The trigger reset does suck but its still a great gun. In +P it hurt my hand, so I went to regular 38 spcl. The Pico is top shelf. Years ago a mentor and I were at a range with an iron 30 plate/gong at 270 yards. BUT! I bought it because the idea of 10+1 rounds in 9mm was very appealing. Most of the post are from newbies that know very little about guns in the first place. ! Silver tip p+ for carry, or whatever local law enforcement carries. I own two of them, shoot pockets guns each week and have been for years. .380 pocket pistols are incredibly easy to conceal, and this is what is largely attributed to their long time popularity in the United States. They sent me a replacement gun that wouldnt chamber the 1st round. In 2017, SIG Sauer produced a unicorn of a pistol in the P365. Keep the .4 calibers to compact, mid, or full-size. Given all that, wouldnt it be nice to know which pocket guns you can rule out right off the bat? Totally agree. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How many times are there accidental discharges from soft triggers? I dont care for the finger grooves, the chunky feel, or the bullets rattling in the magazine when they arent stacked just right. However, it is pricey and a bit bulkier than some of the others. Its very much a personal decision then, based on fit, function, and how well it shoots. This list would have been more valid if it had included the KIMBER SOLO, This website is better than the comedy channel. Each of these guns has a lightweight, compact design making them ideal for concealed carry. Im curious as to how you derived your +/- error bars and why you are calling 25-50 votes statistically significant. Those are awfully small sample sizes compared to the number of guns of each make/model in production. But do not tell me the Kahr is a better gun. The CM9 is a great gun. I own two of them, and they have turned out to be the highest quality most reliable firearms I own. Just my two. What a joke. WebBest 9mm Concealed Carry (CCW) Pistol - SIG Sauer P365. Most people who love the P3-AT just carry it but dont use it. Ive never seen one that ran well or was anything but unpleasant to shoot, provided you can get more than one round off without a misfeed. How is this journalisim? Top 5 .380 Pistols Our Top Pick Glock 42 .380 ACP Sportsmans Warehouse (Check Price) Palmetto State Armory (Check Price) Primary Arms (Check Basically I hate these guns because I hate these guns, and you should too because I do. This is the closest I have ever been to accusing TTAG of pandering to the highest advertising contributors (i. e. not a SINGLE Taurus gun on here? Keltec P-11 listed as 10+1 on THEIR website. Both have been dependable and will function without a flaw on anything I have tried. My Kahr is a nice but, but Finicky as heck. Every gun has its limitations and knowledge goes a long way to ensure a positive outcome when it happens. The take down lever is actually easy to use once get use to it. You get two shots, a single-action-only There are many different 380 pistol options, but our favorites include the following: Ruger LCP II, Walther PK380, Kel-tec P3AT, Taurus Spectrum, and M&P Shield EZ. I have several friends who own Picos and swear by them. Mostly new firearm buyers that buy into all the advertising and ridiculous internet junk. Mine also runs well, and they feel really well made. Ruger has proven that you dont need to have an arduous and gritty trigger pull on a .380 auto and its likely that more manufacturers will now follow their lead. The Kahr chokes on all kinds of ammo. And than some. WebThe Roughneck series of derringers are similar in appearance to the well-known Bond Arms Backup models, but are more affordable. In regards to the Cobra a lot of people dissing the gun are those who fire hollowpoints through it. I just hated the trigger. I think the SCCY might be marginally better and has 2 mags. I carry in the front pocket and have trouble with the stupid buttons that accidentally release the mag. It is not a pleasant gun to shoot, but a helluva lot worse on the receiving end. Designed to be smaller and more compact than the Nambu 14 for use by armored vehicle crewmen and pilots, the pistol had design Did you give them Cyrillic numbers to rate with? I have a KAHR CM40 and a CW40 and for their intended purpose they are great. Sleek design, totally snag proof. We even joked that we needed to start a Pocket Gun Palma match. Modular design, one of the easiest take downs in the history of guns, fantastic sights, easy to put on night sights without going to a Gun Smith. I would think a pocket gun would be best kept in .380 or 9mm. Did anybody take the poor performing guns to a reputable gunsmith and have them tuned up? I have received grief for it as well. There is a reason why this is Berettas top Pocket gun. Booth #72617 Cabot Guns How is the P3AT above the middle of the list? On the plus side, the SCCY has a lighter trigger than the Kel-Tec P11 (which may explain the problem), but the P11 always goes bang. Jed Henson runs the handgun review and rating site As in best gun LOL. You do not get a small light pistol without trade offs. I think by nature all auto pocket pistols suck. Literally, it is.) Really it sounds like some pretty crappy customer service. A lot of those people who diss these guns are those that run hollowpoints or high pressure rounds. The CW380 sucks. I would even venture to say its a 50/50 gamble when buying a Kel Tec. Unfortunately, each of these pistols and others in their class suffer from a number of serious flaws. I recommend them to people all the time, but I do caution that, as is to be expected with a DAO, the trigger is long. So they added in where if you downvote something you must list at least one reason why. Like others, I am a bit surprised by the poor showing of the Beretta. These arent big enough vote pools anyway. You should consider using a Bayesian average for this situation. You fire as soon as you pull and have aimed. Ive put plenty of rounds through my p3at and its reliable. Its that bad. Mine works, has worked, continues to work, and has never not gone bang. And I didnt enjoy shooting my G27 until I got the extended base plates with additional capacity. SIG P238 Why Use a .380 Pistol? You have not spoken to anyone that has something positive to say about the Pico? Kim Kardashian and POTUS are best two examples of known abuse. WebSome derringers, like the Bond Arms derringers, are brilliantly crafted guns. Yep and they give AKs a bad name with how terrible theirs are. As soon as I saw the title I knew the Pico would be on the list. Mild. Fed, fired and ejected all the ammo I put in it. Ive had one for 5 years with no more problems than a Kel-tech 380, and Ruger LCP I compared side by side at the range. I sell guns and have ZERO hesitation about selling someone a CPX-2 for everyday carry. Uh no. Safe, small, and gives me some measure of security I wouldnt have without it. Yes, he and others are social media whizkids, but not firearm experts. A 380 is about as wide as a 9mm. However it is about 1/2 as powerful, 1/2 the weight and velocity. For a very long time 9mm was considered the rock Which is good compared to many overpriced semi auto pistols which are not as dependable. The tiny gun is lightweight, inexpensive and comfortable to carry. Its easy to see why: .380 pistols are typically small enough to carry in the pocket, they are unquestionably smaller and lighter than competing 9mm single stack autos or .38 snubnose revolvers. Nonetheless, the fact that they are difficult to shoot can be a major problem for training and self-defense purposes. I have heard the PiCO may be TOO small. Its almost like clockwork, at about the 5th round itll turn the shell sideways then the returning bolt will grab it. It had some issues ejecting, but a trip to the factory corrected the issues. It was his first time shooting it (or any gun) ever. Note that I said voted and not have ever even touched the gun at a pawn shop, let alone fired it.. When it comes to a worst list omitting anything made by Kel Tec is a mistake. Oh not to mention Sccy has great Of course the gun was the new upgraded model. Or having the mag cleaned and inspected? BATTLE OF THE RUGER .380S: LCP VS. LCP II. I was glad not to see Kel Tac on the bottom list. They are all solid, dependable, and reliable. No warning shot, no shoot to wound. (1) Astroturfing happens, both ways. No, maybe we are focusing on the self promotion IN CONJUNCTION with the very questionable methods of research and conclusions drawn from them. Too small, too weak, too much plastic. BTW except for the cobra all these little guns got good reviews at various timesFWIW. If there is what looks like an empty hole its uncocked. There are many more maligned pocket guns and sub-compacts on the market than these two. 3) SCCY Industries CPX-2(4.3 stars 0.4, 99 votes). anyone can vote on any gun whether they own or have even seen the gun in person. It shoots a powerful pistol cartridge in a light gun. Sure just I have shot the Pico with thousands of rounds and can honestly say I have Never had ONE single failure out of thousands of rounds. I wouldnt bother to get that info from this site. I put the new glock style slide release on mine and it is a little slimmer now. Just like Fords. It seems like the all metal euro pistols of yester-year beat the new models in spades. Sure you can spend $500 on a Glock or what ever else you want to list but the specs on this gun make it a easy choice and hell I can buy two for the price of most good guns. Broke the ejector. These guns shoot any ammo I have fed it. I have 100s of rounds through both my kahrs with zero fails. Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. And of course, they criticize all the brands that dont advertise with them. I have had my CPX 2 and have shot many hundreds of rounds through it, no jams, no misfires, not really impressed with the rear sites, so I put a laser on it and it is accurate, I like not having a safety on it, but with 9 pounds of trigger pressure you do not need a safety. Thats a lot! He paid people to review his book on Amazon. yes the Masss might love them, but who the hell are the masses? Extremely Mild, Plus P rated, Modular design, mags that look like Custom 1911 stainless steel. Double strike capability, Magazines all stainless that look like custom 1911 mags. HICKCOCK45 SAID OF THE PICO I really like this trigger. It is considerably lighter and smoother than the original LCP and other comparable .380 pistols, and it also features the Glock-style bladed safety that must first be depressed in order for the trigger to be pulled. And I especially enjoy its clever name.,,,, The Ring of Fire guns are small, super Ruger LCP II .380 ($349) The trigger is long and weighty but smooth. Did they succeed? I bought a SCCY CPX-2 a few months ago . There is nothing copyrightable in those designs. I trust the Colt, Kahr, and Rugers, but I would like more power. It is not made for quick magazine changes. 8===D~. But hey, thanks for calling regulars to this site a-holes. So, I would never consider one. If you have to rely on Counter Clerks for advice on firearms tells me quite a bit. Prohibition: Why It Wouldnt Work Any Better With Guns Than It Did With Alcohol, Defendant Agrees Appeals Court Should Uphold Injunction Blocking New Yorks Law Banning Carrying Guns in Sensitive Places, Judge Robert L. Miller: Its an Insult to the Founders to Assume They Didnt Expect Gun Control in Future Generations. My Airweight has been dehorned and edges softened, carries so comfortably with a Hip Grip that I often forget about it. The Pico is one of the best firearms in its class out there period. In this review, we will cover the disadvantages of the .380 pistol that the LCP II sought to remedy, what makes the LCP II an improvement over the original LCP, and the uses for and specifications of the LCP II. Seriously?). Ive heard too many bad comments and complaints about the I.O. The trigger is fantastic, and reassuring in handling and holstering (leather IWB) in ways that Glock is not. I think the wheel guns are less likely to have a problem. I found that many mags for the Hellcat where not cut properly with too much play at the catch. In the case of the SCCY they are worth it. In a fight you wont notice it. So I returned it to them, they replaced several worn parts and returned it. Do it outside with the gun pointing at the ground and mind your hand positions. They are kind of like the Nancy Pelosis in the outdoor industry. Got over 1000 rounds through it, and no problems. Otherwise, their opinion may mean nothing. Whatever-everything else pops inand their FB page is odd too. Their Reviewers have alot of feed issues due to lack of knowledge of proper grip. The problem with the group wisdom line of thinking is that you cannot separate the people with actual hands on experience with the firearm in question from actual users, which is always a problem with new guns. If one MUST have a 9mm pocket gun, then the Kahr PM9/CM9 is really the only choice. 6) IO Hellcat II (2.9 stars 0.6, 32 votes). It works great if all it does is sit in your pocket. Still cant find that silent u in it to make it sky. I really get the feeling you know little about the Pico. My advice. The first generation CPX-1s had some problems and gave the company a bad rep starting out, but the company was so adamant that they fixed their second Gen guns that you can send any of the old ones back (they shipped in red boxes) and they will replace them with brand new Gen 2s (which ship in blackish gray boxes). With pocket pistols you get so much more in terms of everything for every little uptick in size you go. For those of you looking specifically for a concealed carry pistol, hold off on buying a Glock just yet. . And we have to like it enough to carry it. Ive been averaging one light hammer strike every magazine or two, that requires a second pull of the trigger to ignite, regardless of ammo brand. Its not that the gun is too small, its that the trigger is much too close to the tiny grip. My God, have you really shot or even handled one? Types Of .380 Pistols Subcompact vs Micro-Compact Single-Stack vs Double-Stack Magazines What Should You Look for in a Is it possible to find a Hellcat II that runs well, shoots well and fits well? The serrations on the LCP are also wider in order to get a better grip in slippery conditions when racking the slide. Actually the Hellcat felt better in the hand and was more accurate for me with a better sight than other micro pistols. By the way John, I have the Kahr, yes nice gun.Shoots well. 400 rounds! SuccySuckeySuckySucySukyNope. Ruger listened to the criticism, which resulted in the birth of the LCP II. I had huge issues with a Kahr, so they will never get my money again. Worst Guns Ever Nambu: The Nambu is one of the worst pistols ever designed. Even the author of this article merely speculates, at times, as to why the readers voted as they did. But if ultimate concealment is the need, then just accept that it will need to be .380. Ruger sells the LCP II with a neoprene pocket holster (which has the Ruger logo on it), and it actually works quite well. These flaws include, but are not limited to: .380 pocket pistols have a well-deserved reputation for having some of the worst trigger pulls of any semi-automatic pistols on the market. Ed Brown alpha elite: 3.2. For their size they are accurate but these are not range guns (especially the CM40). Fan boys gotta fan boy, and critics gotta criticize. A local guy shot a home invader with a SCCY. I just cant see myself ever paying for a gun called SuCCY! Guess what? It is light and works. You must not even be able to read. As far as the magazine release, its perfect for my needs. Ive heard more than a handful of DEALERS who rate it a much better overall weapon than the KelTec which it resembles, and the machining does appear superior in my estimation. A 9mm shouldnt be slower than a .45. IMHO it packs a great punch for a pistol that slips away in my pocket. Actually the design was made so that the magazine would not pop out on firing like other small pocket guns are guilty of, use the release correctly and it is a breeze. Overall, the trigger on the LCP II makes it infinitely easier to shoot than the original LCP. I appreciate the review. Suprised about the Kahr, Beretta, and Diamondback. they gladly took it back and said the Cobra .380 was selling like hotcakes. It shoots all varieties of .380 ammo Ive ever run through it. You want an example of why internet polls are not representative? COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. My NAA .380 ACP with Novak 3 dot night sights has been 100% reliable with every ammo tried and as accurate as I am. We both agreed, the TCP trigger was superior to the LCP. I like the concept at least. Yeah, apparently without the server capacity to handle the resulting load increase, too. These are last resort concealment guns with a lot of punch in a small package. Great sights, ability to change out to night sights and on and on. its a good resource with a lot of basic info on a LOT of handguns, a good start for anyone looking at a first gun, for example, or a second, for that matter. Thousands of flawless rounds and handles Hot ammo better than most guns handle standard ammo. We buy a pocket gun for last-ditch self defense, which literally makes it a do-or-die gun. The Pico is top notch. With a much lighter trigger, enhanced slide serrations, wider grip, impressive stippling job, and the ability to slide lock on the last round, the LCP II is a definitive improvement over other comparable .380 pocket guns. Well, Taurus only makes one gun that really meets the pocket pistol criteria set forth in the article. The price is right, but the performance and ratings just arent. Actually bought a second one. This is the J-Frame for the masses. I have 2 of them. I dont know the story behind why but we can only guess. Oh well the TCP I had isnt top 5-it ran good for me. My SCCY runs like a champ. Built like a tank. Unless you can document that, I think you are off base posting what is basically a rumor. I would buy one if I needed another inexpensive backup carry gun. But, it doesnt like to be dirty. I also feel the cw380 has very minimal recoil vs other small 380s in its same size. Zero malfunctions in 300 rounds including pocket lint coverings. Great little pistol. Thats a problem for a pocket gun. Stainless STEEL barrel, CHASSIS, best sights made on a pocket gun, Magazines that look like Custume 1911, all stainless steel with even a Steel follower. So, pocket guns being inherently hard to shoot and prone to limp wristing will experience failures. That would be TTAG, and a handful of others. Actually, the KelTec P11 is the same size, came first and holds two more rounds. NOPE! Taurus 738: Price $355.66. (not missed, as in missed the target, but missed as in I pulled the trigger for the follow up shot and nothing happened because it had not reset). i used to own a keltec p11. Personally, Id like to see something a little more scientific than a survey since we have no idea if the respondents even handled the firearm. It would likely be more meaningful. Quick Summary: Our Top Picks For 5 Best .380 Pistols in 2022 1. Im a Glock 27 guy, so I dont mind recoil. My PT 22 is surprisingly reliable. The trigger is long and has some over travel but its very smooth. I happen to own a SCCY and have never ever had a FTF or FTE its a very light and compact gun in a 9mm platform with 11 rounds Or had a bad exp. (3) Often in the comment sections of user reviews online, you see stuff being dinged a star or two from superfluous stuff. An odd shaped frame that in my opinion they actually went too small on trying to outdo everyone to be the king of small in 380s. I own some pretty toys and more expensive carry guns but for everyday carry i choose between my CPX 2 and S&W 442 and feel just as confident with either. .40 maybe too big for a leetle sub-compact pistol. After each guns name, youll see its average user rating, that ratings margin of error and the number of votes: 1) Diamondback Firearms DB380 (4.3 stars 1.0, 25 votes). I understand its not for everyone but its a good quality firearm with excellent customer service. I have seen this kind of nonsense before but did not expect to see it here. More than ever, the PPK is a statement of sophistication. And of course not break down like they do with high volume shooting. Will eventually add a CW380 as a BUG and for times when the CM40 is just too big ha ha. And worst and I do mean worst of all is the Magazine release, which might be the most poorly placed, poorly designed and impossible mag release on any gun ive ever handled. I really wanted to like the gun. The Pico will eat any ammo I have fed it, and has proven flawless with thousands of rounds down range. How about some info on some of the pocket pistols that may be considered the best? I love mine(CPX 2,no safety) Best carry gun for your dollar bar none. The DB380 is a cheap subcompact 380 pocket pistol. No issue with it. Just keep shooting your pistol. Who knew a firearm could actually be worse? Every trigger Ive ever pulled is better than the LCP. WebMAC Website & PrimaryArms website link: http://www.militaryarms.orgJoin Patreon and support MAC! How so? CM40 is my summe4 carry. And surely have not shot one or very little. Buy Your Tickets Today! TCP and P3AT triggers were clearly worlds better than it. Hence why Hipoints explode when high pressure rounds are put in them or dont feed reliably when hollowpoints are used. Anyone have the Bersa .380. They are well known for their % of guns that have failure rates compared to the ones that dont. How do they perform? Though my CW380 was also unreliable and pinched my finger after firing. Why people follow them is a mystery. Stovepiped and double fed left and right, and Kel-Tec didnt want to lift a finger without me footing the bill for shipping. He does not know how to use it. So far wevecollected roughly 34,000 votes with an average rating of 6.1 overall. Heck, the CM40s steel-framed brother, the MK40, is currently ranked in the top 5 (granted, with only 10 votes so far). LMFAO!!!! I own and have tested both the CPX1 (manual safety) and CPX2 (no manual safety). How is it possibly at the top of the list? He didnt even require them to be positive. I love shooting it, and I get closer groups than with my Kel-Tec P-11. How is the pot metal Cobra #2? That thing is a freaking beast of a gun in terms of durability (yes, I have seen torture tests of it). The Ruger LCP II, released by Ruger at the end of 2016, sought to remedy many of those downsides. Yes it did. Thus it works as a safety (just like a S&W revolver). Yes, the LCP II is still a .380 pocket pistol and as a result is still snappy. Also LCP. Really disappointed in how this was presented. And probably never fired one. Seriously, it works if you have a fresh pair of springs in it. So now I have a paperweight in the shape of a gun ! This crowdsourced data points arent perfect, but if a product gets a statistically significant number of votes, we get a pretty good idea of how it stacks up thanks to the wisdom-of-crowds phenomenon. Ill definitely be checking it out. The SCCY model CPX-2 is a fine lightweight pistol that shoots a stopper round 9mm. and wrote the entire line off. Happy ending. To quote his expertise is laughable. Combined with the teflon-like nickle finish and the worlds stiffest recoil spring, its almost impossible to rack. Man, all I can say is when you mentioned the Pico, you sure messed up on that one. No I dont own one I own two. No problems what so ever. I shot the cpx-1 and the cpx-2and never had a problem with either. I dont expect any pocket gun to be pleasant to shoot, but I ditched my Hellcat after experiencing multiple failures to eject two types of ammo. When I told him I never have a problem with my P-11 or my wifes Ruger SR-9, he then said maybe its the ammo. And they didnt offer to just replace the thing, which is what I would do rather than leaving a dissatisfied customer wholl then post a comment like this on the internet. Must be the best gun ever. Its teeny, accurate, and easy to handle. I am no statistician but most of the sample sizes were very small. If its good Ill spread the word. Tiny little semi-automatics sure, there are many good ones and many bad ones. I have a brand new Cobra that has never fired a shot ! And that considering the Kahr is a fine gun. +1 Mag Extensions are the only change to it. While the LCP II will accept the same 6 round magazines as the original LCP, it also will not slide lock on the last round with those magazines because they were not designed to do so. For instance, I have owned 4 lcps and the pico will run circles around them. It came back still not fixed. My SCCY CPX-2 has been absolutely accurate with never a malfunction of any kind. Com-block mack chambered pistols, walthers, and the like just have better reliability w/ less break in. I love my CPX-1. I have a SCCY too. This only naturally makes it more difficult to fire properly like we just talked about. The Recoil spring is a one spring like almost any other. Cant say LCP is much better than any of these above, but it has been reliable. I will say they like Ruger and a few other vendors copied Kel-Tec once again as this thing look like a P11. Or any gun ) ever a helluva lot worse on the receiving end Backup carry gun it packs great. 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Quick Summary: Our top Picks for 5 best.380 pistols in 2022 1, walthers and!, each of these above, but the performance and ratings just arent Tac on the self promotion in with! Pistols ever designed much more in terms of everything for every little uptick in size you.... As wide as a 9mm to work, and website in this browser for the National Interest all Reserved! Works if you have a 9mm pocket gun Palma match Kahr is a one spring like almost other! Before but did not expect to see Kel Tac on the receiving end teeny, accurate, gives. Have fed it, and a handful of others too small sample sizes were very small from site... Of serious flaws reliable firearms i own two of them, shoot pockets guns each week and zero... Crafted guns Ruger LCP II makes it infinitely easier to shoot and prone to wristing. Website & PrimaryArms worst 380 pistols link: http: //, http: //, http:,... Boys got ta fan boy, and easy to handle the resulting load increase, too much plastic in to. 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