We once thought Alzheimers to be an inevitable part of aging, we now know that cognitive decline can be prevented. Brain Tune Up! The ReCODE Protocol is designed to help improve memory in those affected by Alzheimer's disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Subjective Cognitive Impairment. Or mail us anytime at info@ahnphealth.com. This stage is considered more challenging to assess with tests, since most of the symptoms during this time are considered subjective. We are here to carry out this protocol with our clients and do so with sincere interest and genuine hope. His work identifies the multi-faceted causes of Alzheimers disease and outlines a multi-pronged approach to its prevention. Dr.Dale Bredesen, MD, a leading neurologist, has taken his over 30 years of clinical and research experience and developed a protocol for preventing and reversing cognitive decline. These tests are compiled into a detailed report with a unique treatment protocol, tailored to each client. Its especially important to avoid exposure to mold, which is turning out to be a major contributor to cognitive decline, especially in genetically susceptible individuals. Every day 23 veterans die from suicide and thousands more attempt it. We ask you to pay for your care, and this is something most of us are not accustomed to doing up front. The ReCODE Protocol is designed to help improve memory in those affected by Alzheimer's disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Subjective Cognitive Impairment. These tests can help recognize Alzheimers at the earliest stages when lifestyle interventions are most effective. Step 1: Read Program Outline Below Thoroughly. that can trigger "downsizing" in the brain, all of which can be addressed by using the Bredesen Protocol. After many years of researching cognitive decline, Dr. Dale Bredesen, an internationally recognized expert in neurodegenerative disease, believes that with proper attention to lifestyle factors Alzheimers should be a rare disease. Dr Bredesen's research is the fruits of a patient he has called 'Patient ZERO' who has reversed her symptoms of Alzheimer's after following his protocol for the last 7 years. Setting and hitting sleep goals appropriate for your age range, Blocking blue light, particularly in the evenings. While genetics plays a role, a growing body of evidence suggests that lifestyle factors can help prevent or slow down the progression of Alzheimers disease. I am sitting in a puddle of confusion, can you help clear up this one point for me/ A functional medicine doctor can help you evaluate the possible causes for the cognitive decline, and the treatment options you may need. 11.02.2023. Your personalised plan will focus on the specific causes of your cognitive decline and will be adjusted as your health improves. Do not wait until severe symptoms of cognitive decline show up. It will help meet the nutritional needs of our metabolically demanding brains. Program Coordinator. We consider this step where the fun begins! Meaning, no two people exhibit this disease the same way, each person is different. Dementogens, or chemicals that contribute to cognitive decline, can be identified by lab tests. Apollo Health can be reached by phone during our business hours, Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), at 1.800.450.0805. Bone broth has been found to help heal leaky gut. The more damage that occurs the harder it is to reverse. Nutrition: The most effective nutrition for support of brain health and prevention of cognitive decline includes a mildly ketogenic, plant-rich, highly nutritive diet combined with nightly fasting of a minimum of 12 hours with at least 3 before bed. The diet is based on the premise that the brain is a complex system and that it needs to be nourished in order to function properly. Obstructive sleep apnea, and other causes of reduced oxygenation, are emerging as significant risk factors for poor cognitive health. Here is the missing key to why; what causes dementia in people is different. Strength training and aerobic exercise are important for brain health. Reducing stress is vital for overall health. Metabolic flexibility to utilize either glucose or ketones for fuel allows our bodies to engage in healing more effectively. Another essential amino acid, glycine, is located in collagen, bone, skin, and organ meat. Avoid sitting for extended periods. Exercise increases cerebral blood flow and brain-derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which has important cognitive support effects. In a newly-published trial of his program, Dr. Bredesen reports 100 cases with improvements in . A few of the early stages of cognitive decline are: At this stage a person might realize that they are becoming more forgetful and less focused. Supplementation may reduce systemic inflammation, achieve insulin sensitivity, improve memory, increase focus and attention, and support our mitochondrial function, among many potential uses. Next, the inflammatory agent or cause should be removed. Based on your results and your progress he will provide specific recommendations to assist you toward your goal. Given your unique genetics, level of stress, and other environmental impactors, your need for supplementation may change over time. Consulting with a physician, health coach, nutritionist and more is optional. Drugs for Alzheimers Disease: Are They Effective?. Dr. Sharlin has earned the trust of thousands of patients and professional colleagues over the years. The Bredesen Protocol is a comprehensive, personalised nutrition and lifestyle programme, which removes the exposure triggers that lead to Alzheimers disease to: Focusing on identifying and addressing the root cause of Alzheimers, the Bredesen Protocol addresses 36 contributing factors including: The number one cause for lack of recovery is lack of compliance with the protocol, so your Health Coach will manage the optimisation of the treatment. A functional medicine doctor who is trained in this protocol can work with you to identify this challenging early stage. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. In order to be accepted into my program my team and I have to see you for the two-day initial neurological evaluation in-person, but we then can customize the rest of the program in a virtual setting for patients who are traveling from far distances. Use the tool below to find a ReCODE Trained practitioner and/or a health coach. Gut health is the foundation of any health program, and it represents an important opportunity for therapeutic intervention in cognitive decline (Bredesen, 2020, p. 129). Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Brain BDNF Expression As A Biomarker for Cognitive Reserve Against Alzheimer Disease Progression. Optimizing sleep is possible. The reason for the pharmaceutical failures is that they fail to address the 'root cause' of Alzheimer's. What is the Bredesen Protocol used for? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The human brain is enormous in comparison to our body size. It is therefore necessary to take supplements to help address deficiencies. The program cost is $10,000. The Bredesen Recall Protocol is a scientifically-backed method that can help those with cognitive dysfunction improve their memory recall and increase their overall quality of life. Choose to never stop learning, from sudoku puzzles to new hobbies, and continue enriching your mind even after retirement. Other causes include chronic sinus infections, or ongoing infection with pathogens such as Borrelia, or metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and inflammation, often accompanied by obesity). (You.) Under the umbrella diagnosis of dementia, there are many levels of severity as the disease progresses. Exercise also helps to improve oxygenation, improve sleep, reduce overall stress, optimize BMI (body mass index), improve insulin sensitivity, and improve overall brain and body physiology in numerous ways. The treatments called for in the Bredesen Protocol are very individualized and have shown success in clinical trials of Alzheimers disease patients. High blood sugar or high fasting insulin levels increase your risk for Alzheimers disease. Dominy, S. S., Lynch, C., Ermini, F., Benedyk, M., Marczyk, A., Konradi, A., & Potempa, J. The Bredesen protocol is based on the premise that an Alzheimer's diagnosis is not a death sentence. Brain Tune Up! who faces other risk factors such as diabetes or prediabetes, genetic predispositions. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Get tips & advice right to your inbox, plus stay up to date on PrimeHealth group visits and services. The protocol has been broken down into the Bredesen Seven, meaning the seven categories that we tackle as they impact the brain. It begins with a cognoscopy at the age of 45, if possible. Older adults, with a diet rich in carotenoids combined with omega-3s, displayed improved cognitive performance and greater network efficiency in the brain (Bredesen, 2020, p. 107). Over these two days you will receive: Dr. Sharlin and his entire team of specialists want to make sure your visit to the clinic has been truly rewarding and you are armed with the tools you need for lasting change. The Bredesen Protocol is at the heart of Apollo Health's two solutions: ReCODE - an annual membership program that uses the ReCODE Report to identify the six subtypes and sources of your cognitive decline, which is the starting point to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease, MCI, and SCI. The most common gene linked to late-onset Alzheimers disease is a gene called apolipoprotein E 4 variant (APOE). Bob speaks about the latest research showing how Transcendental Meditation twice a day significantly decreases stress and anxiety and reduces the symptoms of PTSD and depression by approximately 50%. Several excellent anti-inflammatory alternatives to drugs (NSAIDs) include curcumin, fish oil or krill oil (omega-3 fats), ginger, and cinnamon. While this may be difficult at times, we do find these essential. He can help you. Episodes feature sit-downs with such iconic guests as Jerry Seinfeld, David Lynch, Ringo Starr, and Lena Dunham, who speak with Roth about their personal experiences with TM and the role it has played in their lives and careers. Insulin sensitivity can be restored by the following: Third, it is important to optimize all nutrient, hormone, and trophic (growth factor) support. Doctor Visits and Comprehensive Yearly Physical, Online Access and Safekeeping of Medical Records, https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_End_of_Alzheimer_s_Program/0vO_DwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0, https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000002389, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32333896/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712873/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2873716/, https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/1/eaau3333?intcmp=trendmd-adv, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11519239/. It requires regular blood testing on a wide variety of measures in order to make needed diet/supplement adjustments. This is why we see an increase in the population of people with both type II diabetes and Alzheimers. While a diagnosis of Alzheimers disease seemed like a permanent sentence in the past, the revolutionary treatment protocol developed by Dr Dale Bredesen offers hope for people dealing with dementia today. Dr. Marjorie Ordene, M.D., IFMCP, is a certified functional medicine doctor, with over 25 years of medical experience. The Cleveland Clinic, "Dr. Bredesen completely recontextualizes In fact, damage to the brain at this stage has been happening for many years. We highly encourage you to consider working with a health coach . Dr. Bredesen sees cognitive decline as a roof full of holes, each hole represents one cause that can lead to Alzheimers. Alzheimers can be prevented with the right interventions. You have all these different things kind of playing on this neuroplasticity network. And yes, I do mean every day! Dr. Bredesen has identified over 36 factors (metabolic derangement, poor nutrient status, lack of trophic support, exposure to viruses, etc.) For instance, if you used to remember numbers in your head, and now you need to write them down. These gaps may be different from one patient to another. One more tip: ensure your bed is free of potential toxins. The choice is yours. We highly encourage you to consider working with a health coach and other practitioners as needed. Martha. Alcohol is a neurotoxin and should be avoided if you are suffering cognitive decline or at risk of cognitive decline. Every day 23 veterans die from suicide and thousands more attempt it. Our brains protective response to these pathogens causes the very changes we call Alzheimers disease. this devastating condition away from a mysterious and unsolvable process to one that is both preventable and, yes, reversibleThis comprehensive approach offers solid results, bringing hope to so many. Sleep allows the body to enter a fat-burning state for maximum detoxification. Aerobic exercise appears slightly better for maintaining and improving the cardiovascular systems efficiency and has been found to delay cognitive function decline. It does not consider the time involved in our approach. Nagranie z gry. If present, its vital to detoxify these dementogens. The Bredesen protocol isnt a program or treatment plan that comes at a specific cost. When Im not mindful, I tend to move into auto-pilot, and my subconscious takes over, and I tend to make decisions that feel good in the moment but are often not healthy for me. The DNA Bredesen Package: $1,840. Challenge yourself to learn something new (i.e., a new language, a musical instrument, dancing, etc.). Birth Control & Mood Swings: What You Need to Know, Recognizing Medical Gaslighting & What You Can Do About It, Ketamine Therapy: A Unique and Effective Mental Health Treatment, Take a Break From Food Guilt During the Holidays. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Given your unique genetics, level of stress, and other environmental impactors, your need for supplementation may change over time. Includes: 1.5 hour initial consultation with the doctor. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. In general, we find that the longer people practice the protocolcombining a nutrient-dense diet with a healing lifestyletheir need for supplementation decreases. In fact, even high blood sugar can be linked to Alzheimers. Alzheimers Prevention Diet: The Functional Medicine Approach. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Can the Bredesen Protocol offer hope to patients with Alzheimers? Vary your speed and add periods of running as youre able. Today, however, there is a practical, scalable, immediate solution for veterans afflicted with these hidden wounds of war. If you are currently being treated for Alzheimers, please dont stop any current medication unless under medical supervision. It can also help identify the best course of treatment. I get it. Sleep is a key factor. The cognitive impairment, memory loss, and inevitable cognitive decline can seem like a death sentence to both patients and loved ones. is a 5-8 month program. Stress: Stress, especially chronic, unresolved, or severe stress, may be a key contributor to cognitive decline. It has been said many times, if youve seen one person with Alzheimers disease, youve seen one person with Alzheimers disease. Please include the location of the practitioner or coach and the practitioner type with your request. You can expect to receive the following over this course of time: The Bredesen Protocol is a Premium Option that is added to the Brain Tune Up! . This means there may be some irreversible damage already done to your brain. A history of head trauma from accidents, falls, or repeated sports-related head injuries increases your risk for Alzheimers disease. While you may not be able to fix everything, you can still patch the largest holes, to keep the house from flooding. Using a functional medicine approach to identify the root causes of the disease, a comprehensive suite of laboratory diagnostic tests carefully examines an array of metabolic markers. Your old way of eating and living often change pretty dramatically, depending upon your starting place. Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Huffington Post. For PreCODE: The Practitioner and Coach Locator tool (below) is available to build the team you need to help ensure your success. Exercise. Diet. Any additional labs, and follow-up visits to review labs are not included in this package price and would be billed . This can be caused by: We need to know the status of our gut health. What do you need to do to get started on the Bredesen Protocol? She helps them address the root cause of their issues and focus on disease prevention in addition to treatment. Exercise: Increase your movement throughout the day. ApoE4 carriers may even want to extend their fast to 16+ hours for optimal effectiveness. Low levels of trophic factors (growth factors) such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B12, vitamin D, testosterone, estrogen, and nerve growth factor are all associated with cognitive decline. Currently affiliated with The Buck Institute on Aging and UCLA he is now the Chief Medical Officer of MPI Cognition which has lead the way in the fight to prevent Alzheimers disease and reverse early Alzheimers disease. In fact, Dr. Bredesen has specific biomarker goals for the necessary nutrients to optimize brain health. Here is a link to Dr Bredesen's information site for patients, their families and physicians: www.drbredesen.com The global burden of dementia We recommend the PreCODE protocol to anyone over 45 who has a family history of dementia to check out their risk factors, it is like having a cognoscope of the brain. Giving you the program overview and what you will receive if you choose to join this program. When you participate in Brain Tune Up! According to recent studies, exercise may help to prevent or slow cognitive decline in older adults who are at a high risk of developing Alzheimers. Ive learned that when I mindfully practice the protocol, I make decisions throughout the day that enable me to practice the protocol successfully. Very often, certain lifestyle changes may disrupt or challenge your current routine. Practice being fully present in the current moment. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This leads to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) inside the neuron. If you or a loved one is showing signs of cognitive decline, do not wait until symptoms become more severe. Youve often heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. It is suitable for anyone who is currently experiencing symptoms of cognitive decline and would like to halt and reverse the changes. Merry Yeager, B.A., L.M.T. Its important to allow the body to increase inflammation when its actually necessary, but also to resolve inflammation when its no longer needed. Indeed, as your mood, energy, health, and cognition all improve, for many, that becomes your motivation.Before I dive into the details, let me take a step backward and provide an overview of Dr. Bredesens approach. Wersja gry. We also know, because we have seen it in action, that making the small changes, day by day, week by week, add up to the changes that clients desire. This gives the doctor the ability to customize a treatment plan for better brain health. However, Dr. Dale Bredesens research has culminated in the first program to prevent and reverse some cognitive decline for many participants following the treatment plans rigorous lifestyle, nutrition, and health/environmental changes. Focus on new areas of interest, meet new people, and follow your passions. These include bloodwork (including genetics), urine, MRI with volumetrics (the volume of the brain as a whole and divided into parts) and other diagnostics. Early detection and lifestyle prevention methods such as diet, exercise and personalized supplements are critical to battling Alzheimers. This approach does not take into account the fact that Alzheimers disease manifests from the confluence of multiple factors (Bredesen, 2020, p. xiii). For detailed practitioner or coach pricing please contactinfo@ahnphealth.com. With the dim statistic that one in ten Americans over 65 has dementia[1], many people are falsely resigning themselves to the fact that Alzheimers is an inevitable part of aging. Dr. Dale Bredesen has created the ReCODE protocol that involves multiple strategies to address specific health issues that contribute to Alzheimer's Disease (AD). This Protocol provides a comprehensive, personalized program designed to prevent, halt and regain cognitive decline for those with no symptoms, for those with Subjective Cognitive Impairment (SCI), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and Alzheimers disease. Introduction to the Bredesen Protocol. Early identification and treatment show the greatest promise. This plan is based on your condition, and your specific areas of imbalance identified in your timeline, matrix, and laboratory testing. Viruses, too, may live inside us for decades. All rights Reserved. While the protocol should be tailored to you, there are a few major components that you can easily apply to your daily life: It starts with a healthy diet that eliminates exposure to toxins and food sensitivities. Amy Gordin, Licensed Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer specializing in functional movement and fitness. This means that lifestyle choices we make throughout our lives contribute to our risk of developing the disease. 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