Scotch-Irish began homesteading the eastern shore of the Susquehanna River as early as 1715. Success! You may not get the fortune you hoped for! When Europeans first arrived, they were in alliance with the Algonquian tribes of the east shore of Chesapeake Bay and at war with those on the west shore. Susquehannock, also called Susquehanna or Conestoga, Iroquoian-speaking North American Indian tribe that traditionally lived in palisaded towns along the Susquehanna River in what are now New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. A husband and wife known only as Michael and Mary are the only Susquehannocks known to have escaped the massacres. Susquehannock Indians reportedly painted images that match the description of these creatures on their war shields, and the Algonquin also told of small hairy hominid creatures, which they called Megumoowesoos. "Susquehannock" was not the name these people used for themselves; it is an English interpretation. During the American Revolution, the Lenape were divided. It would be the late 1880s before machines like the McCormicks Reaper would replace the sickle and scythe on the farm. They called the area Drumore after Dromore, a place in Ireland where many Scotch-Irish families emigrated from, including the Long and Neel families. Around 1550 AD, the people we know as the Susquehannock moved from higher up the river to the Lower Susquehanna Valley. In 1642, the English Province of Maryland declared war on the Susquehannock, but with the help of the Swedes, the Susquehannock defeated the English in 1644. During the early 1700s, a few of the Susquehannocks migrated to Ohio where they intermingled with other tribes and lost their identity as a distinct nation. Get the latest Job listings in your email! The survivors were placed in the Lancaster jail for their own protection but two days after Christmas, the Paxtang Boys returned and killed every man, woman, and child, in what an observer call the most horrible massacre that was ever heard of in this, or perhaps an other province.. Watch the WVIA documentary Peoples of the Susquehanna River. On May 17, 1666, three Susquehannock war captains traveled to Maryland's council at St. Mary's to express their desire to remain in league with the English. For more information about the Paxtang Boys Massacre of 1763 check out Jack Brubakers Massacre of the Conestogasand Peter SilversOur Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America. Others scattered, joining various other tribes. Pig-like with a saggy skin covered in warts and blemishes, the Squonk spends much of its life weeping. Historians and archaeologists have spent generations learning and understanding this formidable tribe and their important relationship to the river, the fur trade, and European settlement. Lapowinsa, Chief of the Lenape, by Gustavus Hesselius, 1735. The major Algonquian-speaking tribes that inhabited the Lower Susquehanna region included Lenni Lenape (also known as Delaware), Shawnee, and the Ganawese (also known as Conoy). Traditionally they were divided into the Munsee, Unami, and Unalachtigo, three social divisions determined by language and location. When Captain John Smith first met the Iroquoian-speaking Susquehannock Indians on his 1608 voyage up the Chesapeake Bay, he described them as giants. The Kettle Creek Monster, West Branch Dugong, or Susquehanna Seal is a marine creature that dates back over a century. Susquehannock Indian Village by Herman Moll, 1720. When John Smith arrived in 1608 he described the Susquehannocks as wearing bear and wolf skins, and carrying bows, arrows and clubs. Some Susquehannocks moved to old Fort Piscataway, below present-day Washington D.C. They practiced 'slash and burn' agriculture. The tribe also supplied the army with scouts, and the Indians were allowed to enlist in the U.S. Army. The self-given. In their most typical form, the Susquehannocks were farmers who grew large crops of corn, beans and squash along the fertile flood plains of the river. Tread carefully next time you paddle your way through this section of the Greenway. However, In the following decades, some 20,000 new colonists arrived in the region, putting pressure on Lenape settlements and hunting grounds. In 1829, the Treaty of the James Fork forced them to move further west to Kansas. Once described as a "noble and heroic nation" in A Character of the Province of Maryland by George Allsop in 1666, the Susquehannock commanded a deep respect from the other Native Nations around them. The company offers Elephant Gigantes seeds, as well as free seeds that come with recommended shelf life information included. The weight and bulkiness made it extremely difficult to transport the canoes over land. Its said that a strange glowing fireball known as the Swamp Angel still frequents those wetlands. Seen as recently as the 2000s, the Susquehannas Mystery Thing was publicized by outdoor guide and writer Ken Maurer of Sunburys, The story of this strange creature is thought to have its roots in Pennsylvanias lumber history. This decision was also made by the tribe because at that time, theIroquois Confederacy were attempting toexpand their hunting grounds for the fur trade, and with thehelp of Marylands firearms, the Susquehannock fought off the Iroquois and a brief peace followed. Her work is focused on promoting trails and communities within our vibrant and connected Susquehanna Greenway, Alana can be reached at Sea lion, shark, whale, or some prehistoric dinosaur the true identity of the creature remains a mystery. A tragic end came to the Conestoga, when two weeks before Christmas, in 1763, they were attacked by a group of vigilantes from the Harrisburg area. The Lenape claimed to be the "parent" from which numerous . Some Susquehannock are believed to have joined the Meherrin (North Carolina) during the 1670s. Upon opening the sack, he finds nothing left but a wet spot. Gardening is a great way to spend time outdoors and get in touch with nature. Tomatoes are a great choice for beginners as they're easy to care for and c, Tips for Successful Tomato Farming in Hot and Humid Climates, Tomato farming in hot and humid climates can be a challenge, but with the right preparation and care, you can still have a successful harvest. Throughout the historical period they were at war with the Iroquois, who conquered them in 1676 and forced them to settle near the Oneida tribe in New York. However, this arrangement also ended in disaster, and with permission of the Seneca, they eventually returned to the Lower Susquehanna Valley, establishing a settlement on land set aside for them by William Penn. References: PA Wilds (Lou Bernard), Mysterious Universe (Jason Offutt), by Henry Shoemaker, CryptoZoo News (Loren Coleman), Alana Jajko is the Director of Communications and Outreach for the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership. The Drumore Sickle had a reputation for its quality and affordable price which drove the English competition out of the market. The Lenape had a matrilineal clan system, meaning their bloodlines were traced through the women, and childrens social positions were inherited from the mothers side of the family. When we read Smiths account, its easy to picture seven-foot-tall Native Americans roaming the forests surrounding the Susquehanna River, especially when many of you reading this are six feet tall yourself. During 1697, some Susquehannocks returned to the lower Susquehanna Valley area and . Copyright Williamsport Sun-Gazette | | 252 W. Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17703 | 570-326-1551, not the form or image of anything else on earth, It pushed a wake that made waves that lapped up on the shoreline. It is Beckers belief that the Susquehannocks high protein, maize-based diet was responsible for their greater height. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. The Iroquois Indians By 1845 the Lenape population had dropped to less than 2,000 people living in the United States and Canada. The name Susquehannock is thought to have been an Algonquin word meaning the "people of the Muddy River." The Susquehannock was a confederacy of up to 20 smaller tribes, who occupied fortified villages along the Susquehanna River.They traded with other tribes along the Erie River in northern Ohio and the Huron and NeutralOhio and the Huron and Their communities were located along the Susquehanna, especially in Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York counties. A mythical being known to frequent European folklore, a Water Witch was said to have power over the wind and weather, often appearing to sailors and others in the seafaring trade. The name Albatwitch is thought to derive from a Pennsylvania Dutch-English compound word meaning apple-snitch after the creatures habit of stealing apples from picnic baskets or throwing the fruit at people while sitting in trees. Did you know the swamps of northern Clinton County once contained quicksand? Before you get started, you'll need to decide what type of vegetables you want to grow. The Susquehannocks identified themselves as a branch of the Andastes, which were a subdivision of the larger Algonquin family. Keystone State. Send your story to, References: PA Wilds (Lou Bernard), Mysterious Universe (Jason Offutt), Susquehanna Legendsby Henry Shoemaker, CryptoZoo News (Loren Coleman). Battle of Fallen Timbers by H. Charles McBarron, Jr, 1953. Mulching is an effective way to keep the root zone cool and moist, while watering more frequently will also help keep the plant from getting too dry. In it, a man captures a Squonk in a sack only to feel the sack becoming lighter and lighter as he carries it home. According to legend, escaped slaves captured a Native American brave and maiden, and killed the man. The Susquehannocks slipped out of the fort at night and harassed settlers in Virginia and Maryland, then eventually moved back to live along the Susquehanna River. Towns were composed of longhouses that were 60 80 feet in length and housed a number of nuclear families related through the female line. Thank you for saying that local news matters! Kettle Creek Monster/ West Branch Dugong/ Susquehanna Seal (Lock Haven, Clinton County). Sign up now for timely, relevant - local, regional, state and national news. The word has been translated people at the falls or roily water people referring to the Susquehannocks home by the river. Constructed of field stone, it would have been covered in stucco and it still retains its slate roof. Get a weekly list of events happening in North Central Pa.! Warfare and disease eventually overwhelmed the Susquehannock. As this trade expanded, native made items were replaced with European equivalents like the brass kettle. While its true that Smith and his men were probably looking up at the natives they met, the Susquehannocks were probably only true giants in John Smiths imagination. The most famous account of the Swamp Angel originates with a man named Isaac Gaines, aka Loop Hill Ike, a real-life folk hero and legendary witch and monster hunter during his era. When Texas gained its independence from Mexico in 1836, President Sam Houston sought friendly Lenape services, and several members of the tribe became scouts and helped to protect the frontier from hostile western tribes. The Schultz site is the earliest known Susquehannock town in the lower Susquehanna River Valley. Seen as recently as the 2000s, the Susquehannas Mystery Thing was publicized by outdoor guide and writer Ken Maurer of Sunburys The Daily Item. While exploring the Chesapeake Bay in 1608, Captain John Smith first encountered the Susquehannocks. Upon opening the sack, he finds nothing left but a wet spot. It was often blamed for the spilling or capsizing of lumber rafts at the time. If you set out on a picnic in the Greenway reaches of York or Lancaster Counties, hold on to your apples or maybe opt for a banana! For travel up or down the river, Susquehannocks used an extensive system of walking paths. A depiction of an Albatwitch, an apple-thieving cousin of the Sasquatch, by York County artist and author Timothy Renner, A map showing recorded sighting locations of local cryptids, A sketch of the Kettle Creek Monster by Taylor Garner. By 1860, the Delaware had reached a consensus to leave Kansas, and the tribe purchased land from Cherokee Nation and established their headquartersnear present-dayBartlesville, Oklahoma. Those who had converted to Christianity attempted to remain neutral in the conflict. This small, but powerful tribe, occupied only one or two major towns at a time, but controlled the important trade routes along the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay. The earliest human lives to be acknowledged in any written record of the Susquehanna Valley are the Susquehannock Indians. I., p. 120, gives an account of a prodigious giant tribe of Indians, the Sasquesahanocks, whom he met with at the head of Chesapeake Bay. Thought to live mostly in the trees, Albatwitches prefer to keep to the shadows, and are said to make their presence known by a sound like a cracking whip (perhaps branch-breaking). Throughout the historical period they were at war with the Iroquois, who conquered them in 1676 and forced them to settle near the Oneida tribe in New York. The Treaty of Greenville in August 1795 ended the war, and the Lenape surrendered most of their Ohio lands. The local hero Loop Hill Ike also reappears with this legend, tasked with hunting down witches, ghosts, and monsters. By 1700 there were only 300 Susquehannock remaining and their rapid decline continued until the last 20 were massacred by a mob of colonists in 1763. The people lived in villages of longhouses containing several hundred people, but in the summer, they were nomadic for hunting and gathering and built temporary camps of birch bark wigwams. Those not in the village at the time of the massacre were taken to the workhouse (jail) in Lancaster city for their own protection. The Swamp Angel appeared with just the right advice and the day was saved. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Bucknell University - The Bucknell Environmental Center - Susquehannock, Susquehannock - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Susquehannock - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Inside the walls are horsehair plaster and one room has a large cooking fireplace with panel doors to close when not in use keeping out the cold. The day after the massacre, a war party of 140 Shawnee Indians arrived at the scene, killing or capturing most of the American soldiers. But, it would not last for long. Creepy. They also worked as gatherers and hunters, collecting wild-plant foods, seeds, nuts, insects, reptiles, mollusks, fish, birds, and mammals. The local hero Loop Hill Ike also reappears with this legend, tasked with hunting down witches, ghosts, and monsters. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Their first contact with Europeans occurred in 1524 when Giovanni da Verrazzano was greeted by local Lenape, who came by canoe after his ship entered what is now called Lower New York Bay. Here is a Ancient City of the large folks , Being Permitted Destroyed by Ohio Government? SUSQUEHANNOCK HISTORY [Note: This is a single part of what will be, by my classification, about 240 compact tribal histories (contact to 1900). Smith only traveled up the Susquehanna a few miles, where he met a delegation of Susquehannock representatives just north of the rivers mouth. By the 1860s, the scythe was the standard reaping tool. Follow that up withThe Susquehannocks, edited by Paul Raber. It might have been a Squonk! The Dutch ceded New Netherland to the English in 1664. They traded with other tribes along the Erie River innorthern Ohio and the Huron and Neutral people of southern Ontario, Canada. In and around Columbia, there are old Susquehannock legends of the albatwitch, a creature much like the one Fisher saw on Route 23. Since that fateful day, she would appear over the swamp in a glowing orb. Over the next year or two, I saw it several times and it always sank out of sight before it got close enough to be seen clearly., They say, that is the old mountaineers, that the Water Witch was an Indian girl who suddenly changed her mind towards her lover. Susquehannock Indians reportedly painted images that match the description of these creatures on their war shields, and the Algonquin also told of small hairy hominid creatures, which they called Megumoowesoos. It is likely that dugouts were used primarily for fishing, ferrying cargo, and crossing the river. Today, there are three federally recognized tribes in the United States, including: Canada recognizes three Lenape First Nations with four Indian reserves, which are all located in southwestern Ontario: Three groups who claim descent from Lenape people are state-recognized tribes: More than a dozen organizations in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, Idaho, and Kansasclaim descent from Lenape people and are unrecognized tribes. Like many Native Americans, the Susquehannock social organization was centered almost entirely about female ancestry. Learn about the Susquehannock Face Pot from the Archaeology Department at the Pennsylvania State Museum. yeah steve Quayle's site has some amazing info on there.I frequent it quite a bit. The remaining Susquehannocks, often called Conestogas, stayed and their town remained an important activity center for many years where many treaties were negotiated and signed, yet the population declined. You have permission to edit this article. The Ancient Lost Treasures Forum is Dedicated to the Discovery of Legends, the Discussion of Lost Treasures, Artifacts, and Anci, I was reading about Spanish Hill & Susquehannocks Indians. However, they quickly trapped out the Susquehanna valley and became a middle-man for furs from Native groups in the areas of New York, Ohio, and Canada. Seen as recently as the 2000s, the Susquehannas Mystery Thing was publicized by outdoor guide and writer Ken Maurer of Sunburys The Daily Item. Instead of front paws, it had bird claws, and instead of back feet, it had horse hooves, which confused trackers trying to follow it. Capt. Tread carefully next time you paddle your way through this section of the Greenway. Click here to read learn how the Susquehannocks became known as the Conestoga. It's possible to pay with credit card or Western Union, but PayPal isn't an option. It was about six feet tall, shaped like a wolf, and stood on its back legs. The Susquehannock Indians resided along the Susquehanna River in Central Pennsylvania. It is very elusive, preferring to hide out of sight in the hemlock woods; however, the legend says that if you do happen to catch a Squonk, it wont be long before you find yourself with a puddle of tears in place of the beast. Susquehanna River, New York by the Detroit Photographic Co, 1900. It might have been a Squonk! The article outlines the archaeological dig of a supposed site of Susquehannock Indians. Smith claimed one warriors calf measured 27 inches in circumference. She emerges as if dreamlike to reveal that destiny, but beware; her prophecies are often mocking or even withheld completely, leaving the witness wanting and dispirited. Having influence with the Gods, the deserted one had her made into unchanging water; and in her helpless state, she mocks the petty aspirations of mankind.. The lake offers ample outdoor recreation opportunities, from fishing and boating to picnicking and hiking. As nutrients in the soil were depleted, productivity decreased forcing the Susquehannock to move their towns about every two decades. This year February had the most unusual weather. Alana Jajko is the Director of Communications and Outreach for the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership. It is said that he called upon the aid of the spirit to break a witchs curse, summoning her by burning a plant called foxfire. Located just south of Washington Boro, it appears to have been occupied between 1575 and 1600 by as many as 1,300 people. The Tulpehocken Path James Buchanan Long was among the last sickle makers in Drumore township, having worked alongside his grandfather and father. Never miss a new post or article by signing up for email updates below and following Uncharted Lancaster onFacebookorInstagram. 1672, the Iroquois are defeated by a war party of Susquehannock. Smiths fascination with the Susquehannock is reflected by the prominent figure of the Susquehannock man included on his map of the Chesapeake Bay. The American colonel who led the attack was roasted slowly at the stake. It seems that roughly around the time of Christ these hunters and gatherers responded to the retreating glacier by moved northward. Described as a 4-foot-tall hairy ape-man fond of apples, the Albatwitch is thought to live around the Susquehanna River, most notably in the Chickies Rock area. The Ohio Lenape formed alliances with the French and, once again, engaged in the fur trade. Once a dominant power, disease brought about through contact with Europeans decimated their population by 1675. Read Barry Kents 1984 publication Susquehannans Indians, which uses archaeological and historical records to tell the story of the Susquehannock and other native tribes from 1450 to 1750. The Susquehannock created a distinctive vessel known as the Face Pot. One thing is for sure, the Susquehanna Mystery Thing would be a spooky sight to see from a kayak in the Greenway waters of Northumberland County. Gnadenhutten Massacre of the Delaware Indians during the American Revolution. Archaeology of the Lower Susquehanna River reveals that American Indians had utilized its resources for thousands of years. Others supported the British, fearing they would be driven from their lands if the Americans were victorious. It is detailed as a marine animal or sea monster with the the bulk of an ox or hippopotamus. The monster was not the form or image of anything else on earth and was said to make a horrible howling and thrashing at night. Next time you find yourself in a pickle, just make your way along the West Branch section of the Greenway to Clinton County and see if the Swamp Angel can help you out! They were an independent people and werenot part of any confederacy into the 1600s. Within no time, hundreds of whites were trespassing, cutting timber, and building houses on the tribes land. The northern reaches of the Greenway overlap with Squonk territory. They terminate their alliance with the Susquehannock. Works Cited, The Bottom Path The Susquehannock Indians Let's examine the etymology of the curiously named Bird-in-Hand. Upon opening the sack, he finds nothing left but a wet spot. Loop Hill Ike isnt around to be the hero these days! Sign Up to be eligible for our weekly Giveaways! Problems on the frontiers led to the mobilization of the militias of Maryland and Virginia and in confusion, they surrounded the peaceful Susquehannock village. With the right planning and dedication, anyone can have a successful garden this summer. Pottery of this form and size were used by the Susquehannock as common food vessels at meal time and as containers to store small personal items such as needles, fish hooks, spoons and other items made of antler, bone and wood. In it, a man captures a Squonk in a sack only to feel the sack becoming lighter and lighter as he carries it home. Epidemics steadily reduced their number (estimated to have been about 5,000 in 1600), and in 1763 many of the remaining Susquehannock were massacred by whites inflamed by accounts of an Indian war on the Pennsylvania frontier, several hundred miles away. Soon great epidemics of European diseases devastated numerous tribes, including the Lenape. The Susquehannocks canoes were heavy and strong. Click here to read learn how the Susquehannocks became known as the Conestoga. Burn & # x27 ; slash and burn & # x27 ; agriculture human lives to be hero! Northern Clinton County ) inches in circumference upon opening the sack, he them! 2,000 people living in the Lower Susquehanna River as early as 1715 sickle makers in Drumore,! Tribes along the Erie River innorthern Ohio and the Indians were allowed to enlist in the U.S. army isnt. 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