In January, Ramsey Solutions CEO Dave Ramsey announced that he was stepping down from his position, effective immediately. party as well as leveraging the dollars along the way. I grew up with Jon. How'd I go from 100% Dave to 10% Dave after pandemic. Thanks for sharing, Annie. When did Anthony Oneal leave Ramsey solutions? I really enjoy his show and the guests he interviews but he doesn't fit in on The Dave Ramsey Show. Seems like he has effectively been replaced by George Kamel. process, and this isnt a made or TV movie that had the tough times and then I imagine the conversation went something like; Ok Anthony, you can still have your show and use the studio to record your show, but we are going to remove the Ramsey branding, and you are going to have to take one last episode as a branded personality to introduce the new personality who will be taking your place. 3. Anthony Oneal changed his spending habits after becoming debt-free by creating and following a budget. To me, sounds like he needs to learn how to finish what he starts.. I literally googled Anthony O'Neal sucks and found this post. Learn More: How do I contact dave chappelle? He has not appeared on the official Dave Ramsey radio show since right around that same time frame (Late June early July). He was writing used car ads, on his eight job in eight years when Dave Ramsey picked him up. Helpful stories about work ethics and experience in all environments, Blending boomer work ethics in an online world. Nor should we. The whole situation is odd. Layoffs on 9/11, and yes, THAT 9/11. Ken and Dr. John always seem to have to brighten up the convo. Certainly not high-minded. Oneal invested in a friend's restaurant that went bankrupt. Oneal was raised by a single mother on welfare in Detroit. His show also isn't listed as part of the 'Ramsey Network' on the website. Results may vary. Something definitely happened. Lampoon, thanks for your insight. For example, we do not even know any specifics of the hiring contract, do we? 100K views 1 year ago Anthony O'Neal Leaves Ramsey Solutions And Is No Longer A Ramsey Personality Welcome to the Debt Free Mafia. Its always match first, Roth second, traditional third. Based on his character, Anthony would have informed his fans of his relationship status. Anthony O'Neal tells Nicky And Moose the real reason why he left Ramsey Solutions. He said in the same episode hes been there 6 years, is/was a Ramsey personality, and doesnt even fucking know the shit Dave says for years. | Nicky And Moose | Clip From Nicky And Moose The Podcast Episode 71 | Join Anthony O'Neal's The Single. 4. Prior to joining the Dave Ramsey team, ONeal served as an associate pastor at The Bethel Church, a megachurch with 12,000 members in Jacksonville, Florida. I personally completely understand why Dave may have cut-off links to Jons items. having a plan to avoid committing financial and marital hara-kiri along He mentioned taking a break from social media in July for 2 weeks, but he is back to posting on his own Youtube channel now and still not back on the Ramsey show. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thats his normal pattern and it really affects his credibility. Second, I hope the Dave Ramsey organizations decision to shutdown all of Acuffs digital presence in their control was a mistake that is quickly remedied. Its entirely up to the owner of the assets (in this, Dave Ramsey, apparently) whether or not these assets remain active, if the recipient requests as much. I couldn't find the Did You Hear post for today's show so I'm posting it here - I hope it doesn't get deleted. Anthony Oneal rebuilt his life and became a successful entrepreneur. There are a number of possible explanations which would be entirely valid. All good people, but the show is better without them. He has all of Daves marketing machine getting the word out. So what happened to Anthony Oneal? Annie, Dave could have removed the links on his domains and severed the relationship that way. It would be absolutely inappropriate for Dave to come out and say why someone was fired. He was with Ramsey for 3 years. And Jon is really, really good everything seems great. I got my first bad taste from Ramsey when he ranted right before Nashville was hit by a tornado and then edited his rant out of the show without an apology. While Jon writes in a hard manner about his side of the integrity or Furthermore, it was only two months ago that Ramsey personality launched an extensive PR campaign in an attempt to rehabilitate Anthony Oneal's image after the fallout from his racist remark. AO Twitter Page, 3) Finally, all other Ramsey Personalities Twitter Bio's all say they are Ramsey Personalities. Before joining Ramsey Solutions, Anthony was the pastor of One Way Youth Ministries at The Bethel. It's ok, he isn't speaking to you. Ben Lichtenwalner is the founder - the leading blog on servant leadership and top 35 site for any leadership topic, globally. AO clearly has problems with women and marriage. We wish Jon all the best.. whats next in regard to steps that need to be taken to assure growth Anthony Oneal, a former NFL player, is now a successful businessman and motivational speaker. He does come off pretty arrogant - that's for sure. Its just not in his nature. Its not about being nosy. Furthermore, Dave Ramsey and the entire team there are the most integrity-driven group I have ever worked for.. While neither Anthony nor Dave Ramsey have spoken publicly about what happened, its clear that there is no longer any relationship between the two men. Oneal also made some poor choices with his money. Anthony ONeal and I spent an entire hour of The Dave Ramsey Show a couple weeks ago talking about timeshares and the scummy ways they do business.. I didnt start listening until recently. Hes squarely middle aged. Did you know he is 37? Specifically, Jons most prominent sites (Stuff Christians Like and now point to a Dave Ramsey page that reads, Regrettably, Jon Acuff has resigned from the Dave Ramsey team. He played college football at Auburn. If he did, I hope he make this very clear. Sold books on the story that hed learned how to start. I find it also distressing and unprofessional that not much notice was given to the Ramsey team so they could work with Jon to create a transition plan. I believe Anthony Oneal has definitely been fired as a Ramsey Personality and possibly from the entire organization. I definitely like that attribute of Dave as well. He pretends to be 27, but he ain't. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. The haste with which the Ramsey team has been turning Jon Acuff into a non-person on their site feels lawyer-driven to me. This absence coincides with reports that he is being investigated by internal personnel for unspecified reasons. Since 2003, Anthony O'Neal Youth Ministries has helped. How is it ok for him to give advice on quitting then when he quits it seems to go against his bestselling advice. However, it is unclear what exactly led to her decision to leave. Anthony Oneal was a cast member on this show from September 2021 until September 2022. ONeal went to Palomar College in Southern California. After the three greatest years of our professional life, Jenny and I decided to resign from the Dave Ramsey team today. 4. Why is every assuming the worst and gossiping about who is owed what? Just curious if there was any extra info on this situation. Its going to be an interesting dance for these two in the immediate future. His junior season was his best statistical year recording 34 catches 421 yards and 4 touchdowns while starting all 13 games.[20]. He said in the same episode hes been there 6 years, is/was a Ramsey personality, and doesnt even fucking know the shit Dave says for years. Coulter is said to have wanted to expand Ramsey Solutions reach beyond its core base of personal finance advice, while Ramsey allegedly felt that this would dilute the brand. Student loan debt is common, with more than 45 million people owing an average of $37,000 in total. I told them how fucking infuriating what he said was. There is desire. Straight up - he's not qualified to give anyone any advice. What Ive learned in life is that almost every company or public figure thats very much in the public eye tends to have what I refer to as a Wizard of Oz effect. As a bi-racial woman, I feel like he is always fresh and helpful. I can assure you of one thing. All things considered, Acuff comes off much more suspicious than Ramsey to me. Ive written several articles about Dave Ramsey and former Ramsey personality Chris Hogan, but today Im going to share my favorite Ramsey personality Christy Wright, or at least she was. Pay no attention to the man or woman behind the curtain. Thanks for sharing, J. I agree. In response to the resignation, Dave Ramseys team has apparently shut down all digital assets associated with Acuff. Dave doesnt owe Jon even more than hes already given him. admiration society? I don't think it was intentional, but he just clearly didn't know. Joined with a much bigger brand. There is no obligation. Ramsey was obviously viewing Acuff as part of the future of the organization. I think many people want to know the details because you have one guy who deals with Entreleadership and another guy who does Quitter. He told a traveling nurse for retirement investing Roth first, match second, traditional third. In response to the resignation, Dave Ramsey's team has apparently shut down all digital assets associated with Acuff. It was announced today that Ramsey, the hit daytime talk show, will be leaving the airwaves. Hes 37. Following a long absence, ONeal officially announced he was leaving on his Instagram page. The words were kind, but the actions were anything but. In spite of the fact that both men have had a huge impact on my life, It causes The two most prominent people in this next generation were Rachel Cruze (his daughter) and Jon Acuff (whos books are/were constantly pushed on Ramseys show). About Nicky And Moose The Podcast:Nicky And Moose The Podcast is a weekly podcast giving you an inside look into the worlds top personal brands & businesses to reveal the blueprint behind their success. Long term, that is where my focus will be as well. Anthony O'Neal Leaves Dave Ramsey: What Is Going On? So what happened? Just one year later, he was $35,000 in debt and living in his car parked outside a Walmart US:WMT. The Step-By-Step Training For Building Your Brand And Reputation So That You Can Make More Impact And Income In Your Life. Here is an example of the the Dave Ramsey Brand intro chime in the first few seconds., Starting on July 26th and, all future shows that are posted after this date, the Dave Ramsey show graphic and chime has disappeared and all you see is the AO logo at the start of the show. Unable to pay the bill, Anthony was forced to file for bankruptcy. magically all is well. Anthony O'Neal Leaves Ramsey Solutions And Is No , What happened to Anthony ONeal? We wish Jon all the best. I dont plan on tuning back in until all of these personalities are off of the regular show. What was seen wasnt really what we and they were getting? Quitter indeed! Oneal had a few financial problems that led to his current situation. Given this recent history, it seems highly unlikely that Ramsey personality would suddenly decide to fire him for such a minor mistake. What happened to Anthony ONeal? Jon never disclosed which end of spectrum the dream job was. Another call was with another lady, and he had her go get her husband instead because he wanted to talk to the "king of the household". morals issue, the Ramsey side of the equation is softer in emphasis. Facebook: Anthony O'Neal tells Nicky And Moose the real reason why he left Ramsey Solutions. I believe Jon, more than Dave, owes us an explanation. There is lots of flash, pomp and illusion. In a post on his Facebook page, Acuff explained several potential reasons that were not behind his resignation. When AO is "co-hosting" with DR, I refuse to listen. He also hosts a nationally syndicated radio show, The Dave Ramsey Show. If AO wants to come out and say why, that's different, just like Chris Hogan. I want the same for you and more! what I call integrity driven. I serve ambitious and purpose-minded people who are on a journey towards mental, spiritual, and financial freedom. Plus the fact that he trails the debt free degree book, which isn't a bad and quick simple read honestly, but it's my understanding he took student loans and went to college in the early 00s when college costs were not as inflated as they are now. Marinate Chicken for Two Days and Youll Have the Perfectly marinated bird! How is it worse for Lampo? However, as a public figure in the Christian community and a thought leader in the entrepreneurial space, his actions, especially surrounding key business decisions, beg analysis. agent or a publishing deal on the table. Conversation. He's reached over 15 million people on 15 different countries through his podcast "The Table" where he always keeps it real, relevant, and relatable, Subscribe for more content from Nicky And Moose:, The Podcast & More:, This Podcast was created using Ecamm Live. People don't like it. As a result of these changes, Anthony was able to become debt-free and build up his savings. Dont leave the world of being cubicle-bound to outward bound without Credibility is Clip from Episode 71 now. The disappoint almost ALWAYS has to do with Dave when it comes to allowing people to leave well. Anthony Oneal is a personal finance expert who has been helping people get out of debt for over 15 years. Sad though, but not the first time, regretfully, Ive seen a personality driven ministry/ business doing human relations poorly. I was a Dave fan, went to FPU, paid off debt, even visited his new office (and met the man himself) but he's really turned me off in the past 1.5/2 years and I don't listen anymore. This is why many celebrities refer to themselves and their names as brands or images. I dont think its about Jon wanting to do something new and exciting. Could it be possible that Acuff actually owns the content and correlating domain names and his leaving prompted the legal action to remove the content? Anthony ONeal (born March 17, 1988) is an American football wide receiver who is currently a free agent. On the surface (which this is all speculation)it looks like Jon Acuff used Ramseys influence and platform to get a couple of best-sellers and a hit conference. And I noticed some of the jabs he took to Dave on air too. 2023 AO Enterprise All rights reserved. Women don't want to marry a man like that - or at least the type of woman he wants to marry. He would probably say that they are definitely worth considering! The Ramsey group has never sugar coated anything. He looks like he's doodling most of the time. You make some good points. Again I say, badly done, and not in the spirit of Colossians 3:12-4. Anthony Oneal Age. Yeah, I dont doubt there could be IP concerns / lawyers behind this but that doesnt excuse it in my opinion. Yes, exactly. Try Ecamm Live for free for 14 days :, Facebook - - -, Take your Flight Assessment here: exude integrity from their pores sometimes fail to measure up and I dont have anything else that These resources are free to download, and youll gain instant access when you click the button! I believe this is exactly right. This takes us as much by surprise as it does you. This is totally fucking wrong. Ive had an amazing run with Ramsey, said Dr. Phil. It is no more because ???. about another opportunity. The increase is mainly due to increasing borrowing by state governments constituting for a large share of all public sector debt. Lets think about this some more as a business owner, if I didnt agree with the direction of a company or a decision my business partner made I wouldnt be promoting their information either. Abuse that, and many churches and values organizations will think again before booking him. If there was more noticed, they wouldnt have done this. Remember when Daves show used to simply be about level-headed money advice, frugality, and wisdom? Acuff rode the ride to far great fame and exposerbut Ramsey is the bad guy for not continuing to pay to host the high traffic blogs of someone who said they wanted to leave the organization very suddenly. He has no immediate plans to retire, but he knows for his company and message to continue for additional decades, it cant be all about him. King of the Household! Trust me. While their notice ended politely with, We wish Jon all the best, their actions speak otherwise. Each episode breaks down current marketing trends, as well as relevant topics to extract the business strategies, branding tactics and thought process of your favorite entrepreneurs. My debt-free life is full of purpose and possibility. Jon had a sell-out Start conference and ticket sales for the next one are already being sold. Or was the dream job really a nightmare in some way that finally had to end? | iHeartRadio, iHeartRadio, Dave Ramsey, Dave Ramsey | Anthony ONeal tells Nicky And Moose the real reason why he left Ramsey Solutions. Why? Right after finishing his hit conference, Acuff says he wants to leave the organization. Since the beginning of 2018, there have been a number of high-profile departures from the Ramsey organization. ( Black, millennial, etc. Still, the abrupt decision by Jon to leave combined with the abrupt decision by Dave to shutdown the assets seems uncharacteristic of what I expect from leaders I follow. So, I will will limit my disappointment in both men to how I feel wronged as a follower of their teaching. Jon wrote the books, but he had Daves money and media connections all over the country to market his books things he could quite possibly never have had on his own in his lifetime. In a post on his Facebook page, Acuff explained several potential reasons that were not behind his resignation. If youre looking to level up, follow him. successfully its so important to have a plan. Find out more about him at However, if you look at Ramseys business strategy over the last several years, its very clear he is in the process of replacing himself. Both [17] He has previously said that, "unless you are absolutely sure you can't get other financing, avoid taking on large amounts of student loan debt." and continued in a, at least from perception, tight relationship from The good thing is that this aspect of it is not our business or our responsibility. One can be driven by integrity and still miss the mark. She did not give a specific reason for her departure, but said that she was grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of Ramsey Solutions and that she would be moving on to pursue other opportunities. Where Did Anthony Oneal Go To College? 2. deliver. They have ruined it. I definitely detected friction between AO and Dave, as others have . No mention or Ramsey or Lampo. Anyway, we may never know why they parted ways. | Nicky And Moose | Clip From Nicky And Moose The Podcast Episode 71 | Join Anthony O'Neal's The Single's Blueprint - Notes available on O'Neal tells Nicky And Moose the real reason why he left Ramsey Solutions.About @Anthony ONeal :At age nineteen, Anthony ONeal was deep in debt and short on hope with no direction of where his life was headed. Something that most people dont know is that anyone with half a brain and a good idea can become a best seller. Furthermore, Dave Ramsey and the entire team there are the most integrity-driven group I have ever worked for. . About @Anthony ONeal :At age nineteen, Anthony ONeal was deep in debt and short on hope with no direction of where his life was headed. Creating a stir over something that Daves team has some underlying message other than we wish him the best. By Jamie Friedlander | October 21, 2020 | 0. Gross and thank you for sharing. Today, Jon Acuff resigned from the Dave Ramsey team. Rather, they just expand on some point Dave or their cohost has already made. This reaction from the Ramsey organization is not typical. I DO know that the Ramsey site is missing some valuable SEO contentplus it made Daves site more of a destination site. Former Ramsey Personalities is a blog dedicated to providing detailed information about the personalities that used to live in Ramsey, Minnesota. Still, there is no explanation why he did resign. She is the third Ramsey Solutions Personalities to leave in the past year. IF (and this is a big If) my theories are correct, Acuff has setback Ramseys long term strategy back years, and caused Ramsey to waste a significant amount of time and funds towards developing and promoting someone who isnt the companies future. But he thinks he is the hippest and most energetic personality on the show and always makes sure he lets you know up front. He recommends starting with the debt with the highest interest rate and making the minimum payments on all other debts. Press J to jump to the feed. Financial Peace University also stopped using his material in their courses. Writing a book on pursuing goals does not mean that this mans life is wide open for all the public to know and comment on. Is it because he checks the right boxes? This method is known as the "snowball" method and it can be very effective in helping you to become debt-free. Cookie Notice There is no definitive answer, as it is impossible to know whether a more balanced view of the public finances would have led to less rash policy. Question: What do you think? the Facebook post announcing his resignation, Servant-Leadership and The Great Game of Business (GGOB), Leadership Lessons in Southwest Airlines Fall From Grace, The Servant-Leaders Night Before Christmas (2022 Edition with Video), How to Celebrate and Motivate Your Team at an End of Year Event, Black Eye for FIFA Leadership: Enabling Hate Over Love, Servant-Leadership 101: Thorough Lesson (Erin Brockovich Movie Example), Would You Invest $3 Billion Where You Lead, Confusing Scripture Graphic | Thinking Out Loud, Jon Acuffs Speaker page on, Post that welcomed Jon Acuff to the Dave Ramsey team. And with that, this more makes Ramseys reputation into questionciting how Proverbs often mentions thisthan it does Acuffs. #IASIJS. Can Jon not read a contract? Stop saying hes young. I always skip the YouTube videos they're in. If youre ready to take action and move towards financial freedom, grab your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Debt Payoff: Practical Steps Towards Financial Freedom. I also hope both men are more transparent moving forward. Because Ramsey knows he cant be the only face of the organization for much longer. Add in his stance on the vaccine which is right to choose, such as when he told a nurse to quit and find another job over taking the shot. . Perhaps judging both for lack of information is fair. I can tell you that Jon probably signed a non-compete, which is not only typical for corporate deals, its almost unheard of not to have one. On December 14, 2018, Christy announced that she would be leaving Ramsey Solutions. Thus he has to cut ties as quickly as possible to lessen the damage caused by heading down the wrong path. This was not an integrity or moral issue. I think it is within the realm of decorum to expect an explanation from Jon. Is it just me or does it seem like AO is kinda rude/judgemental/petty. [4] He chose to play college football for Auburn over offers from Florida State,[5][6] Louisville,[7][8] Miami (FL),[9][10] Mississippi State,[11][12], South Carolina,[13][14], Tennessee,[15][16], and others. On this channel, you will find videos based around livi. I love that he has a lot of content geared towards young adults and the minority community. The Best Coffee Maker: What It Is, How It Works, And What To, What Furniture Stores Use Progressive Leasing, Can You Go to the Bathroom With Monistat in, How Long to Cook Hard Boiled Eggs in Egglettes. Nicky And Moose The Podcast takes an inside look at some of the worlds top personal brands and businesses to reveal the blueprint behind their success. They dont call it the Ramsey Rapture for nothing. After all, how does disabling the most popular sites attributed to Jon suggest you wish them all the best? He currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and three children. Learn More: How to contact dave chappelle? He couldn't come up with a better name than that? However, it is generally believed that Anthony Oneal, Dave Ramsey's former business partner, left Ramsey Solutions in early 2020 after disagreements about the company's direction. Ben also speaks and consults on IT and management topics for a large variety of clients. But even with the sometimes critical eye I have they would be The reason for Jon Acuffs abrupt resignation from the Dave Ramsey company is obviousand all of you are missing the point. But after hitting rock bottom, he turned his life around and committed to helping students find and pursue their passions. Oneal doesnt believe that student loan debt is a worthwhile investment. After the start of the crisis, public sector debt almost doubled in the space of three years (see figure). This was not about money. Sara, the problem with that is that Acuff gives advice on quitting your job and following your dream. Chris Hogan, once viewed as a successor to. display: none !important; He also recommends creating a budget and sticking to it in order to keep your spending in check. Unfortunately, this is how DR handles employee departures - very quiet, nothing to see here folks type of PR. I think its about who owns the content Jon has been creating. drew me away from the company or created a wedge.. Podcast 11,899. My opinion is no. After providing Acuff a platform on which he was able to sell out a conference and produce two best sellers and investing $100,000s into promotion, Im not so sure its unkind, unforgiving, or unloving to stop hosting said persons blog when they tell you they want to leave your organization. I love AO. ETA #2: I'll never forget when he told a caller to continue driving their car without airbags in order to finish BS2. If you watch his July 1st show on "The Table" he announces he is taking 2 weeks off from all social media and going on vacation. There is no one definitive answer to this question. Let them be. Oneal's poor choices and lack of knowledge about money have led to his current financial problems. and our Im proud of you for taking the first step! me to question their authenticity and trust for the product they are marketing. anthonyoneal Verified Follow 4,567 posts 336K followers 865 following A N T H O N Y O ' N E A L Host of The Table w/ Anthony ONeal I help people find their authentic selves by living a life based on SPIRITUAL, MENTAL & FINANCIAL FREEDOM. but he also has all of Daves event people making these conferences happen. AO Twitter - 11/27, Go to his twitter page now and the bio has been edited so there is no mention of being a Ramsey Personality, or his book Debt Free Degree. Fit in on the story that hed learned how to finish what said... 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did anthony oneal leave ramsey