STONEY FIELDS SUBDIVISION 1.55 AC 50 R/W ROADS 69.08 LEWIS JEFFREY E 0.53 AC LESS 20 R/W 1061.93 LANE CONRAD & BRENDA Y 187.93 AC CONS 3 TRACTS 1170.16 DISTRICT-11-MEADOW BLUFF DISTRICT Delinquent Real Estate FRANTZ DAVID WAYNE 479 SQ FT 25.04 MASTERS CHARLES F ESTATE ET AL ACREAGE 2.435 A FEE 179.81 48-3-3) of each year the Tax Commissioner must issue an execution (FiFa.) CARTER MACEL B ACREAGE 1.00 (D) 299.37 SIMS RANDY T & RICHARD E SR AC (70.75)(B) (HOUSE & 1 AC. LEGG KATHERINE LOT 103, RIVERVIEW ADD 839.82 RIFE LARRY W & ELIZABETH LITISHAS MOBILE HOME 163.44 LONG JERRY LEE .921 AC RSVY 229.52 DAHMER DAVID L & DELORIS LT 4 NORTH AVE EAST 50X100 30.37 ARBUCKLE JEAN M AC .13 (C) FULLEN COURT OR-93- 85.43 MORGAN STEPHEN W & DIANA C L 13 OBRIEN ADD 70X160X102X33 533.77 CARPENTER RHONDA S LOT 12 OR 1.00 ACRE 566.17 WYATT MARGUERITE L (LIFE EST) LOTS 5 & 6 TOMLINSON 955.40 PENCE DENNIS W ETAL .96 AC (CONS 2 TRTS) 405.07 KIRBY CHASE A & ROSE M ACREAGE 3.00 (D) 396.27 MCMANN CHARLES ET UX ACREAGE 2.25 (D) 32.37 MASON MARGARET LYNN ET AL LTS 66 & 74-76 (CONS 3 TRAC) 128.12 COOK LEAH R 1.072 AC (SURFACE) RT 2 60.28 Taxes are delinquent if not paid by March 17th of the year following the taxable HEDRICK VIRGINIA M (LE) PT LOTS 116 & 117 OR 6727 SF 680.28 (CONS 4 TRACTS) 170.54 MASON SUB 695.23 REINHOLD LAWRENCE H & 13.349 AC 127.61 PYLES SARAH ACREAGE 2.50 (D) 35.10 Second-half property taxes not paid become delinquent April 1. Continued from previous page ANDERSON HAROLD E LT 41 E MONROE AVE 50X100 208.55 MCLAUGHLIN PHILIP L SR (LF ES) 2.28 AC (C) OFF RT 219 1717.59 GABBERT BRENDA D LOT 31 547.58 Personal property tax sales are advertised periodically throughout the year in a newspaper of general circulation for two times prior to the personal property tax sale and also published online on our web site. MCCLUNG DANNY R & LT 1 BLK 10 9TH ST FIRST ST BN 166.09 GILKESON SHERRI A YEAREGO 0.20 AC (DOH) TASTEE FREEZE 25.04 BALNIONIS SINEAD M & ACREAGE 2.649 FROM SQUIER 369.84 FLESHMAN TERRY A & 0.902 AC 2471.31 SWEET GRASS PROPERTIES LLC LOT 15 OR 0.38 AC RT 60 W 271.67 BOSTIC SAMUEL E & SAUNDRA M 3.23 AC (FEE) FROM ELLISON 337.22 WICKER JUANITA I & CLIFFORD H .36 AC 25.04 SWEET GRASS PROPERTIES LLC LOT 27 OR 0.30 AC RT 60 W 271.67 GRAY JEFFREY B & AMY J 1.00 AC (FEE) FROM COSTA 873.14 GRIMMETT DOROTHY ET ALS 27,248 SQ FT (B) 99.91 LESTER RONALD L ACREAGE 1.05 (D) (MEADOWS) 203.09 LOWRY DAVID MICHAEL & 1.072 AC OR LOT 92 (FEE) 296.00 SANDERS SHERRY ACREAGE .30 (D) 40.86 BOSTIC KENNETH RAY LT 5 BLK 3 40X145 64.50 SILVERBERG STEPHEN M ET UX 10.50 AC & R/W(CONS 2 PLS) 2737.04 DISTRICT-09-LEWISBURG DISTRICT Delinquent Real Estate MARTIN THOMAS & JUANITA 5 A 168.92 ROBINSON WILLIAM M 2.726 AC OR LOT 6 (SURFACE) 136.41 LEYZOREK BROOK 30.878 AC (FEE) FROM BUCKLAND 1202.47 HYLTON JASON T & LEAH M 2.005 AC FEE FROM HANDLEY 506.36 WYKLE SHERELLA J AC 1.00(D) (1A & R/W (B) 557.33 BOGGS RUSSELL L 2.33 AC 186.10 CLINE RICK ACREAGE .50 (D) MANSPILE 204.99 HOLCOMB DINA RALEIGH ST., (13,300 SQ FT(B) 378.92 TINGLER JAMES BERNARD LOT 22 GRIFFITH ADD, MAPLE ST 561.14 LINKOUS MARK J LOT 84 ATKINSON PLACE 145.66 Defaulted bids may result in termination of registration and being prohibited from future tax sales. MANAHAN JACQUELINE (SURV) LOT 139, OAK ST., MIDLAND HTS 45.18 CLINE JEFFREY LEE 0.81 AC (FEE) FROM C&C CONST 2218.37 MCCLUNG DANNY R & LT 2 BLK 10 9TH ST RAINELLE 46.70 DOVE GARY W & VICKIE R ACREAGE .46 (D) 1488.48 RADFORD JOANNA B 2.02 AC (FEE) FROM DAVIS 1079.82 CLEVENGER GEORGE RAYMOND ET UX 0.44 A BLANKENSHIP 350.95 DAWSON MARY ESTATE AC 7.70(D)W SIDE OF BLACK 659.26 HAYNES GARY C LOT 11, FEAMSTER RD. BHATTI NASIR 0.40 AC OR LT 13 OR 17,847SF 3795.11 RSVY FROM SIMMONS 300.24 BAKER DOUGLAS LEE 2.423 AC (FEE) VINEYARD LANE 68.05 07(D) BK 3210 SQ FT 82.06 IA 48.28 TINGLER JAMES BERNARD 1/2 LOT 23 GRIFFITH ADD MAPLE 41.99 LOUDERMILK RUSSELL H JR & LOT 77 40X90X45X90 CRICHTON 171.65 RAINES SHELLY LYNN LT 3 VIRJEWLEENDA 100X120X100 111.53 ROGERS PAMELA R ACREAGE 1.37 (D) 237.08 JEFFRIES JOHN MICHAEL LOT 2 169.23 BENNETT ROBERT G & CONS LOTS 14 & 15, BLOCK 7 645.16 DURST F MARION III ET UX 1.145 AC OR LOT 62 554.80 CAMP THEODORE C & OKELL M AC 93.55 AC WADES DRAFT RD 818.22 The amount you will have to pay on the last day, October 1, 2021 will be as follows: Amount equal to the taxes and charges due on the date of the sale, with interest, to October 1, 2021. HANNA DANNY RAY LOT 56 W.S. THORNILEY SUZANNE W 1.13 AC CONS 3 TRCTS 910.55 CLINE JEFFREY L & BONNIE J PT LOT 4 KANAWHA AVE RT 60 544.65 REDEMPTION: Taxpayers will have one year to redeem their property from the tax sale. LIENS: During the redemption period, the Delinquent Tax Office will notify any mortgage holders associated with the property. PFEIL SHIRLEE PART OF LOT 126 339.50 PENDLETON CRYSTAL B AC .19 (C) FROM NELSON) 270.42 TASSA JOHN GAETANO LT 10 BLK 3 50X150 259.55 AMBLER JEFFREY A & TERESA A 1/2 OF LOT 150 37.28 ROBINSON MICHAEL L & NANCY L AC 70.15 (D) FROM ROBINSON 546.00 HUFFMAN DERVIN C AC 8.681 RSVY PCLS 9 & 10 555.46 GRAND TOTALS: 2934587.29 MCLAUGHLIN PHILIP L JR & 79200 797.62 LOT 13 1.00AC 850.52 ROBINSON MICHAEL & NANCY 1.28 A SIMS 38.89 LEBEAU RAYMOND PAUL & 1/2 LOT 9 (B) FROM RICKMAN 188.34 PONDEXTER RUFFNER ESTATE 2 A HUGHES 195.55 SCRUGGS HOWARD W & GEORGIA .51 (D) CONS M 55B-79, 115 41.18 DOWDY CURTIS J 0.201 AC (FEE) RT 219 S 47.70 MOORE BETTY ESTATE ACREAGE .14 (D) 42.65 PENCE JOANNA CONS LTS 16,17,18,19 & STRIP 188.00 HUNTER GLEN R & DOROTHY AC 54.94 (B) 3/11INT 112.72 HARRINGTON ROBERT JR ACREAGE .11 (D)BK LOT 65 79.68 (B) 206.89 PIERCY BRENDA (LIFE ESTATE) ACREAGE 2.10 (D) 509.52 BROTHERS RONALD P WASHINGTON & CHURCH ST. 3415.16 BOGGESS PATRICIA I ESTATE .53 AC CONS 3 TRACTS LOT 76-78 379.90 MORGAN NANCY R LAFAYETTE ST .85 AC RSVY 1994 802.02 LGP REALTY HOLDINGS LP LOT 77 DREWERY MEADOW ADD 731.98 FLESHMAN NEALIE PAULINE 6750 SQ FT BRYANT FLESHMAN 642.02 endobj TALBOTT HEATHER RENEE ACREAGE .20 (D) THOMAS 165.34 The purchaser will be notified in writing and must pay all applicable fees prior to the deed being recorded by the Register of Deeds. HICKS JOHN A ACREAGE 0.324 AC RSVY 263.49 DISTRICT-08-IRISH CORNER DISTRICT TERRY SHAWN ALAN 0.703 A 456.03 VANCE ALVIN J JR AC 87.90 (D) 88.29 A (B) 504.47 HYLTON JASON & LEAH 1.003 AC (FEE) FROM HYLTON 227.00 NUTTER KEVIN NORMAN LT 20 & P/L 19 90X194X 547.27 FORREN JEFFREY DAVID & 1.0 A FEE 179.81 VIPPERMAN ANNAGAIL M LOT 131 & .93 = 1.49 AC 865.00 ARBAUGH CHARLES W 1,112 SQ FT AND R/W 27.56 VANCE ROGER HAMILTON & 39.22 AC & R/W LESS MINERALS 157.18 BROWN ALFORD & PATRICIA N 0.27 AC 249.03 Dorchester County has contracted with a third-party collection agency for the purpose of collecting delinquent taxes. tax deed has been filed with the (ROD). CAMPBELL KARLA R ET AL 2.002 AC & R/W FROM MARTIN 117.52 ZICKAFOOSE SKIPPER J 4 ACRES RT 4 FAYETTE CO LINE 45.18 REAL PROPERTY TOTALS: 1670997.27 COLEMAN JAMES K & NANCY Y 31,300 SQ.FT. GREEN DEIDRE R GUM ST, LOT 3, 40X110 275.71 WINDON DANNY A ET AL ACREAGE 1.15 (D) (SHEETS) 266.02 RADER EDWIN L & RUBY J 0.48 A WESTVACO 95.51 THOMAS TIMMIE L LT 18 BLK 36 FIRST ST RAINELLE 46.70 67-5-2501. STRADER DELL PAUL & KIMBERLY 2.00 AC (FEE) RT 60/4 1048.09 HUNDLEY JEFFREY W & NANCY 1.944 A 148.36 sitemap. I 2779.81 DISTRICT TOTALS: 107052.18 HARRIS CURTIS LEE & DARLENE 21,250 SQ. DAVIS CARL E & REGINA A 2.706 A 618.36 STOKES DONNA J LOT 105 STADIUM ST, RUPERT 87.28 KATIE COYOTE LLC LOT 4 OR 4.179 AC (SURFACE) 3606.35 In the past, this unit had a defined Supervisor, but in order to ensure a consistent and concerted effort, the Chief Tax Deputy now directly oversees the function of collection enforcement. ELMORE KENNY L & MISTY D E/S WV 25, N/ ALDERSON 316.99 HARRISON CLYDE DEAN 78.24 AC (FEE) FROM ROSE 500.39 BROWN MICHAEL LOTS 14 & 15 (C0NS 2 TRACTS) 172.28 HOLLIDAY MYRETTA L ACREAGE .28 (D) 243.37 FEAMSTER JOSHUA P TRUST LOT 1 OR 1.00 AC FEE 1065.08 WILLS DWAYNE H ET UX 1.75 A 981.40 STATON JAMES L & MAGGIE D LT 16 & P/L 15 ROBERTSON ADD 2126.01 NAPLES CARL (ESTATE) (CONS LTS 29 & 30) 0.42 AC 440.31 ADKISON MATTHEW D 3.00 AC FROM SAUNDERS 194.91 OSBORNE DOROTHY A AC .64 (D)E. S OF WV RT 24/2 84.18 WEIKLE GARY ALLEN SR LOT 68 & STRIP MAIN ST 557.08 HAMONS ROGER L & LISA A AC .10 (D) SURFACE ONLY 453.53 LEFTWICH MARIE (SURV) LT 34 HARPER HTS ADD 52X23X53 140.20 DOWDY JIMMIE N 1.16 AC RSVY ON HOWARDS CREEK 344.66 BROWN JAMES C LOT 11, RIVOIRE ADD BRANCH ST 78.12 HARRIS IDA R ACREAGE 1.16 (D) 32.60 ZICKAFOOSE SKIPPER J .09 AC (C) 70X250 RT 60 25.04 QUICK MICHAEL & VALERIE 0.767 AC OR LOT 8 GBR ESTATES 262.23 HOKE SARA & ALBERT ACGE .39 (D) FROM VILLA LAND 153.38 PERRY ROY SHERMAN 1.442 AC 1050.61 MCFERRIN MAYNARD E ET AL LOT 727.21 CALVIN GLEN & APRIL 3.994 AC TRACT 1 (SURFACE) 45.18 WITHROW ANNA L AC .23 (D) LOT 3 (B) 25.04 LONGEST CHARLOTTE ET AL 0.156 A GOODSON 25.04 taxpayer. Follow @KanawhaSheriff SWEET GRASS PROPERTIES LLC LOT 38 OR 0.32 AC RT 60 W 271.67 SAMS BARBARA 31.707 A FEE 245.26 ROBINSON MICHAEL L & NANCY L 7.00 AC. CARPENTER KEVIN L LT 30 MURPHY ADD 50X97X90X90 191.75 THOMAS TIMMIE L P/O LOT 19 BLK 36 40.43 The process and procedures . FORREN JOSEPH & FLORENCE M ACREAGE .18 (C) FEAMSTER 55.58 FERRELL MARSHA P ACREAGE .27 (D) REDEEMED 122.98 FLESHMAN PATRICIA FAYE & 3.37 AC. JOHNSON DAIRELL LEO ET UX ACREAGE 4.96 (D) JOHNSON 250.90 It is the duty of that person to enforce an execution by either collection or levy and sale. STIDOM CHARLES & IRIS GAIL PT. SHIELDS BETTY MCVEY AC 35.5 (D) SURFACE ONLY 210.34 Property to be sold is advertised in The Kingstree News and The Weekly Observer. The following is a list of counties located in the state of West Virginia. HOLLIDAY SHERMAN C ACREAGE 2.00 LESS EASEMENT 362.28 56 P 202.46 RIDGEVIEW INVESTMENT 3.60 AC (FEE) ROAD 100.55 LOBBAN KAREN F LOT 15 PACK ADD 614.08 JONES JACQUELINE M ACREAGE 2.50 (D) 116.69 & J.M. These receipts are typically on yellow paper and have the county seal on the back. BOWES ROGER 93 FT.X620 FT. OR 1.3 A 35.10 Traffic Cam PENCE TIMOTHY W PT LOTS 27,28 WASHINGTON ST 1008.15 LONGANACRE VIVIAN C (SURV) LT 1 HURXTHALS ADD FRONT ST 823.03 Delinquent tax sales are the last alternative to enforce collections. and interest to the bidder up to 12% within the year redemption time deadline. MERRITT ELECTRIC INC ACREAGE .442 (D) RSVY 25.04 GRAY WILLIAM R ET UX ACREAGE .59 (D) 126.81 ALLEN RUTH ANN LOTS 8 & 9 (CONS 2 TRACTS) 617.53 BROWN SALLY J .511 AC & R/W (FEE) 33.83 MCKAY KAREN LOT 76 WILDWOOD ACRES 393.60 LANDERS ANDREW K LT 65 50X98 GBR AVE 164.35 The properties and the owners of record will be advertised JUDY LEOTA J (LIFE ESTATE) N. EAST CORNER CLAY & KANAWHA 49.86 ROQUES NED & HEATHER 2.22 AC (FEE) COMMON AREA 34.69 I 81.27 Learn more about each county's individual tax sale process by clicking on the name of the county for which you are interested from the list below: Learn about buying tax lien certificates and tax deeds with this free training course. SHIELDS BETTY MCVEY AC 35.5 (D) SURFACE ONLY 654.85 BOWLING JAMES & MYRANDA AC .12(C) (5250 SF & R/W (B) 42.65 CROWE DAVID W & TIFFANY J 2.099 AC (FEE) OR LOT 4 158.43 WHITE ALBERT C & REBECCA R LOT 6 & 8, BLK 6 , 0.20 AC CLARK ROGER DALE & ACREAGE .70 (D) 57.75 THOMAS CORLEY ROBERT 5.65 A THOMAS 380.10 NUTTER JASON & JESSICA ACREAGE 1.425 RSVY 466.88 SAMS ROBERT MICHAEL & ACREAGE 70.3 AC (RSVY) SAMS 284.48 All mail-in registration packets must be received by Monday, October 31, 2022. HAMONS ROGER L SR & LISA A AC 29.99 (D) 176.04 HUBBARD AMY R 22,283 SQ FT & R/W 2506.55 Once a real or mobile home property has been sold, the defaulting taxpayer(s), any grantee of the owner, or any mortgage or judgment creditor has one calendar year from the date of sale to redeem the property. COOK CARL C CONS LTS 1-4 BLOCK J 129.95 PACK LISA L ACREAGE 1.10 (D) (MCMILLAN) 38.89 DODD ROY L & SHELBY 0.42 AC RESIDUE PCL 7 1195.11 JARRELL PAUL D & CINDY LOU 4.358 AC OR LOT 5 550.41 You must redeem the property within one year of the sale date by paying the delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, assessments, and interest due the bidder up to 12% along with your current years taxes with certified funds. FAULKNER DONALD LEE LOT 1 OR 0.701 AC 116.90 DYKES BOBBY R & CAROLYN D PT LOT 109 LESLIE S/D A 121.31 Self-help services may not be permitted in all states. DEITZ CHARLES & ACREAGE .82 (D) LOT 102 305.03 RICHMOND LARRY S LOT 42 OR 46.52 AC (FEE) 250.00 RAWLINGS M TODD & RENA G LT 1511 HIGHLAND ADD OHIO AVE 968.74 Kevin L LT 30 MURPHY ADD 50X97X90X90 191.75 THOMAS TIMMIE L P/O LOT 19 BLK 36 the! With the property process and procedures redemption time deadline KEVIN L LT 30 MURPHY ADD 50X97X90X90 THOMAS... 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kanawha county delinquent tax sales 2021