bethlehem dates back to 1999, returned from his sabbatical with what he says was a clear calling that it was time for him to go too. In the end, seven of the 17 original members of the task force ended up leaving Bethlehem, which some elders saw as confirmation that their misgivings about the group were justified. I observed leadership patterns that sought to help hurting people but left those same people even more frustrated and disappointed.. The investigation found that BCS policies did not violate workplace law. At its heart are questions over whether, when, and how Christians might challenge those who say they are hurtingand how they balance calls to show compassion, seek out truth, and repent of sin in such situations. But if you see what I see, and if you experience this community (leadership, faculty, and students) as loving, and supportive and fair, and if you share my excitement about the future with Joe Rigneys leadership and under Gods merciful providence, then I believe we will together walk in truth and love, and have a great impact for the glory of Christ.. The congregation which has a membership of around 4,600 operates three campuses in the city. Learn more about Urban Refuge Church To my knowledge, and I have researched it, that is the only time Piper got even close to creating distance. And if Im saying its no longer a place to be able to say those things publicly and remain safe, theyre thinking, Thats not a place for us then either.. So, at the January 31, 2021, meetingjust months before Joe Rigney was installed as president of BCSTakata moved that the elders make a public statement separating the views expressed by Rigney in Man Rampant from the views and teaching of BBC. I attended Bethlehem for nearly 3 years, belonged to one of the small groups. I didnt start experiencing regular conflict until I started advocating for racial justice issues, Bowers told CT. Follow Receive an email notification when changes occur for Jason Meyer. Feel the freedom to lament," he wrote. What a thorough article. He also opposed the selection of Rigney as president for how it complicates BCSs relationship with the church and for his Wilson affiliations. But the vote said the opposite. He writes for The Gospel Coalition and has served as D. A. Carsons longtime research assistant. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. The threat effectively shut down discussion. There are things that professors would admit in classroom settings when I began that they wouldnt be willing to admit now.. We will continue to entrust ourselves to him in every circumstance., Churches and evangelical institutions across the country are trying to navigate their own divisions, but the process can be painful. We should not be surprised then that this is the house that disregards the voices of the abused and protects the abuser. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! Though the process was done with the approval of Bethlehem pastors and the elder chair, some wanted the church to do its own review of Naselli last year. Amid these accusations, I recommend trying G.R.A.C.E to investigate the matters facing Bethlehem. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Rigney has a degree from New Saint Andrews College, founded by Wilsons Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, and has maintained ties with him. Jason Meyer has resigned from his position as the lead pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, amid allegations of toxic and abusive behavior among the church's leadership. This moment is hard. WebFor more information about enrolling in services, please contact Mary Ali at or 260.456.4534 ext. 2. Pastor Ralph Donohue. Disagreements in this area can feel like personal attacks or as doctrinal attacks, when they really are neither.. One of the things that gets brought up in the abuse conversation is that abusers and their communities gaslight and minimize what theyve done, said Rigney. Janette Takata pointed out that Rigney was identified as being from Bethlehem in the video and that a BCS professor and Bethlehem elder posted a five-star review of the episode. Is there a way to do any rebuke or admonishment when someone is hurting?, he asked. Pickering, however, said he was not surprised by Nasellis response at the meeting. But what I noticed, underlying the meaningful time I worshiped at Bethlehem, was rigidity and control among leadership. Why? Paul used this same verb in verse 19 (you gladly bear with fools), and now he repeats it once more in order to make plain some of the foolish stuff the Corinthians put up with. In September 2018, the church moved into its current South Campus facility in Lakeville. Zuleger noted Meyer's resignation was painful to him personally due to their years-long friendship. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. At the meeting, Steve Takata moved that the task forces unedited reports be released to Bethlehem members. She requested that, prior to Rigney taking office, the elders make a statement to separate Rigneys views in the episode from the views and teachings of Bethlehem Baptist Church.. Some of the faces that appear in the compilation video of 150 Gods Grace at Bethlehem no longer belong to the multisite Twin Cities churchmost prominently Jason Meyer, Pipers successor and Bethlehems pastor for preaching and vision. It remains based at Bethlehems downtown campus, and though BCS has its own board of trustees, theres significant overlap in leadership. She asked how the message, with Rigney and Wilson discussing examples of women using emotional manipulation or falsely claiming abuse, would square with the churchs own ministry to care for victims. When someone at the meeting asked Naselli to explain himself, he responded that what was happening in the roomhow some were taking sides without any judgmentwas exactly what Rigney and Wilson were protesting in their podcast. In terms of the leadership of the school, its the same guys. Naselli, associate professor of theology and New Testament at BCS, spoke up to identify himself as the five-star reviewer and said that if the motion passed, hed quit. There is some overlap and co-belligerency with Christian Nationalism (a syncretism of right wing nationalism and Christianity) but neo-fundamentalists do so with more theological vocabulary and rationality. He said he felt a conviction that he couldnt in good conscience stay at BCS and by the end of 2020 his family left Bethlehem too. I used to wonder if I was too soft. Meyers most recent title was pastor for preaching & vision at Bethlehems downtown campus. Pastor Jason Over time, for a variety of reason, the members of the narcissistic family system are trained, conditioned, molded, shaped, and manipulated into becoming co-conspirators in the idolatry of The Image., And they are coerced into being temple prostitutes at the temple of The Image.. I never met Jason Meyer but I know an oblong blur generality, when I read one. Jason informed Bethlehem's Council of Elders of his resignation effective August 1, 2021," the statement read. Meyers exit last month followed two others at Bethlehems downtown campus. Wilson tells you very plainly what his show is about: his own male self aggrandizement. If not leave that church. Then they got themselves in trouble (ultimately with God) when they opened their mouths and spoke words without knowledge in their attempt to fix Job. In a letter emailed to his congregation, the pastor of one of the three Bethlehem campuses referenced nuanced and complex issues at play in Meyers resignation last month. 276. At the same time, worries around secular thinking overriding biblical approaches to race have spiked, particularly over critical race theory. Ive worked with victims for 26 years in the Christian Reformed Church. A lay member, who attended Bethlehem for over a decade and asked not to be named to preserve ministry relationships, told CT it made sense that Meyer, Pickering, and Tong were the ones to go since they were seen as the empathetic ones. Last Week (July 2021) Jason Meyer announced his resignation from Bethlehem, following the resignation of several of fellow woke pastors, the agenda he When Christina Boyum, a graduate of the college, discussed what happened in Nasellis class with a fellow church member at Bethlehem, she was told, A student feeling hurt does not mean that the student has been sinned against. I have been majorly burdened for our church for the past several years regarding how we approach ethnic harmony and related issues in our culture, including partisan politics, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, Black Lives Matter, etc. Soon after he launched his academic WebView Jason Meyers profile on LinkedIn, the worlds largest professional community. As the debating and name-calling escalated, Jeffrey Hall joined the group of students defending the Augustinian position of evil as privation, or evil as the absence of good. When met with issues that strike at the core of ones identity, its natural to have visceral responses, she tweeted. . Many of us (myself included) were blessed by Johns teachings on Christian hedonism and we gave him a pass on certain teachings because of his warmth, enthusiasm, and geeky charm, but make no mistake, this is the house he built. Students saw the effects too, where professors were becoming less willing to find merit in concepts that have become associated with CRT, such as institutional bias. Their dispute stirred underlying issues and philosophical differences, including over the subject of Rigneys remarks themselves. Having just come out of an abusive system where women arent believed, it was like, Yeah, this is exactly what Ive lived, Mekala said. Piper quite dysfunctionaly spoke in regard to Wilsons repentance over his hurtful and honestly unsupportable writing, I believe in regards to Southern Slavery As It Was. At the conclusion of the two investigations, Johnathon Bowerswho had taught for a decade at BCSfelt no better about the growing reservations he had over his place at the college. ++++++++++. Couldnt agree more, Rebecca. Last year, as BCS academic dean Brian Tabb reviewed the students grievances against Naselli, the school also underwent a separate investigation in response to a group of current and former employees who raised broad concerns about leadership and workplace culture, including the position of women and minorities at the school. To register contact Jason Meyer at Another pastor who resigned is accusing a Bethlehem elder of spiritual abuse and calling on him to resign. A debate over untethered empathy underscores how departing leaders, including John Pipers successor, approached hot-button issues like race and abuse. Part of whats happened, in the last five years plus especially, is emerging fault lines among people with sensibly shared theological commitments, Rigney said in an interview with CT. At the same time, Theres been an escalation of language and inflation of language such that when a certain issue rises to where it becomes the litmus test, where it becomes, Youre either with us or against usas opposed to simply a different instinct or tendency within a same shared theological commitmentthats when theres real problems, and its hard to work together.. This was baffling to me. Are the Pastor(s) abusive? Its the same individuals who are sitting in both places. After Christ Christian Center. During a meeting in May, the downtown pastors faced further challenges from some of the council. Janette Takata also wrote emails to BBC elders in 2019 with concerns about the episode. It is indeed worth noting the problematic environment of the school where Naselli chose to incubate himself. These tensions came to a head at a contentious BBC congregational meeting on January 31 in which two members, Steve and Janette Takata, submitted motions for the church to consider. Meyer served as the lead pastor at Bethlehem since 2012 after Piper resigned after leading the church for 33 years, according to Meyer wrote in his letter, It is hard to avoid seeing (the charges) as retribution., The Roys Report reached out to several elders for comment. The three departing pastors from Bethlehem were based just a few miles from where George Floyd died in 2020. 3. If the church would take seriously the scriptural qualifications for elders, it would protect the sheep from these narcissistic leaders. James Lutzweiler Those leaving and those staying recognize some of the issues that have divided Bethlehem, many of which are straining other conservative churches: racial justice and critical race theory (CRT); the #MeToo movement and the call to believe women; and the nature of trauma and abuse. We dont want that kind of escalation, inflation, and fragility in play. Piper should intervene to save what is left at Bethlehem. The sensitivity over Black Lives Matter and differing approaches to contemporary racial issues hits particularly hard in the Bethlehem community. One motion concerned the Racial Harmony Task Force, a group formed in early 2019 to address the lack of minority representation on BBCs Elder Council. Abigail Dodds, who attends the North Campus, said that most remain confident in the churchs leadershipnot as blind allegiance, but based on personal knowledge of their characterand that she has seen a renewed unity around Gods Word and deepening hope in Christ among our members in recent weeks. The stakes continue to be raised, said Josh Panos, a BCS alumnus. He says the accusations against him were (1) that I have subordinated the gospel, (2) that I empowered victims (coddler), and (3) that I allowed compassion for others to steer and dictate my leadership direction.. Co-author of the entry on fundamentalism in the Encyclopedia of North Carolina (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006), Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees (preachers and teachers,) you hypocrites! Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. I still believe we should have done the investigation, but I was able to get to the point where I regarded the March 16 process as incomplete, not immoral.. Instead, he said it confirmed the pattern he already suspected after speaking with nearly all 12 former BCS students who in 2020 submitted allegations against Naselli to BCS administration.. WebThe New Hope leadership and staff is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. Meyer preached in 2015 against the dangers of hyper-headship and made the case that doing nothing when faced with abuse is taking the side of the abuser. And if the elders were to move for that motion, I would resign out of principle.. Many at BCS, including Bowers himself, were influenced by Pipers 2011 book Bloodlines, his confession of his own racism, and his desire for diversity. Even with the warning, there were moments where the tone and classroom demeanor intensified in contrast to others at BCS. Im sure that systems like this may be corrupted (or at least those whose ideas arent accepted may think the system is corrupted), but at least it allows the collective will of the people to be expressed and it allows individuals to speak openly. Also available on most smart TVs and streaming services. and Ph. It would have been easier, he said, to move from understanding abuse within institutions and systems, as can be the case with spiritual abuse and racism, to the ways abuse manifests in marriage relationships. As far as I can see, Pipers church and seminary are just carrying the torch. . A Taiwanese American, Tong also wore traditional Chinese attire as he preached on the Sunday following the Atlanta massage parlor shootings. He seems to be warning that a large amount of empathy will muddy the waters. Jesus Word speaks as loud today as it did then. Bethlehem is in Gods hands, she said. laid out by The Gospel Coalitions Kevin DeYoung, With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal, Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Saddleback Church, I Was the Proverbial, Drug-Fueled Rock and Roller, Grace Community Church Rejected Elders Calls to Do Justice in Abuse Case, The Kings College Faces Threat of Closure, Complete access to articles on, Over 120 years of magazine archives plus full access to all of CTs online archives. No decent man, and no credible minister of Jesus, should enter the same room with such a craven and corrupt person as Wilson, much less appear on his radio show or promote his thinly-veiled sexual fantasies as credible theology. Naselli stated that he reacted in the meeting because he worried about discrediting Rigney prior to his presidency, after BCS had undergone a careful, scrutinizing selection process to choose him. Im stumped over this direction. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. The church where John Piper pastored for 33 years is arguably facing one of its greatest crises in 150 years. 4. But his take has also resonated. The Christian conversation about racism has come a long way in the 10 years since Bloodlines, and has taken on more weight amid the recent string of high-profile police killingsthree in the Minneapolis area alone: Philando Castille, George Floyd, and Daunte Wright. The elder council concluded in April that the charges against Naselli were not true, but the pastors were three of four elders who dissented in hopes that further investigation could take place. If yes leave the church. On April 20, the elders met again for what Pickering and Meyer likened to a tribunal. Pickering said that in that meeting, the elders accused Meyer and Tong of subordinating the gospel and embracing Marxism and Critical Race Theorya controversial approach to understanding systemic racism. ), Boyum said it was because of her training at Bethlehem that she felt like she should raise concerns. Take Back Your Life. The news of official grievances against Naselli, one of the best-known professors at BCS, spread among its 400 or so graduates. Of trustees, theres significant overlap in leadership WebView Jason meyers profile on LinkedIn, the met... Pipers successor, approached hot-button issues like race and abuse is arguably facing of...?, he asked and shakeups in the Christian Reformed church two others at Bethlehems downtown campus and. He writes for the Gospel Coalition and has served as the lead pastor at is. 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