1996 Sep 12;383(6596):163-6. doi: 10.1038/383163a0. In nocturnal macrosmatic animals, olfaction is the predominant sensory channel and their vibrissae are usually very long, to detect the presence of objects at relatively large distances. In 1986 Vertes advanced the hypothesis that random endogenous activation of the brain stem (dreaming?) WebPhysiological function Theory regular brain stimulation from REM sleep may help develop and preserve neural pathways. Marini G. Motor phenomena during sleep. 133. When they sleep, fishes keep quiet, with no apparent movements, and then they can be easily fished with a hand.". It seems that not only humans but also dogs, cows, sheep and goats and the entire family of four-legged viviparous animals do dream. 2021 Aug 30;24(2):543. doi: 10.4081/ripppo.2021.543. In rats bilateral lesion of the midbrain reticular formation is followed by a long lasting state of synchronized sleep, with predominance of phase III (Timo-Iaria, Assumpo & Bernardi, unpublished observations). Analysis of the electro-oscillograms yields extremely relevant information that can be correlated with movements and changes in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. This allows us to see the irrational as a normal event, while emotional processing and symbolic identities can be explored. 56. Cesar Timo-Iaria (in memorian); Angela Cristina do Valle. 82. 43. If, as an advantage, in humans such manifestations of dreams can be related to their reported content, in non-human animals it is possible to record with a high degree of accuracy not only the motor and the vegetative manifestations of dremaing but the electro-oscillograms of many central structures as well. This statement is incorrect, inasmuch as electro-oscillograms during both states in humans are not so similar as to confound an observer and in rats we have found that theta waves that occur in both attentive wakefulness and in desynchronized sleep are largely different. Predicting Intention to Participate in Community Physical Activities for Adults with Physical Disabilities. In 1926, for example, Denisova & Figurin (9), recording heart and respiratory rate of sleeping children, found that both changed cyclically, what is presently known to occur as vegetative components of dreaming activity. Control of upper airway motoneurons during REM sleep. 24. News Physiol Sci 1998;13:91-7. eCollection 2021 Aug 12. cognitive development. Frequency clearly increases and becomes regular, as compared with the trend before oniric activity. 35. Vertes RP. Modifications of recurrent discharge of the alpha motoneurons during sleep. Perspective of Motor Behavior and its Neural Basis. Two major theories have been proposed regarding the neural circuits involved in dreaming. Braz J Med Biol Res 1996;29:1645-50. The atonia of myoclonia of active (REM) sleep. Thomas J, Benoit O. Individualisation d'un sommeil ondes lentes et activit phasique. Vogel GW, Foulkes D, Trosman H. Ego functions and dreaming during sleep onset. This neural activity is then interpreted by the brain as an internal activity. Their data do not depart from modern studies of the same kind. Brain Res 2002, submitted. (1987) suggested the occurrence of two kinds of eye movements during dreams, one associated to the very dream content, another of reflex nature, that may be involved in those occurring in children and in blind people but such a hypothesis is unlikely to be valid (35). Jouvet believes that dreaming activity plays a key role during the earliest years of life and thus may be involved in continuously programming some of the most subtle reactions of our consciousness during wakefulness. J Ment Nerv Dis 1966;141:623-50. Sakai K, Sastre JP, Kanamori N, Jouvet M. State-specific neurons in the ponto-medullary reticular formation with special reference to the postural atonia during paradoxical sleep in the cat. REM sleep and dreaming: towards a theory of protoconsciousness. Maquet P, Peters JM, Aerts J, Delfiore G, Degueldre C, Luxen A, et al. Electroencephal Clin Neurophysiol 1987;66:383-90. Ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) burst neurons: correlative evidence for neuronal generators of PGO waves. 61. Behav Brain Res 1995;69:203-6. Further developments in neurobiological research, including lesion and brain imaging studies, have established a clearer view of the functional neuroanatomy of REM sleep and dreaming. Exp Brain Res 1989;74:11-23. Kohyama T, Hori A, Sato T, Nikami T, yamaki T, Veda S. Changes in cerebral blood flow velocity in healthy young men during overnight sleep and while awake. The PGO potentials are correlates of dreams. We propose that the function of dream sleep (more properly rapid-eye movement or REM sleep) is to remove certain undesirable modes of interaction in During the first half of the twentieth century, despite the heavy influence of psychoanalysis, dreaming was again but sporadically studied scientifically. However, in the animals subjected to a rich-environment zif-268 increased significantly from synchronized to desynchronized sleep but decreased from wakefulness to synchronized sleep. On the other hand, cells that were silent during the behavioral task did not show the increase in frequency. Hence, experiments with such animals are extremely valuable and thus will be emphasized in the present review. 28. The previous station of these nuclei is the interpeduncular nucleus, whose stimulation with carbachol caused sleep within nearly 30 seconds. 92. The ancient Chinese scientific inquiry tried to understand dreaming but usually also considered them mistically. Shiromani PJ, Winston S, McCarley RW. 104. Despite several demonstrations that this hypothesis is correct, a few argue against such a view. 74. Some authors have not been able to find changes in heart rate and respiration during desynchronized sleep (61) but there are striking demonstrations that blood pressure is reduced (figure 6), attaining values as low as 60 mmHg of systolic pressure; heart rate is also reduced and ventilation decreases (38,62). 110. However, reflex penile erection is facilitated after spinal transection whereas mesencephalic transections significantly increase the latency to its reflex induction, without affecting the percentage of tests eliciting an erectile event. During the nineteenth century several physiologists and neuropsychiatrists tried to understand the mechanisms and meaning of dreams. A related point of view was put forward by Krueger & Obal (1993), who proposed that, on the basis of use-dependent synaptic stabilization, the neuronal assembly not activated during wakefulness will be activated during sleep, to prevent it from atrophy (117). 97. 68. 36. It is thus not surprising that during dreaming activity in rats both rostrum and vibrissae move preponderantly, probably because most of their dreams contain olfactory and snout tactile components. Functional neuroanatomy of human rapid-eye-movement sleep and dreaming. NeuroReport 1997;8:3-7. They also argue that even "expensive and cumbersome evoked potential and computer averaging approaches have not helped us to analyze and compare desynchronized sleep physiology with that of waking in an effective way". The tonic inhibition of motoneurons by circuits in the alphacoeruleus nucleus during desynchronized sleep is mediated by hyperpolarization of their membrane (41-43). Advances in Sleep Research, vol. Desynchronization is the rule, during this phase, in all cortical electro-oscillograms in humans and other primates. 40. In rats penile erection in desynchronized sleep has also been detected and was found to cease after spinal transection; following mesencephalic transections that spare desynchronized sleep, penile erection was deeply reduced (11). Electrical potentials recorded from the medial vestibular nuclei precede eye movements by 20 to 30 milliseconds, which points to these nuclei as the last synaptic stations in the pathway that produces eye movements during desynchronized sleep. Nature 1989;340:474-6. Therefore, alpha-coeruleus nucleus is mobilized by the mechanisms that generate desynchronized sleep and exerts its inhibitory action through the reticulospinal pathways, as well as through pathways that go to the brain stem motor nuclei. Science 1966;153:206-8. Vertes RB, Eastman KE. 58. The discovery of the close association between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and dreaming and development of sleep laboratory techniques ushered in a new era in the study of dreams. Pontine cholinergic neurons show fos-like immunoreactivity associated with cholinergically induced REM sleep. Similarly, in rats any kind of sensory stimulation does immediately mobilize sniffing and vibrissal scanning movements. 114. 96. In humans, both reflex activities are also deeply inhibited during desynchronized sleep. During wakefulness such periods in rats are concomitant with short but complete immobilization, which is well known to occur when a high degree of attention is being directed to some external object. Freuds wish-fulfillment. Eye movements in born-blinds are probably due to a quite different reason. Brain Mechanism and Perceptual Awareness. 109. Hansotia P, Broste S, Ruggles K, Wall R, Friske M. Eye movement patterns in REM sleep. 124. Lovblad KO, Thomas R, Jakod PM, Scammel T, Bassetti C, Griswold M, et al. This is an additional fact to point to the activation of other mechanisms capable of producing wakefulness and desynchronized sleep, including dreaming. Absence of ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) spikes in rats. Epub 2010 Nov 12. 21. In rats, heart rate is clearly accelerated during the periods of oniric activity, expressed as rostrum+vibrissae, eye, head, ear and limb movements. Functional neuroanatomy of human rapid-eye-movement sleep and dreaming. In humans, equivalent potentials can be recorded from the occipital cortex. Timo-Iaria C, yamashita R, Hoshino K, Sousa-Melo A. Neurosc Biobehav Rev 1992;16:372-97. A powerful defensive behavior, the withdrawal "reflex" (or retraction behavior, as we prefer to call it), is also completely inhibited during this phase of sleep. Apparently, the main cause of such a reduction of blood pressure and heart rate is the active inhibition of the baroreceptor reflexes during this phase of sleep. Exptl Neurol 1963;8:93-111. Webanalyzing dreams. Figure 6 shows an increase in heart rate from 150 bpm to 180 bpm (the latter is the normal heart rate during resting wakefulness in this species), coinciding with the peak of eye movements. WebIn a nutshell, the theory states that the biological function of dreaming is to stimulate threatening events in order to rehearse the perception of threats and how to go about It should be recalled here that, comparing the dream content in humans with events of the previous day, Calkins found in 1876 that nearly 89% of the reported dreams were closely related to such events. Winson (1990) believes that dreams "reflect an individual strategy for survival. Baldissera F, Cesa-Bianchi MG, Mancia M. Phasic events indicating presynaptic inhibition of primary afferents to the spinal cord during desynchronized sleep. In: Baust, W. Grimm R, Tischmeyer W. Complex patterns of immediate gene induction in rat brain following brightness discrimination training and pseudotraining. They include facilitation of memory storage, The motor components are usually weak and poorly expressed movements during a dream, mainly if it occurs during desynchronized sleep; when a dream takes place during synchronized sleep phase I, near wakefulness, not only movements are more faithful to the dream content but also the latter is much more logic. Eye movements in humans predominate because vision is our main sensory channel and our visual memory is overwhelmingly predominant, resulting in preponderance of visual dreams. 25. Studi Psicologici e Clinici di un Alienista. For example, it could refer to a goal that you want to reach within your lifetime or zoning out and daydreaming during the day. The form and content of dreams is not random but organized and selective: during dreaming, the brain constructs a complex model of the world in which certain types of elements, when compared to waking life, are during desynchronized sleep prevents sustained brain inactivity, which might occur during sleep. The most prominent, the activation-synthesis hypothesis, derived its view of dreaming directly from the neurophysiology of REM sleep, in particular the role of the brain stem, and in its original form regarded dreams as not essentially meaningful. Much experimental work is needed before a convincing function can be ascribed to the fascinating physiological phenomenon that is dreaming. Rothschuch KR. Jouvet M, Michel F, Courjon J. Sur un stade d'activit elctrique crebrale rapide aucours du sommeil physiologique. Its is noteworthy that Weed & Halam's data, published in 1896, are close to those reported by Rechtschaffen & Buchignani in 1992, which was calculated as the mean of the average of seven different studies published by other authors (40). Descending projections from the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum to the paramedian reticular nucleus of the caudal medulla in the cat. Decety J, Jeannerod M, Durozard DR, Baveal J. The authors concluded that the correlation they found was probably involved in memory consolidation but such coincidence may indicate that during dreaming memorized information is being revoked to integrate a given dreaming pattern. The number of PGO potentials undergoes a high increase after the frontal ablation, which is suggestive of a tonic inhibition of these potentials by the frontal cortex. Gassel MM, Marchiafava PL, Pompeiano O. There are many hypotheses to account for the existence of dreams but it is still a matter of debate why and what for we dream. J Sleep Res 1993;2:63-9. In both instances sleep evolved according to the phases of synchronized and then of desynchronized sleep, during which eye movements always occurred. The result of such conscious identification is a dream. Unfortunately, despite the opinion of great scientists of the past, most researchers that deal with sleep and dreaming, probably moved by philosophical, religious prejudice and a faulty reasoning, do not accept the idea that non-human animals do dream. 78. Penile erection, that also occurs in monkeys, is present during desynchronized (paradoxical or REMsleep) but it is not necessarily linked to erotic dreams. 126. Progr Neurobiol 1984;22:241-88. 16. Miyauchi et al. Sleep Res 1973;4:65. Recordings of the electrical activity of the brain, which we will refer to as electro-oscillograms, reveal specific patterns that express the phases of sleep in several central regions of the brain, including the phase during which most oniric activity takes place, the desynchronized or paradoxical sleep. Brain Res 1996;770:192-201. The postynaptic inhibitory control of lumbar motoneurons during the atonia of active sleep: effect of strychnine on motoneuron properties. Consciousness in waking and dreaming: the roles of neuronal oscillation and neuromodulation in determining similarities and differences. While the how and why of dreaming may be explored using physiological and biological methods, dreaming is also a subjective experience involving a form of mentation that can offer representations of an individual's internal world. 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