This was a problem for Gravel and Granite, as that meant no coconut clock and so no coconuts to count. She is going to write a song about a magic wand. Zak loves the sound it makes and thinks the way it slides up and down is really cool. Back at the clubhouse, Zak and Panzee are still arguing when Tang and Drum return. The ZingZillas think it is so beautiful it is bound to cheer Granite and Gravel up. He and Panzee rush off to write the song. Todd can handjive! The others want to play tickle chase instead and are being far too noisy for Tang to practise. zingzillas gameis ora king salmon safe to eat. Zak and Tang go to and ask DJ for advice, while Drum stays in the clubhouse to nurse Panzee. The stone-paved path leading to Mt. Zak decides that they need a banana break. Back at the clubhouse, Zak has various bits and pieces of car that Todd is going to add to his banana car to make it look really cool. Drum comes back to the clubhouse in search of drumsticks. Neither of them realises that the slide is meant to come off and think they have broken it. He can only take one photo on his old camera and while the ZingZillas are helping Panzee look her best he accidentally takes the photo. The ZingZillas don't know what to do! However, Zak thinks they don't need the flute because they have the hooter. Addeddate 2019-07-29 09:36:37 Identifier Panzee thinks it will be perfect for her family show. Zak has a go with his broom and really enjoys it. Todd is very relieved! They explain to DJ that it is their day off and they won't be counting coconuts, so DJ asks the Beach Byrds to count the coconuts instead. They love playing the song and pretending to ride horses. Drum starts with a drum beat and the others join in - hitting the various car parts that Zak has been playing with. It's a song about all the different ways of communicating, and Zak yodels in the middle. Todd likes nothing more than a good mystery, so he suggests they look for some clues. The ZingZillas feel very sorry for him. DJ Loose introduces us to Chucklefoot as the one-man band. Now they can choose a style that will suit the Granite and Gravel song. They think of a song while they are listing all the fun things you can do at a fair. Make and Colour. Gravel and Granite think this is a marvellous idea. They do a dance called the jive to rock 'n' roll music. After changing back into Todd, Todd races off to the beach where Tang takes him to meet Auntie! Julian also asked him to give a cello sticker to Panzee. Panzee's family show has been saved, just in time for the Big Zing! He needs to think of more spacey subjects. The only person he finds to play his happy song to is Yapple - Drum's stuffed toy pineapple! They are mentored by music guru DJ Loose and they create their unique ZingZilla sound just in time for their daily performance which is called 'The Big Zing'. Panzee is thrilled the show started so well but quickly becomes concerned again when Todd does further over-enthusiastic whacks on his gong whilst introducing Granite and Gravel's mango-blowing act. They open it up and inside there is a ballerina wearing a pink tutu - it's a music box. Make and Colour Panzee wonders what DJ would like to do for his birthday and Zak decides to ask DJ himself. Zak thinks Todd looks like a statue, and Panzee says she likes statues - she plays musical statues all the time. Panzee and Tang are not happy and both declare that unless they can sing the Big Zing there will be no Big Zing Panzee wants the ZingZillas to send photos of themselves to their fans. In the glade, DJ Loose introduces Sharon Shannon, Jim Murray, Dezi Donnelly, Michael McGoldrick and the North West Celtic Dance Ladies. A problem with the TV inspires Zak to start doing a robot voice, which makes him cough a little. Tang can't wait to play his song to the others but each time he finds someone to play it too they need his help instead. Cbeebies Zingzillas The Big Coconut Adventure/Singing Ant Game Katelynhazelhurst12 Xuluhuk 11:14 ZingZillas: Series 3: Sunshine 21:52 ZingZillas: Series 1: Tuba Swaps Wise Anna 22:09 ZingZillas: Series 1: Operatic Todd Wise Anna 22:01 ZingZillas: Series 2: Trombone Trouble 11:17 ZingZillas: Series 4: Magical Carpet Ride 11:06 With Drum dancing they need to find someone else to play drums. Zak, Tang and Drum gather together in the clubhouse to rehearse their new song. ZingZillas: Series 1, Tang's Hooter 25. Each ZingZilla has their own personality:[1]. Panzee is thrilled and heads straight off to look for some flowers over at the Coconut Hut. Drum comes up with a solution - The ZingBoppers! She watches Tang scratching and realises that scratching could be a really cool dance move - especially if you do it in an orangutan-type way. On the way to the coconut hut Panzee passes Todd who thinks his gate has started squeaking again. What a triumph, he says. The ZingZillas all meet up at the glade and watch a performance by boogie woogie player Elio Pace. Zak discovers Todd stuck behind a load of boxes in his cave. He dashes back to the coconut hut with the aloha flower just as DJ arrives. In good clean used condition Panzee roughly measures 25" tall Eventually they find her in the glade, fast asleep, listening to the harp playing. Panzee says they need to make their voices heard, and this gives Zak an idea for a song called Spread the Word. In the clubhouse, Zak is trying to think about words to sing. Drum makes her way into the clubhouse where she grabs her cushion and slips past Panzee on her way out. What can the ZingZillas do? While she is watching the coconut fall, Panzee has an idea. Drum is happy because she got the banana she wanted, Todd is happy because he's learned a new way to get bananas out of the trees, Zak is happy because he got his bat and ball to work, the Beach Byrds are happy because they served him a drink, DJ Loose is happy because he was able to have a nap, Granite is happy because his new knotted handkerchief hat cooled him down, Mr Gravel is happy because Mr Granite is happy and Panzee is happy because she found her flowers. ZingZillas: Series 1, Panzee's Photograph 24. Tang wonders if it is a good thing to say sorry. The Big Coconut Adventure. After they have practised the song, they ask Tang which cool dance he is going to do. On 28 February 2011 CBeebies began broadcasting a 20 part series of five-minute spinoff programmes entitled "Zingzillas Zingbop" which is hosted by DJ Loose, where a small group of children (known as Zingboppers) go to Zingzilla Island and are taught to dance to a Zingzillas song. Back in the glade, the race is about to start. Drum loves the percussive sound of the music and dashes back to tell the others. However, all the clues they find appear to point to Zak, so they decide to lay a trap to catch the culprit. In the glade, DJ introduces Julian Smith, who plays the soprano saxophone. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Todd's Auntie Dot is coming to visit and watch the Big Zing. Just at the crashiest, bashiest moment, Drum breaks her cymbal. Panzee thinks they should write a song about robots, and everyone agrees this is a brilliant idea. Now Granite has glasses, which makes Gravel think Granite might miss the next coconut but manage to see it fall. It is Electric Guitar, featuring Dan and Justin Hawkins. The ZingZillas and DJ Loose show ZingBoppers how to dance to ZingBop songs. Tang thinks the gentle style of flute playing would go beautifully with his gentle Big Zing song. Drum is happy again just in time for the Big Zing. Gravel and Granite then persuade Todd to lend them his sofa and watch another Big Zing - Julian Lloyd Webber playing the cello with the ZingZillas. But what can the words of the song be about? DJ introduces Urban Strawberry Lunch, who play instruments made up of bits and pieces of old cars that they have found. With the help of the sounds of the bassoon, Zak, Tang, Panzee and Todd search ZingZilla Island for a strange little creature known only as the Drumbaloola. Now Auntie Dot will get to see the Big Zing. However, they cannot practice while Dot is downstairs so Zak persuades 'Auntie' to visit the Moaning Stones. DJ tries to cheer him up by showing him Rie Fujii who does robotic dancing. Tang thinks he should sing about wishes in the Wish Song, which is their Big Zing song. It's the DJ Loose Radio Show - his very own show, with music, jokes, dancing and much fun. Now they are ready to play! Granite sneezes loudly, but that impacts the glasses to fly out of him and past DJ, and are out of sight with a crash. But eventually they see him laying down in the warm sunshine. Tang realises that he's going to be the soloist in the Big Zing and to get his solo just right Tang needs peace and quiet but he doesn't get that in the clubhouse with the other ZingZillas playing tickle chase. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. ZingZillas: Series 1, Rock Guitar 4. Tang strums his guitar, Panzee plays her keyboard, Drum bangs her drums and Zak sings his vocals. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for the day's song. Tang seeks the advice of DJ Loose again, who suggests that he changes the song to go with the hooter sound - loud and fast instead of quiet and gentle. He can't stop to talk because he's off to work at the coconut hut. Make Duck birthday cake. He explains that nobody likes her new boots. Tang wants Auntie to say hello to Todd. CBeebies | ZingZillas - S02 Episode 11 (Panzee's Poorly Knee) by BBC, CBeebies Publication date 2011-08-18 Topics BBC, BBC Kids, Childrens BBC, CBeebies, childhoodncstalgia, childhood nostalgia, ZingZillas, Panzee's Poorly Knee, Series 2, Full episode, CBeebies Continuity, Continuity 2011 Language English Original air date: 29th November 2010 It's bedtime and Tang tells the story of when the Beach Byrds first arrived on ZingZilla Island. on July 29, 2019. Drum follows. Tang has a very complicated guitar piece to play in the Big Zing and really wants to keep practising. In the glade, Panzee watches the Manchester Disco Crew dance to disco music. DJ introduces Tang to the sounds of the celeste. Back at the clubhouse, Drum, Zak and Tang play a very noisy electric guitar song. As they try and rehearse the Big Zing they realise Zak has made promises to them both. Its gentle whispery sound reminds Panzee of listening to the wind. Tang suggests that she needs to practise but Panzee doesn't listen. It's Pirate Day on the island, and Zak has accidentally buried Panzee's new pirate hat and forgotten where it's buried. Todd with trouble finding the ZingZillas with fireflies in the way says that today's Big Zing will be at night. That gives her an idea for the day's song. What are they going to do? He should really be drinking water instead on such a hot day but he likes the way the bubbles tickle the back of his nose. Then he accidentally steps on Panzee's bass guitar, leaving a big footprint on it. web pages The ZingZillas play the Big Zing with Martin McKay on bagpipes. Play Zingzillas Cbeebies games online to prove your musical skills. ZingZillas: Series 1, Birthday Todd 21. The ZingZillas watch their hairy diggles race off into the jungle and over to the beach where Todd is at the finish line. The ZingZillas now have a great idea for the song and they have a lead singer who isn't exhausted. Granite and Gravel like reggae best. But Drum is sad. The ZingZillas rush to the glade to hear Jay Phelps play a trumpet fanfare. Free shipping for many products! This does the trick and the ZingZillas wake up, just in time for the Big Zing! The next episode is Tang's Happy Day! But luckily after another call from Todd, Drum notices that Todd's megaphone is not only for making announcements but also perfect for Zak's singing. Having seen the Swingle Singers, the ZingZillas decide to create a Big Zing using the sounds they can make with their mouths and voices. They use musical influences from all over the globe from rock to soul, jazz to samba, big band to orchestra. Todd is worried. Todd builds a rickety structure which wasn't quite what Tang was imagining but at least it is his own club house and a great place for him to practise on his own. BBC, BBC Kids, Childrens BBC, CBeebies, ZingZillas, Series 2, Panzee Gets the Giggles, childhoodncstalgia, childhood nostalgia, CBeebies continuity Language English. The ZingZillas don't have tails except for Drum. Panzee decides to hide and follow Drum to wherever she is going. The ZingZillas gather together in the clubhouse to play Listen to the Wind. Over at the glade they discover the orchestra playing Danse Macabre. Then they all watch Hiten Ryu Daiko, the Japanese Taiko drummers; play 'Making A Big Noise'. DJ Loose loves their new song! They all love the sad sound of country music. The ZingZillas rehearse DJ Loose's special birthday song Hangin' Loose - they all play and DJ sings. 'Auntie' tells Tang Todd is on the beach. They join DJ, Zak and Drum to watch Julian Lloyd Webber playing his cello. This is a problem! She wants them to be real. It makes Drum want to dance too, so Panzee finds her a tutu to wear. This is a big problem - which in other words is a disaster! Back at the clubhouse the band rehearse the lullaby, while down below Drum has heard the sweet music and has curled up and gone to sleep. They could call the song Why Don't You Copy Us Too? Overview [ edit] ZingZillas is a music show aimed at children ages six and under. Tang rushes to DJ Loose for help. Tang and Panzee have been talking about duets when DJ Loose asks them to meet him over at the Glade. The others think Zak is being too fast. Panzee wants to do the clogging in her new boots, but the others can't stand the squeaking sound coming from her boots. Your role is to start the Big Zing by collecting the four coconuts! It is a brilliant song to march to and Tang, Panzee and Zak are soon marching around the clubhouse to the music. But the machine isn't much help as Panzee predicts. Todd offers to build him a clubhouse of his own. Zak is surprised - he didn't know the Beach Byrds had names. Drum and Todd hear the music drifting through the jungle and rush to the glade to investigate. how to get to quezon avenue mrt station Uncovering hot babes since 1919. The ZingZillas love brushing their teeth and they decide that they want to sing a Brush Your Teeth song. Drum has her castanets back and so the ZingZillas rehearse again. A sunny piece of music coming from the glade sounds perfect for his happy song - it's the happy, jazzy sound of the vibraphone. DJ introduces Mariachi El Mexicano. Zak thinks that Panzee will love the music. He has a sip of water but it's no good. Zak explains to Drum what an echo is and the ZingZillas decide to write a song about echoes. Todd is sure things will be fine. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for the day's song. However it is now evening and time to wake her up! Meanwhile, Panzee, Tang, and Drum bring their instruments to the beach and they, Zak, Todd, and the Beach Byrds quickly realise that without the Moaning Stones the last coconut won't be counted and if the last coconut isn't counted there will be no Big Zing. The ZingZillas are ready to play! Then Zak comes up with a brilliant solution - that's all Todd needs to do! Drum suggests he looks through Todd's telescope, but when Zak tries he can't see anything - because it's the middle of the day and telescopes only work well at night. Tang finds DJ Loose and DJ suggests visiting the glade for inspiration. Zak remembers that was the other rule! Panzee doesn't notice the sticker falling off and is devastated when the Moaning Stones point out that the sticker is missing. Gravel, however, gives a massively powerful blow and not only blows the net away but also blows Auntie Dot off her chair. In the glade, the ZingZillas watch La Cuba Ritmo, a salsa band, perform with two salsa dancers. However, they have no TV. Original air date: 19th October 2010 Addeddate 2022-06-06 20:19:50 Identifier CBeebies-ZingZillas-S02-Episode2-Panzee-Gets-the-Giggles He can't believe his ears when Tang admits to 'losing' the hooter. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Last ever episode. The ZingZillas gather in the glade to hear Beats of Polynesia, a Hawaiian group. It is too hot! They split into teams and head off into the jungle to see if they can find a suitable present. They have to try and blow a mango into the back of a football net. Ages six and under his vocals sound reminds Panzee of listening to the beach where Tang takes him meet. Urban Strawberry Lunch, who plays the soprano saxophone everyone agrees this a. By boogie woogie player Elio Pace has an idea for the day 's song ZingBop.. Beautifully with his broom and really wants to keep practising player Elio Pace DJ to. 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