Different situations require different things. Blessings to you! God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. What should we be planning for, praying for, and what did Jesus teach about? Thank you for this. Please see my link. Nellie, Your comments are without sound knowledge of the depth of this I am SO glad that Lina has allowed the grace of Christ to free her from the culture of fear that controls Harvest Bible Chapel, and I am impressed by her willingness to speak in such as grace-giving way that will speak freedom to others who are hurting from this. And where I live that mostly rules out every English speaking church there is! Persecution or hardship drew them close. I work every day to be rid of my anger and thank you for proving that church is an unsafe place filled with predictors such as yourself seeking to tear down. ! Your staying as long as you did part of the clarity and power youve experienced in communicating what youve seen. Opt out of televised preaching? When is God pleased at his church? Two years ago, MacDonald moved away from overseeing the Harvest Bible Fellowship, a global network of churches, which eventually separated from Harvest completely to form the Great Commission Collective (GCC). Im one of the people who asked you to share why you left. I saw the horrible video of the three Elders that were fired, It was autrocious! James has all the characteristics of a false teacher. In my lowly position, I have said, like others, I would have put my head in the sand and continued to do the job God gifted me to do in the interest of the body. The decision comes after an explosive scandalous period at Harvest, including a botched excommunication,an ill-fated attempt at a defamation lawsuit, a scathing investigative report from World Magazine and then this most recent, shocking revelation. And the lies werent just shared by James. Swicegood released a statement saying that much of what has been alleged "is simply false, misleading and hateful." He added that the . Like in Ezekiel, many people are trying to sound the trumpet of warning!! Im far removed from this situation, but saddened by it nonetheless. I am aware that there has been some very good ministry done through this church. What are you authorized to do? I have seen this in many independent churches.THIs was done to me at a similar setting.The pastor One of things his way or the highway and there was no disagreement because he said it was leading to anarchy. *Strong Bad: Just for the record, in all kindness Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. This young lady has done the work and is doing the work of the great physician. A worship song says He gives and takes away, He gives and takes away, and still my heart will say Blessed be the name of the LORD!. The only thing I liked about that church was the worship, which was glorifying to the Lord. And in 1 Corinthians 5, we are told to judge those within the Church). Until then, you are still a wolf in sheeps clothing. These three men had then joined six other former eldersthese men had all left Harvest entirelyin writing and sending a letter to the current elder board raising concerns about MacDonalds leadership. In the wake of his departure, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability acknowledged serious concerns around spending and financial stewardship under MacDonald that resulted in the church losing its membership status. The Rolling Meadows Campus is our founding campus and for more than three decades has testified to God's faithfulness. Mike Winger Discusses When God Hardened Pharaohs Heart, Tennessee Church Showcases Tyre Nichols Photography, Louisiana Pastor Sentenced to 5 Years in Money Laundering Case Involving Nearly $900K in Stolen Funds, Steven Curtis Chapman First Contemporary Christian Artist To Earn 50th No. Pastor James MacDonald of the Chicago-based seven-multicampus Harvest Bible Church, issued an apology statement on Sunday saying that the board of the megachurch unanimously agreed to lift a discipline ban from three excommunicated elders. Lina, given your vast experience, It is ironic that the experience at Harvest should be seen as a culture of fear. Often it was the leadership that lost track and influenced the group. I choose to stay through this pain because, for me, leaving would create a wound that would never really heal. Pastor James MacDonald preaches at Harvest Bible Chapel. He is doing a new thing, and I will stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ and praise his Holy name through it all. Yet, with the growing numbers leaders, it is coming out, many followed along with James out of fear to personal, family, career damage. You are a fraud and a liar! He unsubscribed from the emails but they were still sent him texts asking him to give. This included an abusive and fear-based culture where those who question leadership are punished, she writes. I used to go to a church in AZ pastored by Jon Gaus. After leaving Harvest no one from the church reached out to me to see how I was doing, to ask why I left. There would be major issues involving James, followed by a carefully worded elder update or a carefully scripted announcement in church. I just want you to know that what you did at HBC mattered, and your presence is greatly missed. It truly is the Lords work. How do you know it wasnt done with fasting and with prayer? That is why we keep talking. I volunteer in the childrens ministry and the youth ministry as well, pouring into children and youth. I left for the Truth of Orthodoxy! My first two books were scheduled to be released smack in the middle of that summer, and I didnt want to impact their potential not to mention that James had agreed to write the forward on my first book. She put words to my feelings and I am truly blessed by them. We confronted him basically because of the way he had attacked a youth at the time and his mother for bringing up how the pastor was making this youth to feel. Listen, believe, obey, shut up. Dont listen to haters. Did you know that Satan and his minions come to Harvest? The church has responded by hiring Lawrence Swicegood, the executive director of communications at Gateway Church, who was also hired by Harvest Bible Chapel when facing its scandal involving James MacDonald. I am delighted to hear that. Though MacDonald initially opted to step away from all preaching and leadership roles at the churchs Chicago-area locations, in his January 16 sabbatical announcement he suggested he might still preach at a Harvest congregation in Naples, Florida, which led to another saga. You are loved. You are courageous! Put faith in Gods justice and judgement upon all, now that sin has been exposed. Jesus is still the great healer and restorer. The next day, Helmer resigned, citing MacDonalds pattern of uncontrolled anger. The pastor later admitted being too intense in the classroom that day. Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox! Whatever is wrong in Gods eyes He will bring someone to reveal it. What you are talking about is protecting abusers at the expense of those they have abused and betrayed which, unfortunately, happens far too often. Fear is why leaders did not speak up until now. Christ followers are saying enough. @Ross, Were you able to access it? Persecution is supposed to come from the world with the devil behind it, as Jesus said. It, honestly, has been the biggest source of my own sin and self inflicted suffering. It is a cry to the current leadership, to evangelicalism at large that there are some very serious problems that need to be dealt with. Does It Matter Where Your Clothes Come From? The kindest thing one can do is to cut out and expose the cancer to death. No one seems to be able to discern right from wrong anymore. The Spirit has shown me that Church, the Body of called out believers are those Christians you meet with. Basically hes a figurehead who can be dismissed on the whim of any elder or his wife. He has harmed thousands of people. Lastly, we need to comfort hurting today, she wrote. Thank you for sharing your story, Lina. Goodthat you let a toxic place. You can read that story right here. After that, I felt like my time was wasted. Continually praying for healing, reconciliation and restoration for His church. Yet Jesus minces no words when He tells us we ARE to judge teachers by their *fruits* and expose evildoers (and leads by examplesee His very public chastisement of the hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospels). Brave. Finances: Giving not Tithing. Do you see any fruit from him of what God speaks of? May God be glorified through this. Lean should read it and reply in kind. Lina isnt hanging Harvest Bible Chapel. Ross, The flock are the casualties in all of this. As a result, I was asked to meet with the elders, pull the blog piece and write a new one that James would first approve. Such lack of accountability is often a problem at megachurches, which tend to be founded by charismatic individuals who quickly amass a large following. It doesnt mean anything.. If they built it, it is theirs to destroy. Im thankful you followed the Lords leading in these stressful and difficult circumstances. Nice to hear from you again! Church leadership is urging members to wait for the results of this reviewand the changes that will be implementedbefore making the decision to leave the church. Subscribe to CT It IS her truth What Can Christians Do About Climate Change? I also was silent about why my family left (also the week following the video). And, at the same time, I know you to be a humble woman, easily impacted by negative, feedback. The news came less than a week after another update from Julie Roys, a defendant in the lawsuit and the writer responsible for the World investigation, who has continued to release evidence against MacDonald and call for his resignation. Thank You for writing your blog. I am surprised by your editorial on Harvest. I keep coming back to this part and I identify so much with this part. Thankful we got left when we did. The bloggers began posting again, however, in 2017, around the same time that Harvest Bible Fellowship was dissolved in 2017, due in part to concerns by some some member churches about how Harvest was managing the fellowships finances. Opt out of mega church? My first two books were scheduled to be released smack in the middle of that summer, and I didnt want to impact their potential not to mention that James had agreed to write the forward on my first book.. perfect response and reminiscent of what scripture teaches. Everybody and anyone has an opinion about what should happen to and for Harvest whether this means the self-identified victims, or the buildings, or the leftover and future leadership well, everyone is entitled to an opinion about everyone and everything. Not just Harvest Bible Chapel. Thank you for coming forward! In his statement released this week, MacDonald continues to criticize the church for its treatment of him and cites the successful arbitration as confirmation that the truth has been on his side all along. This comment to Harvest and James is your opinion and you have every right to it. Just goes to show, pride goeth before a fall. No Celebrities Except Jesus: How Asbury Protected the Revival, Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Saddleback Church, After Pushing for UMC Unity, Former Bishop Joins New Denomination, After Chaos and Crisis, Beth Moore Still Finds Refuge in the Church, With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal. You can read about the continued corruption and fraud here: Dan George's Resignation. I wondered if you had become a full time missionary and if that was why you quit writing. I feel angry that the people who were supposed to be watching over the congregation allowed this to go on. When you are in a position where fear dictates the position you cannot speak out while under that. On February 12th, someone who sounded an awful lot like James MacDonald called into Mancow Mullers Chicago-area radio show to cuss out all of his perceived enemies. The church, which has a weekly attendance of more than 12,000 at its seven campuses, is also associated with Vertical Worship, Harvest Christian Academy (HCA), and MacDonalds Walk in the Word TV and radio ministry. Both of us were involved in many forms of leadership and had invested for many years in the outreach of the church and all of its fellowship. How dare you question her about why? Why? We dont know each other, but I found this via Julie Roys Twitter. School of the Bible at 9:00am Wednesdaysat 7:00pm Give Online Contact Us 10088 N. Highway 99 Stockton, CA 95212 office@hbcstockton.org (209) 931-9548 Copyright 2023, Harvest Bible Church. On his radio show, Muller later aired what sounded like clips of MacDonald making harsh comments toward media who had covered the story. God has this situation in his hands he wasnt surprised by it. They never acknowledged that they had done anything wrong. A woman who is full of fun loving life. Unhappy to see you did not make the approved list. And it wasnt just some random bloggers saying these things, either. A former Harvest staffer was also reported to police last fall after being accused of embezzling $270,000 from the church. I am sorry for the pain. http://www.issendai.com/psychology/sick-systems.html. No matter what everyone else says, it does take courage to say something. It is so sad when the devil works to cause problems in a church. And a few days later James MacDonalds sons, Luke and Landon MacDonald, also announced they are resigning. The controversial founder and former pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel is barred from serving as pastor or elder of the popular evangelical Christian church ever again after an investigation. I speak as one who has gone thru it, like you. Sadly, this cancer has spread to other churches that were once part of the fellowship. Pastor James teaching seemed so Biblical. Constantly made to feel stupid, the youth had had enough so the mom called a meeting with the pastor. 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This is why NOW. Pastor James MacDonald, of Harvest Bible Chapel, was given the boot last week by church elders after "highly inappropriate . No church is, because they are all filled with sinners like us. Thank you Yahweh. In any case, Im saddened to hear that this happened to James McDonald. There are people there I thought were my friend and as soon as my life takes a left turn and happens out of order (first came baby then came marriage and then another baby) I get ousted out and judged and hurt. Thank you for having the courage to write what you did and for your ministry Lina. How important it is to pray pray pray and check on our leaders also of their growth in Christ and what our church mission is and to stay biblical, not political but biblical. In eras of prosperity, their hearts drifted. People in leadership are there one day, and then poof! Still, even I knew when enough was enough. It was not supposed to be that way. What I have realized is the weakness and defeatism of so-called Christians who immediately abandon their Church when trouble comes its way. 8. It took months to get over the hurt he caused my husband and I. Not cool to kick people when they are down. There are always two sides to every story not really believing your story and if someone is a Christian you would talk about this with some Church leaders not blow it all out in public its sad that it was done that way that isnt what a Christian would do it is what a secular person would do. I would recommend A book Joy Starts Here and The Pandora Problem Facing Narcissism in Leaders & Ourselves as helpful to possibly understand how whats happened can be explained and perhaps bring healing and prevention as members move forward. In the early 2000s, Harvest embarked on an ambitious expansion plan, aiming to form "10 churches in 10 years." Since then the church has opened locations in Elgin, Highland Park, Niles, Crystal. He is really great at it I give him that. Therefore, we are at our most open to hurt. Lina, this took courage and Im glad you said it. This journey has taken me several years. You have to leave before you can see clearly. Hi Hurting in Davenport, There are dozens if not hundreds of witnesses against many Elders at Harvest all saying the same thing. Ministry lina where fear dictates the position you can not speak up until.... Is the weakness and defeatism of so-called Christians who immediately abandon their church when comes. A former Harvest staffer was also reported to police last fall after being accused of embezzling 270,000. They never acknowledged that they had done anything wrong a culture of fear thankful. Involving James, followed by a carefully scripted announcement in church be over... Impacted by negative, feedback in Gods justice and judgement upon all, now that sin has exposed. 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