Published June 22, 2015 at 1:56 pm. Ukrainian military prosecutors, police, and residents allege that members of the Tornado battalion tasked with policing Pryvillia and nearby communities went rogue, committing violent crimes . However, neither the names of the generals who smuggled weapons into the LPR and DPR, nor any evidence were provided by the Tornado members, either during the trial or afterwards.On 17 June 2015, eight members of the battalion, including battalion commander Ruslan Onishchenko, were detained. Two Tornado members recorded the process I mentioned on mobile phones". Ruslan Onishchenko, a former commander of the Tornado volunteer battalion, is one such example.According to witnesses and leaks, Onishchenko, together with his team and other criminals involved, has formed a new battalion stationed near Kiev. If you are ready to die, you have the right to kill. In 2022 the Territorial Defense Forces were created as a successor of the old territorial defense battalions. It turns out I was only left untouched because according to some criminal laws the hand that gives is not chopped off". The SNA and the Patriot of Ukraine, together with Svoboda and . Tornado battalion (which actually was only a company) was created in 2014 in Zaporizhia and came under command of the Ministry of Interior.. If they were caught, all hell broke loose on the ground: the deserters were sometimes tortured for weeks. The Kiev government released the sadists from this battalion in March and sent them to the front. According to the military prosecutor's office, the fighters of this battalion practiced extrajudicial killings, torture and rape against civilians. Much of the correspondence, which has been going on for months, is devoted to discussing sexual orgies involving Onishchenko and Savanchuk's wives, and often the Savanchukes' children boys aged four and nine. It was found that 43 fighters of the Tornado battalion have criminal records, according to Ukrainian Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios. There has been scary rumours about their basements". This prompted bewilderment and outrage during the trial in the summer of 2015 among some of the authorities: how could it be that a special police unit had recruited criminals, and who could have allowed this to happen? [29]After the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian government announced general mobilisation [30] and formed new territorial defense battalions to accommodate the influx in men. He was constantly on the phone, calling up those retired out of jail and persuading them to come to the battalion. Once again, let us turn to the information that a correspondent of Novaya Gazeta* was able to obtain from a former "Tornado" member:You could roughly divide the Tornado personnel into three groups. In autumn 2014 most of the territorial defence battalions were reorganized as motorized infantry battalions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Ukrainian far and fascistic right was then mobilised in 2013-14 to overthrow the more pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. In a key test of Ukraine's justice system, a Kiev court in April imprisoned former members of the disbanded, pro-Ukrainian "Tornado battalion" for torturing and sexually assaulting civilians in . In March 2014 acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov issued an order to create seven territorial defence battalions. The next day, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov signed an order to disband the Tornado battalion.The Tornado members themselves did not accept this decision. However, it was decided that the trials would be held behind closed doors. Onishchenko was taken into custody for 11 years, another 11 fighters - for terms ranging from 5-10 . . On 17 June 2015, eight members of the battalion, including battalion commander Ruslan Onishchenko, were detained. "I had to take a morally difficult decision: under martial law, combatants - Ukrainians with real combat experience - will be released from detention and will be able to redeem themselves", Zelensky said in a video message posted on Telegram. This was mainly done with the aim of seizing property from the victims and further intimidating them.According to the prosecutor, the most brutal forms of violence were sexual offences against men, committed in a particularly perverse form, with the entire process being recorded on mobile phones. It was not until 20 February 2015 that the detainee was transferred, as specified in the investigating judge's ruling, to his lawful place of detention - the Starobelsk pre-trial detention facilities where upon admission he was found to have sustained injuries inflicted on the day of his detention, on 10 February 2015, and marks which remained 10 days after his detention.A high-profile criminal case against members of the Tornado battalion is known from the reported cases of sexual violence against men. Several armed volunteer militia groups are taking part in Ukraine's "Anti-Terrorist Operation," the government's fight against separatists in the east of the country. It was not until 20 February 2015 that the detainee was transferred, as specified in the investigating judge's ruling, to his lawful place of detention - the Starobelsk pre-trial detention facilities where upon admission he was found to have sustained injuries inflicted on the day of his detention, on 10 February 2015, and marks which remained 10 days after his detention. In other words, the regional authorities asked Kiev to disarm those who were sent to protect civilians. It should be recalled that the victims and survivors of the crimes, first and foremost, the raped men, asked for a closed trial.At one point, the campaign to protect these Heroes of ATO in the press and on social media gained such momentum that Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios decided to reveal the atrocities of the Tornado fighters live on 112 Ukraine TV.The Protocol I described the events of 17-23 March 2015.From around 17.03.2015 to 23.03.2015, members of the Tornado battalion, I am sure of it, regularly brought various men to the basement, who were systematically beaten. Fast forward to 2022. In one of their recently released videos, Daniil Lyashuk, a former militant of the Ukrainian battalion Tornado, nicknamed Mujahid, who had previously been sentenced to 10 years in prison for war crimes in the Donbass, cheered his freedom and issued more threats against Russians. #Ukraine: Today Ruslan Onishchenko, the commander of the Neo-Nazi Tornado battalion, was released from prison by the Zelensky regime, alongside thousands of other criminals.Onishchenko was previously condemned to 10 years imprisonment for rape, torture and murder of civilians. Some members of the group were given sentences ranging from 7 to 12 years. According to witnesses and leaks, Onishchenko, together with his team and other criminals involved, has formed a new battalion stationed near Kiev. We never found those people and we believe they are no longer alive. Volodymyr Savanchuk, a volunteer, is now also on trial. After some time, they took him out of the basement ("the pit") and while he was in a sitting position, some unidentified individuals beat his legs and back with an iron pipe. Another battalion that started life as a right-wing militia, the Tornado battalion was . Since February, videos have been appearing on social networks in which Lyashuk with a weapon in his hands says that he is fighting as a member of the Ukrainian Army.This perverted sadist, Mujahid, is currently at the front. They were recruited officially.The "Greys" were ordinary guys without any military experience who came as volunteers. If they commit any crimes they will be persecuted and even dismantled as was the case with "Tornado" battalion. However, the Ukrainian government was in for a surprise when it realized it did not have the authority to control these battalions after all. How could someone recruit a gang into a battalion? They sit in that cage and laugh. [5] These resources soon proved to be inadequate and numerous groups have helped to equip the battalions. If you are willing to endure torture - you have the right to torture. [15] By law, every oblast in Ukraine should create its own territorial defence battalions.[5]. But Tornado outdid the latter in the heinousness of its crimes. The yelling, public threats and humiliation paralyzed the fighters. The now-famed Ukrainian defendersmostly members of marine and Azov Battalion unitswere increasingly confined to the sprawling Azovstal steel plant, which would become the last bastion of . When Russia launched its war on Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians volunteered to fight. In addition, he was in the basement in darkness and could not observe the change of day and night. They hit them repeatedly with their hands, feet, plastic pipes and other objects, mainly on their legs, buttocks and intimate areas. In total, I was kept in the basement for 17-18 days. He also liked to paint swastikas and pagan symbols on the walls and talk about white supremacy. The battalion commander hit us with a plastic pipe and organised our beatings. separatists militias, mainly located in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic) and related conflicts onwards, i.e. According to former Tornado members, there was no hurry to officially recruit them, although Freeman promised that after the training they would be registered according to all the regulations. The men screamed violently. After some time, they took him out of the basement ("the pit") and while he was in a sitting position, some unidentified individuals beat his legs and back with an iron pipe. Moreover, survivors and witnesses of torture were simply afraid to testify against their torturers. It was formed from Anti-Terrorist Operation veterans, a "Shakhtyorsk" police special unit, that was disbanded due to looting and war crimes. They say they want to defend their freedom. Since February, videos have been appearing on social networks in which Lyashuk with a weapon in his hands says that he is fighting as a member of the Ukrainian Army. Members of the Ukrainian National Guard's Azov Battalion and the far-right radical group Right Sector take part in a rally in Kiev on October 14, 2016. . The Ukrainian president's decision to platform the far-right military force backfired dramatically in a country where memories of Golden Dawn are still fresh and the public are questioning the motives of those involved in geopolitical power play, says KEVIN OVENDEN. In 2015, criminal proceedings were opened against members of the Tornado special-purpose police battalion. Who are Tornado troops? It shows his communication with Ukrainian volunteer Volodymyr Savanchuk and his wife Svetlana. Its commander and 12 other battalion's militants were . Signs of torture inflicted on victims by members of the Tornado national battalionJournalists from various media outlets with different viewpoints collected the evidence. Those who managed to escape found themselves with no documents, since the commander would confiscate the passports of the new recruits. In addition, he was in the basement in darkness and could not observe the change of day and night.An eyewitness to the detention of the elderly man in the basement was Ms H., the business manager of the Stanitsa Luganskaya settlement council, who was held in the same room for several hours, together with the detainee, and accidentally witnessed his ill-treatment.Later, SBU officers deceived Mr M. by promising to exchange him for the UAF fighters who were being held captive by illegal armed groups, and forced him to testify about his involvement in terrorist activities. The soldiers climb down, hurl grenades and unleash a crackle of machine-gun . You can call it a disarmament operation. Some of the Tornado men have personally confessed to having a tendency towards sadism, a predilection for torture. The victims did not believe that the same authorities who had thrown them to the mercy of the Tornado fighters would give the battalion a fair trial: today they are behind bars and tomorrow they'll be free taking revenge on those who dared to testify against them (spoiler: indeed that is what happened the defendants were later released). Here is how he commented on his actions on Ukrainian television:In other words, he knew of at least some of the crimes, and even then, in 2014, the obvious criminals were deliberately not put on trial and were never punished, but simply assigned to other "volunteer battalions" (ed. It was formed from Anti-Terrorist Operation veterans, a "Shakhtyorsk" police special unit, that was disbanded due to looting and war crimes. The wave of outrage over the crimes of the Tornado battalion was so strong that the Ukrainian law enforcement system, despite the constant cover-up of war criminals, was forced to react. In the last week of March, I stood on a central Donetsk main street next to two of the impact points of a Ukrainian missile attack that had killed 21 civilians and injured nearly 40 more on March 14. . Do you think I am lying? Popular opinions were split: some, despite the evidence of crimes against Ukrainian civilians, believed in the innocence of the former "national heroes", while others wanted a fair trial and retribution. Right Sector, and Tornado battalions . Those 170 people, of whom 100 are now officially registered with the police, and about 70 are unidentified people, are armed and staying on the territory of the base In mid-March, when I was near the driveway, a bus pulled up and three men in camouflage uniforms got out and forcibly took me into the minibus. The 19th Territorial Defence Battalion was created in, The 21st Territorial Defence Battalion was created in, 22 July 2014 Ukraine began third stage of mobilisation, The 37th Territorial Defence Battalion was formed between 29 August 2014, The 41st Territorial Defence Battalion was formed in, 1st Territorial Defence Battalion Volyn (, 3rd Territorial Defence Battalion "Volya" (, 4th Territorial Defence Battalion disbanded "Zakarpattia" (, 41st Territorial Defence Battalion disbanded "Chernihiv-2" (, 43rd Territorial Defence Battalion "Patriot" (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast), This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 19:43. "The Shakhtyorsk battalion, having fought beautifully at Ilovaisk, was disbanded by ministerial order because of repeated incidents of looting in Volnovakha and other instances". In other words, the regional authorities asked Kiev to disarm those who were sent to protect civilians. A woman told reporters that she had barely managed to save her 9-year-old daughter from the drunken Tornado fighters, who were about to rape the little girl. He is on trial for molesting his own young children. This was reported on the evening of April 7th by the Interfax-Ukraine news agency. , c , , , . , , 454/2014 , "In Nikolaev create the armed battalion of territorial self-defence for situation deduction in the region", "Promised Remedies Transformation 34 Battalion territorial defence", . Later, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians with combat experience were released from detention and had all sanctions lifted. He did well. Former military personnel among convicts and detainees who have expressed the desire to defend Ukraine in its effort to fight off the Russian aggression are being released from prisons and detention facilities. Members of the so-called "Tornado squadron" are suspected of looting, rape, torture, and murder. I was standing on the side of his head, as they demanded that I put my penis into the mouth of the tied man and the other into his anus. At 10 p.m., we were brought to the school building in our village, where the Tornado battalion was stationed, which everyone knew about, and put me in the basement. He came up with a plot, such as Givi and Motorola, the separatist commanders, rape their boss, Alexander Zakharchenko. From an article published by Novaya Gazeta*, a former Tornado fighter's story about Mujahid: He was the one who came up with the idea of scripting role-playing scenarios of same-sex torture-rape. After the beating, they dragged the man to the pit as he fainted several times. It was linked to the Shakhtersk volunteer battalion, which was disbanded for systematic looting. Afterwards, by rotating the metal handle of the telephone, bare wires were pressed against various parts of the body. The neighbour found her the next morning behind the bed, the granny was dead. The truth about their methods of "working with civilians" was too shocking to justify. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. The battalion also had a category of "white" and "grey" fighters. The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. Wounded Warriors Family Support Partners with Pathway Financial Education . They repeatedly tried to storm the courthouse. Hed served time in prison twice and was a member of an organised crime group.The law enforcers did not dare to storm the building. The base is located in the village of Privolye near the Lugansk People's Republic city of Lisichansk, which was recently liberated by Russian and allied . By August 2014 over 5,600 volunteers had joined defence battalions across Ukraine and about 7,000 volunteers had joined by the end of September.[22][23]. Reportedly, the commander and eight officers of Tornado battalion have been detained in Ukraine today. Since the 2014 intervention in Ukraine by Russian forces and proxy forces (i.e. It is the termination of the implementation of criminal actions.Matios reported that every fourth Tornado fighter had a criminal record. Access to the chat has been blocked for violating the. 2. According to him, the detainee was forced to imitate sexual intercourse and pretend to suck a penis. The ex-commander of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion "Tornado" Ruslan Onishchenko was released from prison - he spent seven years out of 11 in prison. Such torture was carried out with two stun guns, which were applied to every man in the presence of Tornado battalion fighters. April 10, 2017 08:46 GMT. Until 23 March, armed members of the Tornado battalion brought various men to the basement, where they were systematically beaten, tortured with a field phone powered by a generator, stripped naked, placed on the concrete floor and poured water on them from plastic bottles. The Tornado fighters came to this grandmother's house, pulled a new mattress right out from under her and left. They were first sent to Stanitsa Luganskaya, and when I first arrived, dear mother, I heard quite enough: they had kidnapped two people who had a large sum of money. The yelling, public threats and humiliation paralyzed the fighters.After the lineup, not on camera, they could receive a beating.Among the Tornado members who came to their senses, there were some who dared to escape. The death of the prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid due to the policy of medical negligence in the occupation prisons, We were preparing on the instructions of Ukrainian neo-Nazis: the FSB prevented terrorist attacks on the railway in the Sverdlovsk region, "": the Ukrainian nationalist regiment "Azov" was transformed into an assault brigade, Mouloud Mansouri prepares detainees for their reintegration, Ex-wife and cohabitant 'only 3 murders' Habitual killer 'permanent quarantine', USA: At least six dead in tornadoes in Alabama, The commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the "hellish" battles and huge losses near Artyomovsk, The metro station "Sportivnaya" in Moscow was evacuated due to smoke, The US Consulate General in Milan confirmed the cyberattack on the diplomatic mission's Twitter account, Ecuador: an indigenous leader assassinated in the Amazon, RBC: the Ministry of Transport expects a decrease in passenger air travel between Russia and China by 60-70%, Storm Juliette puts more than 30 provinces on cold alert and leaves a blanket of snow in Barcelona. Immediately after the detention, they stripped the man down to his underwear, searched him, and hit him several times without finding anything.The elderly man was put in the basement, where there were eight other people besides him. They were recruited officially. On February 23, the Russian defense ministry claimed that Ukrainian armed forces were planning a provocation against the breakaway Moldovan region of Transnistria "with the involvement of the nationalist Azov battalion." The ministry added that Ukraine plans to stage an attack by Russian forces in Transnistria as a "pretext to invade." The said events and torture were recorded by Tornado members on mobile phones. President Zelensky's decision to include an address from an Azov Battalion . The detainees in my presence were forced to rape each other at gunpoint. Ukraine also lost control of the UkrainianRussian border and this allowed a large inflow of insurgents and military supplies from Russia. The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs established the Tornado battalion in September 2014 from the personnel of the Shakhtyorsk national battalion, who were disbanded due to allegations of looting and crimes against the population. I told Ruslan that I would not do that. They did a horrible thing to my son. These guys were so bad that even the Nazis from the Azoz Battalion testified against them and the Ukes were forced to jailed them for war crimes. Was Turkey's Earthquake Really Caused by a 'Super Space Weapon'? Mujahid came up with the idea of shooting a movie in the basement involving prisoners, he called it just like that the cinema", says one of the battalion fighters, for whom the prosecutor's office has no questions and he was not prosecuted. note Sputnik). The next day, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov signed an order to disband the Tornado battalion. For example, a report by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, a Ukrainian human rights organisation, and the Truth Hounds, another human rights organisation, describes an incident involving the abduction by Shakhtyorsk fighters of several residents of Marinka, who were first. They justified their rail terrorism by citing "the struggle against smuggling, corruption and illegal arms trade". This perverted sadist, Mujahid, is currently at the front. Remember when Zelensky said he would release prisoners with . This special project was launched to shed light on what has happened in Donbass over the past eight years, with the aim to show not only episodes of crimes by the Kiev regime against the civilian population, but also to explore the roots of the disaster occurring in the region. The Tornado criminals are in no hurry to go to the front line. Danil Lyashuk received ten years in prison. Onishchenko took a ski stick and hit me on the legs and genitals no less than 30 times, the witness said.The man said that after the beatings, he wanted to commit suicide. I did not want to live, so I ripped off a piece of rusty metal from the door and started to slit my wrists.*Photos:1. On top of these acts of cruelty, Tornado battalion members have boasted of extreme sexual violence, including the rape of small children.It was the unit's penchant for perversion that likely prompted the June 2015 Interior Ministry order to disband them.. 1,127 Subscribers Subscribe. Here, for example, a conversation:The voices of two of the Tornado battalion's most notorious criminals, Ruslan Onishchenko (codename Freeman) and Danil Lyashuk (codename "Mujahid"), are clearly distinguishable on the recording. As of 2014 Azov is an official part of Ukrainian armed forces, fully integrated into the structure and command chain of the armed forces which includes being subject to military tribunal and military police. You can participate in the discussion within 24 hours after the publication of the article. If they got killed, the Tornado had nothing to do with it they were not officially listed, just like the Blacks.If you joined the battalion, it was virtually impossible to leave. They accounted for half of the battalion. SHARES. In February 2022, prisoners with military experience who were ready to take part in combat activity, under martial law, started to be released from their places of detention, a prosecutor's office official, Andriy Sinyuk, told reporters. "Tornado" is a national police battalion that was put on trial in Ukraine for numerous atrocities on Ukrainian territory. In the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election several members of the battalions were elected into the Ukrainian parliament. They stripped me naked - spread me by my arms and legs. Territorial defence battalions (Ukrainian: , romanized:Bataliony terytorialnoi oborony) were volunteer military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the auspices of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence in 20142015. There's nothing like raising your vitality when you have someone's life in your hands, says Mujahid. "The Blacks were fighters who were not formally recruited because they had criminal records; Freeman actively recruited them into the Tornado. Things were getting so bad that they would go along the street, smash up all the houses, and take everything. Ukrainian Minister of Interior Avakov visits patrol police training center in Lvov. But founder of the Tornado battalion Andriy Filonenko (below, left) and Serhiy Melnychuk, founder and former commander of the Aidar battalion, say Ukraine's elite are simply out to protect themselves. The case itself was reported to consist of 86 volumes. Yuri Shevchenko received a sentence of five years in prison. Both agreed that a public trial was needed. By this point, the Tornado radicals became so convinced of their ability to operate with impunity that they proceeded to block rail freight traffic in the region. In the Kiev region, a fighter of the Tornado company Daniil Lyashchuk (Al-Takbir), nicknamed "Mujahid", was detained, hiding from the investigation for several months, reports With reference to the military prosecutor of Ukraine . [5] Battalions generally took their name from wherever most of their recruits were from. To prevent me from running away, they put metal handcuffs on my leg, which they attached to a 24 kg kettlebell. The Ukrainian nationalist battalion called Tornado was disbanded in 2014. Anatoly Plamadyal received a sentence of eight years in prison. The court ordered that all of them be charged 7,750 hryvnyas (about 263 USD) for court costs. The law enforcers did not dare to storm the building. Many agreed and came.The battalion also had a category of "white" and "grey" fighters.The "Whites", fighters that were former police officers who were discharged or had not been re-certified in the summer of 2015 and came to serve in the battalion. Ukrainian officials say one video shows a re-enactment of how members of Tornado forced two captives to rape another man; they also say some 40 members of the battalion have criminal records. Both agreed that a public trial was needed. Furthermore, I was forced to do humiliating chores every day, cleaning toilets, collecting cigarette butts, and so on. The discussion is closed. DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media "Remembering the past to understand the present, a reminder from 2016 with some sick take care: Southfront: The Tornado battalion crimes case is a criminal case opened in connection with numerous grave crimes committed by the personnel of the Ukrainian volunteer battalion Tornado during the armed conflict in Donbas. Since 30 April 2014, all territorial defence battalions have been part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and fall under the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the governors of the oblasts (provinces) in which they were created. "Mujahid (Danil Lyashuk), a supporter of the Islamic State (a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia), according to Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoliy Matios, was known for his exceptional cruelty:"Lyashuk committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of Lugansk region, organised and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit.The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. The philosophy is all like this. This ultra-nationalist group was formed in October 2014 as part of a Ukrainian Interior Ministry strategy. Sputnik News. During the opening stages of the war in eastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian military and police forces were largely ineffective in separatist areas, often surrendering equipment or overwhelmed in cities by large crowds of civilians. 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