Another sub camp was built at Wetzlar later in the war to help cope with the large numbers of aircrew captured as the bombing campaign intensified against Germany with between 1000 and 2000 kept during any one month, although most were there for only a few days before being transferred to their permanent Stalag Luft/Oflag camps. Oflag IX-C (Molsdorf) was used to house Women Officers of the Polish army and was widely known (even to the International Red Cross) as the worst of all of those run by German forces during WWII for its near concentration-camp conditions. Stalag XIII-C Hammelburg Om Main Bavaria Location N/E 50-10. Here the POWs were mostly made up from Australian and New Zealand other ranks and this was the main Italian POW cap for Anzacs from 1942, holding around 2000 by June that year. Nick Tate, This was a forced labour camp located some 22 miles from the city of Lubin and was used as a German army camp from 1939 until 1941. Data and factual references were sourced from: The National Archives, Wikipedia, The International Committee of the Red Cross, POW Allied Prisoners of War in Europe 1939-1945 by Adrian Gilbert and various other books mentioned in the tutorial where possible. | It contained POW camps for non-commissioned officers and other ranks. Size salary was dependent of your military rank and was for Colonel 150 (eg, Brigadier 180), Col. 120, Major 108, Captain 98, Lt. 81, Lieutenant 72. On November 1, 1944 the prisoner count was: 4,895 Poles, 11,337 French, 1,732 Belgian, 3,040 Serbians, 20,169 Soviets, 9,453 Italians. William Sylvester, R POWs were transferred from camps in Italy, mainly British Commonwealth officers from the Battle of Crete and North African Campaign. On 16 April 1945 the United States Army liberated the camp, finding only Serbian officers and those too sick to have been marched out, including some Americans that had been wounded by strafing American planes while being marched from Hammelburg. There was a hospital for Italian military internees in the Oerbke camp, but its patients were transferred to a separate section of the Bergen-Belsen POW hospital in late July 1944. There were constant, and very creative, escape attempts utilizing tunnels, disguises, forged papers and even hiding in a mattress. When a wagon was not available and a POW fell out along the road, a German guard would drop back and a shot would be heard. Fort 17 (XVII) named after Michala Zymierskiego. The military authorities decided to conscript local German civilian women to assist with the rescue and clean up work. This instructed them to remain in camp and await imminent liberation by the advancing Allied forces. OFLAG VIIIe Johannisbrunn/Troppau, Poland. There were seven sub camps, including Gamba, Cremona and Torbole. Intentionally sloppy escape attempt in hopes to be placed in town jail. John Beaumont, A few of these orderlies had been assigned as batmen to senior officers and were incarcerated along with them, however, most were assigned by the Germans once captured and many disliked their new role intensely and suffered because of it. Attempted to walk out disguised as a woman. Oflag IV-D Elsterhorst was a World War II German Army Prisoner-of-war camp for Allied officers located near Hoyerswerda in Saxony, 44 km north-east of Dresden. In June 1943 it was renamed Stalag Luft VI and used to hold British and Canadian Air Force NCOs, and from February 1944, also Americans. Michael Caine, The remaining prisoners responded to the threat of a pitched battle on their doorstep by digging slit trenches. Sometimes, due to the shortage of parcels, two or even four prisoners would be compelled to share the contents of one Red Cross parcel. The space between the two fences was a tangled mass of barbed-wire. Director: Stalag VIII-C Sagan (Moved to Kunau Sprottau) (9 work camps) Silesia Location N/E 51-15. In March, 1200 French prisoners were brought to Colditz Castle, with 600 more being imprisoned in the town below. Listen. Outside the camp the party changed into civilian clothes and separated Fowler travelling on foot to Penig (about 31kilometres) and from there by train to Plauen via Zwickau. John Huston Stars: Those prisoners are extremely interesting. Located at 53 degrees, 20 minutes, 35 seconds North, 15 degrees, 0 minutes East in the far North of Germany on the Baltic coast. The barracks were divided into rooms each accommodating 14 to 18 men who slept in two and three-tiered bunks. In reality, however, successful escapes were rare. On 18 December 1944 the camp was bombed by U.S. aircraft. The first prisoners arrived there on 18 October 1939. Bathing was provided once a month outside the camp. Newly released documents at The National Archives show the three remarkable and successful escape attempts made by three British-born Officers Flight Lieutenant Hedley S Fowler, Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Bolton Littledale, and British Army Lieutenant Airey M S Neave. David McCallum, They were divided among the 25 huts to work as orderlies, in addition to the lower ranks that were already doing this work. Dulag Luft or Durchgangslager der Luftwaffe (transit camp of the Luftwaffe) These were transit camps for Airforce POWs. 'Under construction' on USSME reports of late 1943 it appears this camp was relocated possibly from Bolzano to Acquapendente (Viterbo) at some point. 1940: In October, Donald Middleton, Keith Milne, and Howard Wardle (a Canadian who joined the RAF just before the war) became the first British prisoners at Colditz. On April 27, 1942, additional Polish POWs were transferred there from the so-called "Generals' Camp" Oflag VIII-E in Johannisbrunn, Sudetenland (now Jansk Koupele, Czech Silesia). Food was very scarce and below starvation rations. Finally, in January 1942, Stutthof became a regular concentration camp. All went well as the six escapers entered the office during the previous evening and opened up the tunnel. A barracks 'under construction' according to USSME reports from 1943, actually an old orphanage. 117 min Of course, this did not quite work out to be the case. Opened originally in August1942, 250other ranks were reported here on December30th 1942.. Also known as San Pietro Novara near to Milan. American soldiers that had been captured during the Battle of Normandy arrived in June-July 1944, and more form the Battle of the Bulge in January 1945. In October 1941 the British officers were transferred to Oflag VI-B in Warburg. Director: P.G. Camps were split into military districts these were as follows: Please note when searching for camps' names, these will not only be listed by type and number but also location. To the north of the road were seven prisoner accommodation blocks. The bulk of the correspondence that has been preserved (and not all of it has been) is in FO 371. Known as Kommendantur Stalag 20A it remained the HQ until the end of the war. From May 1940, after the invasion of Norway and the Battle of France, prisoners arrived in large numbers, until they totalled 150,000 from all occupied countries, except Britain. In March 1945 a large group of prisoners arrived in deplorable condition after marching the 500 miles from Stalag VIII-D in severe winter conditions. A number of the French were from African colonial regiments and were used for the worst work such as collecting refuse. When the offensive of the Soviet Red Army resumed in 1945, all inmates were marched westward on 28 January 1945. Colditz Castle, German Schloss Colditz, German prisoner-of-war camp in World War II, the site of many daring escape attempts by Allied officers. Originally a Hitler Youth camp, in October 1939 it was modified to house about 15,000 Polish prisoners from the German September 1939 offensive. in September 1943 PG60 was turned into a concentration camp for political prisoners and Jews. The march from Gross Tychow lasted approximately 86 days. In May 1940 the first British and Commonwealth officers captured in the battle of France arrived. Roy Ward Baker Stalag Luft IV Gross Tychow/Burzlaff, Poland, Stalag Luft IV Gross-Tychow (formerly Heydekrug) Pomerania, Prussia (moved to Wobbelin Bei Ludwigslust) (To Usedom Bei Savenmunde) Location N/E 54-16. Stalag X-B Sandbostel Schleswig Location N/E 53-09. Eventually the camp from 1942 to early 1944 accommodated two thousand Dutch officers who between 1940 and 1942 were taken prisoner in the Netherlands. Melissa Parker Sleeping accommodation was in wooden double bunks in groups of 8. The War Diary of MI9, the division of Military Intelligence that dealt with escapers and evaders of all services, is in WO 165/39, while its papers including files concerning all aspects of the department's work are in WO 208/3242-356. The camp was organised into huts about 40 yards long and 8 yards wide. Later in September 1943 PG60 was turned into a concentration camp for political prisoners and Jews. The Geneva convention comprised a few other agreements made concerning Prisoners of war, notably the Hague regulations of 1899 and 1907 and the pre-war version which was initially signed on July 27th 1929. Within a few days they were liberated by British troops pushing eastward. By the end of July there were a few Free French officers, and 228 British officers, with a contingent consisting of Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Irish, and one Indian. P.G. Additional wooden barrack huts were also constructed on the grounds, to accommodate the camp's growing prisoner population. I knew of Colditz (from the game) but not to the madness and school boy type behaviour at times. Colditz Castle 1943. In the U.K. it was entrenched in our culture and truly inspired fear. (Small camp with around 25 prisoners at any one time). Colditz was meant to be completely safe, impregnable and impossible to escape from. These were followed by Soviet prisoners from Operation Barbarossa in the summer of 1941. Over 700 of the inmates are said to have lost their lives before the camps were closed and the remaining inmates transferred to Germany in 1944. Fort Regent 13 POWs -all US from 1944-45 held here. POWs hired out to military and civilian contractors were supposed to receive pay and to get a least one day a week of rest. The huts were about 75yds by 10yds and contained two tier beds for up to 200 prisoners. Two visits by the Red Cross were made and the following comments were made: "Tented Camp in two sections with no Heating or lighting. Upon capture, he was transferred to Colditz. There were 4 sub camps located in the vicinity also. This was the camp for USAAF NCOs until 13 October 1943 when all 1,900 were transferred to Stalag 17B. Both questionnaires also enquire whether the prisoner witnessed or had any information about war crimes. 37 officers held here as of 26/2/43 originally opened September 1941. West of Porto St. Giorgio on the Italian East coast. Brian Degas, The prisoners came from the Polish Army Krakow, SGO Polesie and the defenders of the coast. They worked predominately on farms and had the possibility to obtain better nourishment. The camp was opened on 6 June 1944, and by July held 230 prisoners, all RAF flying crews. In September 1942, British officers from Oflag VI-B Dssel, were transferred to VII-B after a mass escape (the "Warburg Wire Job"). Despite initial appearances, and some accusations of collaboration with the Germans, the permanent staff, headed by Day, had set up an escape committee with other members of the staff, including Squadron Leader Roger Bushell and Lt Cmdr Jimmy Buckley RN. A larger scale attempt was unsuccessful. In order to accommodate them the entire population of Marlag "M" were moved into "O". In the south-western corner of the camp, separated by a barbed-wire fence, were two hospital blocks, the shower/delousing block, and the detention block. It is now known as Sankt Johann im Pongau. | Less than eight months later Oflag IV-C was captured by American soldiers from 1st US Army. PoWs held here previously however. Located in Warthegau, a western province of Poland that had been incorporated into the German Reich in 1939. A huge sprawling camp holding up to 11000 POWs in 6 separate compounds, by far the largest camp for US fliers in German hands. Some notifications of deaths of POWs during the Second World War are included in RG 32. Red Cross inspection reports identified Oflag IV-C as a problem camp with inadequate sanitary and harsh confinement measures. The Borkum and Helgoland camps were "volunteer" (Hilfswillige) labour camps and the labourers in those camps were treated harshly but marginally better than the inmates at the Sylt and Norderney camps. This camp was one of those from which the long march was made in early 1945 when POWs were force marched away from their camps westwards into Germany to escape being liberated by the Red Army. Very engrossing. British POWs are forced to build a railway bridge across the river Kwai for their Japanese captors in occupied Burma, not knowing that the allied forces are planning a daring commando raid through the jungle to destroy it. Friesack Camp/Camp Friesack is a name commonly used to refer to a special World War II prisoner of war camp where a group of Irishmen serving in the British Army volunteered for recruitment and selection by the Abwehr (German Intelligence) and the German Army. The final scenes very moving. In late 1942 all the ratings were sent to Stalag VIII-B at Lamsdorf and assigned to Arbeitskommando ("Work details"), and "M" housed only NCOs. P.G. On 14 April 1945, as the U.S. Army approached, the officers were marched out of the camp. Unfortunately the driver of a vehicle noticed two persons moving hesitantly along the train and alerted the military police. Initially it was Stalag XXI-B for Polish soldiers until December 1940. 13 August: Within days after their arrival, the Dutch escape officer, Captain Machiel van den Heuvel (known as 'Vandy'), planned and executed his first of many escape plans. In May-June 1941 Yugoslavian, predominantly Serbian prisoners arrived from the Balkans Campaign, and soon after in June-July 1941 Australian and other British Commonwealth soldiers arrived, captured during the Battle of Crete. Stalag XXa & XXb were mentioned in SHAEF reports dated 15/2/45 as being moved towards Military district II (i.e. | Muhlhausen Opened in February 1940 and closed on 29/3/45, the hospital was located at Bad Sulza. Until it closed in August 1944, nearly 17000 POWs were housed here for some time. (10 days confined arrest completed on 8 May 1941). Early 1945 reports have 27303 POWs with 491 officers, 214 of which were British, later reports show 217 British, 17 US, 9439 Soviets, 40 Belgians, 299 Yugoslavs, 1835 Italians and 5030 French. The camp administration did not start any preventive measures until some German soldiers became infected. In October 1944 a small number of higher ranking officers arrived from the Warsaw Uprising. Thinking back, she recalls the Australian man who made a great sacrifice to aid her and her fellow prisoners of war. From December 1944 to March 1945 STALAG 13d (XIII-D) was designated Oflag 73. The files BT 382/3232-3249 consist of an alphabetical series of printed cards relating to merchant seamen POWs of all nationalities. Located at coordinates 54 degrees 25 minutes North, 20 degrees 32 minutes 5 seconds east. Opened May 15th 1944, Located at coordinates 53 degrees 56 minutes 41 seconds North, 16 degrees 10 minutes 20 seconds east. Oflag VIII-F was first established at Wahlstatt in July 1940 and housed French and Belgian officers taken prisoner during the Battle of France. Altogether 141 prisoners died in Oflag VI-B. The camp had work camps close to the nearby aluminium factory. Stalag IV-D Torgau (Elbe) Sachsen, Prussia Location N/E 51-13. 317 Officers were listed here on 26/2/43, originally opened October 1942. The US and British POWs stood fast as per their orders when liberated and were later evacuated via a nearby Airfield some 32 miles to the south of the camp to Le Havre and homewards then by Sea. They included 4,000 Africans from French colonial units. Oflag II-C Woldenburg was a German World War II prisoner-of-war camp located about 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) from the town of Woldenberg, Brandenburg (now Dobiegniew, western Poland). Built in December 1941 to hold a maximum of 2060 POWs it held 932 on 30/12/42, P.G. When U.S. troops liberated Colditz in April 1945, 31 prisoners had successfully reached home after more than 300 attempts. Opened September 1939, closed January 1942. 203 Bologna hospital in Castel S Pietro. The 'Market Garden' plan employed all three divisions of First Allied Airborne Army. From November 1944 to early January 1945 American soldiers captured in various operations during the Allied drive eastward arrived. At most other camps there were several nationalities, although they were usually separated into national compounds. I greatly enjoy WWII history but sometimes books on that topic are too brutal, and depressing. Most posed as French civilian workers, of whom there were many in Germany at the time. Girot KIA: Gestapo, May 1944. The camp was liberated by the U.S. Army on 3 April 1945. Littledale KIA: August 1944. Over the next few days the column was attacked from the air several times. These are searchable by surname and sometimes by forename as well. The buildings were solid brick structures with cement floors and tar/felt roofing. At this point, the average POW lost 1/3 of his body weight since capture. P.G. Stalag 317 or (XVIII-C) Markt, Pongau (St. Johann) Salzburg, Austria, Stalag 326 or VI-K Forelkrug Uber Paderborn Westfalen, Prussia, Stalag 344 Lamsdorf (Formerly Stalag VIII- Silesia), Stalag 357 Oerbke (Near Fallingbostel) Prussia. On the 16th April Oflag IV C was captured by American soldiers from 1st US Army. Six years of war brought many changes to familiar festive rituals. A contagious disease ward type hospital named Leipzig Wahren Lazarett belonging to this camp was situated close to the local gas works and railway station & consisted of 2 long stone buildings. As well as giving personal details, name, rank, number, unit and home address, these records can include: date and place of capture; main camps and hospitals in which imprisoned and work camps; serious illnesses suffered while a prisoner and medical treatment received; interrogation after capture; escape attempts; sabotage; suspicion of collaboration by other Allied prisoners; details of bad treatment by the enemy to themselves or others. There was a separate shower block, and prisoners were allowed two showers a month. It has had a chequered history over the past 500 years and has been used for a variety of purposes including a hunting lodge, workhouse, mental hospital, sanatorium, political prison and hospital. Upon escape, the two parties separated. They were subsequently transferred to PG78 just outside Sulmona and thence to camps in Germany where they remained until the end of the war. Twelve prisoners escaped, though all were recaptured within two weeks. It should be noted that recently this source is not a complete roll of everyone who was in the Italian POW system for various reasons, although it's the only sdingle source that has the majority. It may have been attached or close by Hospital H206? Meanwhile, the column slowly headed east, finally crossing the River Elbe, north of Hamburg, on 18 April. A very well researched and invaluable insight into the escape and the nature of the men who carried it out. Stalag 20A was enlarged in the second half of 1941, from Torun-Podgorza in the direction of Glinki. Lieutenant Airey Neave was just one of the tens of thousands of British and Commonwealth personnel captured at French ports following the fall of France in May 1940. Located at Lichterfelde-Sud in the south west of Berlin also known as Steglitz-Berlin. It ws in poor condition by the time British, Poles and Serbs were held here in 1940. Stars: 247,302 District VI Nearest city Wroclaw, Poland (German name: Breslau). The report also confirms which permanent camps the POW was held in, making this record fairly definitive. On 28 January 1945 the POWs were assembled and marched westward, but after two days they were liberated by the Soviet Red Army. Colditz was meant to be totally secure and the Nazis were sure that no one would ever break those bonds. The author himself narrates the audiobook - I truly enjoyed listening to the tales of this strange Nazi castle and the many brave men who were so determined to escape. Bryan Forbes Another tunnel built by Norwegian prisoners was discovered before its completion. Located near the town of Bergen in Lower Saxony. These documents were not kept with the main report but passed to the appropriate Allied authorities investigating alleged war crimes. The first contained Allied prisoners in unsatisfactory conditions, but generally in compliance with the International Red Cross Convention. Timothy Bottoms, In September 1943 many British Commonwealth officers from the North Africa campaign. Many of the prisoners also found inventive ways to get under the skin of their captors. The form consists of 25 questions relating to topics such as the work of escape committees; escape aids and their usefulness; German censorship; receipt and dissemination of coded messages; a collection of geographical information that might assist future escape attempts; and internal communications. This report from Wikipedia and various eye witness accounts: The count was held up the morning of the march as the MOC (Man of Confidence) was in negotiation with the Kommandant for the safety of the men who were too sick for the march. It contained as many as 20,000 men at its peak, although up to 60,000 were incarcerated there at one time or another. Stalag II-E Schwerin Mecklenberg Location N/E 53-11. There were notable exceptions, for example, the execution of recaptured prisoners. 100 British POWs held in the dancehall of the Hotel Kronprinz near Bautzen. Richard Todd, Unfortunately, as the tunnel was within a few feet of its end it was discovered. The 357 designation was later transferred to Oerbke near Fallingbostel. In May 1940 the camp was established in wooden huts at the south end of the training ground. The jobs allowed some Poles to help them by giving food and cigarettes. In July 1941 they were followed by Soviet prisoners from Operation Barbarossa housed in the open in a separate enclosure. On 19 April units of the 15th Panzergrenadier Division positioned tanks and artillery next to the camps. Originally designed to hold 4,000 in July 1942. The roster of 1 January 1945 showed that there were 5,014 officers and 377 orderlies in the camp. Then they were used during the succesful escape attempt by Lieutenants Hans Larive and Franz Steinmetz (both of the Royal Netherlands Navy) on 15 August 1941. A short while afterwards, a French light aircraft landed and the pilot informed them that he had come to collect General Saint Ceran of the French Air Force. The prison camp had been constructed on the site of a former German military camp that had once billeted German cavalry troops and their horses. Other camps found as listed but without designations (mostly civilian): Ellera Corciano, Castiglione della Valle/Castel Serena & Pietraffita Tavernelle. The coats in Dutch field grey in particular remained unchanged in colour, since it was similar to the tone already in use by the Germans, thus these greatcoats would be nearly identical with very minor alterations. District XII -Nearest city Dresden, in the North East of Germany. It was liberated by a Soviet armoured division on 28 April 1945. It was then used as a temporary camp for French and Serbian officers. In 1939 as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact it was annexed by the Soviets and on July 26, 1941 was occupied by the Nazis and is now in the Ukraine. Stalag IV-B Muhlberg Sachsen Location N/E 51-13. District IX Nearest City Altona, near Hamburg in the middle North of Germany. Over roof of Kellerhaus. Stalag XI-B Fallingbostel Prussia (Work Camps) Location N/E 53-09. 106 min Jake Maskall, A Lazarett (hospital) cared for prisoners that were sick or had been injured in industrial accidents or air-raids. The camp, a former spa hotel, was opened in July 1940 and housed approximately 70 Allied generals and their aides. At one time, they travelled 40 miles, only advancing a few. Punishment: three weeks close confinement 30 Sept to 21 Oct 1941. The camp itself was about one mile from the town railway station in Urbisaglia. Eventually, all 65 were recaptured, but had occupied over 50,000 police, soldiers, home guard and Hitler Youth for a week. The captured Polish soldiers arrived first, then the French and Belgians in June 1940. They were then moved out to other camps, the Commonwealth flying personnel to Stalag Luft III Sagan, others to Oflag XXI-C Ostrzeszw. Great book! 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Notice: Undefined index: fwbslide5 in /home/scenalt/domains/ on line 690

Notice: Undefined index: fwbslide6 in /home/scenalt/domains/ on line 691