The guidelines are based on the amount of time spent outdoors in different levels of air quality, from good to hazardous. LogonID: (ID number emailed to you by DEQ) Our team is here to serve you and ensure all Montanans have clean air, water, and land free from contamination for generations to come. permits and regulates environmentally-protective and productive operations in air, hard rock mining, opencut mining, and coal mining industries according to program statutory authority. Our goal is to provide you with excellent customer service and the information you need for meaningful participation in Montana's environmental programs. Mentoring Partnerships are outside of the employees direct work group with the objective of connecting employees to DEQs mission and programs beyond their own work unit. DEQ Headquarters1520 E 6th Avenue | Helena, MT 59601 Map of Office Locations, Questions?Call: 406-444-2544Staff Directory, Montana Department of Environmental Quality. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality is home to a dedicated team of professionals, engineers, and scientists who work hard to implement Montanas environmental laws and provide high quality public service and technical assistance. While we may not always have a student intern position posted, we share all submittals with supervisors across the agency, just in case someone is looking for short-term help. Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program, Residential Energy Code and Energy Efficiency, Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, State Buildings Energy Conservation Program, Engineering Infrastructure & Subdivisions. An additional resource that may be helpful is the Montana Index of Environmental Permits. Rather than focusing on hierarchy (connecting junior employees with management), this program is less formal and more embedded in the culture, resulting in more organic connections. We support and implement measures to conserve this valuable resource and ensure that clean lakes, streams, and rivers remain part of Montanas natural heritage. Instructions on how to use the guidelines and read the Today's Air website can be found on the of this resource. You can also find an employee by name by going to the State of Montana Employee Directory at The list does not constitute any form of endorsement of one entity over another or attest to the quality of work, etc. The Department of Commerce provides daily updates during the wildfire season that review potential impacts on travel. The right to a healthy environment is enshrined in Montana's Constitution, which directs the state and every person to "maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations." MORE:Gianforte knocks Department of Corrections, names Corrections transition advisory team. Menu. HR Manager Christina Lipetzky(406) 444-6717, Human Resources GeneralistTiffany Fontenot(406)444-4218, Human Resources GeneralistCrystal Keleti(406)444-4219. Public Directory State of Montana Employee Directory Search Partial name searches are allowed. DEQ also accepts letters of interest and resumes from students seeking employment year-round. The 21st Edition of this document was published by the Legislature's Environmental Quality Council in 2018 and provides an index, by industry sector, of all environmental permits across Montana state agencies. The division includes the State Energy Office, or Energy Bureau, which promotes and improves Montanans' access to energy efficiency and alternative energy sources while improving the states energy security by offering financing mechanisms, technical assistance, and education for public and private entities. DEQ Staff Contact : John Benoit406-444-2802 Supporting Documents Executive Order Press Release Housing Task Force Documents 10/15/2022 - Recommendations for the Legislature and Governor (.pdf) 12/15/2022 - Recommendations for State Agencies and Local Government(.pdf) Task Force Meeting Calendar Type Date Time Location Gianforte has announced transition teams for the Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Department of Corrections. MONTANA STATE GOVERNMENT TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Contact the General Information line at 406-444-2511 with any questions. Our work is complex, scientific and interconnected. Water Quality Division Main Number (406) 444-5546 Water Quality Division Contacts Permitting and Operator Assistance Advisory Councils Resources Updates Sign up for email or text updates for Water topics. It oversees and conducts or supports remedial investigation and efficient, cost . All Montana phone numbers are preceded by area code 406. Air Quality and Ventilation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC): Fire MapInteractive web map for DNRC Wildland Fires, National Jewish Health- Health Recommendations for Wildfire Smoke. All rights reserved. The guidelines are based on the amount of time spent outdoors in different levels of air quality, from good to hazardous. The Governor charged the task force with providing recommendations to make housing more affordable and attainable for Montanans. TTY number is 406-444-1421. There are many ways to help you discover DEQ's data. The links below will connect you with more detailed information across our website that we hope will be helpful. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality provides air quality readings and activity recommendationsbased on data from monitoring stations placed around the state. FWP provides for the stewardship of fish, wildlife, parks, and recreational resources of Montana. You can also find an employee by name by going to the State of Montana Employee Directory at For general questions please visit Contact DEQ webpage. 5-2022 creating the Governor's Housing Task Force. If you are looking for information or forms related to specific water permits, such as surface water discharge permits (MPDES) or groundwater discharge permits (MGWPCS), visit the Water Permitting and Operator Assistance page. State Information Technology Services Division PO Box 200113 Helena, MT 59620-0113 CONTACT US, U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS FOR MONTANA, MONTANA OFFICE OF TOURISM AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH CENTER, Higher Education, Office of the Commissioner of, Natural Resources and Conservation, Department of, Public Health and Human Services, Department of, State Information Technology Services Division, STATE MOTTO: ORO Y PLATA (GOLD AND SILVER). The bipartisan Task Force met regularly and provided recommendations in written reports to the Governor in October and December 2022. John Tubbs now serves as DNRC director under Democratic Gov. Division Administrator Amy Steinmetz (406) 444-6383. DEQ hires student interns every year to support a variety of environmental work. Mentor/Mentee matches are carefully selected to ensure the program is both beneficial and useful for both. Search individual tables of data with advanced tools. Scott Aspenlieder co-founder and owner of Performance Engineering, a civil engineering firm; public member of the 2019-2020 Environmental Quality Council; Chris Budeski engineer and owner of Madison Engineering, a civil engineering firm; Bud Clinch former DNRC director; former executive director of the Montana Coal Council; Colleen Coyle owner of Coyle Law in Bozeman; attorney specializing in water rights and property law; Eugene Graf IV former president of the Montana Building Industry Association; owner of EG Construction in Bozeman; Tom Hauptman owner of KGH Operating Co.; Doug Martens Rosebud County commissioner; president of the Montana Association of Counties; rancher; Alan Olson executive director of the Montana Petroleum Association; Chuck Roady vice president and general manager of Stoltze Land & Lumber Co.; former director of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation; Nancy Schlepp vice president of communications and corporate secretary for Sandfire Resources America Inc.; former Meagher County Commissioner; rancher; Kyle Weaver president and CEO of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation; Chas Vincent former Montana state senator from Libby, who chaired the Senate Natural Resources Committee. HR Self Service. The DEQ Wellness Committees (DWC) mission statement is Promoting Healthy Environments and Healthy People. With the recognition that a healthy employee is a productive employee, the benefits of DEQ investing in its staff include a workforce that is better able to fulfill its mission and obligations. The DEQ Subdivision Program reviews divisions of land comprising less than 20 acres, as well as condominiums and recreational camping vehicle and mobile home parks, regardless of the size of the parcel where they are located. Sign up for email or text updates for Cleanup & Reclamation topics. Late-Winter or early-Spring are the best time of year for student interns to be on the lookout for open positions in state government. This site includes links to webcams from across the state, as well asinformation about potential travel restrictions, area closures, and smoke conditions. This site can help direct you to public health news and alerts, air quality monitoring and reporting, weather forecasting, and travel and road conditions. Annual preparations for wildfire smoke impacts can help Montanaresidents mitigate the effect of wildfire smoke on their health and daily routines. DEQ employees are the heart of our organization. It oversees and conducts or supports remedial investigation and efficient, cost-effective cleanup activities at state and federal superfund sites; supervises voluntary cleanup activities; reclaims abandoned mine lands; implements corrective actions at sites; and administers regulatory asbestos, methamphetamine, and waste management programs. The focus on work-life balance and positive group environment are also big selling points., I'm glad to be part of MT DEQ at a time where the spatial sciences are front and center in providing helpful tools and resources, Working for Montanans at DEQ for the past 29 years protecting the environment and human health has been very rewarding. Ready and Safe also houses information for the general public about individual preparedness andopportunities to support local emergency responseefforts. Browse a list of layers and data packages. DEQ is charged with maintaining and improving clean water in Montana's rivers, lakes and below the surfacein our groundwater. . Governor-elect Greg Gianforte has unveiled an advisory team to help him find new directors for the Department of Natural Resources and Conservationand the Department of Environmental Quality. Contact Information Montana Climate Office Montana Forest & Conservation Experiment Station University of Montana 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59812 Phone: (406) 243-6793 Division Administrator Amy Steinmetz (406) 444-6383, Tanks, Brownfields, and Federal Facilities Bureau Chief Terri Mavencamp(406) 444-5595, Superfund, AML, and Construction Bureau (SFACB) Bureau ChiefKatie Garcin-Forba (406) 444-6445, Waste Management Bureau Chief Rick Thompson(406) 444-5345, Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board, Executive Director Terry Wadsworth (406) 444-9712. Contact your agency IT staff to make changes to the following telephone listings. 37-42-321. Montana DEQ Watch on Contacts HR Manager Christina Lipetzky (406) 444-6717 Human Resources Generalist Tiffany Fontenot (406)444-4218 Human Resources Generalist Crystal Keleti (406)444-4219 Fax (406) 444-5330 State of Montana Careers State of Montana Human Resources Montana Job Service Current Job Postings Professional Growth at DEQ DEQ Internships To appeal approval or denial of DEQ's air quality permit for construction, installation, alteration, or use and appeal approval or denial DEQ's air quality opertating permit. The division achieves this through coordination with the public and regulated community by proposing rules, drafting policy, and developing water quality standards. It also clarifies that student interns are covered by workers compensation insurance. Step 2: Receive Approval Please wait until you receive approval from Montana DEQ before you conduct your burn. If you do not find what you are looking for or still have questions after reviewing the site, please feel free to contact us. It cultivates broad-based support for community-driven approaches to managing complex land and water issues. This is a great opportunity for employees to meet people in other programs within DEQ while also having the opportunity to work on their personal career goals. Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Superfund takes me places with some of the worst contamination and restores them to the benefit of the public or environment. Here at Montana DEQ, we understand that environmental regulations can be complicated and often differ slightly from state to state or between federal, state, and local levels. Step 1: Submit Request Click the button to submit a new Winter Burn Request Form. The information on this page is provided as a resource to anyone who may be seeking a permit, license, or other authorization to operate under Montana's environmental laws. To submit a question or comment to the Public Health and Safety Division, please click on the suggestion box to access our online form. DEQ staff telephone directories Alphabetical by Division Alphabetical by Last Name Search Oregon's state employees Use this search tool to locate employees of Oregon state government's executive branch for state business purposes. All Montana phone numbers are preceded by area code 406. Recommendations included items the legislature can consider and the governor can sign into law, items state agencies can implement administratively, as well as best practices local jurisdictions can enact. These recommendations foroutdoor activities were developed by the Montana Department of Public Health andthe Montana Department of Environmental Quality. office and staff contact information at the bottom of our page. The permitting and regulatory work includes extensive coordination with other programs to develop environmental review documents that comply with the Montana Environmental Policy Act, including environmental assessments and environmental impact statements. The values behind this directive are part of what make Montana such a great place to live, work, and play. Last updated on February 23, 2023 The council is appointed by the governor and is comprised of seven members ( 2-15-2105, Montana Code Annotated ). The board provides procedures and resources for reimbursement of expenditures for cleanup of petroleum tank leaks. You may find that you would be a great match to assist with ongoing projects or to help build capacity in a particular program. Finally, the 2017 Legislature established an advisory team, the Libby Asbestos Superfund Oversight Committee, that is also attached to DEQ for administrative purposes. Local officials seeking to hire consultants for environmental services are encouraged to visit the LGEAN's directory of environmental consultants. The agency alsoprovides administrative support to the Board of Environmental Review. Box 200901 Helena, MT 59620-0901, State Information Technology Services Division PO Box 200113 Helena, MT 59620-0113 CONTACT US, Main Office Physical Location: 1520 E Sixth Ave, Helena, MT 59601, Mailing Address: P.O. Every day, we work closely with stakeholders and partners in private industry, non-governmental organizations, tribes, the public, and local governments to identify opportunities to improve our service. Read more about these groups and more at the Affiliated Boards and Councils tab above. These groups provide valuable feedback and help the department develop environmental policies for the state of Montana. TheWaste Management and Remediation Divisionprotects human health and the environment by preventing exposure to contaminants, working with Montana communities and businesses to implement effective material management and cleanup strategies, and overseeing compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Many DEQ programs work closely with stakeholder committees and advisory councils. These recommendations foroutdoor activities were developed by the Montana Department of Public Health andthe Montana Department of Environmental Quality and approved by the MontanaOffice of Public Instruction. Waste Management Bureau Chief Rick Thompson (406) 444-5345. We would love to speak with you about what environmental requirements may apply to your business or project. DEQ's Waste Management and Remediation Division protects human health and the environment by preventing exposure to contaminants, working with Montana communities and businesses to implement effective material management and cleanup strategies, and overseeing compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Last week, Gianforte launched, in which people can apply forconsideration to serve Montana, including leading state agencies. protects human health and the environment by preventing exposure to contaminants, working with Montana communities and businesses to implement effective material management and cleanup strategies, and overseeing compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. We know you expect the highest level of service from your state government and we seek to consistently meet or exceed your expectations. All members of the advisory board serve in a voluntary capacity and are not compensated for their time, Gianforte's staff said. It oversees and conducts or supports remedial investigation and efficient, cost-effective cleanup activities at state and federal superfund sites; supervises voluntary cleanup activities; reclaims abandoned mine lands; implements corrective actions at sites; and administers regulatory asbestos, methamphetamine, and waste management programs. DNRC houses divisions and programs that oversee state trust lands, water resources, forests, and the permitting of oil and gas wells. The DWC is committed to helping individual employees on their personal wellness journey and provides resources and connections to assist DEQ employees in whatever is important to them. Shaun McGrath is now serving as DEQ director. Gianforte knocks Department of Corrections, names Corrections transition advisory team, Gianforte forms panel to find new DPHHS director, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Steve Bullock. DEQ is providing these links as a service to those looking for environmental information. He said with the right leadership, the agencies can eliminate needless delays, streamline permitting processes, protect theenvironmentand create good-paying jobs. The guidelines are based on the amount of time spent outdoors in different levels of air quality, from good to hazardous. At DEQ, we believe Montana communities and businesses thrive when environmental protections are implemented effectively in a consistent and transparent way. Directory.MT.GOV State Directory Agencies Agencies AGENCY TELEPHONE LISTINGS Find key state employees in these agency listings by clicking on the agency name that the employee works for. A conditional burn permit was issued by the Montana DEQ to Flathead County Landfill for the purpose of reducing the large volume of untreated wood waste that the landfill received after the recent snow storm. Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901, Phone: (406) 444-2544 | TTY: (406) 444-9526, Physical Address: 1225 Cedar St, Helena, MT 59601-4541, Phone: (406) 444-6444 | TTY: (406) 444-9526, Physical Address: 2800 Airport Rd, Helena, MT 59601-4541, Phone: (406) 444-3490 | TTY: (406) 444-9526, Address: Airport Business Park IP-9, 1371 Rimtop Dr, Billings, MT 59105-9702, Address: Martel Building Ste 3B, 220 West Lamme St, Bozeman, MT 59715, Contaminated Site Cleanup, Latysha Pankratz, (406) 556-4512, cell: (406) 431-9811, Contaminated Site Cleanup, Eric Krueger, (406) 556-6280, Water Protection, Chris Romankiewicz, (406) 556-4514, cell: (406) 475-2138, Water Quality Engineering, Angela Pugh, cell: (406) 595-0491, Water Quality Engineering, Jenny Warren, cell: (406) 579-0976, Address: 655 Timberwolf Pkwy, Kalispell, MT 59901, Address: Deschamps Building Ste A, 2801 Connery Way, Missoula, MT 59808, Contaminated Site Cleanup, Katie Morris, (406) 541-9017, Public Water, Sandy Arnold, (406) 541-9015, Public Water, Brian Hogenson, (406) 541-9014, Public Water, Melee Valett, (406) 541-9016, Water Protection, Daniel Congdon, (406) 431-9577, Address: 301 W Alder St, Missoula, MT 59802, Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board, Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program, Residential Energy Code and Energy Efficiency, Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, State Buildings Energy Conservation Program, Engineering Infrastructure & Subdivisions. Schools and Childcare Facilities: OutdoorActivityGuidelines Based on Air Quality These recommendations foroutdoor activities were developed by the Montana Department of Public Health andthe Montana Department of Environmental Quality and approved by the MontanaOffice of Public Instruction. DEQ administers both the water and wastewater operator certification programs and provides testing and program information services to ensure Instructions on how to use the guidelines and read the Today's Air website can be found on the of this resource. All Montana phone numbers are preceded by area code 406. We look forward to learning how you might fit within the DEQ team! TheWater Quality Divisionprotects public health and water quality in the state of Montana. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality provides air quality readings and activity recommendations based on data from monitoring stations placed around the state. Programs. DEQ Headquarters1520 E 6th Avenue | Helena, MT 59601 Map of Office Locations, Questions?Call: 406-444-2544Staff Directory, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board, Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program, Residential Energy Code and Energy Efficiency, Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, State Buildings Energy Conservation Program, Engineering Infrastructure & Subdivisions, Air Quality Registration - Oil & Gas Facilities, Air Quality Registration - Crushers & Screens, Air Quality Registration - Concrete Batch Plants, Air Quality Registration - Asphalt Plants, Notification of RCRA Subtitle C Activity Form (EPA Form 8700-12), RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Application (EPA Form 8700-23), Coal Mining - Prospecting Notice of Intent, Hard Rock Mining - Small Miner Exclusion Statement, Class II Solid Waste Management System License (also Major Composter), Class III Solid Waste Management System License, Class IV Solid Waste Management System License, Household Hazardous Waste or E-Waste Collection Event License, Soil Treatment Facility (Landfarm) License, Septic Tank, Cesspool, and Privy Cleaner License, Septic Tank, Cesspool, and Privy Cleaner Disposal Site Approval, Beneficial Use of Industrial Waste/By-Products Determination, Infectious Waste Transporter Registration, Notification of Underground Storage Tanks, Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (MPDES), General Permits for Discharges to Surface Water, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) - MTG010000, Disinfected Water & Hydrostatic Testing MTG770000, Domestic Sewage Treatment Lagoons MTG580000, MTG581000, Produced Water from Oil and Gas Production - MTG310000, Stormwater (including Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or MS4) - MTR100000, MTR000000, MTR040000, Individual Permit for Discharges to Surface Water, Montana Groundwater Pollution Control System (MGWPCS), Major Facility Siting Act Certificate of Compliance, Wind & Solar Generation Facility Decommissioning & Bonding. Mailing Address: P.O. Others are reading:Gianforte forms panel to find new DPHHS director. Outdoor Air Quality and Activity Guidelines General Public: OutdoorActivityGuidelines Based on Air Quality These recommendations foroutdoor activities were developed by the Montana Department of Public Health andthe Montana Department of Environmental Quality. HOURS. The programs within the Director's Office provide overall policy direction and support services to the agency in the areas of human resources, information management and technology, legal, enforcement, public affairs, fiscal, records management, safety, emergency management, and continuous process improvement. This site will help you discover data published by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. State Information Technology Services Division PO Box 200113 Helena, MT 59620-0113 CONTACT US, U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS FOR MONTANA, MONTANA OFFICE OF TOURISM AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH CENTER, Higher Education, Office of the Commissioner of, Natural Resources and Conservation, Department of, Public Health and Human Services, Department of, State Information Technology Services Division, STATE MOTTO: ORO Y PLATA (GOLD AND SILVER). DEQ Headquarters1520 E 6th Avenue | Helena, MT 59601 Map of Office Locations, Questions?Call: 406-444-2544Staff Directory, DEQ is an Equal Opportunity Employer. With more detailed information across our website that we hope will be helpful he said with the public and community. Interns are covered by workers compensation insurance charged the task force met regularly provided... We would love to speak with you about what environmental requirements may to! 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montana deq staff directory